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Former Member

Sugar Workers will never forget the Disrespect


Wednesday , October 28 2015, Citizen’s Report, Source


FACED with a moribund economy and a total loss of confidence of the population, one would think that APNU+AFC would finally get down to the task of governing and stop the foolish pursuit of harassment of political opponents.  Sugar workers and rice farmers are citizens of Guyana, not enemies of APNU+AFC. Seriously addressing the crisis in both rice and sugar are imperatives for APNU+AFC, not another platform to disrespect sugar workers and rice farmers.

We must all want the 2015 sugar target to be met. This strike action should be seen as a matter in the national interest, not petty political quarrels.

Dismissing the strike as political, as the Minister of Agriculture and APNU+AFC have done, is abrogating their responsibility to ensure we do everything to grow our economy. Given the blessed weather that we have experienced from the sugar industry perspective, we must do everything to end this strike immediately.  We are not guaranteed such good weather forever.

The sugar workers were on strike because GuySuCo had not honored both its agreement and its practice to meet for wage negotiation with the workers representatives. This is as simple as it is. Workers are fighting for their fundamental rights; APNU+AFC is playing politics.

GuySuCo must sit with GAWU immediately and if APNU+AFC is serious about addressing the slowdown of the economy, they will order that GUYSUCO meet GAWU today to start the negotiation for wage increases for sugar workers. This is not doing sugar workers a favor; this is the duty of the government.

It appears to me that APNU+AFC has taken a similar position they took with rice farmers. They told the rice farmers that the low paddy price is their business since they are private sector participants and the price is purely between them and the millers.

This same hands-off attitude is glaring now in the sugar industry. Their position is that it is a matter for GUYSUCO and GAWU, knowing well that GUYSUCO will need support from the government.

Incidentally, the COI into sugar was initiated by APNU+AFC. They intervene in all sorts of matter for their own purposes, but when it suits them, they are hands-off. If there is a time for them to be engaged.

The workers deserve a wage increase and the APNU+AFC administration must be at the table now. APNU+AFC cannot so easily delink themselves from what is another challenge to the economy. They cannot simply excuse themselves by dismissing the strike as political.

There is need to recognize that the workers were on strike for a purely legitimate grievance.

The Minister of Agriculture has further added to the insult of the sugar workers by now saying that the workers are the highest paid workers in Guyana. He claims that the COI Report is his source for the information.


This is the same Minister who also said that the COI did not include in its mandate any consideration of salary and wages. The Minister of Agriculture by making this irresponsible statement is revealing his total ignorance of the sugar industry.

I invite the Minister to refer to statements of his colleagues, such as Nagamootoo and Ramjattan before the elections and to the many TV shows hosted by the AFC in Region 6 before May 2015 in which they spoke about the plight of sugar workers who were not earning enough to feed their families.

Sugar workers are among the hardest working people anywhere in the world. They do back-breaking work and deserve every dollar they are paid and much more. Mr. Holder has no idea what the circumstances of sugar workers are.

A sugar worker works hard, but is guaranteed work for only a period of time during the year. When the crop is over he is unemployed and when his wages and salaries are computed on an annual basis, he or she earns below the minimum wage.

What I do know is that Mr. Holder as a Minister in Guyana is a member of the highest paid cabinet in CARICOM. For him to now say that the sugar workers are the highest paid workers in Guyana is insulting and disrespecting the sugar workers. Sugar workers will not forget this insult.

Mr. Nagamootoo, Mr. Ramjattan, Mr. Greenidge, Mr. Jordon, and others like Mr. Charandass and Dr. Ramaya must now go on record and say whether they agree with Mr. Holder and if this is what the COI Report stated, then the quality of that report is already questionable.

Incidentally the report is still a secret report and I suppose they will have yet another reason to sanitize the report before releasing it.

Already they had to sanitize the report by omitting recommendations for closure after many of us objected to the proposed closure of estates. Now, if the Minister of Agriculture is not misstating the report, any reference to sugar workers being the highest paid workers in Guyana will be unfortunate and will poison the environment in which we must have all stakeholders working to ensure GUYSUCO grows and surpass its previous glory days.

