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Ramjattan guns for Jagdeo on asset declaration

Former President and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

–ducks TI and UN codes for govt officials to do same


In an article published in another section of the media, Public Security Minister and Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan threatened to put former President and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo β€œin his place”.

He exclaimed: β€œHe (Jagdeo) must be put to his place in that regard. I, Khemraj Ramjattan, will certainly put him to his place.”


Straight Talk

Jail for all thiefman....

Ramjattan was alleging the Opposition Leader is obsessed with β€œbeing in charge”

and refuses to accept the reality the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition is now ruling the country.

Straight Talk


the will of the People....


β€œBut he must know that he is not in charge,

he is no longer running things, and this country is now in better hands,” Ramjattan is quoted as saying.


Straight Talk

Jagan Never Thief....

and under Jagan....

PPP won every Election...



When contacted for a comment, a senior PPP/C official simply stated that Ramjattan is clearly a very β€œbitter” individual who is using every opportunity to baselessly attack the Opposition Leader.

Straight Talk

Jagdeo thiefing casuse

PPP to lose the 2015 Election....





Public Security Minister and Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan

Public Security Minister and Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan was at the time stubbornly refusing to address the issue of an across-the-board public declaration of assets. He insisted Guyanese should not be interested in the wealth of the governing APNU+AFC parliamentarians but should rather focus on the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) members.


Straight Talk

Rav Dev

Racist Lies

Cannot make Jagdeo

President Again....


According to the article, Ramjattan argued that the idea of having an across-the-board public declaration of assets is β€œwholly outrageous”. He contended that APNU+AFC parliamentarians are not wealthy and the public should not focus on their assets.


Straight Talk

Jagdeo when confronted

Say Jagan was a wealthy man....


Where did this Thiefman

get these lies from?

β€œSo it is not about us, the public has no reason to be interested in our wealth …,” Ramjattan continued to insist.



Straight Talk

Jagdeo cannot explain how

he became so Rich today....

In response, the PPP/C official pointed out it is not up to Ramjattan to decide what the public should be interested in nor is it up to his judgment or concern whether a parliamentarian is wealthy. β€œIt seems as though Ramjattan has something to hide … why does he not come clean and have everyone declare their assets?” the official questioned.

Straight Talk


should Jail Jagdeo....


The PPP/C maintains its position all parliamentarians should publicly declare their assets and leave it up to the public to judge them based on their wealth. In fact, Opposition Leader Jagdeo has been calling on the Government to act upon this initiative but the Administration is yet to make a move.

Straight Talk

After Jagdeo is Behind Bars....

you must go after the others...


Instead, Ramjattan was adamant that only Jagdeo and PPP/C officials should be the ones to declare their assets.


Straight Talk

Jail all them Funny Fellas....

Ramjattan seemed not to understand why APNU+AFC parliamentarians as well should declare their assets.

But Jagdeo time and time again explained that in keeping with the interest of transparency and accountability, all Members of Parliament should declare their assets to the public.


Straight Talk

Jagdeo trying

to stay out of Jail....

This proposal came in light of the many accusations against him and other PPP/C officials about having large sums of monies hidden away in private accounts.

Additionally, Jagdeo had pledged his support for all MPs to make public their payment of taxes during the last 10 years.


Straight Talk

Start at the Top

Jail Jagdeo now....

He explained that a law can be passed to allow the parliamentarians to deposit affidavits in the National Assembly so any member of the public can visit and check to see the assets each MP has abroad, noting that similar provision can be made for the public availability of the taxes paid by each MP.


Straight Talk

The Law is there....

AFC-APNU must act now....

Previously, Jagdeo explained that if such information was made public, then the β€œwild charges” could then be investigated.

β€œIf the Government is in favour of transparency, it should not be opposed to these measures because they enhance transparency,” Jagdeo had posited.


Straight Talk

Jagan was a Honest man....

Jagdeo is a Thief.....

International pressure

Transparency International has been very vocal on the need for top politicians in any country to declare their assets.

β€œWhen they don’t, or if the figures don’t seem to add up as is happening in both Argentina and Nigeria, this can lead to both public unrest and political instability,” the international anti-corruption body posted on their website.

