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GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo
Moses Nagamootoo surrounded by hostile sugar workers

GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo


…in protest outside parliament

HUNDREDS of sugar workers yesterday stood outside Parliament Buildings to protest the use of the scissors to reduce the $6B allocation to the sugar industry.

And Alliance for Change (AFC) member, Moses Nagamootoo, was booed and chased away vehemently by the sugar workers when he walked over to speak to them.
Protestors shouted, ‘Shame Moses’, ‘Moses must go’, and booed the politician, formerly associated with the ruling party, for what they called a “betrayal” of them and their interest.
Nagamootoo, speaking to the media after being moved from the protest area, noted that the AFC has never opposed the allocation to the sector or ignored the interest of the sugar workers, but has been calling for better accountability of the monies injected into the sector.
“The PPP/C (People’s Progressive Party/ Civic) has betrayed the workers,” he said.
Nagamootoo skirted around a definitive answer when he was asked to say whether or not the $6B allocation, which he called a handout, would be cut from the estimates.
He said the allocation will have to be reviewed by the Parliamentary Committee of Supply, which is currently reviewing in detail the allocations in the 2014 Budget.
However, the AFC member stressed that the party is “unlikely to vote against” the $6B allocation, once the answers to relevant questions asked are provided.

Nagamootoo bemoaned what he said was a “paid protest” reflective of “ethnic mobilisation” by the ruling party – a comment for which he was roasted by Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy.
The Minister made it clear that the protestors have a right to fight for their rights if they feel that they are under threat, a reasonable position, given the pronouncements on the industry by both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity.
He said, “It is absolutely reprehensible that Mr. Nagamootoo would make such a statement. Let him go to Albion, to Skeldon and to the other sugar estates, to say that their protest was nothing more than ethnic mobilisation.
“Mr. Nagamootoo should be ashamed of himself for saying such a thing, when he and his party have to go to the very people to ask for their support.”
Ramsammy added that sugar, for decades, has been a significant contributor to the Guyanese economy in its good years, and through the sugar levy, funds were used to support other sectors, including bauxite, and even assist in funding to pay public servants.
“Sugar deserves our support,” he said passionately.
The Agriculture Minister acknowledged the many challenges facing the industry, but maintained his optimism that a turnaround is in sight, particularly considering the advances being made in this regard and the fact that the target of 70,000 tonnes for the first crop is almost reached.

Meanwhile, the protestors marched along High Street, chanting ‘Sugar yes, tilapia no’, in reference to the combined-Opposition’s call to close sugar and replace it with ethanol and aquaculture.
Sugar workers called for Members of Parliament brandishing scissors to take their “scissors or cutlasses” to come to the cane fields and “cut cane”, so they will get a first-hand experience of the life of sugar workers who toil hard and long to put food on the table for their families.
General Secretary of the ruling party, Clement Rohee, was standing with the sugar workers and assured them that they have a right to protest for their rights, and supported their right to take a stand.
Education Minister Priya Manickchand was also standing with the workers and told several of them whom she had met at a prior meeting that she delivered their message to Shadow Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge, for him to come and face the sugar workers, whose livelihoods are on the breadline.
She, like Rohee, supported the workers’ right to demand that sugar not be destroyed, to defend their ability to provide for their families, and to defend their ability and dignity in being able to work and have an assured livelihood.
Other placards made several other appeals along similar lines: ‘Opposition don’t spite the sugar workers’, ‘Sugar worker want builders not MPs who threaten to cut’, ‘APNU and AFC don’t close sugar’ and ‘Enough is enough with APNU/ AFC bullyism’.

(By Vanessa Narine)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nhai, When you become SHAMELESS, A blatabt SELLOUT of your People, then all you waiting for is retirement and forever torment , passion and disgust. Poor Moses!!! Have pity on the FOOL Dear LOrd!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nhai, When you become SHAMELESS, A blatabt SELLOUT of your People, then all you waiting for is retirement and forever torment , passion and disgust. Poor Moses!!! Have pity on the FOOL Dear LOrd!!!!

