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NA man commits suicide

A New Amsterdam family was plunged into mourning on Saturday morning after a 24-year-old man was found hanging by the neck from a rope at his Angoy’s Avenue home.

Dead, Sherlund Allen

Dead, Sherlund Allen

Dead is Sherlund Allen of Ogleton Dam. The body of the unemployed man was found about 00:30h on Saturday by his brother, Orin Sampson.
According to Sampson, Allen was the only person at home when he returned from a next-door cousin shortly after midnight.
“When I reach home, I saw like the top half of the door just open suddenly and I feel like something push me… When I walk going into my room to sleep and I raise up so, is my brother hanging with a rope on his neck. All I could do is holla.”
With that, neighbours came and the body was taken down before Police were contacted. Sampson said he was not sure whether his brother was still alive when the discovery was made.
“When I holla, I run towards him to see if he still breathing an if he still soft because I ain’t want see he an leff he dea still alive an ain’t do nothing,” the grieving brother said.
Allen is said to have worked in the interior for a number of years, but gave up the job more than a year ago during which time he started attending a church in the community. However, on Friday morning, reports are that he refused to go with another relative to the weekly deliverance service.
According to the dead man’s brother, on Friday afternoon, when he arrived home, Allen was in his bedroom reading a Bible. “He came out the bedroom and pass me and go on the back landing and he fly back inside the room and lock the bedroom door and I ask he, ‘Sherlund, wha wrong buddy,’ and he ain’t really respond to me. I ain’t pay he no mind because ah know that he start to go to church an changing he life.”
Allen had recently removed the braids from his hair was part of the changes in his life. “He start living a decent life,” Sampson said.
Reports are that Allen had no girlfriend and few friends; relatives have found no connection which might suggest the motive for the suicide.
Allen leaves to mourn two siblings and his mother.

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asj posted:





Region 2 Working Suicide Group plans host of sensitisation, parenting programmes to tackle issue

By Indrawattie Natram


A series of activities have been planned by the Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) Working Suicide Group as it launches an awareness programme to tackle the issue of suicide.
Among the actions and projects to be undertaken by the recently-formed group were positive talk show programmes, a parenting forum, the erection of billboards with anti-suicide messages and talks with students from various secondary schools. Last year, the Group hosted several activities, including a “Suicide Prevention Forum” with major stakeholders.
According to the Chairman of the group, Dr Ranjeev Singh, Region Two is facing a crisis as it relates to suicide, with someone attempting to end their life almost every day.  Given that frightening scenario, the Group will actively tackle the issue by implementing programmes in an effort to find solutions and raise awareness about positive thinking at all levels.
Dr Singh informed members of the group, which had met on Wednesday, that the Region presently had the highest suicide rate in Guyana,  and it was sad to see young people losing their lives as a result of depression and frustration.
He said the Group would be working with major stakeholders, including the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Foundation, and the Region Two administration, in empowering persons to be stronger and exercise faith in life. He opened the doors also for any organisation to come on board and support the initiative within the Region.
During the meeting, members came up with the strategic programme to empower and reach out to the younger population and members of various communities. It was also suggested that the weedicide Gramoxone, which has been used by a majority of persons to commit suicide in Guyana, be banned from the market.
Also present at the meeting was G Division (Essequibo Coast and Islands) Commander Kevin Adonis. Divisional Commander Adonis said the Group had the full support of the Police Force and pledged to erect two anti-suicide billboards along the Coast. Already, several youth groups have been formed by G Division as a way of getting the youths involved in meaningful activities.
The Working Suicide Group also suggested that a mental health officer and a psychologist be placed at the Suddie Public Hospital to offer counselling to those individuals who survived their suicide attempt. The Group is calling on persons who are willing to volunteer their services to assist in whatever way they can, so that the message can be sent that life is important and despite whatever challenges, one may be going through, one should have faith in God and life.
Also attending the meeting were Regional Democratic Council (RDC) member Samad Baksh, Prime Ministerial Representative Karam Chand and Regional Vice Chairman Nandranie Coonjah.


