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Former Member

Mid-year report… Sugar output down 30%, rice falls 26%



Sugar and rice production plunged in the first half of the year, resulting in a reduction of production targets for the year.

According to the Ministry of Finance’s Mid-Year Report laid in the National Assembly on Monday, overall, the agriculture, fishing and forestry sectors contracted by 10 percent, in spite of growth in the livestock, other crops, and fishing subsectors.

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ba$eman posted:

Mid-year report… Sugar output down 30%, rice falls 26%



Sugar and rice production plunged in the first half of the year, resulting in a reduction of production targets for the year.

According to the Ministry of Finance’s Mid-Year Report laid in the National Assembly on Monday, overall, the agriculture, fishing and forestry sectors contracted by 10 percent, in spite of growth in the livestock, other crops, and fishing subsectors.

This is due to extreme drought conditions in the first half of the year. 


The drought is Burnham's plan to punish Indians.  Even dead for 31 years this man is still a power.

He is just as powerful as Jagdeo who claims credit for high gold prices and for the fact that overseas based Guyanese are forced to help support their relatives.


Lord, every excuse for incompetence.  Did we not have drought, rains, floods under the PPP?  Well even the gods must be unhappy with the PNC.

Since the PNC took power, everything is down except crime and despair!  Those are reaching for the stars.

And you clowns have no shame.  At least staan easy and stop making yourselves jackasses!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Lord, every excuse for incompetence.  Did we not have drought, rains, floods under the PPP?  Well even the gods must be unhappy with the PNC.

Since the PNC took power, everything is down except crime and despair!  Those are reaching for the stars.

And you clowns have no shame.  At least staan easy and stop making yourselves jackasses!!

I guess the government controls the weather now, moron. It has been widely reported that the El Nino phenomenon has caused extreme droughts this year. Do you expect sugar and rice to grow without rain?

Crime is on the decrease from the PPP years in case you haven't noticed.


Actually Mars it was La Nina (El Nino affects the western coasts of So America because the Eastern Pacific is cooler than usual)  and by the time the winds drop their moisture after climbing the Andes and reach the eastern half of So America they're bone-dried. The last time was in 2005 and before then 1998 I believe.

Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:

Lord, every excuse for incompetence.  Did we not have drought, rains, floods under the PPP?  Well even the gods must be unhappy with the PNC.

Since the PNC took power, everything is down except crime and despair!  Those are reaching for the stars.

And you clowns have no shame.  At least staan easy and stop making yourselves jackasses!!

I guess the government controls the weather now, moron. It has been widely reported that the El Nino phenomenon has caused extreme droughts this year. Do you expect sugar and rice to grow without rain?

Crime is on the decrease from the PPP years in case you haven't noticed.

Well, I guess since the PPP left, the govt controls very little, not even the weather.  Afterall the PPP seemed to have control over it!

Last edited by Former Member


Guyana is running dry

It seems that global warming has taken its toll on Guyana, especially during the past fifteen or more years. In many cases, the weather pattern in the country seems to be moving from one extreme to the next; that is from floods to droughts. Guyana is now faced with one of the most severe droughts. This condition is also affecting several countries in the Caribbean from Cuba to Trinidad and Tobago.

It is expected to worsen despite a few sparse light showers here and there. The drought has severely affected residents and farmers everywhere as Guyana—the land of many waters– runs dry.

This is not the first time Guyana has experienced such a phenomenon; the most severe drought experienced in Guyana’s recent history took place in 1997-1998. That El Nino event had affected more than 80 percent of the population and had caused tens of millions of dollars in damages to the agriculture sector, especially sugar, rice and cash crops and poultry and dairy farming.

The drought was so severe that it led to water rationing throughout the country. Farmers and residents in the rural areas suffered immensely. The President had to declare a state of emergency and dispatched hundreds of trucks with water to the rural areas to help residents cope.

The current drought is due largely to a paucity of precipitation by a particularly harsh El Niño. The situation was further aggravated by the presence of an abnormal amount of dust and dry air over the Southern Atlantic region. It has intensified by a lack of maintenance of the infrastructure, whereby almost half of the water supply is lost through distribution.

Guyana, like most of its Caribbean neighbours, usually has two weather seasons that occur each year–rainfall and what is known as the dry weather season, with some regions having more rainfall or dry weather than others.

With its main sources of water being rainfall, theground water is stored and conserved in rivers, creeks and in irrigation canals such as the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC).

Most of its fresh water ponds, lakes and streams have dried-up. And to make matters worse, forecasters at Guyana’s $550 million Doppler Radar facility at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport has cautioned the nation that the worst is yet to come because the El Nino phenomenon is gathering strength which will make the drought more severe as the country goes into the dry season. It means that there will be sparse rainfall for this largely parched country for another few weeks.

However, many believe that this drought came at the worst time for the country, especially for rice farmers and sugar workers who are facing a bleak future due to lower prices for commodities on the world market. Agriculture crops and poultry and dairy farming are severely affected both for domestic consumption and exports, which will result in fewer earnings in foreign and local currency.

Several Economists including Dr. Tarron Khemraj and Dr. Fitzroy Kirkpatrick have posited that the budget deficit will increase as a result of the shortfall in revenue from agriculture due to the drought.