Bhai Nehru,
This man is an attorney; he will never retire. He is money and power hungry. Someday he will become senile and then his family will have to make the decision to remove him from society. In the meantime, hope god helps his bitter soul.  


Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hope they did not spit on him despite he may deserve such treatment.  I dont approve such actions.

even dogs are more understanding to humans. yuh sah is some case. i doan think the devil is vile look u. atleast the devil know there is a god. You know, u could be a vegetable before Mr. Moses Nagamootoo. What is health. What is safety. In some places, criminal could maime an individaul. Or some virus could make a person into a vegetable. Tek notice, u c how Jagdeo run to America to be cured. He scared shite. Do u have the money he has? 


Ow Ramsammy, what has happenned to ur Madrassie upbringing. Doan forget the PPP will abandon u in the time of your great need. But Nagamootoo will remember u-for politics u r bad mouthing ur relative. BE QUIET-Chup.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hope they did not spit on him despite he may deserve such treatment.  I dont approve such actions.

even dogs are more understanding to humans. yuh sah is some case. i doan think the devil is vile look u. atleast the devil know there is a god. You know, u could be a vegetable before Mr. Moses Nagamootoo. What is health. What is safety. In some places, criminal could maime an individaul. Or some virus could make a person into a vegetable. Tek notice, u c how Jagdeo run to America to be cured. He scared shite. Do u have the money he has? 

And you are immunue to all this!!! BLOODY IDIOT!!!!

Originally Posted by seignet:

Once again the Indian sugar workers are being USED-it is 1948 all over again. When would kuli ppl used their brains.

I think you are the DUMB and STUPID. You love punishment and being a Slave!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hope they did not spit on him despite he may deserve such treatment.  I dont approve such actions.

even dogs are more understanding to humans. yuh sah is some case. i doan think the devil is vile look u. atleast the devil know there is a god. You know, u could be a vegetable before Mr. Moses Nagamootoo. What is health. What is safety. In some places, criminal could maime an individaul. Or some virus could make a person into a vegetable. Tek notice, u c how Jagdeo run to America to be cured. He scared shite. Do u have the money he has? 

And you are immunue to all this!!! BLOODY IDIOT!!!!

My mouth ain't vile like urs. I only hope that some of the vile doan come upon u.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Once again the Indian sugar workers are being USED-it is 1948 all over again. When would kuli ppl used their brains.

I think you are the DUMB and STUPID. You love punishment and being a Slave!!!

U talk too much. U should be quiet fo a while. I hope u razz spare us ur daily crap.


In the budget debate Ashni Singh demolished the opposition. It was evident that Ramjattan, Moses, and Carl Greenidge were humiliated. It would have been very helpful to have TK as part of the AFC parliamentary team to take on Ashni. Neither Moses nor Ramjattan are capable of debating economic issues effectively. Carl Greenidge, a former finance minister and an academic, failed to counter Ashni because his dismal 10-year record with the PNC gov't. I can see the AFC going down the tubes. Sase sensed this and that was why he tendered his resignation. The party is heading for a humiliating defeat at the next elections.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Once again the Indian sugar workers are being USED-it is 1948 all over again. When would kuli ppl used their brains.

I think you are the DUMB and STUPID. You love punishment and being a Slave!!!

U talk too much. U should be quiet fo a while. I hope u razz spare us ur daily crap.

If you cant handle it go with the Girls on Social where you belong!!!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

In the budget debate Ashni Singh demolished the opposition. It was evident that Ramjattan, Moses, and Carl Greenidge were humiliated. It would have been very helpful to have TK as part of the AFC parliamentary team to take on Ashni. Neither Moses nor Ramjattan are capable of debating economic issues effectively. Carl Greenidge, a former finance minister and an academic, failed to counter Ashni because his dismal 10-year record with the PNC gov't. I can see the AFC going down the tubes. Sase sensed this and that was why he tendered his resignation. The party is heading for a humiliating defeat at the next elections.

