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Zed posted:
There are lots of office he can run for.

The only office that Jagdeo will run for is ensuring that he selects a stooge for president who will get him full access to every opportunity that emerges once the oil begins to flow.

He re-engaged himself with the PPP because Ramotar failed to guarantee this for him. He will select who the president is and will campaign along that person as if he is the presidential candidate.

Now resume your worshipping of Jagdeo as if he is some supreme deity above all mankind.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:
There are lots of office he can run for.

The only office that Jagdeo will run for is ensuring that he selects a stooge for president who will get him full access to every opportunity that emerges once the oil begins to flow.

He re-engaged himself with the PPP because Ramotar failed to guarantee this for him. He will select who the president is and will campaign along that person as if he is the presidential candidate.

Now resume your worshipping of Jagdeo as if he is some supreme deity above all mankind.

That fella will be behind the curtain calling the shots.

During Ramouthar tenure on one of his absence. Jagdeo visited the OP and was seen sitting in the President Chair by one of the OP secretary who went in the President office to get some documents.Heard this from reliable sources.

kp posted:

Dr B Jagdeo as Prime Minister Mr. Anil Nandalall as President!!

No then Volda will say that Jagdeo cannot PM and have oil money contracts. Jagdeo wants legal access to oil money, just illegally obtained through corrupt contracts. 

He already enjoys a good pension, thanks to Granger and Nagamootoo, so has no need for some meager gov't plus Juan Edgehill is already screaming to be the PM, a role that the PPP reserves for useless Uncle Tom Negroes who do as their Indian massas demand.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Dr B Jagdeo as Prime Minister Mr. Anil Nandalall as President!!

No then Volda will say that Jagdeo cannot PM and have oil money contracts. Jagdeo wants legal access to oil money, just illegally obtained through corrupt contracts. 

He already enjoys a good pension, thanks to Granger and Nagamootoo, so has no need for some meager gov't plus Juan Edgehill is already screaming to be the PM, a role that the PPP reserves for useless Uncle Tom Negroes who do as their Indian massas demand.

Did you call Moses Uncle Tom for being the PM

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Dr B Jagdeo as Prime Minister Mr. Anil Nandalall as President!!

How can he run for PM ? 

The president appoints a Prime Minister. The ruling is that he cannot run for President.

Read the Constitution regarding Prime Minister and come again.Trying to get him in a second time thru the backdoor.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:

Did you call Moses Uncle Tom for being the PM

Did you? Yes. Moses and Ramjattan have been cursed out in the worst way by most Indians.

Edghill's main role in the last elections was to tell black people that they were stupid for not voting for the PPP. And recently he lied by screaming that 90% of the workers at GECOM were black, while wailing that this meant that it was anti Indian.

So with this track record what does Edghill as PM do for blacks.

We already saw the other Uncle Tom denying PPP racism and screaming that Linden should love the PPP even after 8000 of them lost their well paid jobs thanks to the PPP. 

And Luncheon claiming that he didn't know why blacks were underrepresented in leadership under Jagdeo, implying that maybe they were unqualified and incompetent.

If the PPP wishes to be seen as being something other than an Indo Supremacist party they have a funny way of showing this.

Leonora posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Dr B Jagdeo as Prime Minister Mr. Anil Nandalall as President!!

How can he run for PM ? 

The 2 of them and a bodyguard were at an event in an Indo village and that's the impression they were giving everyone.

Hopefully the people don't buy in to that.

Article 101. (1)  of the Constitution,is clear who qualifies for the Office of Prime Minister.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Dr B Jagdeo as Prime Minister Mr. Anil Nandalall as President!!

How can he run for PM ? 

The 2 of them and a bodyguard were at an event in an Indo village and that's the impression they were giving everyone.

Hopefully the people don't buy in to that.

Article 101. (1)  of the Constitution,is clear who qualifies for the Office of Prime Minister.

Why yall so afraid of Jaggy? The man orchestrated the downfall of your party. Now you want him to fade away into obscurity after his masterpiece. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Dr B Jagdeo as Prime Minister Mr. Anil Nandalall as President!!

How can he run for PM ? 

The 2 of them and a bodyguard were at an event in an Indo village and that's the impression they were giving everyone.

Hopefully the people don't buy in to that.

Article 101. (1)  of the Constitution,is clear who qualifies for the Office of Prime Minister.

Why yall so afraid of Jaggy? The man orchestrated the downfall of your party. Now you want him to fade away into obscurity after his masterpiece. 

Jagdeo must be a mind-reader to 'orchestrate the vote by a man's conscience'. Unless he passed him the suitcase. 

Alyu rass warped beyond Hope. 