The organisation reminded that politicians and civil servants hold substantial power over the allocation of resources in their countries and the citizens who elect them, and who in effect pay their salaries through their tax contributions have a right to know the wealth these officials hold.


Straight Talk

Jagdeo thief...

and the evidence is there....


Moses & Ramjattan

must show Leadership.....


The must Stop Talking....

Time for Action.....


Joey & Nadira

expose the thiefing...


Why Jagdeo

did not Question or doubt them?

Additionally, the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which has been ratified by 166 countries, requires a legal framework for asset declarations of government officials. Guyana is one of those countries therefore, Government of Guyana is obligated to honour the conditions set out under UNCAC which provides for the public declarations of assets of government officials.


Straight Talk

The World is watching....

AFC-APNU must Jail Jagdeo

Originally Posted by Jalil:

When you get in Govt.....

If you Thief,

you must...... go to Jail....

It does not matter

if you are PPP or PNC,

Black  or Coolie,

Communist or Capitalist....


All religions

teach you not to steal


Once Again 

thiefman bring shame

to Jagan



but failed to Hijack the PPP....


Thief nonstop

and Hijack the PPP




 IF you jail all thieves and criminals then there would be no one left to run the country.


Didn't Jagan travelled the world with tax payers money.?



Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

When you get in Govt.....

If you Thief,

you must...... go to Jail....

It does not matter

if you are PPP or PNC,

Black  or Coolie,

Communist or Capitalist....


All religions

teach you not to steal


Once Again 

thiefman bring shame

to Jagan



but failed to Hijack the PPP....


Thief nonstop

and Hijack the PPP




 IF you jail all thieves and criminals then there would be no one left to run the country.


Didn't Jagan travelled the world with tax payers money.?



Rama, when Jagan was opposition leader, his travels around the world were paid for by the organizations that invited him. And when Jagan was President, his travels abroad were for state business, so the state had to pay for those trips. Jagan didn't use taxpayers' money for personal/private travels.

I am answering you nicely, Rama. Jalil might not do so.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

When you get in Govt.....

If you Thief,

you must...... go to Jail....

It does not matter

if you are PPP or PNC,

Black  or Coolie,

Communist or Capitalist....


All religions

teach you not to steal


Once Again 

thiefman bring shame

to Jagan



but failed to Hijack the PPP....


Thief nonstop

and Hijack the PPP




 IF you jail all thieves and criminals then there would be no one left to run the country.


Didn't Jagan travelled the world with tax payers money.?



Rama, when Jagan was opposition leader, his travels around the world were paid for by the organizations that invited him. And when Jagan was President, his travels abroad were for state business, so the state had to pay for those trips. Jagan didn't use taxpayers' money for personal/private travels.

I am answering you nicely, Rama. Jalil might not do so.


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

When you get in Govt.....

If you Thief,

you must...... go to Jail....

It does not matter

if you are PPP or PNC,

Black  or Coolie,

Communist or Capitalist....


All religions

teach you not to steal


Once Again 

thiefman bring shame

to Jagan



but failed to Hijack the PPP....


Thief nonstop

and Hijack the PPP




 IF you jail all thieves and criminals then there would be no one left to run the country.


Didn't Jagan travelled the world with tax payers money.?



Rama, when Jagan was opposition leader, his travels around the world were paid for by the organizations that invited him. And when Jagan was President, his travels abroad were for state business, so the state had to pay for those trips. Jagan didn't use taxpayers' money for personal/private travels.

I am answering you nicely, Rama. Jalil might not do so.


I know for a fact that when he paid an official visit to China, he took along his daughter Nadira and Barama Timber Company paid the daughter's travel expenses. The state paid President Jagan's expense.

I am not aware that between 1992 and 1997, he travelled abroad with Joey, except that night when he was rushed to the US for emergency medical treatment that was unsuccessful.

As First Lady, Janet was entitled to travel with him at the state's expense.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

When you get in Govt.....

If you Thief,

you must...... go to Jail....

It does not matter

if you are PPP or PNC,

Black  or Coolie,

Communist or Capitalist....


