Sugar workers were fooled to join in a protest that was not called for
Dear Editor,
It is with great concern that I am penning this letter to your column because of what took place on April 9th in front of the Parliament Building, whereby sugar workers were fooled to join the PPP in a protest that was not called for.
As sugar workers from the Blairmont Estate was about the take the lorries to go to work on this said day, the GAWU representatives stopped them from going to work and told them that they will have to go and protest in Georgetown because the AFC and APNU have cut the money for Guysuco. The workers were told that if they joined in the protest they will be receiving their day’s pay, free drinks and food. So, some opted for the free money and ride, while others went to work.
Mr. Editor, it is sad that sugar workers are being constantly fooled by this government and most of all they are using the sugar workers as a political football for their personal gains. More over what is sad is that the workers didn’t even know what the cause they are protesting for, many say that they were informed that AFC\APNU had cut the budget for the workers and Guysuco.
Brothers and sisters in the sugar industry, it is very sad to see that you were fooled and yet you took to the streets to protest for something that was not even before the National Assembly for voting as yet. However, what I find really strange is that there is no raise of pay for you the workers in the sugar industry for 2014.
As I had the opportunity to listen to both the Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Mr. Komal Chand in Parliament during the budget debates 2014, it was shocking that none of these men called for increased wages and salaries for the sugar workers or better working conditions for 2014. One would have thought that Komal Chand who is the President of GAWU, the union that represents the rights of the workers, would have at least asked for an increase for the workers in 2014. This shows that none of them are interested in the welfare of the sugar workers, neither the PPP\C because none of the MP’s on their side (PPP) stand up for the workers.
The AFC MP’s Dr. Ramayya, Kemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo all stand up for the rights of the sugar workers and asked several questions as to better wages and salaries for the workers and for a better working conditions in 2014, but were constantly told that there is no money for the workers at this stage or in 2014.
Brothers and sisters, these workers will have to toil day and night to better the industry and yet those in authorities do not care for them, all they are doing is using the sugar workers for their personnel gains and benefits.
To see the Ministers of government being so bold and bare face to lie to this nation by telling workers that AFC\APNU cut the allocation to Guysuco before it was voted on in Parliament is a shame and disgrace to the working class of this country, more over a disgrace to the educated people to see that these people hold some of the highest offices in this land and lie just to get political power.
My questions to Guysuco, the Minister of Agriculture and the PPP is: how much money was wasted on this so-called protest? How much cane was harvested on this day and what was the worker turnout like (when Blairmont Factory had no cane to grind)? Who funded this Protest? And more importantly, what amount of increase in salary\wages will be given to sugar workers for 2014?
Our brothers and sisters in the sugar industry must now live with it for 2014. There is no increase for them and that they have caused upon themselves by jointing the PPP\C to put the money to Guysuco and none to them. They agree to the no raise of pay for 2014 by jointing the PPP\C in the so-called Protest. My question to the workers is: will the PPP join you in your protest for better wages\salaries for 2014?
Abel Seetaram