Tola posted:

Jagdeo must be a mind-reader to 'orchestrate the vote by a man's conscience'. Unless he passed him the suitcase. 

Alyu rass warped beyond Hope. 

Why a suitcase have to pass?  What if the man reached out to the PPP insiders via telephone and stated his discontent with having to be a yes man to pnc corrupt practices and encouraged them to propose a no confidence vote?  

Tola posted:

Jagdeo must be a mind-reader to 'orchestrate the vote by a man's conscience'. Unless he passed him the suitcase. 

Alyu rass warped beyond Hope. 

Tola bai, weren't you the dude who was not so long ago pleading with posters to demonstrate civility? Try taking your own advise brother. Jagdeo was asking for more than one vote from the Coalition government Friday night. Nothing about reading Charrandas' mind. Remember how you are always pleading about giving people a chance and not being too suspicious of the government. Now you have the opportunity to give Charrandas a chance and not be too suspicious of him.

Gilbakka posted:


Bharrat Jagdeo cannot be prime ministerial candidate. The Constitution says the prime minister must act as president under some stipulations but the CCJ prohibited BJ from sitting in the presidential chair.

Jagdeo is perfectly suited where he is right now. When the new PPP leader is named, Jagdeo would need to become less visible and let the new leader run things. Plus the way the partnership is set up, the Prime Ministerial position comes from the Civic part of that coalition.

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

Jagdeo must be a mind-reader to 'orchestrate the vote by a man's conscience'. Unless he passed him the suitcase. 

Alyu rass warped beyond Hope. 

Tola bai, weren't you the dude who was not so long ago pleading with posters to demonstrate civility? Try taking your own advise brother. Jagdeo was asking for more than one vote from the Coalition government Friday night. Nothing about reading Charrandas' mind. Remember how you are always pleading about giving people a chance and not being too suspicious of the government. Now you have the opportunity to give Charrandas a chance and not be too suspicious of him.

Ksa, my point is, Jagdeo might wish to have a vote from  the  government side, but he had no control over Charrandas's action, if he voted by his conscience.

Charrandas explained that he voted, because what he saw happening in the  government and his vote was not a support for  the PPP.

His vote benefitted the PPP, but that was not the purpose.  

Tola posted:
ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

Jagdeo must be a mind-reader to 'orchestrate the vote by a man's conscience'. Unless he passed him the suitcase. 

Alyu rass warped beyond Hope. 

Tola bai, weren't you the dude who was not so long ago pleading with posters to demonstrate civility? Try taking your own advise brother. Jagdeo was asking for more than one vote from the Coalition government Friday night. Nothing about reading Charrandas' mind. Remember how you are always pleading about giving people a chance and not being too suspicious of the government. Now you have the opportunity to give Charrandas a chance and not be too suspicious of him.

Ksa, my point is, Jagdeo might wish to have a vote from  the  government side, but he had no control over Charrandas's action, if he voted by his conscience.

Charrandas explained that he voted, because what he saw happening in the  government and his vote was not a support for  the PPP.

His vote benefitted the PPP, but that was not the purpose.  

 I think that Jagdeo became embolden by the dismal support that the Coalition government got in the LGE so he filed the NC motion. He figured that at the least, the citizens were upset by the performance of the government. He had no idea that he would be victorious but he couldn't lose anything by trying. He also said that some AFC people would say in private that the larger PNC were running everything so he felt that there may be opportunities there also. In the end, he was able to get the one vote from the other side that he needed. He made a bluff and that bluff was not adequately called. In a few months, there will be new elections and I am not sure that the AFC will be as it is constituted right now so lots are up in the air. Whatever happens, I hope that it is good for all Guyanese. I have no intention of going back for my share of the oil though. 

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Bharrat Jagdeo cannot be prime ministerial candidate. The Constitution says the prime minister must act as president under some stipulations but the CCJ prohibited BJ from sitting in the presidential chair.

Jagdeo is perfectly suited where he is right now. When the new PPP leader is named, Jagdeo would need to become less visible and let the new leader run things. Plus the way the partnership is set up, the Prime Ministerial position comes from the Civic part of that coalition.

It is well know that Jagdeo  has a strong influence on the CC and also a political workaholic. Based on his knowledge of the government, it might be difficult for him to remain just the GS of the party.   

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Bharrat Jagdeo cannot be prime ministerial candidate. The Constitution says the prime minister must act as president under some stipulations but the CCJ prohibited BJ from sitting in the presidential chair, period.

They can appoint four vice-presidents non being Jagdeo.

Make some clarity in your post, seems confusing.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Bharrat Jagdeo cannot be prime ministerial candidate. The Constitution says the prime minister must act as president under some stipulations but the CCJ prohibited BJ from sitting in the presidential chair, period.

