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The approach is to free the people from a new form of colonialism. It is expected the independence of Guyana would not fully be achieved in a short period. And we have seen the PNC and now the PPP. Both of these parties have only maintained what the colonials left us with. Their creativity is limited.

Both Ramjattan and Trotman must prepare a video and aired on Guyanese TV. Their approach should be of a conversational style where they express the desire to expand the country into its 83,000 square miles rather than concentrating only on the coast.

They must tell the ppl of the new paths to progress.

The Presidential Candidate and the Prime Ministreial Candidate must appear to together and speak to the citizens in a defined format.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In Guyana-videos on TV -several short segments-maybe 5minutes long.

On the internet-Youtube-perhaps as much as 30 minutes long.

Ppl have short attention span.

Conversational style-both Ramjattan and Trotman together.

Not so much of the public meetings.

Doan follow the PPP into large rallies -concentrate on messages on the the TV and internet. Conversational style approach.
Originally posted by seignet:
In Guyana-videos on TV -several short segments-maybe 5minutes long.

On the internet-Youtube-perhaps as much as 30 minutes long.

Ppl have short attention span.

Conversational style-both Ramjattan and Trotman together.

Not so much of the public meetings.

Doan follow the PPP into large rallies -concentrate on messages on the the TV and internet. Conversational style approach.
print pamplets showing all they shady deals
Originally posted by seignet:
In Guyana-videos on TV -several short segments-maybe 5minutes long.

On the internet-Youtube-perhaps as much as 30 minutes long.

Ppl have short attention span.

Conversational style-both Ramjattan and Trotman together.

Not so much of the public meetings.

Doan follow the PPP into large rallies -concentrate on messages on the the TV and internet. Conversational style approach.

I agree with you guys on this.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The best strategy for an AFc victory at this late juncture is to join a coalition, either with the PPP or APNU. They don't have enough supporters on their own to win one seat much less the entire elections. Notice how TK throw in the towel and Gmoney missing in action.
The AFC will win if the PPP is minority government. Winning office is the secondary goal. Saving Guyana from the predatory and corrupt talons of an old soviet style oligarchy is the desired prize.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The best strategy for an AFc victory at this late juncture is to join a coalition, either with the PPP or APNU. They don't have enough supporters on their own to win one seat much less the entire elections. Notice how TK throw in the towel and Gmoney missing in action.
The AFC will win if the PPP is minority government. Winning office is the secondary goal. Saving Guyana from the predatory and corrupt talons of an old soviet style oligarchy is the desired prize.

I don't see how this is possible but I take your word for it. The PPP supporters that the aFC is targeting are not stupid, they know that a vote for the aFC is a vote for the delay of the progress. A minority govt's hands will be tied and can not push through legislation hindered by opportunists looking to stall progress for their own selfish needs.

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