One way to start the process of making sure we are on the road to 350,000 tons by end of 2017 is to sit and negotiate with the workers with seriousness so that we can end the strike now. Each day we engage in foolishness, we hurt our country.

My message to APNU+AFC is govern, do not just wield power.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sugar workers and rice farmers are citizens of Guyana, not enemies of APNU+AFC.


These back bones of Guyana are not only disrespected by this lousy government, they are been beaten and robbed by pardoned criminal. No increase for them, yet they have to give up their two cents to the new national freedom criminals of Guyana. Yall don't have any shame? Is this the way yall intend to run government?

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Sugar workers and rice farmers are citizens of Guyana, not enemies of APNU+AFC.


These back bones of Guyana are not only disrespected by this lousy government, they are been beaten and robbed by pardoned criminal. No increase for them, yet they have to give up their two cents to the new national freedom criminals of Guyana. Yall don't have any shame? Is this the way yall intend to run government?

Over t he past decade the industry has been functioning at a loss. It is being heavily subsidized by the government so they are the  backbone of themselves. This strike is ill timed and serves only to lessen their chances that the industry can be restored to health. Guysuco has not even paid its NIS dues for awhile.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Sugar workers and rice farmers are citizens of Guyana, not enemies of APNU+AFC.


These back bones of Guyana are not only disrespected by this lousy government, they are been beaten and robbed by pardoned criminal. No increase for them, yet they have to give up their two cents to the new national freedom criminals of Guyana. Yall don't have any shame? Is this the way yall intend to run government?

eunuch, make an effort to speak recognizable English please



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Sugar workers and rice farmers are citizens of Guyana, not enemies of APNU+AFC.


These back bones of Guyana are not only disrespected by this lousy government, they are been beaten and robbed by pardoned criminal. No increase for them, yet they have to give up their two cents to the new national freedom criminals of Guyana. Yall don't have any shame? Is this the way yall intend to run government?

eunuch, make an effort to speak recognizable English please



Shut yuh Baxside and go to England!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Sugar workers and rice farmers are citizens of Guyana, not enemies of APNU+AFC.


These back bones of Guyana are not only disrespected by this lousy government, they are been beaten and robbed by pardoned criminal. No increase for them, yet they have to give up their two cents to the new national freedom criminals of Guyana. Yall don't have any shame? Is this the way yall intend to run government?

eunuch, make an effort to speak recognizable English please



Shut yuh Baxside and go to England!!!!!!!!!!!!

suh, u is "Red Wine"?


alyuh 2 illiterate alike and gat bt selling in common

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:

This Phantom Squad leader was once the Minister of Agriculture and bankrupted the sugar industry under his watch. He has some freakin nerve to talk about disrespect. 

The irony of a man who suddenly "discovered" that sugar workers are "suffering".


If he cared about them he would have ensured that Guysuco was managed properly.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This Phantom Squad leader was once the Minister of Agriculture and bankrupted the sugar industry under his watch. He has some freakin nerve to talk about disrespect. 

The irony of a man who suddenly "discovered" that sugar workers are "suffering".


If he cared about them he would have ensured that Guysuco was managed properly.

It is obvious that Guyana can't produce sugar competitively. Granger should take the bold step of privatizing the industry. The private sector will then decide if it is profitable. The subsidies needed to stop as I don't see the benefit it is bringing Guyana. It would be cheaper to give sugar workers welfare check rather than keep subsidizing shortfalls with taxpayers dollars. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This Phantom Squad leader was once the Minister of Agriculture and bankrupted the sugar industry under his watch. He has some freakin nerve to talk about disrespect. 

The irony of a man who suddenly "discovered" that sugar workers are "suffering".


If he cared about them he would have ensured that Guysuco was managed properly.

It is obvious that Guyana can't produce sugar competitively. Granger should take the bold step of privatizing the industry. The private sector will then decide if it is profitable. The subsidies needed to stop as I don't see the benefit it is bringing Guyana.It would be cheaper to give sugar workers welfare check rather than keep subsidizing shortfalls with taxpayers dollars. 

