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The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) notes the release of a statement from the APNU+AFC Coalition, on March 3, 2020, urging Guyanese to remain calm and patient until the official declaration of results from the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections. The Party also believes that Guyanese must remain calm and go about their business in a peaceful manner, as GECOM finalizes the official results via its verification process.

One worrying paragraph in the Coalition’s statement is where it claims that projections are positive for a second term in office. We urge Guyanese not to be misled. As is characteristic of the Coalition, while appealing for calm, it is attempting to mislead our people. This action should be condemned. The Party urges Guyanese to not be misled by the APNU+AFC Coalition on the matter of official Election results.

The APNU+AFC Coalition leader, David Granger, indicated just on March 2, 2020, GECOM is the only “authority” to officially and formally declare the results of Monday’s polls – yet today he has made his own declaration.

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