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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Flooding Nov 20

Guyana bad fuh days!   Ramjattan can get his supporters to strip naked and blame the police.   Me bad, I should stop pick on Ramjattan. Ok, I gone to for the day. My attention will be on Obama tonight.


Why didn't this black ignorant jackass protest when Hoyte was rigging elections in Guyana? Where was democracy then? Was democracy stripped then?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Flooding Nov 20

Guyana bad fuh days!   Ramjattan can get his supporters to strip naked and blame the police.   Me bad, I should stop pick on Ramjattan. Ok, I gone to for the day. My attention will be on Obama tonight.


Why didn't this black ignorant jackass protest when Hoyte was rigging elections in Guyana? Where was democracy then? Was democracy stripped then?

Looking at his age he most likely wasn't born.  And here is the PPP dilemma.  Choses to look good by comparing themselves to a regime which most Guyanese no longer care about.


What they might remember about Hoyte is 1992.  Even though he knew that he would most likely lose he still held elections.  Ramotar on the other hand comes up with every reason not to.  That is what more Guyanese care about.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Flooding Nov 20

Guyana bad fuh days!   Ramjattan can get his supporters to strip naked and blame the police.   Me bad, I should stop pick on Ramjattan. Ok, I gone to for the day. My attention will be on Obama tonight.


Why didn't this black ignorant jackass protest when Hoyte was rigging elections in Guyana? Where was democracy then? Was democracy stripped then?

When PPP Indian supporters speak like this without considering the facts it gives the oxygen to Blacks who then show total distrust for all indians....  


We have to recognize  and understand why CaribJ take a broad paint brush and paint all Indians as "Coolie Racist"


When CaribJ express these views....or these PPP Crab louse express these views ......all they are doing... is encouraging Racial Conflict. 


CaribJ is not alone his views reflect the thoughts of a few others in the black community.....especially those who benefit from the PNC Govt and who collected a pay check and nuff perks for just hating Indians or Coolies in Guyana...... because the believe PNC was a Blackman Govt.


Skeldon_man is not alone his views reflect the thoughts of a few others in the Indian community.....especially those who benefit from the PPP Govt and who collected a pay check and nuff perks for just hating African or Blackman in Guyana.......because the believe PPP is a Coolieman Govt.


 That's a reality we have to accept.....Both PPP & PNC have Dirty RACIST ...  Who spread Racial Fear to hold their support base.....and the Uneducated & Ignorant follow this Race Hate Politics.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

 That's a reality we have to accept.....Both PPP & PNC have Dirty RACIST ...  Who spread Racial Fear to hold their support base.....and the Uneducated & Ignorant follow this Race Hate Politics.

Jalil you called PNC supporters, goons, thugs, pick pockets and bandits.  90% of Afro Guyanese support the PNC, so you are using this to describe the majority of blacks.


Its interesting that you use the worst stereotypes which are used to harass blacks, and the pretend as if you aren't part of the problem.


And yes there is widespread and systematic discrimination against blacks in Guyana today and its not just the PPP which is to blame.  The WORST offenders are in the private sector.  


Now because of your current animosity against the PPP you will pretend as if it is only the PPP which is to blame, but when I called the PPP a racist party years ago you were among those who ranted about me hating Indians.


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