Put politics aside. Would u agree that the sugar industry has been neglected and every factory and its canefields have been in disarray-including the Skeldon estate. And that Guyanese cannot consume all the sugar that could be produced in the country. Sugar production costs are too high in Guyana and it is marketable on the global market. Our Caribbean cousins doan even favour Guyanese sugar. I could go on. Waiting for ur answer.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Once again the Indian sugar workers are being USED-it is 1948 all over again. When would kuli ppl used their brains.

I think you are the DUMB and STUPID. You love punishment and being a Slave!!!

U talk too much. U should be quiet fo a while. I hope u razz spare us ur daily crap.

If you cant handle it go with the Girls on Social where you belong!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

HUNDREDS of sugar workers yesterday stood outside Parliament Buildings to protest the use of the scissors to reduce the $6B allocation to the sugar industry.


And Alliance for Change (AFC) member, Moses Nagamootoo, was booed and chased away vehemently by the sugar workers when he walked over to speak to them.

Protestors shouted, ‘Shame Moses’, ‘Moses must go’, and booed the politician, formerly associated with the ruling party, for what they called a “betrayal” of them and their interest.
 GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo
GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo
Moses Nagamootoo surrounded by hostile sugar workers

GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo

And much more will face him on his "political quest".

Originally Posted by warrior:

when one set of indians is protesting for the 6b a next set is  protesting for money the government have for them two yrs now

Protesting is healthy for a GREAT DEMOCRACY like Guyana.

Originally Posted by warrior:

when one set of indians is protesting for the 6b a next set is  protesting for money the government have for them two yrs now

Brother understand: Their wrath is directed at Nagamootoo. They are chasing him out of the area. They don't want to see him there. He is a sell out.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:

when one set of indians is protesting for the 6b a next set is  protesting for money the government have for them two yrs now

Protesting is healthy for a GREAT DEMOCRACY like Guyana.

Democracy since 1992.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:

when one set of indians is protesting for the 6b a next set is  protesting for money the government have for them two yrs now

Protesting is healthy for a GREAT DEMOCRACY like Guyana.

Democracy since 1992.



Moses took a lot of heat from the protestors for lying to the people in Berbice. Them Berbicians are not mad as some people think. Them remember what Moses and Ramjattan said and spit it back in them face during the protest. The PPP stand a great chance in winning the 2016 election. Everybody voted for change and now they have to run back to the PPP, while members are running away from the AFC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Cheddie wanted to chase the buccra man out of BG because he claimed indoes were working for slave wages. Well, today they are indeed working for slave wages. The wishes for sugar to fail by Cheddie and Janet has materialized-it was their curse upon the industry and it is cursed. Their attemps to burn canefields and sabotage factories has been fullfilled by his proteges in the Peoples Progressive Party. Curses do happen-eventually. The PPP wants to give away 6 billion, not to sugar workers but rather to upper echelon of Guysuco. But the common man was bought with a few pieces of handouts. The industry will fail-no matter what Ramsammy seys. And he doan have a clue about sugar production. The industry became too large and UNMANAGEABLE. Just like the PPP, it lacks management skills.  


Moses Nagamootoo will survive. He has to shed the Jagan syndrome. Embrace true democracy, step aside from confrontational politics and become the statesman that is sadly lacking in Guyana. He has the background. He will never be President, but the facilitator of the creation of a truly democratic party. The country's first ever.   

Originally Posted by Nehru:



Me too.


They are standing up to the AFC/PNC Economist terrorism.


Next time Moses and the AFC will face Ghanda eggs in Berbice. I was saying all along that Berbicians will crush the AFC. It is now a reality.


The PPP must continue the campaign to crush the AFC.


