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Why are the police not doing  anything about the gangs of  dope peddlers at Enmore?


Dear Editor,

My son, Sunil, was attacked about 8pm on Sunday at his home by three young bandits. He is currently in hospital with head injuries and chops about his body.

My reason for going into the open is that about 5 years ago Enmore had the best Community Policing Group in the country. I was a member. My son was also a member and RC. The group had over 300 members with over 40 RCs. In those days Enmore was safe. But the chairman of the group began to tolerate misuse of the group’s assets and some members spoke out and were thrown out of the group.

Today the Concerned Citizens of Enmore are like an old bull. The group has a few members who patrol once per week, but has had no meeting for years. Elections have not been held for over seven years now. I live opposite the group’s headquarters so I am not guessing. A number of persons living in Blossom Scheme and Logwood, including my son, applied to form a separate policing group in that area but were refused by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Today Enmore is over-run by about 11 gangs of dope peddlers. I am sure the police, both at Enmore and at Cove & John know these gangs. Why are they not doing anything about it? Is anybody being bought off? These young bandits are using crowbars and cutlasses today. Tomorrow they will use guns.

I am appealing to the Minister of Home Affairs and to the Commissioner of Police to intervene to smash these dope gangs or Enmore will be under siege very soon.

Yours faithfully,

Pandit Purnadatt


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Originally Posted by Wally:

I still agree with Harripaul's idea of having armed peoples' militia units stationed in every village in the country.  The lawlessness in the Lebanon civil war only ended when Hafez al-Assad stationed Syrian military unit check points every two miles in that country.


Originally Posted by Wally:

I still agree with Harripaul's idea of having armed peoples' militia units stationed in every village in the country.  The lawlessness in the Lebanon civil war only ended when Hafez al-Assad stationed Syrian military unit check points every two miles in that country.

I do not agree with that. We need political organization and empowerment of the local people to protect their own not with guns but with systemic adjudication of a just system.


Local authorities should be the basis of democracy. It is here that representatives of the people could make their mark and be incubated as leaders with knowledge of the community and put in place by direct votes of the people and so accountable to them


Parliamentarians should come from this pool. They should run for their positions under their party banner and be voted in directly. Ministries should be headed by people approved by the parliament and not by political mafioso. Our problem is our political system breeds corrupt people. Give them guns and we have sectarian violence of the kind wreaking havoc in the middle east. Ethnic parochialism of the kind seen on this board will morph into struggles for dominance not on merit but by the barrel of a gun.


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