They can appoint four vice-presidents non being Jagdeo.

Make some clarity in your post, seems confusing.

If Jagdeo was PM but was not a VP. In the absence of the president one of the VP can act.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Bharrat Jagdeo cannot be prime ministerial candidate. The Constitution says the prime minister must act as president under some stipulations but the CCJ prohibited BJ from sitting in the presidential chair, period.

They can appoint four vice-presidents non being Jagdeo.

Make some clarity in your post, seems confusing.

If Jagdeo was PM but was not a VP. In the absence of the president one of the VP can act.

Wrong, check the constitution who are qualified to act as President, when the President is absent.

All sorts of theory to get him thru the back door.

Last edited by Django
Tola posted:

It is well know that Jagdeo  has a strong influence on the CC and also a political workaholic. Based on his knowledge of the government, it might be difficult for him to remain just the GS of the party.   

Jagdeo not going to live forever. Forbes rigged the vote so he can be president for life. He only live the length of one parliament. Jagdeo was very instrumental in exposing the weakness of the current government. Nothing wrong with utilizing his skills.

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:
ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

Jagdeo must be a mind-reader to 'orchestrate the vote by a man's conscience'. Unless he passed him the suitcase. 

Alyu rass warped beyond Hope. 

Tola bai, weren't you the dude who was not so long ago pleading with posters to demonstrate civility? Try taking your own advise brother. Jagdeo was asking for more than one vote from the Coalition government Friday night. Nothing about reading Charrandas' mind. Remember how you are always pleading about giving people a chance and not being too suspicious of the government. Now you have the opportunity to give Charrandas a chance and not be too suspicious of him.

Ksa, my point is, Jagdeo might wish to have a vote from  the  government side, but he had no control over Charrandas's action, if he voted by his conscience.

Charrandas explained that he voted, because what he saw happening in the  government and his vote was not a support for  the PPP.

His vote benefitted the PPP, but that was not the purpose.  

 I think that Jagdeo became embolden by the dismal support that the Coalition government got in the LGE so he filed the NC motion. He figured that at the least, the citizens were upset by the performance of the government. He had no idea that he would be victorious but he couldn't lose anything by trying. He also said that some AFC people would say in private that the larger PNC were running everything so he felt that there may be opportunities there also. In the end, he was able to get the one vote from the other side that he needed. He made a bluff and that bluff was not adequately called. In a few months, there will be new elections and I am not sure that the AFC will be as it is constituted right now so lots are up in the air. Whatever happens, I hope that it is good for all Guyanese. I have no intention of going back for my share of the oil though. 

Like Gilly, as we age with health issues, it becomes harder to sleep with just  a rice bag on the floor.

But fortunately, our program is now being operated by the youth, with some graduating from high schools and UG. One married and died during her second child birth at Fort Wellington hospital, but others became teachers and mentor to new students at the school they once  dropped out. Others got well paying jobs, got married with family and was able to buy their own house.  Unfortunately, the Skeldon estate laid off some,  who are now renting land to grow rice, but renting equipment is expensive. We continue to assist , but our resources are limited. We could have done  a lot more, if we had the support of regional officials.

After five decades in Canada, its difficult to return to live in Guyana. Even visits are often tense, with gunfire nearby. 

Education has always been a big thing with our family and our children are now independent with  families of their own. I am very impressed with your children achievements. Children do well in life because of parents mentorship, love and care.       

Gilbakka posted:

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, guys. I'm reliably informed that some delaying pÚssyfooting skulduggery is in the works despite public pronouncements from MOTP. PNC wants to buy time.

It would be no surprise if there are delays. Old man Patterson still needs to recover from his recent illness.

Tola posted:
ksazma posted:
Tola posted:
ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

Jagdeo must be a mind-reader to 'orchestrate the vote by a man's conscience'. Unless he passed him the suitcase. 

Alyu rass warped beyond Hope. 

Tola bai, weren't you the dude who was not so long ago pleading with posters to demonstrate civility? Try taking your own advise brother. Jagdeo was asking for more than one vote from the Coalition government Friday night. Nothing about reading Charrandas' mind. Remember how you are always pleading about giving people a chance and not being too suspicious of the government. Now you have the opportunity to give Charrandas a chance and not be too suspicious of him.

Ksa, my point is, Jagdeo might wish to have a vote from  the  government side, but he had no control over Charrandas's action, if he voted by his conscience.

Charrandas explained that he voted, because what he saw happening in the  government and his vote was not a support for  the PPP.

His vote benefitted the PPP, but that was not the purpose.  

