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Stop the divide and rule policy over the indigenous peoples


Dear Editor,  
Allow me the opportunity to share my thoughts with my Amerindian brothers and sisters of Region No. 9, Upper Takatu, Upper Essequibo, “Rupununi” and elsewhere and indeed, all Guyanese.
My dear friends, it was a sad Easter week end for us here at Lethem. The RUPUNUNI RODEO was dominated by the boring political speech by the head of state. He had nothing to say about the rodeo, nothing to tell us about the real old rodeo and honoring those who started Rodeo in the Rupununi. It was only left for him to paint the cattle, horses, cowboys, girls and audience with red and mark them with PPP/C. You went for a holiday, went to see Rodeo, not to Parliament. Parliament is in Georgetown.
Saddest of all was the loss of lives of two young Amerindians. I wish to take this opportunity to offer my condolences to the bereaved families of the deceased.
As sad as it is, we cannot escape the reality of life. Now that the dust is partly settled and the 2014 budget is still fresh in the minds of many, let’s journey back a little and examine the happenings on the 14th,15th and 16th, April . The Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) was not supported by the combined Parliamentary Opposition based on the dissatisfaction of the representatives of Regions 1, 7, 8 and 9 on how precious taxpayers’ money is being used to divide our communities and disrespect the Village Councils. The item of the ADF under contention was and still is the Youth Entrepreneur Apprenticeship Program (YEAP).
Let‘s examine the facts:  The ADF means AMERINDIAN DEVELOPMENT FUND and is supported by tax payers money, whether it comes from Guyana or abroad as I understand it.
ADF says nothing about a PPP/C Youth Program. The ADF consists of several components: one is Presidential grants, another is the Youth Entrepreneur Apprenticeship Program; a third is economic ventures. Others are communications, school children, and so on. The Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) is a component only in those years when there are funds allotted to the ADF.
I call on the Executive and Legislative branches of government to sit down with Amerindian leaders and deal with the following general issues :
1. Taking the land titling back under Amerindian village control, including carrying out the surveys themselves, not have the budgets under the control of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs
2. Ensuring that community development plans actually correspond with the consensus in each village or community rather than being dictated by Ministry of Amerindian Affairs; bearing in mind that only 26 villages are benefitting by $5 million apiece as from mid-2012 from GRIF,. No other GRIF ADF money is currently assigned for direct spend in Amerindian areas – that is, until the full project document is written, there can be no more spending of GRIF money through the ADF. Two-thirds of the GRIF funding for ADF in the first tranche are assigned for spending by Government agencies, including Office of the President.
3. The weakness of education is notorious. The reasons are well-known in general terms but need to be disaggregated village by village. Amerindians need to be more insistent about the quality of teaching and teachers and this is linked to the need for the communities to contribute to provision of adequate teachers’ housing.
4. As climate change impacts more and more on the hinterland of Guyana, each community needs to take more responsibility for providing itself with water in possibly prolonged dry seasons. This requires not only capital expenditure but also training in water management and maintenance of pumps and pipes. Mr. Julio Piereras’ water establishment at Manari is a good example for Villages to store water for livestock and fishes and other wildlife in the dry season and restocking in the wet season.
5. Health. As with education, the health of Amerindians is below the average for Guyana. This is related to the shortage of medical staff within community or within close range. As in other parts of the country, Amerindians need better preventative health education, including nutrition and ante- and post-natal care.
6. Energy. Beginning with the Unserved Areas Hinterland Development Project, funded by IDB, the Government should be given credit for considering how best to provide electrical energy to isolated communities and isolated households within communities. The government also deserves credit for initiating installation of solar panels but the only independent review shows widespread failures in panels or switch gear or wiring. Amerindian communities and villages call for top priority to be given to providing the schools and health centers with adequate and reliable power. This calls for a substantial increase in both capital and recurrent budgets, plus training.
7. Caiman House Field Station in Yupukari provides a model of how to provide education in a facility run on renewable energy. The Bina Hill School for learning is available and does leadership, agriculture, cultural, forestry, IT, business and tourism training. There should be a hundred Caiman Houses and BHIs in Amerindian areas, indeed in all villages in Guyana. Local initiatives like these should be adequately supported financially by the ADF.
As APNU and AFC point out, CSOs should be trained in all these key areas and then assigned to distinct sectors at village level, under the supervision of each Village Council, not under MoAA.
I could expand on this list but these are among the key issues. It is clear that toshaos and senior councillors are not being encouraged or allowed to articulate their key issues to the line ministries and agencies. It should be the job of all Amerindian MPs to work in a non-partisan manner in the development of appropriate spends and verification of deliveries.  It is not just the matter of the Presidential Grants and the Amerindian Development Fund, because the bulk of Government spending in Amerindian communities is via the budgets of the line Ministries and agencies other than MoAA.  All MPs need help to analyse and to contribute to the formulation of the government budget estimates. That could be secured on a non-partisan basis through the USAID LEAD project; this could be a good example of how to use this LEAD project.
Sidney Allicock