Abnormally high suicide rate

Dear Editor,
The abnormally high suicide rate is unlikely to drop and will continue to climb bearing the fact that we ignore addressing the root to this problem. Guyana catalogues a catastrophic dynamic fuelling this scourge that includes: widespread illiteracy, a murder rate three times that of the USA, inadequate health care, soaring joblessness, deep poverty, dysfunctional politics, bloated corruption, protracted alcoholism, high prevalence of mental health issues, abuse, turbulent ethnic/race relations, marginalization and a succession of dysfunctional governments.
Obstacles (stimulus) such as these create unbearable stressful life events, triggering the onset of mental health related issues including – sadness, hopelessness, despair, low self-worth and mental disorders (depression, anxiety among a slew of others) which ultimately drive substance abuse (alcoholism) and or suicide.
Abrogating the suicide rate would require radically reversing this catastrophic dynamic but nothing is being done. Instead, we take a Band-Aid approach. We hide pesticides and ropes, among a string of others. However, this results in temporary solutions only leaving victims in an environment conducive to relapse. To make matters worse, the Indo-Guyanese population is largely affected and this requires professionals with an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of this subculture to which there is a glaring lack at the Ministry of Social Protection (Ministry of Human Services), spurring serious concerns over its ability to tackle problems in a multi-ethnic society. Clearly we lack effective approaches fighting this scourge.
Harnessing this problem would require us to utilise appropriate interventions (Gatekeepers programme, hiding pesticides, talk therapies, drug therapies and engaging the right professionals, among a slew of others) in conjunction with aggressively reversing the catastrophic dynamic that consume this country.


Dr Cecil Dilip Kumar


As long as people chose to politicize the issue, it will never be truly addressed.  During the PPP days, there are those "so-called" experts who seem to think all blame lies with the PPP.  Now, just look at the heading of this post, bit asinine, if you ask me!


RiffRaff posted:

asj just realized suicide going on in Guyana all these years

Yes Riff, it has been going on, but today under the PNC rule it has grown to a moster situation. Never in the history of Guyana has suicide skyrocketed this high, how much it is? about 20 Suicides in less than 20 days?

When citizens in Guyana has been killing out themselves then blames is being pointed at the PNC Government, that Government that was responsible for the largest Suicides in history in the world, Jim Jones.........Jonestown.

asj posted:
RiffRaff posted:

asj just realized suicide going on in Guyana all these years

Yes Riff, it has been going on, but today under the PNC rule it has grown to a moster situation. Never in the history of Guyana has suicide skyrocketed this high, how much it is? about 20 Suicides in less than 20 days?

When citizens in Guyana has been killing out themselves then blames is being pointed at the PNC Government, that Government that was responsible for the largest Suicides in history in the world, Jim Jones.........Jonestown.

You may have a point, this Christmas was the most dismal, dull and depressing for most Guyanese since 1992.  People snap out of it and figure how bleak their chances look, and decide to end it all.


The PNC creates situations to make life unbearable for its citizens, so they do not have any alternative but to end their that all their problems will be over.

asj posted:


According to Carib, blacks do not commit suicide. What's going on here? Maybe he was from a dougla family? Still have some Indian genes?

skeldon_man posted:
asj posted:


According to Carib, blacks do not commit suicide. What's going on here? Maybe he was from a dougla family? Still have some Indian genes?

Caribj living large in Brooklyn and haven't visited Guyana for decades, yet he know!

asj posted:

Guyana catalogues a catastrophic dynamic fuelling this scourge that includes: widespread illiteracy, a murder rate three times that of the USA, inadequate health care, soaring joblessness, deep poverty, dysfunctional politics, bloated corruption, protracted alcoholism, high prevalence of mental health issues, abuse, turbulent ethnic/race relations, marginalization and a succession of dysfunctional governments.
Obstacles (stimulus) such as these create unbearable stressful life events, triggering the onset of mental health related issues including – sadness, hopelessness, despair, low self-worth and mental disorders (depression, anxiety among a slew of others) which ultimately drive substance abuse (alcoholism) and or suicide.


