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Majority Guyanese opposed to AFC’s no-confidence motion – NACTA poll – says PPP/C likely to return  with parliamentary majority


THE majority of the Guyanese populace is opposed to the Alliance For Change (AFC) sponsored no-confidence motion and if there is a move to early general elections, the Donald Ramotar Administration could return to Parliament with a majority, according to a North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) poll conducted last month.

Asked if they approve of the Opposition’s no- confidence motion to bring down the Government and hold new general elections, 57 per cent of the respondents said “no” with 26 per cent approving of it and 17 per cent not offering a response. VIEW ON ELECTION RESULTS According to the results of the poll, released over the weekend, a majority is in support of President Donald Ramotar being allowed to complete his term, noting too that a move to general elections may not result in a significantly different composition in the National Assembly, which sees the combined Opposition with the one-seat majority. It added that a huge majority of the voters feel the ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) will win re-election, but they are divided over whether the PPP will win with a majority or with a simple plurality and or whether it will lose any seat. “Voters feel that Partnership for National Unity (APNU)/ People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) will run second in new elections and the AFC third, losing several of its seats and thereby enhancing the PPP’s chance of winning a majority. Additionally, the poll noted that nearly a third of the voters feel the PPP/C will regain its majority support, which it lost to the AFC in 2011, with a third saying it will garner only a plurality, while a fifth of the respondents contend that the PNCR will win a plurality because of the division in the traditional PPP base. Less than one per cent said the AFC will win a plurality with many expressing the feeling that the AFC will pull enough votes from the PPP traditional base to enable the APNU/PNCR to win a plurality and retake power like it did in December 1964. SNAP ELECTIONS OUTCOME Asked if they think the results of new elections will be significantly different from the 2011 outcome, 52 per cent said “no” with 37 per cent saying “yes” and 11 per cent saying “not sure”. Asked what they think will be the outcome of snap elections, 30 per cent said the PPP/C will regain its majority with an additional 34 per cent saying the PPP/C will win but with a plurality. Some 21 per cent feel the PNCR will win a plurality and an additional 2 per cent said PNCR will win a majority, with less than one per cent saying the AFC will win the elections. The remaining 12 per cent expressed no opinion or are uncertain about the outcome. OTHER ISSUES The findings of the poll also revealed that the African and mixed voter-group are upset with APNU leader, Brigadier (rtd.) David Granger for allowing himself to be “manipulated” and led by his junior AFC partners, rather than take an independent leadership position for his party on several issues, particularly on the no-confidence motion. Analogously, Indian and Amerindian voters are upset with the AFC for teaming up with the APNU/PNCR, and they plan to register this upset, for what they describe as an “unholy alliance”, at the next election. Simultaneously, many Indians have expressed anger with the PPP/C for “neglecting them” and attending to the interests of the PNCR supporters, but they are more upset with the AFC than with the PPP/C, saying the AFC has misled them over policy positions it took that are against theirs and the national interest. The survey also polled voters to obtain the approval and favorability ratings of President Donald Ramotar and Granger, popular support for the parties in the event of a general election, as well as support for aspiring Presidential candidates of the AFC. CRITICAL ISSUES The poll also showed that voters are overwhelmingly of the view that the three parties should focus on critical issues, such as money laundering, crime, job creation, development, suicide, Chikungunya and other health-related matters, among other issues. The poll randomly interviewed 610 voters to yield a demographically representative sample – 44 per cent Indians, 30 per cent Africans, 16 per cent Mixed, nine per cent Amerindians, and one per cent other races of the population. The poll was conducted in face-to-face interviews and was coordinated by Dr. Vishnu Bisram, pollster, newspaper columnist, and educator in New York, United States. The data of the poll was analyzed at a 95 per cent significance level, yielding a statistical sampling error of plus or minus four per cent. NACTA has no affiliation with any political party and has been involved in several community activities in America, Guyana and other countries. NACTA has been conducting independent polls in Guyana since the 1992 elections. It also has been conducting polls throughout the Caribbean with Messrs Bisram and Ramracha conducting surveys in Guyana and internationally for 25 years. They have extensive experience in writing and conducting research surveys and analyzing politics with direct experience in political affairs having themselves been elected to various executive positions in student government in New York over several years.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by cain:

BS. The people despise the Govt

Some people like cassava flour and punishment

Some of dem believe Kwame is a Hindu-Leader who will guarantee a PPP Landslide.


Majority Guyanese opposed to

AFC’s no-confidence motion –

NACTA poll

says PPP/C likely to return 

with parliamentary majority....


Fuh come up with this result......

Bisram & Kwame had to be doing

a lot of poleing....Back & Front.

Originally Posted by cain:

BS. The people despise the Govt

Basically nonsense.


FACT.  Most people in Guyana don't care what the politicians do though they are eager for LGE.  This MONC business they see as politicians playing games.


FACT.  Most Guyanese of all races are tired of the PPP as they have become quite arrogant in their corruption and the notion that an AG would make threats that should have resulted in his immediate arrest will cost the PPP. It shows how arrogant and corrupt they are.  KN is probably the most popular paper in Guyana, certainly more so than the Chronicle.


