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He will be paid until August. One lucky Guy, ONLY in Guyana. partybanana
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I read the Contract expired.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Whether we like Freddie or not, it was unjust to summarily terminate his contract.
Then you need to read more. His contract was up in August this year.
Tarron Khemraj said this: "A clear case of political victimization. It gives credence to international rankings that place Guyana at the lower end of the freedom rating. If they can bring back Sex Man, who was banned from entering the UG Hindu Society in 2000 by my friend, why fire Freddie? I was on campus in October last. The toilets stink and the place is a lot uglier and dilapidated than during the PNC years. This institution has moved backward under the PPP where important academic programs have been scrapped. I can think of numerous problems the institution faces yet this brigade of buffoons chose to fire a lecturer for political reasons. You have a senior member at UG writing in the press using the names of supposed black women. There is no universal standard against which we can judge all without regard to political connection. This is a shame to the Ramotar government."
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Django:
Gerhard,what age teachers retire in GY?
55 years i assume,if i am correct Freddie is retired
and opted for employment on contract after contract ends,it can be terminated

And terminated it was so i don't see what the big fuss
And there will be others, just like you, who don't see the "fuss". My hope is that the voices of enough fair-minded people be heard to reverse this injustice.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
My hope is that the voices of enough fair-minded people be heard to reverse this injustice.

What injustice you speak of Gerhard? Its funny that words such as injustice et al are only used when its convenient by you folks.
Where is the injustice?
People like Kissoon have nothing more or anything new to offer the University. He does no research, publishes nothing and has actually become a liability. Who can afford to carry such "dead" weight?

And he passed the age of retirement for public servants which is 55......I don't know of any separate rules that govern the operations of UG. Yes lecturers that have passed that age are hired on a contractual basis and their services are subjected to termination by their employer.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Django:
Gerhard,what age teachers retire in GY?
55 years i assume,if i am correct Freddie is retired
and opted for employment on contract after contract ends,it can be terminated
However, his contract does not end until August. And the retirement age at UG is 65 by the way.

Thank you for the info i assume it was 55,Freddie should be on the job untill contract ends,usually a month before contract end you are infomed for rewenal or termination, that is how it is done in the US.I have contract with a few electronics companies.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
In Support of Freddie Kissoon facebook page[/QUOTE Freddie needs to be on the board to reform GINA. He should also take a year abroad to complete his PHd or participate on international seminars etc to educate the world on the PPP's deception. He ought ot be out there with Bulkan repudiating Conservation International pedestrian understanding of our world.
I think the question we should all ask is 'was Fred a good lecturer?'

Personally I feel that a Masters is not enough to lecture at a University. It may work as adjunct, but the man needs to obtain a PhD, which in fact is relatively easy to get. I just attended a graduation where the girl got her PhD at 26. TK I believe also got his at an early age.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Whether we like Freddie or not, it was unjust to summarily terminate his contract.

Freddie should have had respect for his employers.
you are too much a knucklehead to think in terms of political employers versus a higher institution of learning. Remember the arguments made by the PPP in the rodney era. Any of you old hacks can reflect on that for your answer as to why this is bad.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Whether we like Freddie or not, it was unjust to summarily terminate his contract.

Freddie should have had respect for his employers.
you drunk ass,we the tax payers is his boss,what you think the ppp crime family is his boss.they could be if he start shipping cocain
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
My hope is that the voices of enough fair-minded people be heard to reverse this injustice.

What injustice you speak of Gerhard? Its funny that words such as injustice et al are only used when its convenient by you folks.
Where is the injustice?
People like Kissoon have nothing more or anything new to offer the University. He does no research, publishes nothing and has actually become a liability. Who can afford to carry such "dead" weight?

And he passed the age of retirement for public servants which is 55......I don't know of any separate rules that govern the operations of UG. Yes lecturers that have passed that age are hired on a contractual basis and their services are subjected to termination by their employer.
do you know that UG have a shortage of lecturers,so whenyou fire one what do you have.but i guess only the ppp government will think like this.non of these fool never own a business so what they know about production
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Why was his contract terminated?
I can't find the reason for it.
Has the PPP ever offered a reason for anything except they do as they so chose and the nation be dammed? After all, we are being impressed upon to accept they only do things in our interest even if it means we cannot see the wisdom in their strategy or practice,
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
He was terminated because he did not publish any academic work in 26 years. In the US he would have been long gone. The only publishing he did was his vitriol in the Kaieteur. ahahahah
Then an academic board with clear history of such enforcement ought to have done it not a bunch of PPP hacks. They kept their perverted kin who was kicked out of an Canadian university for the same deficiency take a walk while loudly clamoring that they cannot remove him because of onerous rules.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
He was terminated because he did not publish any academic work in 26 years. In the US he would have been long gone. The only publishing he did was his vitriol in the Kaieteur. ahahahah
Then an academic board with clear history of such enforcement ought to have done it not a bunch of PPP hacks. They kept their perverted kin who was kicked out of an Canadian university for the same deficiency take a walk while loudly clamoring that they cannot remove him because of onerous rules.

It was an academic board that voted on his termination.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
He was terminated because he did not publish any academic work in 26 years. In the US he would have been long gone. The only publishing he did was his vitriol in the Kaieteur. ahahahah
Then an academic board with clear history of such enforcement ought to have done it not a bunch of PPP hacks. They kept their perverted kin who was kicked out of an Canadian university for the same deficiency take a walk while loudly clamoring that they cannot remove him because of onerous rules.

It was an academic board that voted on his termination.
a stacked board of crones not an academic board.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
He was terminated because he did not publish any academic work in 26 years. In the US he would have been long gone. The only publishing he did was his vitriol in the Kaieteur. ahahahah

This, I heard from other sources close to UG.
Strangely, he does not appear to be putting up much of a fight himself. By the way, why did he opt for contracted employment, which I assume is reviewed yearly for renewal?
Originally posted by D2:

a stacked board of crones not an academic board.

Here's the specific statue under which he was terminated based on the recommendation o fthe academic board:
To make the appointments authorised by the Statutes with the consent of the academic Board to institute, confirm, abolish of hold in abeyance any Professorship, Associate professorship or other academic office in the university.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
He was terminated because he did not publish any academic work in 26 years. In the US he would have been long gone. The only publishing he did was his vitriol in the Kaieteur. ahahahah

This, I heard from other sources close to UG.
Strangely, he does not appear to be putting up much of a fight himself. By the way, why did he opt for contracted employment, which I assume is reviewed yearly for renewal?
What fight can he put up against a system that is designed to squeeze dissent. The Guyanese patronage system is almost total. One does not do anything except on the good graces of who one know. This is the system we fight against and the one about which Freddi revealed many truths that was to our benefit.

When he said we were under attack on this site I thought it quite laughable. When it actually was revealed to be so from records between GINA Misir and the creeps posting here one could see the dept of depravity of this administration. We are on a forum of little consequence yet they targeted us . I never liked the way Freddi presented his story but I will stand with him.

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