Dr Cecil Dilip Kumar

This did not happen overnight or since May 2015. It`s a culture and a legacy that the current regime inherited from the PPPC regime.

asj posted:

The PNC creates situations to make life unbearable for its citizens, so they do not have any alternative but to end their that all their problems will be over.

Guess the people were much stronger under Burnham since there were no suicides ah bunch ah mentally weak people nowadays

Imagine...Guyana skyrocket to #1 in 6 months...prior to that they not did not even make top 100

Last edited by Former Member
Chameli posted:



what the hell is wrong with some of you ppl? 

suicide is nothing new to GY, it no more and maybe no less with any gov't 

it is not is emotional/mental

and it has been there JUST THAT THERE WAS NO INTERNET and no one read it in the newspaper...jeezasssss lardass, i know 7 ppl in one village who committed suicide btwn 72-78 and not once was it in the news 

Some of these people like ASJ figure if the current party was not in Govt, then there will no suicides....once PPP lost, suicides started...

People with this kinda mentality are suicidal if yuh ask me...maybe someone should keep tabs on ASJ

asj posted:
RiffRaff posted:

asj just realized suicide going on in Guyana all these years

Yes Riff, it has been going on, but today under the PNC rule it has grown to a moster situation. Never in the history of Guyana has suicide skyrocketed this high, how much it is? about 20 Suicides in less than 20 days?

When citizens in Guyana has been killing out themselves then blames is being pointed at the PNC Government, that Government that was responsible for the largest Suicides in history in the world, Jim Jones.........Jonestown.

Seems like you are lacking of understanding, and my post vaguely means anything to you. If you cannot fathom a simple post re:

Yes Riff, it has been going on, but today under the PNC rule it has grown to a moster situation. Never in the history of Guyana has suicide skyrocketed this high, how much it is? about 20 Suicides in less than 20 days

Maybe if you read this ten times then what I am trying to say will record in your brains.



So what you saying asj is, maybe dem people killing themselves because of PPP's defeat could either mean they're racists, wimps, sheep, stupid or all of the hilited.

That being said and obviously agreed on, can't see disagreement on this what else could it be, Maybe Granger does make a knot in a rope an tell dem fo put their necks through it, yeh that's it.

Repeat dah first sentence a dozen times


Last edited by cain

What I am saying is that never yet in the history we did have almost 20 Suicides in less than 20 days, unless you count Jim Jones Jonestown where they had over 900 in a day or two.........Burnham PNC rules then, in the 70's many more suicide..........Burnham PNC rules then again, today PNC rules and we have about 20 in less than 20 days.

Seems like the PNC are cursed. May God help Guyana, people like you who Glorify Burnham and the PNC will just talk and talk and do nothing.

asj posted:

What I am saying is that never yet in the history we did have almost 20 Suicides in less than 20 days, unless you count Jim Jones Jonestown where they had over 900 in a day or two.........Burnham PNC rules then, in the 70's many more suicide..........Burnham PNC rules then again, today PNC rules and we have about 20 in less than 20 days.

Seems like the PNC are cursed. May God help Guyana, people like you who Glorify Burnham and the PNC will just talk and talk and do nothing.

RE: "people like you who Glorify Burnham and the PNC will just talk and talk and do nothing."


ASJ, that crap doan score u points, makes you a laughing stock to the intelligent posters and those who read. So what you are again saying is the in my previous post.



Another Essequibian attempts suicide

An 18-year-old was on Sunday evening rushed to the Suddie Public Hospital after ingested a quantity of “grass” pesticide.
According to information reaching Guyana Times, Alex (only name given) was having relationship problems and following a misunderstanding with his girlfriend, he ingested the poisonous substance.

Meanwhile, 43-year-old Nalini Persaud, of Richmond Village, Essequibo Coast, succumbed on Saturday morning at the Suddie Public Hospital. Persaud had ingested half a glass of gramoxone in frustration.

The mother of four had related she had a heated argument with her husband which led to her wanting to kill herself. She succumbed four days after drinking the poison.

