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Former Member

Lawyers for US President Donald Trump are seeking $20 million (ÂĢ14m) in damages from a porn actress he says broke a non-disclosure deal signed before the 2016 elections.

They argue Stormy Daniels breached the agreement at least 20 times.

The actress claims she had an affair with Mr Trump that began in 2006 and lasted several months.

The president's lawyer, Michael Cohen, has said he paid her $130,000 of his own money to remain silent.

This is the first time President Trump has become directly involved in the case. He "vehemently denies" the alleged affair.

The lawyer acting for Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, this month filed a lawsuit aiming to scrap the non-disclosure agreement.

Michael Avenatti said the filing by the law firm representing the president were "unprecedented" and "yet another bullying tactic" against her.

The filing also sought a change of venue from state to federal court.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Leonora posted:

This will become the lawsuit of the century.

Donald needs to focus on the job he was elected for. The Federal Gov't is operating on a continuing resolution that expires March 23, 2018. We'll see what happens.

Eh eh gyaal, like you crow late.  Bibi beat you to it, she bin up and fluttering around since fore-day marnin'!

I believe Trump will come up with a Clinton explanation of an "inappropriate relation" which he is embarrassed over.  It's still a confuffle so leh we see nuh!

BTW, he is doing the Prezzy job accomplishing more than any other president in the time.  It seems to me Trump thrives in such an environment.  He is a street brawler.


Is a client liable for the words and actions of their counsel? So far, it is Stormy Daniels' lawyer who has been commenting on the affair and not her. It will be interesting to see where this goes. At this point, she and her lawyer has managed to get Trump to acknowledge that he is David Dennison listed on the NDA. In my opinion, Michael Cohen must be the worst lawyer in America as he has done everything to pin Trump to this scandal.

Leonora posted:

This will become the lawsuit of the century.

Donald needs to focus on the job he was elected for. The Federal Gov't is operating on a continuing resolution that expires March 23, 2018. We'll see what happens.

Trump is fully focused on the job he was (s)elected for. He is staunchly doing what is in Putin's best interest. 

ksazma posted:

Is a client liable for the words and actions of their counsel? So far, it is Stormy Daniels' lawyer who has been commenting on the affair and not her. It will be interesting to see where this goes. At this point, she and her lawyer has managed to get Trump to acknowledge that he is David Dennison listed on the NDA. In my opinion, Michael Cohen must be the worst lawyer in America as he has done everything to pin Trump to this scandal.

Leh we see nuh if dah hold water!  You singed a non-disclosure, then give the info to another (who represents you) to spill the beans and think you off the hook?

That banna is out for fame. He is on every TV talk show!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Is a client liable for the words and actions of their counsel? So far, it is Stormy Daniels' lawyer who has been commenting on the affair and not her. It will be interesting to see where this goes. At this point, she and her lawyer has managed to get Trump to acknowledge that he is David Dennison listed on the NDA. In my opinion, Michael Cohen must be the worst lawyer in America as he has done everything to pin Trump to this scandal.

Leh we see nuh if dah hold water!  You singed a non-disclosure, then give the info to another (who represents you) to spill the beans and think you off the hook?

That banna is out for fame. He is on every TV talk show!

That banna recently won a $454M lawsuit in California. I doubt he still need to hunt for fame. That said, it will be interesting to see how this NDA is addressed since it is missing a crucial signature. One thing that I haven't heard any one comment on is that there is a Notary Public's stamp on the NDA. I wonder is that Notary Public has any culpability if it is determined that the NDA is incomplete. I believe that there is another document with Trump's signature. It may very well be that Cohen submitted the one that was not finalized in an attempt to protect Trump. Cohen is not a very smart lawyer. I would venture that he is a very silly one as he has done everything possible to keep this story alive. They say that a lawyer is the second worst job after a used car salesman. Lawyers don't go around using their own money without reclaiming it as OOP expenses. Somehow Cohen did worse than that. He mortgaged his family's roof to pay off Daniels. For a royal scumbag, Trump is fortunate to have Cohen who was willing to place his wife and children is unnecessary debt to protect him. That is one heck of friend.  

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Is a client liable for the words and actions of their counsel? So far, it is Stormy Daniels' lawyer who has been commenting on the affair and not her. It will be interesting to see where this goes. At this point, she and her lawyer has managed to get Trump to acknowledge that he is David Dennison listed on the NDA. In my opinion, Michael Cohen must be the worst lawyer in America as he has done everything to pin Trump to this scandal.

Leh we see nuh if dah hold water!  You singed a non-disclosure, then give the info to another (who represents you) to spill the beans and think you off the hook?

