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Only In America.

In this Feb. 20, 2019 photo, Destiny Johnson shows the broken door to her oven that she uses string to hold together, in her apartment in Cedarhurst Homes, a federally subsidized, low-income apartment complex in Natchez, Miss. The complex failed a health and safety inspection in each of the past three years. Upset with conditions, Johnson moved out in late March. [AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

NATCHEZ, Miss. — In this city known for pre-Civil War mansions, a young mother shared a government-funded apartment with her three small children and a legion of cockroaches.


They lurked in the medicine cabinet, under the refrigerator, behind a picture on the wall. The mother nudged a bedroom dresser and more roaches skittered away as her 2-year-old son stomped on them.


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Mitwah posted:

Only In America.

In this Feb. 20, 2019 photo, Destiny Johnson shows the broken door to her oven that she uses string to hold together, in her apartment in Cedarhurst Homes, a federally subsidized, low-income apartment complex in Natchez, Miss. The complex failed a health and safety inspection in each of the past three years. Upset with conditions, Johnson moved out in late March. [AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

NATCHEZ, Miss. — In this city known for pre-Civil War mansions, a young mother shared a government-funded apartment with her three small children and a legion of cockroaches.


They lurked in the medicine cabinet, under the refrigerator, behind a picture on the wall. The mother nudged a bedroom dresser and more roaches skittered away as her 2-year-old son stomped on them.


Mits, She is a lucky one. Many of these poor people live in cars or tents under some bridges with their children. Sad to see.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

On March 19th the Trump administration proposed $44.1 billion dollars to be spent by HUD for these losers who don’t want to work and live like cockroaches off the backs of the taxpayers.  

I guess Trump LOVES Socialism. Taking from the rich and feed the poor. Please don't blame Obama.

Yes he does.  Why you think the rest of the world are leaving their socialist countries and running to America like if they are going to a party at Disneyland?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

On March 19th the Trump administration proposed $44.1 billion dollars to be spent by HUD for these losers who don’t want to work and live like cockroaches off the backs of the taxpayers.  

I guess Trump LOVES Socialism. Taking from the rich and feed the poor. Please don't blame Obama.

Yes he does.  Why you think the rest of the world are leaving their socialist countries and running to America like if they are going to a party at Disneyland?

The MORE Trump brags of the success of America, the more people will line up to come to America. So the emergency at the border is his own making.

 Do you ever hear developing and successful countries such as Germany, Australia, China ,India bragging how prosperous things are doing? NO., they are always low key, yet gaining strength. 

Mitwah posted:

Only In America.

In this Feb. 20, 2019 photo, Destiny Johnson shows the broken door to her oven that she uses string to hold together, in her apartment in Cedarhurst Homes, a federally subsidized, low-income apartment complex in Natchez, Miss. The complex failed a health and safety inspection in each of the past three years. Upset with conditions, Johnson moved out in late March. [AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

NATCHEZ, Miss. — In this city known for pre-Civil War mansions, a young mother shared a government-funded apartment with her three small children and a legion of cockroaches.


They lurked in the medicine cabinet, under the refrigerator, behind a picture on the wall. The mother nudged a bedroom dresser and more roaches skittered away as her 2-year-old son stomped on them.


Maybe she is on the cockroach diet, one healthy MAMA.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

On March 19th the Trump administration proposed $44.1 billion dollars to be spent by HUD for these losers who don’t want to work and live like cockroaches off the backs of the taxpayers.  

I guess Trump LOVES Socialism. Taking from the rich and feed the poor. Please don't blame Obama.

Yes he does.  Why you think the rest of the world are leaving their socialist countries and running to America like if they are going to a party at Disneyland?

The MORE Trump brags of the success of America, the more people will line up to come to America. So the emergency at the border is his own making.

 Do you ever hear developing and successful countries such as Germany, Australia, China ,India bragging how prosperous things are doing? NO., they are always low key, yet gaining strength. 

If their President achieve the lowest unemployment in 50 years and almost wipe out ISIS they would be bragging too.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

On March 19th the Trump administration proposed $44.1 billion dollars to be spent by HUD for these losers who don’t want to work and live like cockroaches off the backs of the taxpayers.  

I guess Trump LOVES Socialism. Taking from the rich and feed the poor. Please don't blame Obama.

Yes he does.  Why you think the rest of the world are leaving their socialist countries and running to America like if they are going to a party at Disneyland?

And Americans are running to Canada.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

On March 19th the Trump administration proposed $44.1 billion dollars to be spent by HUD for these losers who don’t want to work and live like cockroaches off the backs of the taxpayers.  

I guess Trump LOVES Socialism. Taking from the rich and feed the poor. Please don't blame Obama.

Yes he does.  Why you think the rest of the world are leaving their socialist countries and running to America like if they are going to a party at Disneyland?

The MORE Trump brags of the success of America, the more people will line up to come to America. So the emergency at the border is his own making.

 Do you ever hear developing and successful countries such as Germany, Australia, China ,India bragging how prosperous things are doing? NO., they are always low key, yet gaining strength. 

