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Superbugs will 'kill every three seconds'

  • 1 hour ago
  • From the section Health
Clostridium difficile drug-resistant bacteriaImage copyright Science Photo Library

Superbugs will kill someone every three seconds by 2050 unless the world acts now, a hugely influential report says.

The global review sets out a plan for preventing medicine "being cast back into the dark ages" that requires billions of dollars of investment.

It also calls for a revolution in the way antibiotics are used and a massive campaign to educate people.

The report has received a mixed response with some concerned that it does not go far enough.

The battle against infections that are resistant to drugs is one the world is losing rapidly and has been described as "as big a risk as terrorism".

The problem is that we are simply not developing enough new antibiotics and we are wasting the ones we have.

Since the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance started in mid-2014, more than one million people have died from such infections.

And in that time doctors also discovered bacteria that can shrug off the drug of last resort - colistin - leading to warnings that the world was teetering on the cusp of a "post-antibiotic era".

The review says the situation will get only worse with 10 million people predicted to die every year from resistant infections by 2050.

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