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Suddie, Charity Hospitals falling apart

Still the Cinderella County….

– Neglect, lack of equipment, poor working conditions cited

In Essequibo, the Suddie Public and Charity Oscar Joseph Hospitals are in a deplorable state and residents are calling for the newly elected A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change Government to take remedial actions to return the health care facilities to an acceptable state.

 The Suddie Public Hospital in Region Two

The Suddie Public Hospital in Region Two

Health Minister Dr George Norton had visited the entities several weeks ago where he too complained about the sordid state of affairs of the hospitals which were in a poor state.

He had promised residents and the hospital staff immediate relief as he explained that urgent reforms were necessary to lift the standards of the entities which were at best described as “appalling”.

Weeks after the Minister’s visit and commitments and residents are now complaining that nothing has been done to improve the hospital surroundings, health environment or service. They are upset that all they received were “words”.

Essequibo residents on Thursday pressed Government to immediately commence the necessary reforms with the aim of delivering the services at the standards promised by the new Health Minister.

They want the hospitals to operate on par with the other health care facilities at Linden, Georgetown, New Amsterdam, West Demerara and Bartica.

“We want the Minister to address the lack of equipment, key medical services and lack of adequate medical supplies”, a 34-year old resident said briefly to the Guyana Times.

Health Minister, Dr George Norton during his visit to the Suddie Hospital

Health Minister, Dr George Norton during his visit to the Suddie Hospital

Suddie Another resident who travelled a far distance to access Ultra Sound services was turned away by hospital staff after allegedly being told to “key checking” to see when the hospital could deliver the service.

The patient said that usually pregnant mothers are given priority but there is no system in place for other persons. “I need an ultra sound when I asked they said I must check back and they will tell me, like the machine is not working but I don’t know how long I have to keep checking” the patient said.

Another patient who was rushed to Georgetown Public Hospital for an emergency surgery said that she was told that her surgery could not be done at Suddie due to the lack of equipment.

“They said they have competent doctors to do the surgery but no equipment, I had to go GT to get it done and every day my family have to spend money to come see me whereas if I was in Essequibo things would have been cheaper”, the patient related.

Professionals complain Guyana Times also interviewed some of the medical professionals who said they are forced to work in inhumane conditions at the Suddie Hospital pointing out that using the operating theatre is “risky”.

The operating theatre is not functioning to its capacity due to faulty works being done by a contractor. Even the tiled walls are hallowed and electrical works are being exposed. This staff, said poses a major occupational safety risk at the work place.

It was also noted by staff that parts of the hospital’s roof are leaking and there is an inadequate supply of water. The hospital has a portable x-ray machine which is presently non-functional. Other issues noted were the non-availability of important medical equipment, lack of adequate ventilators, insufficient number of monitors and reagents.

Doctors also complained of having to work under unsuitable conditions, being forced to work in, “choked up” areas while on call with no bathroom facility, television or microwave. This, they said, is having a negative effect on them at work.

Charity Meanwhile, health professionals at the Charity Hospital are of the view that the hospital should be made into a main health facility and not just “cottage” hospital.

According to one of the medical officers there, the hospital is not properly equipped with necessary equipment, blood tests and theatre facilities.

In cases of emergency, the Pomeroon River patients have to be rushed to the Suddie Public Hospital and sometimes nurses have to wait hours for the ambulance to arrive.

“Charity should be able to lend its service to the people, we should be able to do surgery, our own, heart test, blood test and everything…sometimes persons come out from the Pomeroon with a serious snake bite or accident, we cannot even handle it….all we can do is call the ambulance and monitor…as medical professionals our hands are tied even as we came to render our services” a medical officer related.

Only recently a mother died on her way to Suddie Public Hospital after Oscar Joseph Hospital could not treat the pregnant mother on time. The delay occurred with the ambulance which resulted into the death of the young mother. The mother was admitted at the Hospital for high blood pressure.

Residents and Health Professional are calling on Minister Norton to give equal attention as he is giving to Linden and other hospitals. Many persons are sometimes forced to venture to West Demerara or the Georgetown Public Hospital to source medical treatment.

Recently also People’s Progressive Party Civic, (PPP\C) councillor, Arnold Adams called for a blood machine for Suddie Public Hospital.

Adams said often persons who are willing to donate blood have to venture to Georgetown Public Hospital at their own expense.

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Professionals complain Guyana Times also interviewed some of the medical professionals who said they are forced to work in inhumane conditions at the Suddie Hospital pointing out that using the operating theatre is “risky”.


Only recently a mother died on her way to Suddie Public Hospital after Oscar Joseph Hospital could not treat the pregnant mother on time. The delay occurred with the ambulance which resulted into the death of the young mother. The mother was admitted at the Hospital for high blood pressure.


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