The prolonged drought has not only affected the entire country, but it has hit farmers and ordinary householders in Regions One, Three, Six and Nine the hardest.

The present drought should be of great concern to the government from a public health and agricultural perspective since it could bring cholera, dengue, death of animals and destruction of crops by various species of pests that thrive in dry conditions.

The Ministry of Health has to be on alert for those diseases and will perhaps have to spend millions of dollars to manage the additional cost to health services to prevent them. People, livestock and agriculture are at risk.

ba$eman posted:

Lord, every excuse for incompetence.  Did we not have drought, rains, floods under the PPP?  

Listen GuySICKO was in poor shape in May 2015.  They couldn't meet payroll and begged Granger to rescue them.  Wailed that they would have had to fire EVERY one except for security.

Granger hadn't even had time to set his cabinet.

Can you at least admit that GuySICKO is a PPP problem?  I know that your racism prevents you but prove me wrong.

Kari posted:

Actually Mars it was La Nina (El Nino affects the western coasts of So America because the Eastern Pacific is cooler than usual)  and by the time the winds drop their moisture after climbing the Andes and reach the eastern half of So America they're bone-dried. The last time was in 2005 and before then 1998 I believe.

What ever it was even the wet Caribbean countries (Guyana, Trinidad, Grenada and Dominica) were experiencing severe drought early this year.

It must be Burnham coming back to haunt Indians, based on baseman's reaction.  Even in his death for 31 years he gets the blame.

Drought is one thing.  No water. Floods are another and our faulty maintenance of the drainage and irrigation systems, which BOTH the PPP and the PNC can be blamed for, worsens this.  When the PPP was blamed for the weather it was for flooding.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

When you give a GADAHA to run a cake shop it will be a disaster much less a Country.  End of story!!!

Pavi, that's like saying that in the first few months of Obama being President he was responsible for the US losing 3/4 million jobs a month. Know what I mean. The other dude caused it. there's a lag. So when sugar and rice performed less than the average, other than the drought, there could have been conditions wrought under the PPP - the previous dude. Samjeh?

Kari posted:
Nehru posted:

When you give a GADAHA to run a cake shop it will be a disaster much less a Country.  End of story!!!

Pavi, that's like saying that in the first few months of Obama being President he was responsible for the US losing 3/4 million jobs a month. Know what I mean. The other dude caused it. there's a lag. So when sugar and rice performed less than the average, other than the drought, there could have been conditions wrought under the PPP - the previous dude. Samjeh?

Well, it tanked because they knew he was coming and thing going up because he is going.  But he left us ISIS to deal with!  

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:
Nehru posted:

When you give a GADAHA to run a cake shop it will be a disaster much less a Country.  End of story!!!

Pavi, that's like saying that in the first few months of Obama being President he was responsible for the US losing 3/4 million jobs a month. Know what I mean. The other dude caused it. there's a lag. So when sugar and rice performed less than the average, other than the drought, there could have been conditions wrought under the PPP - the previous dude. Samjeh?

BULLSHIT!!  You really that STUPID.  No question mark necessary!!!!!!

ba$eman posted:
But he left us ISIS to deal with!  

Baseman why are GOP senators and congressmen running away from Trump? They are telling voters that they don't endorse Trump and should not be held responsible for this embarrassing character.

SNL is really going to be funny when it comes back after Labor Day.  Seriously Trump is Obama's revenge for how he has been treated by Fox TV.  Trump will do more damage to the GOP more than Obama and BOTH Clintons can do combined!

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:
Nehru posted:

When you give a GADAHA to run a cake shop it will be a disaster much less a Country.  End of story!!!

Pavi, that's like saying that in the first few months of Obama being President he was responsible for the US losing 3/4 million jobs a month. Know what I mean. The other dude caused it. there's a lag. So when sugar and rice performed less than the average, other than the drought, there could have been conditions wrought under the PPP - the previous dude. Samjeh?

Well, it tanked because they knew he was coming and thing going up because he is going.  But he left us ISIS to deal with!  

Once and for all Ba$eman understand these truths:

  • G.W. Bush left an economy in tatters - financial collapse, housing collapse and unemployment at 3/4 million monthly. Health care costs were spiraling upwards. Obama cleaned it up. This is not debatable.
  • G. W. Bush left two wars costing over $1 trillion apiece that Obama had to conclude without costing the country lives and money, and importantly not costing lives in Iraq (more on this below).
  • Bush's 2003 Iraq invasion led to the Shiite/Sunni/Kurd bloodbath and when that Tunisian self-immolated that was just the trigger for the Arab uprising that were years in the making with several US Administrations culpable. That included Syria that was divided into Jordan/Palestine for the British, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The Italians put 3 tribes in Libya together that even without NATO's intervention to stop Qadaffi's bloodbath would have been rent asunder. Iraq was 3 tribes whose uneasy cohabitation was ripped apart by G.W. Bush's abominable, criminal invasion that gave rise to hies Baathist army being reconstituted into ISIS. The Black man was dealt a difficult hand made even more difficulty with a US military, treasury and civilian tolerance for war at a low level.

The one knock on Obama is the same as for Bill Clinton over Rawanda and Bosnia, and that is, he should have spent US military capital in Syria. ISIS was a problem unleashed years before Obama became President and he used an approach that makes sense until you look at close to 1/2 million dead and over 7 million displaced.


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