 I think that Jagdeo became embolden by the dismal support that the Coalition government got in the LGE so he filed the NC motion. He figured that at the least, the citizens were upset by the performance of the government. He had no idea that he would be victorious but he couldn't lose anything by trying. He also said that some AFC people would say in private that the larger PNC were running everything so he felt that there may be opportunities there also. In the end, he was able to get the one vote from the other side that he needed. He made a bluff and that bluff was not adequately called. In a few months, there will be new elections and I am not sure that the AFC will be as it is constituted right now so lots are up in the air. Whatever happens, I hope that it is good for all Guyanese. I have no intention of going back for my share of the oil though. 

Like Gilly, as we age with health issues, it becomes harder to sleep with just  a rice bag on the floor.

But fortunately, our program is now being operated by the youth, with some graduating from high schools and UG. One married and died during her second child birth at Fort Wellington hospital, but others became teachers and mentor to new students at the school they once  dropped out. Others got well paying jobs, got married with family and was able to buy their own house.  Unfortunately, the Skeldon estate laid off some,  who are now renting land to grow rice, but renting equipment is expensive. We continue to assist , but our resources are limited. We could have done  a lot more, if we had the support of regional officials.

After five decades in Canada, its difficult to return to live in Guyana. Even visits are often tense, with gunfire nearby. 

Education has always been a big thing with our family and our children are now independent with  families of their own. I am very impressed with your children achievements. Children do well in life because of parents mentorship, love and care.       

Thanks for your kind comment about my kids. Regarding what you do, I would encourage you to do what you can but don't push yourself more than you can. In some way, even when people who help others step aside, they make room for other to take their place. Good luck.

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, guys. I'm reliably informed that some delaying pÚssyfooting skulduggery is in the works despite public pronouncements from MOTP. PNC wants to buy time.

It would be no surprise if there are delays. Old man Patterson still needs to recover from his recent illness.

Patterson may tender his resignation and Granger will tell Jagdeo to submit a list that is acceptable and what not. 

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, guys. I'm reliably informed that some delaying pÚssyfooting skulduggery is in the works despite public pronouncements from MOTP. PNC wants to buy time.

It would be no surprise if there are delays. Old man Patterson still needs to recover from his recent illness.

Pattrson's illness is unrelated to the specific issues, Ksazma.

1. The government fell because of the non confidence vote.

2. Elections must be held, as per the constitution, within the next three months which is by the end of March 2019.

3. An extension to the three month's period can only be granted with the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, guys. I'm reliably informed that some delaying pÚssyfooting skulduggery is in the works despite public pronouncements from MOTP. PNC wants to buy time.

It would be no surprise if there are delays. Old man Patterson still needs to recover from his recent illness.

Pattrson's illness is unrelated to the specific issues, Ksazma.

1. The government fell because of the non confidence vote.

2. Elections must be held, as per the constitution, within the next three months which is by the end of March 2019.

3. An extension to the three month's period can only be granted with the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs.

I know. I am just trying to help the Coalition government manufacture an excuse.  

Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, guys. I'm reliably informed that some delaying pÚssyfooting skulduggery is in the works despite public pronouncements from MOTP. PNC wants to buy time.

It would be no surprise if there are delays. Old man Patterson still needs to recover from his recent illness.

Patterson may tender his resignation and Granger will tell Jagdeo to submit a list that is acceptable and what not. 

Granger too may tender his resignation. 

Dougla_80 posted:

He said what we all knew, the AFC bought into the PNC hook line and sinker if they stayed true the original reason people voted for them what unfolded today would not have happened, well done to him 

As much as I can't stand Jagdeo he played the perfect hand.

Sadly once again we are left with two choices just as bad as each other

Yes, 2 bad choices. The AFC was never really a "new" party. It was made up of hacks, opportunists, disenfranchised "politicians", and corrupt people looking for soup. Too many "ex" this and that. True, they served their purpose but they are not ready to govern anything.

Regardless of party, the problem in Guyana (my view) is corruption. We have corrupt people across the board, so regardless of what the acronym or initials are of the party, the same level of corruption will exist once they gain power or can be bought by the other side.

Rat man knows that. So expect the country to be a hovel of corruption, worse than before. There is now no meaningful opposition to him.

ksazma posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, guys. I'm reliably informed that some delaying pÚssyfooting skulduggery is in the works despite public pronouncements from MOTP. PNC wants to buy time.

It would be no surprise if there are delays. Old man Patterson still needs to recover from his recent illness.

Pattrson's illness is unrelated to the specific issues, Ksazma.

1. The government fell because of the non confidence vote.

2. Elections must be held, as per the constitution, within the next three months which is by the end of March 2019.

3. An extension to the three month's period can only be granted with the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs.

I know. I am just trying to help the Coalition government manufacture an excuse.  


I have been looking high, low, in-between and all over but cannot find a glimmer of hope for a teeny bit of excuse.


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