FACT What most Afro Guyanese are concerned about is the PPP and its racism, corruption and arrogance.  They do NOT care about the APNU AFC interface.  This because they view the AFC as being able to do what the PNC cannot do and that is to split the Indian vote.


FACT they don't like Granger because they think him too soft on the PPP and too arrogant when dealing with grass roots black people.


NACTA is a joke and I don't know why people bother to post their polls. Obviously ife he goes to FreeDUMB House this is the response that he will get, the Afro Guyanese being polled will be people like Lumumba, Joe Hamilton and the rest.


In any case if NACTA knew their polling they would not use the 2002 ethnic break down to determine their polling.


The mixed population was 10% in 1991 and grew to 16% in 2002. Clearly most of these will be people who were born after 1991, and so only the oldest of this group will be eligible to vote. 


So he should use a lower number for the mixed and a higher number for the Indians and Africans who are on average older then either the mixed or the Amerindian populations and so are most likely to be in the over 30 age group who are most likely to vote.


Obviously he knows nothing of designing polls.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Some of dem believe Kwame is a Hindu-Leader who will guarantee a PPP Landslide.

help me out here. Why is Kwame so important that you mention him in almost every post?  Even if you are a homophobe there are others like him in the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Some of dem believe Kwame is a Hindu-Leader who will guarantee a PPP Landslide.

help me out here.

Why is Kwame so important that you mention him in almost every post? 

Even if you are a homophobe there are others like him in the PPP.


Because Importing Kwame

into the PPP which dem Black Racist calling Collie Party....

did not change anything....


I do not support PPP

I supporting a Multi Racial Party....


Kwame still Buggering Lil Black Boys....


Bharat dem hang Mala pun he in Berbice...

No Gal fall fuh da.... 


If is yuh fren

and de truth huting yuh

le me know CaribJ 


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Some of dem believe Kwame is a Hindu-Leader who will guarantee a PPP Landslide.

help me out here.

Why is Kwame so important that you mention him in almost every post? 

Even if you are a homophobe there are others like him in the PPP.


Because Importing Kwame

into the PPP which dem Black Racist calling Collie Party....

did not change anything....


I do not support PPP

I supporting a Multi Racial Party....


Kwame still Buggering Lil Black Boys....


Bharat dem hang Mala pun he in Berbice...

No Gal fall fuh da.... 


If is yuh fren

and de truth huting yuh

le me know CaribJ 


What I don't understand is why aren't you focusing more on people like Norman McLean and the House of Israel lot.  Right now they are helping the PPP to develop a plan to rig the election, not crudely as Burnham did, but by paying people to vote or to sell their voter ID areas mainly, and for obvious reasons.


Kwame is a simpleton who will shortly be sent to jail for his behavior.


Are you seriously denying that the PPP is an Indian party. I mean whether the AFC is or is not one is subject to debate, but the PPP.......come on!

Last edited by Former Member

J ....Again I tell you

for the Thousanth Time


Both PPP & PNC are Racist Parties


and Race Politices

cannot Develop Guyana


"Use yuh Mind"

Stop behaving like a Black Racist Sakiwinki

Come on J .... you can do Better..


Originally Posted by Jalil:

J ....Again I tell you

for the Thousanth Time


Both PPP & PNC are Racist Parties


and Race Politices

cannot Develop Guyana


"Use yuh Mind"

Stop behaving like a Black Racist Sakiwinki

Come on J .... you can do Better..


Why don't you use normal paragraph format, normal font normal text color etc to make your post? Centering and colorizing makes no sense. And here you are pretending to be unbiased yet is able to come up with the imagery of blacks as monkeys.


Personally, I hardly ever read any unconventionally formatted posts. I am sure others are doing likewise because it is garish and one want's  a hassle free read.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

BS. The people despise the Govt

Most likely, the view of a small group of individuals.

Ole bai. Yuh still fighting foh yuh corrupt PPP.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The quack pollster can take that poll and wipe his rear end in the basement where he conjure up that skundle of bunt.

Harse Man wey all yuh mout gone? Yuh bai dem Sase and Rosie dem now muss show dem mekkle. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:

J ....Again I tell you

for the Thousanth Time


Both PPP & PNC are Racist Parties


and Race Politices

cannot Develop Guyana


"Use yuh Mind"

Stop behaving like a Black Racist Sakiwinki

Come on J .... you can do Better..


I am sure that you hate Freddie Kissoon because he speaks of discrimination by the Indian elite (and not just the PPP) towards Afro Guyanese.  Indeed he even opined that blacks in Guyana will soon be reduced to the level that their counterparts in Brazil have been held down to.


Nigel Hughes has defended him in court and has made remarks which suggests that he agrees with those views.


So continue to think that racism is only about the PNC and the PPP. It  is embedded among Guyanese, whether it is Indian elites against Africans, or Indians and Africans (all levels not just the elites) towards Amerindians.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

More hideous nonsense from Carib total useless fecal matter.

What is nonsense. You are too embarrassed to say.  Do you deny that Nugel Hughes has often spoken about the institutional racism faced  by Afro Guyanese? 


Now what has Nagamootoo to say about that given that until a few years ago HE WAS IN THE PPP AND SAID NOTHING!!


Bet you will resort to another childish tantrum rather than answering the question.

Last edited by Former Member

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