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It was extremely disgusting to see Amerindians protesting for handouts, a honest & trusting race being taken advantage of repeatedly...for centuries!


Amerindians want to live off THEIR Land, not from filthy & Corrupt PPP handouts!


Shame, Shame, Shame on the shameless PPP/C!


Stop the racist attacks by the AFC/PNC on our native Brothers and Sister.


Ask the AFC/PNC why they approved BILLIONS for Linden ?


Ask the AFC/PNC party to treat our Native Brothers as equals.


Ask the AFC/PNC to stop their racist policies against our Natives.


A vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.


Remember the recent racist attacks against our Native Brothers and Sisters in front of Parliament ?


Why should the AFC/PNC vote for Billions for Linden and deny our Native Brothers and sisters equal treatment ?


Stay away from the racist AFC/PNC parties.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop the racist attacks by the AFC/PNC on our native Brothers and Sister.


Ask the AFC/PNC why they approved BILLIONS for Linden ?


Ask the AFC/PNC party to treat our Native Brothers as equals.


Ask the AFC/PNC to stop their racist policies against our Natives.


A vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.

Answer this question first.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop the racist attacks by the AFC/PNC on our native Brothers and Sister.


Ask the AFC/PNC why they approved BILLIONS for Linden ?


Ask the AFC/PNC party to treat our Native Brothers as equals.


Ask the AFC/PNC to stop their racist policies against our Natives.


A vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.

Answer this question first.

Govt threatens Amerindians over UNDP Community Development Project

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop the racist attacks by the AFC/PNC on our native Brothers and Sister.


Ask the AFC/PNC why they approved BILLIONS for Linden ?


Ask the AFC/PNC party to treat our Native Brothers as equals.


Ask the AFC/PNC to stop their racist policies against our Natives.


A vote for the AFC = A vote for the PNC.

Answer this question first.

Govt threatens Amerindians over UNDP Community Development Project

Hours before a protest action at Parliament recently, Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry, Nigel Dharamlall had threatened village leaders that they will not have access to his office if they supported a United Nations Development Project  (UNDP)–funded Community Development Project(CDP).

And the Toshaos were told of the possibility of having their stipends being held back if they were in support of the UNDP project while being urged not to support the Opposition APNU and AFC.

DemWaves recently received an audio of the meeting which took place at the Convention Center on the morning of April 14 , the day of the protest . Days earlier the Opposition had voted down the proposed $1.1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF)while the Budget Estimates were being scrutinised in the National Assembly.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Amerindian Affairs Minister, Pauline Sukhai and Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh were also present at the meeting.

Persons who attended the meeting told DemWaves that they were urged not to support the UNDP project as well as the Opposition. This was confirmed by the tape of the meeting which was undertaken by several Toshaos who noted that they were “confused” by the meeting as well as the political upheavals surrounding the nations’ first people as the 2014Budget was being debated. Several persons also noted that they were awaiting the passage of the budget as well as being able to travel back to their villages before releasing contents of the meeting to the media.

At the meeting an angry Dharamlall told the leaders that they were not welcomed once they supported the UNDP project.