On Friday, 16-year-old Farhana Mohamed, of Anna Regina Squatting Area, also succumbed at the Suddie Public Hospital after battling for her life for 13 days.

Mohamed, in an earlier interview, had related to Guyana Times that she was facing relationship problems with her husband and in-laws. She reported that she drank gramoxone as a result. Guyana Times understands that she was a mother of one and recently married.


Riff and Cain, as staunch PNC Glorifiers I would expect you to fasten up your argument with the despicable PNC, to me your arguments are baseless. 
The number will still be risen, because the Despicable PNC has no clue.  


Dang...another bad relationship courtesy of the PNC...right ASJ

You in the wrong field should be a marriage counselor since you have figured out the reason for all these bad relationships...the big bad PNC

Mitwah posted:
asj posted:

Guyana catalogues a catastrophic dynamic fuelling this scourge that includes: widespread illiteracy, a murder rate three times that of the USA, inadequate health care, soaring joblessness, deep poverty, dysfunctional politics, bloated corruption, protracted alcoholism, high prevalence of mental health issues, abuse, turbulent ethnic/race relations, marginalization and a succession of dysfunctional governments.
Obstacles (stimulus) such as these create unbearable stressful life events, triggering the onset of mental health related issues including – sadness, hopelessness, despair, low self-worth and mental disorders (depression, anxiety among a slew of others) which ultimately drive substance abuse (alcoholism) and or suicide.


Dr Cecil Dilip Kumar

This did not happen overnight or since May 2015. It`s a culture and a legacy that the current regime inherited from the PPPC regime.

If it's culture, how can it be inherited from the PPP? PPP did not create the coolie culture, it's an Indian culture. Only coolies inherited this? Why do you not believe that this is something that was there during the PNC regime since 1964? They need to ban all the Indian movies that show people talking about solving their problems through suicide.

asj posted:

What I am saying is that never yet in the history we did have almost 20 Suicides in less than 20 days, unless you count Jim Jones Jonestown where they had over 900 in a day or two.........Burnham PNC rules then, in the 70's many more suicide..........Burnham PNC rules then again, today PNC rules and we have about 20 in less than 20 days.

Seems like the PNC are cursed. May God help Guyana, people like you who Glorify Burnham and the PNC will just talk and talk and do nothing.

From ESSEQUIBO, To BERBICE, To DEMERARA THE ENTIRE COUNTRY IS ON S U I C I D E  WATCH, under the watchful eyes of the PNC. Would this be a tourist Feature, nice water fall and easy suicide.

Mitwah posted:
asj posted:

Guyana catalogues a catastrophic dynamic fuelling this scourge that includes: widespread illiteracy, a murder rate three times that of the USA, inadequate health care, soaring joblessness, deep poverty, dysfunctional politics, bloated corruption, protracted alcoholism, high prevalence of mental health issues, abuse, turbulent ethnic/race relations, marginalization and a succession of dysfunctional governments.
Obstacles (stimulus) such as these create unbearable stressful life events, triggering the onset of mental health related issues including – sadness, hopelessness, despair, low self-worth and mental disorders (depression, anxiety among a slew of others) which ultimately drive substance abuse (alcoholism) and or suicide.


Dr Cecil Dilip Kumar

This did not happen overnight or since May 2015. It`s a culture and a legacy that the current regime inherited from the PPPC regime.

The new word you learn "inherited". Well, culture My Bolls, this is a social and economical problem which then leads to mental illness, can you for a change forget the politics, the PPP/PNC , the country is on a downward spiral , they are #1 for the wrong reason, so what can we do to help. You know the people in authority, I have people overseas that can help, but who they have to contact??? By the way, Dr. Kumar hit the nail on the Head, he is 100% correct.


Well now that a proper Government is at least trying hopefully a dent could be put in this so called addiction, something the last government never did. So again I say is a GOOD TING PPP LOST.