Good point i was thinking the same,or is it pride GY have

to keep it afloat.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is obvious that Guyana can't produce sugar competitively. Granger should take the bold step of privatizing the industry. The private sector will then decide if it is profitable. The subsidies needed to stop as I don't see the benefit it is bringing Guyana. It would be cheaper to give sugar workers welfare check rather than keep subsidizing shortfalls with taxpayers dollars. 

The industry should be privatized, and Guyana needs to apply grants received from the EU, and get more if necessary, to get the sugar workers help in transition to other occupations. 


This can include 99 year leases on farm lands, with options to buy at below market rates, once they prove that they are efficfient farmers.


Why focus on a product with declining demand, when the world is moving to food scarcity?


Welfare is a bad idea.  A transitional safety net is always better.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This Phantom Squad leader was once the Minister of Agriculture and bankrupted the sugar industry under his watch. He has some freakin nerve to talk about disrespect. 

The irony of a man who suddenly "discovered" that sugar workers are "suffering".


If he cared about them he would have ensured that Guysuco was managed properly.

It is obvious that Guyana can't produce sugar competitively. Granger should take the bold step of privatizing the industry. The private sector will then decide if it is profitable. The subsidies needed to stop as I don't see the benefit it is bringing Guyana.It would be cheaper to give sugar workers welfare check rather than keep subsidizing shortfalls with taxpayers dollars. 

Good point i was thinking the same,or is it pride GY have

to keep it afloat.

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 


Guymine was sold and over 80% of the workers lost their jobs, and were left to their own devices, with cheaper electricity being the only concession.


So why not sugar workers?  Because they are Indian, so you can empathize with them?


Should other state workers see their pay reach this? Even nurses and teachers do not earn this much.


Aside from senior ministers and the VPs who got a 50% salary increase?


Guysuco already has a bloated payroll.  If sugar workers wish more, then more labor intensive methods need to be used, with some workers losing their jobs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:



Ramsammy was the guy who coordinated a national program to prevent sugar warders children from killing themselves.

He rass was more interested in front page news glorifying his photograph, than saving young lives.


He has little value with sugar workers, to speak on their behalf.

Jagdeo with his nasty and vindictiveness is still in control, even with Komal Chand.    

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 



AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.

According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 

AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct. They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

like many of the loudmouths here, this VVP character has nothing proper/responsible to contribute - settling for stupidness, un-reason, vindictiveness and score-settling tribal bile



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 

AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

like many of the loudmouths here, this VVP character has nothing proper to contribute but stupidness, vindictiveness and score-settling tribal bile



PNC man redux syfh nah who cares.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 

AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

like many of the loudmouths here, this VVP character has nothing proper/responsible to contribute - settling for stupidness, un-reason, vindictiveness and score-settling tribal bile



PNC man redux syfh nah who cares.

i rather think that being a "PNC man" is way better than stumbling thru late middle age as wan ignorant, horing antiman carrying jagdeo wata



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 

AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

like many of the loudmouths here, this VVP character has nothing proper/responsible to contribute - settling for stupidness, un-reason, vindictiveness and score-settling tribal bile



PNC man redux syfh nah who cares.

i rather think that being a "PNC man" is way better than stumbling thru late middle age as wan ignorant, horing antiman carrying jagdeo wata



Yuh can be dat too if yuh wan, jagdeo might treat you tenderly 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 

AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

like many of the loudmouths here, this VVP character has nothing proper/responsible to contribute - settling for stupidness, un-reason, vindictiveness and score-settling tribal bile



PNC man redux syfh nah who cares.

i rather think that being a "PNC man" is way better than stumbling thru late middle age as wan ignorant, horing antiman carrying jagdeo wata

Yuh can be dat too if yuh wan, jagdeo might treat you tenderly 

uh huh, an invite to join u . . . no thanks



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 



AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

GAWU's Komal Chand stated that the canecutters make around $1.2 million annually which works out to US$500 a month for twelve months.
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 



AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

GAWU said they work for GY$1.2 million a year.  I assume that he knows what he is talking about.   Obviously they make enough money when they do work to allow them to save for periods when they don't.


Even when you account for this, they are clearly among the most advantaged working class Guyanese. GAWU now made them look like spoiled brats, almost as self absorbed as the Nagamootoo, senior ministers and the VPs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 



AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

GAWU's Komal Chand stated that the canecutters make around $1.2 million annually which works out to US$500 a month for twelve months.