“I don’t want any single one of you to ever again…and I keep saying this all over and over again, any CSO (Community Support Officer) who says that they are working on the UNDP project called the CDP, I want you off the CSO project”, he riled.

He added that,” any Toshao or senior councillor who represents to any village that the CDP is a UNDP project, you don’t have access to my office “. He continued,” I am coming hard-line on people who don’t see the future and who don’t want to be a part of the development of the country”.

They must not receive your support, just like how the destroy you, you must tell them no, he told the Toshaos.  He also accused the leaders of being sympathetic of the APA, stating that that body is “in bed with the opposition”. So in as much as APNU and AFC are doing what they are doing in Parliament APA is doing the same things outside in the fields”, he said.

He told the gathering that he has been receiving calls from staff that persons are not fulfilling the objectives of the government administered projects. “ I have been getting calls when my staff went into Moruca and Mabaruma and Matarkai recently when they were doing the monitoring , those were some of the problems we encountered  “ , he said , adding ,”so I don’t want that to continue….this belongs to you “.

He also questioned whether the leaders were in support of the Opposition and later asked,” so how many of you think the CSO programme is for employment? (None of you feel so). So we should stop paying you the stipend then? Exactly “.

Minister Sukhai also scolded the Indigenous leaders for showing support to the APA. “Some of you do have affiliations with some of the groups. ..and one is the APA” she said, adding, “that is the level of hypocrisy that is taking place by groups who many of you are associating yourselves with”.

Reports are that several members of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) were unaware of the organised protest action, including the secretary who was in Region 9 at the time. Reports are that the official was not in support of the actions of his colleagues and vented his frustrations via the social media.

According to the Guyana REDD + Investment Fund (GRIFF) website, CDPs were identified and developed by the Amerindian Villages themselves and propose their priority projects to be financed under the GRIF  The CDP must be approved by a village general meeting, via consensus or by majority vote. All residents are encouraged and entitled to participate in the entire process. The proposed projects vary in nature but can be categorized into broad sectors such as agriculture, village infrastructure, tourism, manufacturing, Village Business Enterprise, and transportation. 

Monies released for the CDP is provided directly to the villages and according to village leaders, this was one of the major reasons why it has not received the support of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry.

On April 10, the combined Opposition voted against the ADF after questioning extensively how the money was expected to be spent. In the end they were dissatisfied with the answers provided by the government.


Hours before a protest action at Parliament recently, Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry, Nigel Dharamlall had threatened village leaders that they will not have access to his office if they supported a United Nations Development Project  (UNDP)–funded Community Development Project(CDP).


No self respecting Amerindian should wear the red PPP monkey suits ever. It is a sign of submission to bigots. I hope t hat everyone of you who read this take it to heart and understand to be respected and accepted as equal you must not submit to this form of abuse. 


No more PPP monkey suits for us. Ask your brother to explain himself when you see him in PPP subservient garb. Lets ban the PPP monkey suits form our communities. It is a symbol of the lack of respect to our people.


Further, that communist red does not look well on us. We are the green and the gold...always has been.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

No self respecting Amerindian should wear the red PPP monkey suits ever. It is a sign of submission to bigots. I hope t hat everyone of you who read this take it to heart and understand to be respected and accepted as equal you must not submit to this form of abuse. 


No more PPP monkey suits for us. Ask your brother to explain himself when you see him in PPP subservient garb. Lets ban the PPP monkey suits form our communities. It is a symbol of the lack of respect to our people.


Further, that communist red does not look well on us. We are the green and the gold...always has been.


You keep saying "we". You are no native.

You are a Dougla and confused about your real identity.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

No self respecting Amerindian should wear the red PPP monkey suits ever. It is a sign of submission to bigots. I hope t hat everyone of you who read this take it to heart and understand to be respected and accepted as equal you must not submit to this form of abuse. 


No more PPP monkey suits for us. Ask your brother to explain himself when you see him in PPP subservient garb. Lets ban the PPP monkey suits form our communities. It is a symbol of the lack of respect to our people.


Further, that communist red does not look well on us. We are the green and the gold...always has been.


You keep saying "we". You are no native.