If their President achieve the lowest unemployment in 50 years and almost wipe out ISIS they would be bragging too.

You and all got fooled, I thought he only has influence over the dumb Red Necks. Never know.

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

Which one of Trump buildings is a ghetto?  Let me tell you how public housing works in the US.  There are two types.  One that is owned and operated by the government.  Or these freeloaders can rent a private apartment and get a check under Section 8 of the housing code to pay their landlord.  None of Trump buildings qualify for public assistance under these programs.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

Which one of Trump buildings is a ghetto?  Let me tell you how public housing works in the US.  There are two types.  One that is owned and operated by the government.  Or these freeloaders can rent a private apartment and get a check under Section 8 of the housing code to pay their landlord.  None of Trump buildings qualify for public assistance under these programs.

And Trump does not own many buildings that display his name.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

Which one of Trump buildings is a ghetto?  Let me tell you how public housing works in the US.  There are two types.  One that is owned and operated by the government.  Or these freeloaders can rent a private apartment and get a check under Section 8 of the housing code to pay their landlord.  None of Trump buildings qualify for public assistance under these programs.

The Trump family bought many of those assisted apartments and targeted Blacks and Hispanics, by kicking them out and allowing the Whites to stay. His father got sued several times, so was Donald Trump. Well if you condone that racist behaviour, I don't.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

Which one of Trump buildings is a ghetto?  Let me tell you how public housing works in the US.  There are two types.  One that is owned and operated by the government.  Or these freeloaders can rent a private apartment and get a check under Section 8 of the housing code to pay their landlord.  None of Trump buildings qualify for public assistance under these programs.

The Trump family bought many of those assisted apartments and targeted Blacks and Hispanics, by kicking them out and allowing the Whites to stay. His father got sued several times, so was Donald Trump. Well if you condone that racist behaviour, I don't.

Which buildings the Trump family bought with assisted apartments?   The Trumps don’t live in run down ghetto cockroach apartments.  His name is on all his buildings. Trump’s father built the first supermarket in Queens in Richmond Hill in 1933.  Up to this day it is still there on Jamaica Avenue serving the Guyanese and Hispanic community.  

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Some people really do need help. Others who are on this program collect SNAP and TANF. These are the people that believe that this program is an entitlement for them. And yes, the landlords encourage this type of lifestyle.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

Which one of Trump buildings is a ghetto?  Let me tell you how public housing works in the US.  There are two types.  One that is owned and operated by the government.  Or these freeloaders can rent a private apartment and get a check under Section 8 of the housing code to pay their landlord.  None of Trump buildings qualify for public assistance under these programs.

The Trump family bought many of those assisted apartments and targeted Blacks and Hispanics, by kicking them out and allowing the Whites to stay. His father got sued several times, so was Donald Trump. Well if you condone that racist behaviour, I don't.

Which buildings the Trump family bought with assisted apartments?   The Trumps don’t live in run down ghetto cockroach apartments.  His name is on all his buildings. Trump’s father built the first supermarket in Queens in Richmond Hill in 1933.  Up to this day it is still there on Jamaica Avenue serving the Guyanese and Hispanic community.

Click on link and educate yourself.

Fred was born in 1905, the son of German immigrant Frederick Drumpf (a family name the satirist John Oliver has delighted in), who had arrived in New York on 19 October 1885 from Kallstadt via Bremen, a 16-year-old seeking to evade military conscription.

Drumpf initially settled in the Big Apple before relocating to Seattle and then moving on to the Yukon Territory to take part in the Klondike Gold Rush, where he operated restaurants serving horse meat and a string of brothels catering to itinerant miners venturing in from the cold.

A wealthy man, Frederick married Elizabeth Christ in 1902 and returned to New York where he worked as a hotel keeper and where their son Fred was raised in the Bronx.

Fred Trump started his first business venture at 15 in 1920, building garage extensions to existing houses as the automobile’s future at the heart of American life was becoming increasingly clear. Too young to sign the cheques, he became partners with his mother in Elizabeth Trump & Son. He built his first house two years after leaving high school.

Taking advantage of the Great Depression, when Franklin D Roosevelt’s government was doing all it could to bolster the construction and home financing industries, Fred Trump gradually grew his business throughout the 1930s to the 1950s by borrowing from the Federal Housing Authority and making influential friends among the Brooklyn Democratic Party.

His properties were â€œplain but sturdy brick rental towers, clustered together in immaculately groomed parks”, as his New York Times obituary put it, selling for $3,990 and spread across the low-income neighbourhoods of Coney Island, Bensonhurst, Sheepshead Bay, Flatbush and Brighton Beach in Brooklyn and Flushing and Jamaica Estates in Queens.

He also built apartments for servicemen in the Second World War in Pennsylvania and Virginia and foresaw the advent of supermarkets, building one of America’s first, the Trump Market at Woodhaven, New York, whose slogan was: “Serve yourself and save!”


Known for his thrift, one of Fred’s few luxuries was a Cadillac with a personalised “FTC” vanity plate (his son's is “DJT”). Donald would recall in his ghost-written business manual The Art of the Deal (1987) that his father would roll up at construction sites after the working day was done and collect stray nails from the ground for his carpenters to use again the next morning.