Cane cutters do not work 12 months. They work 9 months. The next three they moonlight as rice/vegetable  farmers and fishermen


Without a basic realistic wage in the sugar industry, everything else is secondary.


The Union have a right to call for collective bargaining.


I was told that Malcolmn Harripual who is the deputy head of the SPY Agency was seen monitoring the movements of Union leaders on the estates?




We going back to that shit?  That happened in Burnham days right?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Without a basic realistic wage in the sugar industry, everything else is secondary.


The Union have a right to call for collective bargaining.


I was told that Malcolmn Harripual who is the deputy head of the SPY Agency was seen monitoring the movements of Union leaders on the estates?




We going back to that shit?  That happened in Burnham days right?

The period ahead will be extremely sensitive on the sugar belt.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Without a basic realistic wage in the sugar industry, everything else is secondary.


The Union have a right to call for collective bargaining.


I was told that Malcolmn Harripual who is the deputy head of the SPY Agency was seen monitoring the movements of Union leaders on the estates?




We going back to that shit?  That happened in Burnham days right?

The period ahead will be extremely sensitive on the sugar belt.

why do you call for a "realistic" wage and not one that is fair or equitable or sustainable?


this is not about your personal shit with Malcolm Harripaul or anyone else


this is about the future of an industry the PPP has bungled and destroyed with politics and greed, and left double digit thousands of workers in deep jeopardy


try act responsible for a change

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I THINK that sugar might be a NET foreign exchange earner and that's why they might want to keep the estates open.  Anyway sugar workers are state workers just like any public sector worker only that they have to do manual labor. So if we are willing to give public sector employees raises there is absolutely no reason why sugar workers should not be fairly compensated on the same basis that the public sector raises were given.  I say 50% raise for everyone, fuget about the state of the economy we gun just keep borrowing.



According to GAWU sugar workers make US$500/month.  You would never have made the same demands for bauxite workers. 



AH that would be for the month dey wuking IF your quote is correct.  They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some.

 The quote is correct. They work 9 months a year. No one gets free meals from anyone in guyana. We we do not have a social welfare safety net. Even the poor pensioners get only 17k a month and that is if the horrible accounting system in NIS agrees with them. Brazzington refused to accept 125 million in dividends due the NIS from the Berbice River company and that could be a pretty penny in these old folks pocket.


We have had horrible governments for our entire existence. We cannot nit pick on each other because that is how the elites win. Note when GUYMINE was sold it first went to  OMAI for 4 million US. Four years later it was sold to BOSAI for 45 million! Ramator  sat on OMAI board when this happened. Not a damn thing was ever done in Linden to aid the workers there who were thrown to the one give them one meal.


Meanwhile Banshilin hauls 500 containers of unhewn hardwoods a month from the region with no value added industry set up. Note Amazon sells wamara plank 15 by 18 inches for 500 dollars. Purple heartproducts abound and all of which we could make in our own damn country. We hardly make 14 million each year on these woods.


Note the Chinese rents their pandas to the US for more than that each year and that is recurring. I think they have between 12 to 15 pandas and they get a million per in rental fees plus a cut on panda products as trademark benefits.


It is the scope of our exploitation that makes it absolutely abhorrent to insist that "They doan wuk all year and get fed 3 free square meals like some". This is the heart of our injustice to each other. We fail to empathize with the horrible way some are treated and because we feel kinship to others we stand with them. We are Guyanese and educated ones at that and should not let these things mediate our desire to make our country a better place.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Without a basic realistic wage in the sugar industry, everything else is secondary.


The Union have a right to call for collective bargaining.


I was told that Malcolmn Harripual who is the deputy head of the SPY Agency was seen monitoring the movements of Union leaders on the estates?




We going back to that shit?  That happened in Burnham days right?

The Union, need to take into consideration the work to be done to resurrect this industry. It is already subsidized and it is the rest of the people who pay up the six billion. Do you think they should say close the bitch down? What we need is a united effort to rehabilitate this industry and it will mean downsizing however much the Granger administration may not want it. That is the only solution because it is too far down the rabbit hole.


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