That banna is out for fame. He is on every TV talk show!

Base, did MAGA45 sign the agreement? If he didn't, how come he can file a lawsuit? Is there going to problems with misusing political campaign funds? You know like he took charity money to pay off settlements?

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Is a client liable for the words and actions of their counsel? So far, it is Stormy Daniels' lawyer who has been commenting on the affair and not her. It will be interesting to see where this goes. At this point, she and her lawyer has managed to get Trump to acknowledge that he is David Dennison listed on the NDA. In my opinion, Michael Cohen must be the worst lawyer in America as he has done everything to pin Trump to this scandal.

Leh we see nuh if dah hold water!  You singed a non-disclosure, then give the info to another (who represents you) to spill the beans and think you off the hook?

That banna is out for fame. He is on every TV talk show!

Base, did MAGA45 sign the agreement? If he didn't, how come he can file a lawsuit? Is there going to problems with misusing political campaign funds? You know like he took charity money to pay off settlements?

Leh we see nuh!

Baseman posted:

Lawyers for US President Donald Trump are seeking $20 million (ÂĢ14m) in damages from a porn actress he says broke a non-disclosure deal signed before the 2016 elections.

They argue Stormy Daniels breached the agreement at least 20 times.

The actress claims she had an affair with Mr Trump that began in 2006 and lasted several months.

The president's lawyer, Michael Cohen, has said he paid her $130,000 of his own money to remain silent.

This is the first time President Trump has become directly involved in the case. He "vehemently denies" the alleged affair.

The lawyer acting for Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, this month filed a lawsuit aiming to scrap the non-disclosure agreement.

Michael Avenatti said the filing by the law firm representing the president were "unprecedented" and "yet another bullying tactic" against her.

The filing also sought a change of venue from state to federal court.

This is so True. Stormy is being played by the Bleeding Red Left Liberal Media and they will eventually throw her in the trash bin after they used her name good and proper for media attention.

She will be taken to the cleaners for her stupidity. I think that she is currently seeking help for her legal expenses and that support will slowly dwindle leaving her in the trash bin.

What a silly woman !

Where is Monica today ?

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Many rich celebrities are willing to back Stormy all the way, $20M is easy money , Oprah alone will pay that. Women will bring Donald Trump to his knees.

Na Bhai,

She currently has a begging bowl in her hand. Those so called rich people can talks BS. Remember how they were all moving to Canada if Trump won ?

Guess what, they do not want to leave the milk and honey in the great USA and come to live in our cold, socialist Canada.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Many rich celebrities are willing to back Stormy all the way, $20M is easy money , Oprah alone will pay that. Women will bring Donald Trump to his knees.

Na Bhai,

She currently has a begging bowl in her hand. Those so called rich people can talks BS. Remember how they were all moving to Canada if Trump won ?

Guess what, they do not want to leave the milk and honey in the great USA and come to live our cold socialist Canada.

So y'all screwed bai. 

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:

Lawyers for US President Donald Trump are seeking $20 million (ÂĢ14m) in damages from a porn actress he says broke a non-disclosure deal signed before the 2016 elections.

They argue Stormy Daniels breached the agreement at least 20 times.

The actress claims she had an affair with Mr Trump that began in 2006 and lasted several months.

The president's lawyer, Michael Cohen, has said he paid her $130,000 of his own money to remain silent.

This is the first time President Trump has become directly involved in the case. He "vehemently denies" the alleged affair.

The lawyer acting for Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, this month filed a lawsuit aiming to scrap the non-disclosure agreement.

Michael Avenatti said the filing by the law firm representing the president were "unprecedented" and "yet another bullying tactic" against her.

The filing also sought a change of venue from state to federal court.

This is so True. Stormy is being played by the Bleeding Red Left Liberal Media and they will eventually throw her in the trash bin after they used her name good and proper for media attention.

She will be taken to the cleaners for her stupidity. I think that she is currently seeking help for her legal expenses and that support will slowly dwindle leaving her in the trash bin.

What a silly woman !

Where is Monica today ?

It may cause a confuffle but what are they trying to prove?  The aim is to distract and do anything to harm the presidency, even embarrass him and his wife and hope to see a break up.  It will go through hoops but Stormy and her backers will blow away!

She will be left with a judgement hanging over her and her lawyer will bail.  No home equity loan to help out!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Many rich celebrities are willing to back Stormy all the way, $20M is easy money , Oprah alone will pay that. Women will bring Donald Trump to his knees.

