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Former Member

Several workers who were previously employed at the Skeldon sugar estate on Friday morning picketed the estate calling for the Government to remit the severance payments without any further delay.

In a statement released by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), the Union said it has been 273 days since Skeldon, Rose Hall and East Demerara Estates were closed and 638 days since Wales Estate met a similar fate.

The union said the fate of the estates led to difficult lives for the workers but the workers are still awaiting half of their severance benefits.

GAWU which has representatives at each estate, said the workers have exhausted the first half of their severance received earlier this year to “feed their families or send their children to school…among other things.”

“They said that they are facing troubling times and their outstanding monies will greatly assist them,” he said.


Friday’s picketing came one day after the most recent hearing of a High Court matter filed by GAWU, to have the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) pay full severance to 4,283 workers of the Skeldon, Rosehall and the East Demerara Sugar Estates.

According to GAWU, Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln who is the presiding Judge in the matter on Thursday requested GAWU, GuySuCo and NICIL (which is currently responsible for majority of GuySuCo’s assets) to present their arguments, in writing, within two weeks.

“On October 29, 218 she committed to making a ruling on the matter,” the union said.

The Government in July promised to pay workers’ remaining severance before the end of 2018 and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon recently reassured that the sum needed will be ready for payment when promised.


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Dave posted:

Several workers who were previously employed at the Skeldon sugar estate on Friday morning picketed the estate calling for the Government to remit the severance payments without any further delay.

In a statement released by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), the Union said it has been 273 days since Skeldon, Rose Hall and East Demerara Estates were closed and 638 days since Wales Estate met a similar fate.

The union said the fate of the estates led to difficult lives for the workers but the workers are still awaiting half of their severance benefits.

GAWU which has representatives at each estate, said the workers have exhausted the first half of their severance received earlier this year to “feed their families or send their children to school…among other things.”

“They said that they are facing troubling times and their outstanding monies will greatly assist them,” he said.


Friday’s picketing came one day after the most recent hearing of a High Court matter filed by GAWU, to have the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) pay full severance to 4,283 workers of the Skeldon, Rosehall and the East Demerara Sugar Estates.

According to GAWU, Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln who is the presiding Judge in the matter on Thursday requested GAWU, GuySuCo and NICIL (which is currently responsible for majority of GuySuCo’s assets) to present their arguments, in writing, within two weeks.

“On October 29, 218 she committed to making a ruling on the matter,” the union said.

The Government in July promised to pay workers’ remaining severance before the end of 2018 and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon recently reassured that the sum needed will be ready for payment when promised.

Dave posted:
The Government in July promised to pay workers’ remaining severance before the end of 2018 and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon recently reassured that the sum needed will be ready for payment when promised.

so, what exactly is all the gyrating on this issue supposed to achieve other than a steady supply of 'lead items' in the opposition papers and faux talking points for the baldheaded Rat's press conferences?



There are 4,283 workers that are directly affected. Why not give these workers plot of abandoned sugar lands that  are laid wasted in lieu of part of their severance pay? They can grow cash crops or even help bring in foreign currency by producing vegetables for export.

It seems like the past government, the current regime is bent on keeping these people poor.

Mitwah posted:

There are 4,283 workers that are directly affected. Why not give these workers plot of abandoned sugar lands that  are laid wasted in lieu of part of their severance pay? They can grow cash crops or even help bring in foreign currency by producing vegetables for export.

It seems like the past government, the current regime is bent on keeping these people poor.

Mitwah, you and i both know that if FULL severance IN CASH is not paid to the sugar workers, there will be holy hell to pay this Christmas

your in lieu suggestion would be litigated all the way to the CCJ, and GAWU would cynically support Anil and the PPP in consolidating local and international support for what would be the foundation of the PPP's 2020 campaign 

your proposal is a matter for another day after the people get their money

Tola posted:

When the  sugar workers don't get paid and use a gun to feed their family, Guyana might really become a shit hole country.   

this is the 2nd time in a week where you seem to be suggesting, poking and hoping . . .

your "gun" provocation is noted

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

When the  sugar workers don't get paid and use a gun to feed their family, Guyana might really become a shit hole country.   

You should try teaching them how to fish!

Mitwah posted:

There are 4,283 workers that are directly affected. Why not give these workers plot of abandoned sugar lands that  are laid wasted in lieu of part of their severance pay? They can grow cash crops or even help bring in foreign currency by producing vegetables for export.

It seems like the past government, the current regime is bent on keeping these people poor.

You cannot just throw them into the ocean and tell them swim.  Certain cash crop have export potential but each individual farmer  👩‍🌾 is powerless.  There will need to be middlemen consolidators and end customers coordinators.  Maybe the granger government could play a role here. 


Stop robbing the poor, pay the people what is owed to them. The government is in default, the sugar worker should squat on the Estate properties, even take possession of the renovated LBI Bar.

ronan posted:
Tola posted:

When the  sugar workers don't get paid and use a gun to feed their family, Guyana might really become a shit hole country.   

this is the 2nd time in a week where you seem to be suggesting, poking and hoping . . .

your "gun" provocation is noted

No provocation. Tola not a terrorist. Without a gun, how else could a sacked worker effectively hunt wild animals to feed his family? Brer Labba won't walk into his yard and say "take me, I'm succulent." The hungry man gotta shoot that bloody brown labba and boil its meat to eat. Scratch out your "noted".

Last edited by Former Member

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