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Former Member


We join others in calling on the authorities, particularly Commissioner of Police Leroy Brummel, to take condign action against the police rank that has brought further shame on the entire Guyana Police Force and its honest and hard working members. Such wanton abuse and gross violation of the human rights of 23 year old Colwyn Harding should never be allowed to happen again and we also call for serious action to be taken against all other ranks found to be complicit during this dastardly act.


We wish to remind our readers of the recent ruling of Justice Williams Ramlall in which he noted that police ranks that were present during the violation of the rights of the complainant were just as guilty as those accused.

Further, such indiscretions only provide fuel for the fire of a small section of the society whose wish is to destabilize, divide and undo all the progress made since 1992. We also hold the same view with Justice Ramlall when he posited in his ruling that it is not fair to the taxpayers to “foot the bill” for the excesses of policemen. Those errant ranks should be made to foot the bill for judgment arising out of any civil action undertaken by Colwyn Harding.




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Conscience, I'm sure everyone on the board finally agrees with you on this.

Now we all hope to hear the outcome.

We also wish to know what happened with the other rogue cops who assaulted the Amerind woman on the ground. That was disgusting.

Originally Posted by cain:

Conscience, I'm sure everyone on the board finally agrees with you on this.

Now we all hope to hear the outcome.

We also wish to know what happened with the other rogue cops who assaulted the Amerind woman on the ground. That was disgusting.


This will be swept under the rug like all the other previous incidents. Nothing was ever done when the Amerindian woman was assaulted or the when the young man's penis was burnt or when the protesters were murdered by the police at Linden. You never heard anything more about Benn's son beating up his ex-girlfriend. I could go on and on. This will soon be yesterday's news just like all the other times. 


The investigation into the reported sexual assault is scheduled to be completed on Tuesday, January 21 by the Police Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), the Top Cop told the media.

The Police Constable accused of the gruesome act has been identified 31 – year – old Devin Mahendra Singh, who resides in Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. The Constable has been taken off duty and is under close arrest, while the other ranks, numbering between 6 to 8, were transferred to Georgetown, including a Superintendent.

The Police Constable, Devin Mahendra Singh, accused of inserting a condom laden baton into the anus of Colwyn Harding.

The Police Constable, Devin Mahendra Singh, accused of inserting a condom laden baton into the anus of Colwyn Harding.




excerpts from inewsguyana



The alleged actions of the police constable  cast a dark shadow of the Police Force, if found guilt he should face the full blunt of the law.


Some ranks in the GPF are copying the acts of dirty cops in NYC to intentionally inflict injury to their detainees. This will cost the department money, embarrassment, and put them in the spotlight to answer questions to the media. If the victim was a hard core criminal, these rouge cops would never think of laying a finger on him. I want to see them in jail after after an investigation prove them guilty of the crime.


The Guyanese police is not copying any other police force from any other country. The police has not received foreign training in such methods. They have been entirely devised by the PPP regime and order issued to the police to implement them.


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