I was not kidding when I talked about the AFC becoming Baigan Choka.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

HUNDREDS of sugar workers yesterday stood outside Parliament Buildings to protest the use of the scissors to reduce the $6B allocation to the sugar industry.


And Alliance for Change (AFC) member, Moses Nagamootoo, was booed and chased away vehemently by the sugar workers when he walked over to speak to them.

Protestors shouted, ‘Shame Moses’, ‘Moses must go’, and booed the politician, formerly associated with the ruling party, for what they called a “betrayal” of them and their interest.
 GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo
GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo
Moses Nagamootoo surrounded by hostile sugar workers

GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo

And much more will face him on his "political quest".


Tell dem DG. Tell dem.


Moses talked from both sides of his mouth and the cane cutters put him in his place.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC is finished.


RIP Snakeoil



This is a discussion board. It is not a paste board for stupid slogans

Forgive him.  The three qualifications for being a PPP supporter are being a corrupt crony capitalist, being a soup drinker, and being illiterate.


Its clear where yuji, Nehru, conscience, and skeldonman fall. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC is finished.


RIP Snakeoil



This is a discussion board. It is not a paste board for stupid slogans

Forgive him.  The three qualifications for being a PPP supporter are being a corrupt crony capitalist, being a soup drinker, and being illiterate.


Its clear where yuji, Nehru, conscience, and skeldonman fall. 

Coming from a RACIST DOG like you, that HAS to be a COMPLEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC is finished.


RIP Snakeoil



This is a discussion board. It is not a paste board for stupid slogans

Forgive him.  The three qualifications for being a PPP supporter are being a corrupt crony capitalist, being a soup drinker, and being illiterate.


Its clear where yuji, Nehru, conscience, and skeldonman fall. 

Coming from a RACIST DOG like you, that HAS to be a COMPLEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nehru Bhai


Leave them racist Indo haters alone. The sugar workers will put them in their place.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

HUNDREDS of sugar workers yesterday stood outside Parliament Buildings to protest the use of the scissors to reduce the $6B allocation to the sugar industry.


And Alliance for Change (AFC) member, Moses Nagamootoo, was booed and chased away vehemently by the sugar workers when he walked over to speak to them.

Protestors shouted, ‘Shame Moses’, ‘Moses must go’, and booed the politician, formerly associated with the ruling party, for what they called a “betrayal” of them and their interest.
 GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo
GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo
Moses Nagamootoo surrounded by hostile sugar workers

GuySuCo workers boo, chase Nagamootoo

And much more will face him on his "political quest".


Tell dem DG. Tell dem.


Moses talked from both sides of his mouth and the cane cutters put him in his place.

Bhai Yuji,

You see Moses look like he is pissed off at the crowd. You see him with his hand raised and finger pointing in the direction where the insults are coming from. He must be saying "ah you rass lucky me nah deh in pawa, meh would show ahyu weh barley ah grow". Thank god he is as useless as tits on a bull.

The man is in obscurity and wants attention. It's time he rides into the sunset. His time has come...RIP comrade Moses.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Forgive him.  The three qualifications for being a PPP supporter are being a corrupt crony capitalist, being a soup drinker, and being illiterate.


Its clear where yuji, Nehru, conscience, and skeldonman fall. 

Coming from a RACIST DOG like you, that HAS to be a COMPLEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rest my case with your response.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Leave them racist Indo haters alone. The sugar workers will put them in their place.

Hmmm.  One is an "indo hater" if one insists that Indians have been as racist and blacks, and no more victimized as blacks have been by racism/


One is an "Indo hater" if one says that if the sale of Guymine was justified because it was a burden, the sale of Guysuco is also justifiable, because we have seen the massive subsidies and the failure of the massive investment at Skeldon.


Do you not wonder if you arent an Afro hater because you are quite happy to let Linden starve.  And when they protest bullets rather than dialogue in your eyes is the proper response!


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