You are a Dougla and confused about your real identity.

Dummy, you do not get to attach ethnic labels to anyone. A person is what they have culturally identified with.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Ask the AFC/PNC why they approved BILLIONS for Linden ?




Why is the PPP spending billions on Guysuco (Indians)?


Why are you asking why APNU is trying to protect its supporters (vast majority unemployed, or minimally employed due  to the PPP selling off Guymine)?


When the PPP ceases burdening taxpayers with Guysuco then you can ask why the PNC wants to ameliorate conditions for an impoverished people, due to massive lay-offs, by helping them lower their light bill.


Its clear that you and the rest of the PPP think that black people are undeserving scum, so you have no right to accuse any one of beingt racist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

No self respecting Amerindian should wear the red PPP monkey suits ever. It is a sign of submission to bigots. I hope t hat everyone of you who read this take it to heart and understand to be respected and accepted as equal you must not submit to this form of abuse. 


No more PPP monkey suits for us. Ask your brother to explain himself when you see him in PPP subservient garb. Lets ban the PPP monkey suits form our communities. It is a symbol of the lack of respect to our people.


Further, that communist red does not look well on us. We are the green and the gold...always has been.


You keep saying "we". You are no native.

You are a Dougla and confused about your real identity.

He is more Amerindian than you are, and people like you quickly remind him of that when you throw our youir racist insults aimed at Amerindians.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Remember the recent racist attacks against our Native Brothers and Sisters in front of Parliament ?


Why should the AFC/PNC vote for Billions for Linden and deny our Native Brothers and sisters equal treatment ?


Stay away from the racist AFC/PNC parties.

The only people who are attacking Amerindians is the PPP.  You want to snatch $800 million dollars to bribe Amerindians into the PPP by corruption in the YEAP.  You say nothing when they complain about land tenure issues, human trafficking and sex slavery, and poisoning of their water supply.


Even the rice farmers are now tired of the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Remember the recent racist attacks against our Native Brothers and Sisters in front of Parliament ?


Why should the AFC/PNC vote for Billions for Linden and deny our Native Brothers and sisters equal treatment ?


Stay away from the racist AFC/PNC parties.

The only people who are attacking Amerindians is the PPP.  You want to snatch $800 million dollars to bribe Amerindians into the PPP by corruption in the YEAP.  You say nothing when they complain about land tenure issues, human trafficking and sex slavery, and poisoning of their water supply.


Even the rice farmers are now tired of the PPP.


Ker you.... PNC racist dinosaur aside. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Remember the recent racist attacks against our Native Brothers and Sisters in front of Parliament ?


Why should the AFC/PNC vote for Billions for Linden and deny our Native Brothers and sisters equal treatment ?


Stay away from the racist AFC/PNC parties.

The only people who are attacking Amerindians is the PPP.  You want to snatch $800 million dollars to bribe Amerindians into the PPP by corruption in the YEAP.  You say nothing when they complain about land tenure issues, human trafficking and sex slavery, and poisoning of their water supply.


Even the rice farmers are now tired of the PPP.


Ker you.... PNC racist dinosaur aside. 

The man is right. PPP neglect has allowed naked predation on Amertindian culture. Plumpy Manickchand stood and watched underage native girls engaging in prostitution and if she had half a brain she would have acknowledge it was not on their own volition. She threw her hands up in the air and said it is not something she can stop.



In the past 20 years we saw native girls everywhere across the coast in make shift brothels and as maids to rich people or working for some well known personage but no one stopped to question why. This despite the PPP took it upon themselves to make us wards of the state per the 2006 Amerind Act.


In conclusion, by deliberate neglect, political strategy and racism the PPP did every thing in its power to marginalize us and prey on us.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Ask the AFC/PNC to stop their racist policies against our Natives.

yuji, I see that you're habitually using the word "natives" to describe the indigenous people of Guyana.

In bygone years imperialists used the same word "natives" do describe indigenous peoples in the lands they conquered.

yuji, you're living in Canada where there is a significant First Nations population. Do you think you can call them "natives" in a chat room or newspaper letter and get off?


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