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Former Member

This is today's Guyana. It's not your grandfather (Oldsmobile) kind of Guyana. A picture speaks a thousand words. Indeed! What can anyone do to make an excellent Guyana any better? This is the Guyana that came out of the PNC hole, and the same PNC is talking of making it better? You got to be kidding me. Har, har, har, dee har, har. That's not a laugh, but healthy fart from Cobra.  

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Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Ur sofaKing annoying
Shut up!

Telling me to shut up means you thing you own this place. Telling me to shut up also means you think your nonsense about dhall and roti is better than a picture that speaks fact. Now, run along and tell you cousin D-G, Cobra said to haul you mangy rass suh.  Har, har. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

You got to be kidding me. Har, har, har, dee har, har. That's not a laugh, but healthy fart from Cobra.  

So, you are prancing around?

Yes, we have to lead the blind on GNI. They have problem seeing Guyana properly. They started to cuss down Mrs Harper. Them fellas gone to the dogs. They forget how to respect women. They forget them mother, sisters, puwa, chachee, chutki, and barkie are all women.  

Originally Posted by Vish M:



In as much there is merit to your thread, this board has many "Blind" folks.


They do not know any difference as they are just BLIND

  • Blind to what? The fact the nation is burdened with debt and there is not a damn productive capacity in any sector?
  • Are we blind to the fact the President of a state owned Chinese firm is pretending to be guyanese to rack up on mining assets?
  • Are we blind to the fact that 500 containers of hardwood is leaving the country monthly and we are not getting a dime?
  • Are we blind to the fact that some 30 million of the nations capital was spent on funding a hotel on imported labor and it will be handed over squarely to another foreigner with decades long tax concessions?
  • Are we blind to the fact these folks are clamoring about their domestic violence platform when we had 34 women murdered by their significant others last year, rape is an epidemic and these crooked bitches did nothing, nor a single PSA on he matter?
  • Are we blind to t he fact the created a "state of the art" Crime lab only it will burn the **** down if you turn on the light and will have to be rewired and the firm hired to do so say the do not want the job?
  • Are we blind to the fact said crime lab has no DNA processing facilities?
  • Are we blind to t he fact we have an 8 year backlog in the courts and there is no land court so you are screwed if someone squats on your land or in your home?
  • Are we blind to the fact they are about to turn over the continental shelf to  Chinese factory ships knowing these ships simply scour the sea until it is  dead with no living creature anywhere and then leave giving us nothing while  killing local fishing?
  • What the hell are  you talking about since I can continue to the bitching crime rate,
  • and 3000 a year drop out rate while only the PPP friends and family get rich...Now who the hell are you calling blind you knee bending worm?
  • These bastards brazenly implanted their children and wives and cousins on the national list and you stupid bastards are still saying god save the PPP!
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
progress is building wan hotel...
Banna just hush

Bhai, you frigging blind fuh true if you only see one hotel. I say no more. Man, go and hunt fuh some alligator in you sunshine State.

The hotel is a leech job

The berbice river bridge is a leech job

The proposed Amalia Falls hydro plant is fat with pork and will if completed left us with the highest priced electricity per kilowatt hour in the region

The Airport is being build for no planes.

The Access road is a money pit


Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

You got to be kidding me. Har, har, har, dee har, har. That's not a laugh, but healthy fart from Cobra.  

So, you are prancing around?

Yes, we have to lead the blind on GNI. They have problem seeing Guyana properly. They started to cuss down Mrs Harper. Them fellas gone to the dogs. They forget how to respect women. They forget them mother, sisters, puwa, chachee, chutki, and barkie are all women.  

Indeed, Guyana should be seen in its proper perspective and not from myopic view.


On another note, respect for females must always exist, regardless of the circumstances.


Storm got you good!


The so-called PPP's progress somehow is not getting to the working poor- the forgotten people. The PPP's brand of progress is only getting to the parasitic, bourgeoise class of "Friends and Family."


When you tell me people answer the phone when you call, police fire or ambulance; when you tell me people can feed, clothe and house themselves; when you tell me monthly salary is moving from $50,000 a month and more jobs are being created; when you tell me rains are cleaned, mosquitos are sprayed, flies are spread; when you tell me roads are good, water is 24 hours a day, lights are 24 hour a day, then we have made progress.


May 11th cannot come fast enough to wipe these corrupt ****ers aside and move Guyana forward.


The end is near. The only thing this dummy of a PM candidate can talk about along with the rest of her corrupt dunces is about when dem tek over from office in 92. They have not one ***** to run on that they can say they have done that is spectacular in 23 years.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

PPP can only speak in generalities.  If you pin them down on how they have helped the masses of working poor who can't access pubic assistance, pensions, NIS, govt documents in their region, poor environment and social services,etc. their scorecard is a big, fat ZERO or "F."

Tell Granger NOT to run away from a presidential debate on issues and let the people decide. That's how issues are addressed.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

PPP can only speak in generalities.  If you pin them down on how they have helped the masses of working poor who can't access pubic assistance, pensions, NIS, govt documents in their region, poor environment and social services,etc. their scorecard is a big, fat ZERO or "F."

Tell Granger NOT to run away from a presidential debate on issues and let the people decide. That's how issues are addressed.

So when is the PM debate?  When the PM debate is scheduled then so will be the Presidential debate.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by simple:

Jay pick 5 issues that has not improve for the last 20 years.

JB is not only blind, he is also deaf to hear that you ask him a question. Well, he should some how feel what you're saying to him. Probably he loss all his senses. 

Try rereading this thread, see Stormy's post, tell us what you two think of the progress made there.


How were they improved?



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

As soon as the PNC get allyou vote and donation, they will kick allyou rass to the curb. Yall don't learn. 

There really is no hope for are like lost sheep....move on and drop your pellets elsewhere.

I am supporting the party that won election for 22 years. You are supporting a party that lose election for 28 long years. Is what the hell you smoking tonight, rasta?

Originally Posted by simple:

When you have all those things in New Orleans and New York let me know. We is 4th world you know. I can get you 4 jobs in Guysuco right now, but you gonna have to lift up you panties to cross some canals. You ready?

First, fool, the US has a livable wage bench mark and when not met there are various social safety net available to t he poor and destitute.


And if you dial 911, the police will come.  The excuse that we are of some designated status of backwardness does not work as an excuse. And I do not know what sense is there in your supposed sarcasm on jobs crossing canals or lifting up panties. It merely illustrates further what a silly person you are.


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