He would also water down paint and manufacture his own disinfectant and cockroach spray to save cash, sending brand samples to labs to determine their ingredients.

“What had cost $2 a bottle, he got mixed for 50 cents,” remembered his son.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

Hey Gal, Bibi I do not want to hear 1 word about that Orange Orangutan and Robotic Family. Why dont you help them to develop emotions, humanity and compassion.


And his father also built part of Jamaica hospital where people go to develop emotions and compassion.  All the Medicaid freebies go there to get free treatment.  When dem Guyanese man done chop up dem wife they get free treatment at Jamaica hospital.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

You got that correct, read an article recently huge profits.

You people should know what you talking before you open your mouth.  I’m sure there are some decent unfortunate people who need assistance.  However, most of these long-termers are the dregs of society and are not there by accident.  They complain about conditions, but they are part of it, contribute to it.  Then you have these Liberal activists come and try to pin it on the landlord.  And they get clowns like you people to chant their pitiful mantra!

I was convinced to rent to a section 8 tenant years ago.   The year I had them, there was so much shit to deal with. They broke the Un-breakable, damaged anything.  They almost  ran the other tenants out.  They had so much junk in the house that rats and roaches found a haven.

When I finally got rid of them a year later, it took three guys an entire day to load a full size container of junk.  The entire apartment had to be redone.

These people have more rights than taxpayers.  So all you people who talking, just shooting Liberalists hot air!  I hate to say this, many are living in what they created!

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

Which one of Trump buildings is a ghetto?  Let me tell you how public housing works in the US.  There are two types.  One that is owned and operated by the government.  Or these freeloaders can rent a private apartment and get a check under Section 8 of the housing code to pay their landlord.  None of Trump buildings qualify for public assistance under these programs.

And Trump does not own many buildings that display his name.

If you understand how branding and franchising works, you would not make such a comment.  The people who pays for his name are not fools.  

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

That 's how Trump and family got rich, exploiting the POOR.

Which one of Trump buildings is a ghetto?  Let me tell you how public housing works in the US.  There are two types.  One that is owned and operated by the government.  Or these freeloaders can rent a private apartment and get a check under Section 8 of the housing code to pay their landlord.  None of Trump buildings qualify for public assistance under these programs.

The Trump family bought many of those assisted apartments and targeted Blacks and Hispanics, by kicking them out and allowing the Whites to stay. His father got sued several times, so was Donald Trump. Well if you condone that racist behaviour, I don't.

Nothing to do with racism.  Neighborhoods rise and fall and rise and's the way how it goes in the USA.  If you drive through some ghetto neighborhoods you see some grand old mansions that had once seen better days.  Many are converted to multi-family dwellings and some fall into total disrepair and occupied by low income persons.

Then a new day will dawn and they will rise again and investors will rebuild.  Posh new buildings will rise and a different type of resident will flock in.  The property owners have every right to make money so the low income are pushed out.

I once met a Greek store owner in Queens and he said the influx of Guyanese into Queens saved the neighborhood.  All the dysfunctional and derelicts were pushed out.

The issue of the low income people being displaced is a Govt issue, not an investor issue!

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

I am not against needy people getting help. It is the lazy and irresponsible ones who don’t deserve the help.

Sometimes  I think these assisted housing is a major financial benefit to the landlords and they help to propagate ghettos.

There are a lot of abuse in these government programs. The government is not able to police them alone and in many cases count on the honor of those involved in these programs to help police them. Providers use the system as a marketplace. They will ship those who are on these programs everything under the sky as they can then bill the government for them. So the government can't really count on the providers as they will practice their dishonesty until they get caught. Recipients usually having the mentality that it is not their money could care less what they do with the stuff they get. But there is a caveat that many recipients are not aware of. Everyone with a social security number has a credit limit with the government and as the saying in Guyana goes, 'a will waste brings a woeful want'. People who abuse the help they get either through greed or irresponsible behavior can find themselves somewhere in the future being told that they have reached their limit. Alhamdulillah, I have never needed government help and I hope that I never will. 


On the topic of subsidized housing, Jane Finch has a lot of these subsidized housing that is occupied by a majority of blacks. These subsidized projects are usually run down and vandalized. They are a haven for drug users, pushers and gun violence.

Children there grow up in a cycle of poverty, violence and single mother homes which is like a vicious cycle. I feel as if some of those people are not motivated and as such they cannot get out of the cycle of poverty and violence.

Many years ago, Indo Guyanese started out there first and then moved on to became affluent and own lots of excellent real estate. Most Indo Guyanese are generally hard working and are always seeking better opportunities without looking for handouts.

This is not an issue of race but there are social and economic issues at play here. These people can do better and deserve better but they seem to lack the necessary tools and skills to better themselves. I also noticed that the so called activists and community leaders of these people live in affluent neighbourhoods and despite that, they are unable to utilize their economic progress and skills in motivating these people.

I really don’t have an answer for these unfortunate folks. It is a very sad situation.



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