All religions

teach you not to steal


Once Again 

thiefman bring shame

to Jagan



but failed to Hijack the PPP....


Thief nonstop

and Hijack the PPP




 IF you jail all thieves and criminals then there would be no one left to run the country.


Didn't Jagan travelled the world with tax payers money.?



Rama, when Jagan was opposition leader, his travels around the world were paid for by the organizations that invited him.

Straight Talk

Yes...Jagan did not thief

for anything....


Jagdeo thief...

Everything, Everytine, Everywhere

& Everyday


And when Jagan was President, his travels abroad were for state business, so the state had to pay for those trips.

Straight Talk

Jagdeo take Govt money....

and Bring Elizabeth Harper

to De Mandir in Richmond Hill

fuh dem Hang Mala pun she Neck

and said that was promoting

Tourism in Guyana....





Jagan didn't use taxpayers' money for personal/private travels.

Straight Talk

Rama...Tell Jagdeo

None of aya Funny Fellas....

can talk about Jagan and thiefing





I am answering you nicely, Rama. Jalil might not do so.


Straight Talk

Moses & Khemraj must...

Jail all thiefman....


and tell the nation

Cheddi said it is the right thing



Straight Talk

Jagan never

made the state pay for

his children or wife travel...


Thiefman Jagdeo

charged the Guyana Govt for

his Spouse to travel

First Class with him....


When Jagdeo batty

needed plugging overseas....


A Private Charter Jet...

took Bharrat & Bobby

To Miami on de trip....


Is Bobby his Spouse






Straight Talk



Who is de thiefman....

and who is the Thiefhoman????


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

When you get in Govt.....

If you Thief,

you must...... go to Jail....

It does not matter

if you are PPP or PNC,

Black  or Coolie,

Communist or Capitalist....


All religions

teach you not to steal


Once Again 

thiefman bring shame

to Jagan



but failed to Hijack the PPP....


Thief nonstop

and Hijack the PPP




 IF you jail all thieves and criminals then there would be no one left to run the country.


Didn't Jagan travelled the world with tax payers money.?



Rama, when Jagan was opposition leader, his travels around the world were paid for by the organizations that invited him.

Straight Talk

Yes...Jagan did not thief

for anything....


Jagdeo thief...

Everything, Everytine, Everywhere

& Everyday


And when Jagan was President, his travels abroad were for state business, so the state had to pay for those trips.

Straight Talk

Jagdeo take Govt money....

and Bring Elizabeth Harper

to De Mandir in Richmond Hill

fuh dem Hang Mala pun she Neck

and said that was promoting

Tourism in Guyana....





Jagan didn't use taxpayers' money for personal/private travels.

Straight Talk

Rama...Tell Jagdeo

None of aya Funny Fellas....

can talk about Jagan and thiefing





I am answering you nicely, Rama. Jalil might not do so.


Straight Talk

Moses & Khemraj must...

Jail all thiefman....


and tell the nation

Cheddi said it is the right thing



Straight Talk

Jagan never

made the state pay for

his children or wife travel...


Thiefman Jagdeo

charged the Guyana Govt for

his Spouse to travel

First Class with him....


When Jagdeo batty

needed plugging overseas....


A Private Charter Jet...

took Bharrat & Bobby

To Miami on de trip....


Is Bobby his Spouse






Straight Talk



Who is de thiefman....

and who is the Thiefhoman????


So Jagan was a saint., the man whom money cannot bribe.   That's what I was look for you to say.  You pricks.  When push comes to shove, you all defended the PPP and the Jagans.  NICE.


Jagdeo completed over 5000 projects and brought Guyana out of bankruptcy, cause the People to once again enjoy the essense of life.  have you seen how beautiful Guyana is?  You crawling catapillars. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


Jagdeo completed over 5000 projects and brought Guyana out of bankruptcy, cause the People to once again enjoy the essense of life.  have you seen how beautiful Guyana is?  You crawling catapillars. 

The No. 1 project was to make Guyana a transshipment point for drugs.  The No. 2 was to sell out Guyana to his friends.  The No. 3 project was to tek wha lef for himself.

Last edited by Former Member

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