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Former Member
Because we know our Stand For America team will be critical in this fight, we’re sending it to you first. We need your help to make sure this is a success, please sign here:

Congress needs to act now, that’s why we’re delivering members this important message today. Tell them it’s time to:
  • Investigate the Communist Chinese government’s role in covering up the initial COVID-19 outbreak.
  • End China's stranglehold on critically-important supplies. Bring manufacturing of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals back to America.
  • Make China pay the UN and other international organizations’ like the second largest economy in the world should -- no more being treated like a poor "developing country."
  • Support Taiwan. Push back against Communist China’s bullying and allow Taiwan to join the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Require American colleges and universities to disclose all Chinese Communist government funding of professors and researchers.
We’ve set big goals for this petition, but we can reach them if we work together. Click here to add your name and stand with us. 

My very best,

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Donald Dumpty has destroyed all trust in America, he has distanced America from their allies, who gives a flying buck what shit he is pushing now? Dumpty ain't doing a dam thing to China, he and his daughter need them to make their shitty clothing on the cheap.

Dickhead Dumpty is the cause for the pandemic hitting the US the way it has and you Republican fools need a scapegoat but not everyone is as stupid as yall. When everything is over, then China should be questioned on this , now is not the time to lay blame.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Donald Dumpty has destroyed all trust in America, ....

Dickhead Dumpty is the cause for the pandemic hitting the US the way it has ......

And he continues in his extremely special ways ...

@seignet posted:

Guyanese idiots, Dumb and Dumber.

You right deh bai, that dam Baseless an Prashad. One cockroach sniffs dumpty's ass as he drinks bleach on de rocks, the other one sign petition because of a piece of land in India.


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