To prove what, that he had an affair and try to conceal it from his wife?  Dem Liberal Hollywood celebs, who shall caste the first stone?

It can't be just that he had an affair and try to conceal it from his wife. There were many other women alleging the same thing and he just blew them off but this one he paid off instead. It has to be much more than just a harmless affair. Maybe the pictures and videos show him dining in and he doesn't want that being exposed to his religious right crowd. Trump comments on everything but wouldn't comment on anything Stormy. Like she advertises. She is Stormy Waters. 

Baseman posted:

It may cause a confuffle but what are they trying to prove?  The aim is to distract and do anything to harm the presidency, even embarrass him and his wife and hope to see a break up.  It will go through hoops but Stormy and her backers will blow away!

She will be left with a judgement hanging over her and her lawyer will bail.  No home equity loan to help out!

All indication is that there is already a breakup between him and Melania. De ohman does not sleep wid he anymore. Dem hardly travel together too.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Many rich celebrities are willing to back Stormy all the way, $20M is easy money , Oprah alone will pay that. Women will bring Donald Trump to his knees.

To prove what, that he had an affair and try to conceal it from his wife?  Dem Liberal Hollywood celebs, who shall caste the first stone?

It can't be just that he had an affair and try to conceal it from his wife. There were many other women alleging the same thing and he just blew them off but this one he paid off instead. It has to be much more than just a harmless affair. Maybe the pictures and videos show him dining in and he doesn't want that being exposed to his religious right crowd. Trump comments on everything but wouldn't comment on anything Stormy. Like she advertises. She is Stormy Waters. 

Let them come forward.  I whole lot said he sexually assaulted them!  Now a whole set join this bandwagon saying it was consensual but they got paid off!

Alyuh prapa funny!

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

It may cause a confuffle but what are they trying to prove?  The aim is to distract and do anything to harm the presidency, even embarrass him and his wife and hope to see a break up.  It will go through hoops but Stormy and her backers will blow away!

She will be left with a judgement hanging over her and her lawyer will bail.  No home equity loan to help out!

All indication is that there is already a breakup between him and Melania. De ohman does not sleep wid he anymore. Dem hardly travel together too.

You is a peeping Tom?

ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:

This will become the lawsuit of the century.

Donald needs to focus on the job he was elected for. The Federal Gov't is operating on a continuing resolution that expires March 23, 2018. We'll see what happens.

Trump is fully focused on the job he was (s)elected for. He is staunchly doing what is in Putin's best interest. 

Correct Ksazma.

ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

We admire your great nation. If not for the great healthcare and my children studying, I would have been living in Florida a looongggg time ago.

Everyone likes Florida bai. Even we buddy Base. 

Bai, I'm getting so many request to relocate there, it's only a matter of time when my last kid is out of school an onto college.  He may even consider moving there for college.

To make it better a certain lady, whom I came to know well in NY, is hell-bent on moving to Boca Raton where her parents and family lives!  Most of my relatives live in/around Boca Raton!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Many rich celebrities are willing to back Stormy all the way, $20M is easy money , Oprah alone will pay that. Women will bring Donald Trump to his knees.

To prove what, that he had an affair and try to conceal it from his wife?  Dem Liberal Hollywood celebs, who shall caste the first stone?

It can't be just that he had an affair and try to conceal it from his wife. There were many other women alleging the same thing and he just blew them off but this one he paid off instead. It has to be much more than just a harmless affair. Maybe the pictures and videos show him dining in and he doesn't want that being exposed to his religious right crowd. Trump comments on everything but wouldn't comment on anything Stormy. Like she advertises. She is Stormy Waters. 

Let them come forward.  I whole lot said he sexually assaulted them!  Now a whole set join this bandwagon saying it was consensual but they got paid off!

Alyuh prapa funny!

Bai, I just want to hear the salacious stuff. I don't care for Trump or any of these people. I don't owe any of them anything. I mostly focus my energy on my two kids. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Since that voluptuous white homan left Fox, Kaz gone off the rails!!

I agree. That ohman had it going on. Image result for anna kooiman

Bai, you put that pic up, this thread will descend into another "Hey Guys" thread!!  This is an "almost Sharon Stone" moment!!

I dare anyone to object to Anna. She is actually a college educated conservative woman. Yes, conservative. 

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

We admire your great nation. If not for the great healthcare and my children studying, I would have been living in Florida a looongggg time ago.

Canada is a beautiful country, great education and healthcare and social support.  Also clean and low crime.  Man but it rass cold no ass!!

That's my biggest problem. Dis place cold till June and then only a couple of months of summer and we shivering again after dat.


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