Bartica man commits suicide

The community of Bartica was thrown into a state of shock after a male resident committed suicide Saturday last.
Sean Beykarran, 22, was discovered hanging from the ceiling in the unoccupied bottom-flat of his house at Second Avenue and Fourth Street, Bartica.

 Sean Beykarran

Sean Beykarran9

Guyana Times understands that the young man was recently released from prison and was being tormented by family about the incident.
Reports indicate that he was imprisoned for a year after charges were filed against him for driving a businessman’s vehicle without permission.

On the day he committed suicide, he was heavily intoxicated.
Family related that sometime in the afternoon, he had excused himself to have a smoke outside.
After some time elapsed and he did not return, the family grew worried.
They eventually discovered him hanging from bottom-flat of the house around 20:00h.


Govt says will take lead in tackling suicide…announces national suicide prevention plan

January 19, 2016 12:24 pm Category: Health, latest news, Local News A+ /A-

While acknowledging suicide prevention is everybody’s business, the Government today has said it will lead in efforts to tackle the present trend.

On Sunday, 17 January 2016, several ministers including: Minister of Public Health; Minister within the Ministry of Public Health along with Minister of Indigenous Affairs; Minister of Social Protection;  Minister of Tourism and Communication; Minister within the Ministry of Education and Minister within the Ministry of Communities, met with several stakeholders including; PAHO/ WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board and health professionals to address the high  incidence of suicide in Guyana.

The objective of this meeting on the Emergency Suicide Plan included:

1) Appraise all key stakeholders on magnitude and burden of suicide in Guyana;

2) Examine the proposed suicide prevention plan and identify the critical elements for actions;

3) Define roles, responsibilities and functions of all partners;

4) Develop a joint workplan and a monitoring and evaluation framework; 5) prepare a draft budget; and

6) Establish a technical task force to oversee the implementation of the initiative.

The Minister of Public Health welcomed the Ministers and other key partners to the forum and pointed out the importance of the meeting to the President and Cabinet. The Minister appealed for the involvement of all stakeholders and for an action oriented plan that will address the needs of the most vulnerable groups in society in an effort to curb the escalating trend in suicides in Guyana.

Participants were presented with a summary of the National Suicide Prevention Plan, 2015-2020, along with an overview of the current suicide statistics.

The National Suicide Prevention Plan as presented will provide guidance for the development of a joint work plan including a wide cross-section of partners. The work plan will enable collaboration among government ministries, international partners, NGOs, FBOs and other stakeholders. The proposed activities in this multi-sectorial approach will be aligned to one of four strategic action areas:

  1. Risk factors reduction, health promotion and prevention;
  2. Reducing access to the means of suicide;
  3. Improving health systems response to suicidal behavior; and
  4. Strengthening surveillance and research on suicide in Guyana.

suicide 1The first strategic area of action explored the importance of: coordination and mobilization of the NGOs and FBOs at the community, regional and national level; the development of an Information Education Communication Framework which would be guided by appropriate language and messages to the public; and the use of consultations in relation to neglected areas such as Parenting Education, coping mechanisms, Youth Friendly spaces and the modification of the Health and Family Life Manual to address issues related to suicide in schools.

The second strategic action involved identifying the means of suicide and devising means of reducing access to pesticides, prescription meds, jumping, alcohol use and firearms. The most important plans indicated are the enforcement of regulation on the sale, distribution and storage of pesticides at all levels; the creation of Poison Control and Management Centers in affected communities with necessary training of persons; and following National Conventions and food and chemical safety goals directed towards the reduction in the use of pesticides especially those of high toxicity.

Strategic action number three entails our capacity (training and attitudes adapted) as health care providers, public servants and as a nation, on a whole, to respond to suicidal behaviour.

The fourth strategic action, responds to the need to improve data collection process through the creation of a multi- sectoral task force, and secretariat for the management and evaluation of data. This Action also corresponds to the dire need for research on the different determinants of suicidal behaviour specific to our cultural setting.

The meeting agreed on a rapid establishment of a multi stakeholder task force to coordinate the work of the four strategic action areas and to provide feedback to the key Minister and government.


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