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Support of opposition needed to advance education – Minister Manickchand

May 2, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source


An appeal for the support from the parliamentary opposition to help advance the delivery of education has been made by Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand. This move, the Minister said, is one that could see those within the political arena, both Government and opposition, being poised to collectively “treat Guyanese well…it gives us an opportunity to help prepare Guyana’s tomorrow today.”


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


Speaking in the National Assembly during the recent budget debate, the Minister said that although collaboration would be ideal “…we will do it alone if we have to, but we really want the support of the opposition; their supporters would expect they would do what is right for their children and so while we would do it alone, as we have been doing for the last 20 years, we would really appreciate the members of the opposition.”

In further emphasising the importance of collaboration, Manickchand alluded to the wealth of knowledge that could be drawn from persons such as her fellow Member of Parliament, A Partnership for National Unity’s Amna Ally.

“She has been a head teacher for many years; she has the experience that I don’t have…I want to hear from her, but wanting to hear from her is a contribution to what the Government’s programme is… I would like to hear from other teachers and parents in the opposition…”

The Education Minister made reference to a quote by now deceased anti-apartheid activist and former South African leader, Nelson Mandela, that “education is the most powerful weapon in which you can change the world.” Further, she noted another quote by Malcolm X, whom she dubbed another wise man, which states that “education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”

“These are two people who are world renowned and whose wisdom no sensible person would question…These are people telling us clearly if you want to prepare a country for next year or the next 20 years, invest in education…These people are telling us clearly that the most powerful weapon to change Guyana would be education and here is a Government that understands that and invests most (of its) money in the sector of education.”

And as part of efforts to invest in education, the Minister said that moves are being made to ensure that equity is realised even in the far-flung regions, an undertaking that will see the Ministry venturing into the hinterland to put in place an education improvement project.

“Over the last five years alone we have created over 400 new places for students in dormitories and that is allowing over 400 students every single year to access an education that they could not have been able to access before.”

“We are in the best place that we have ever been, but we can do better in certain areas. So what are we doing? We are studying with the people of the hinterland…so we will be going village to village talking to parents and teachers and students about what are the gaps…”

“You have a school but does your school have trained teachers? If the answer is no, do we have housing to put trained teachers in? If the answer is no, then how do we build the housing? Do you have textbooks? Do you have exercise books? Is your school feeding (programme) working? Do we have space in the dormitory to accommodate the students who are coming from far-flung areas?” questioned the Education Minister.

She disclosed that moves have been streamlined to allow the Ministry to shortly put in place a strategic project to further improve the delivery of education.

“We will begin that shortly, to be implemented as soon as we would have completed our study. It would make for a great headline that we are ready right now, because we have a significant portion of the information we need, but it would be undemocratic if we did not hear first from the people of those villages what it is they would want to see happen too.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ah deh Gal dat fuh deh Job. She gun mek Guyana sweet laka sweetie.

Here is an example of your kneebending sycophantic salvation on everything PPP with no independent input to interrogate what was said as a conscientious thinker would.  The lady did your usual mouthful of air about cooperation of opposition wanted but not necessary for the PPP, gratuitously poi9nting out her lack of knowledge but her vigilant soliciting of input from the ranks of Miss Alli etc


What has she pointed out is the philosophic approach to maximizing the financial allocations to her ministry in enhancing education?  the idea of her now still in the processing of estimating Amerind tribal needs in this area is pure bullshit. After tao and a half decades of PPP rule she should have that at her finger tips. Compare this to what TK said and what you discarded as bilge.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Sweetie, sugar cakes plus all the good stuff, Nehru?

And the old knucklehead chiming in like a perfect butt sniffing poodle!

You have added yet another definition as - a perfect butt sniffing poodle - to your numerous names.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Sweetie, sugar cakes plus all the good stuff, Nehru?

And the old knucklehead chiming in like a perfect butt sniffing poodle!

You have added yet another definition as - a perfect butt sniffing poodle - to your numerous names.

HEHEHE . Even cold Alberta will have a laugh at that, good one Bhai.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Sweetie, sugar cakes plus all the good stuff, Nehru?

And the old knucklehead chiming in like a perfect butt sniffing poodle!

You have added yet another definition as - a perfect butt sniffing poodle - to your numerous names.

HEHEHE . Even cold Alberta will have a laugh at that, good one Bhai.

Bhai, alu tekk it easy pan de man. He guh run fuh he medicine you no.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Sweetie, sugar cakes plus all the good stuff, Nehru?

And the old knucklehead chiming in like a perfect butt sniffing poodle!

You have added yet another definition as - a perfect butt sniffing poodle - to your numerous names.

HEHEHE . Even cold Alberta will have a laugh at that, good one Bhai.

Bhai, alu tekk it easy pan de man. He guh run fuh he medicine you no.

It is of little consequence to me that this little congregation of morons in the church of the PPP would gather here to worship. I see they are happy you chose to join their religon

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Sweetie, sugar cakes plus all the good stuff, Nehru?

And the old knucklehead chiming in like a perfect butt sniffing poodle!

You have added yet another definition as - a perfect butt sniffing poodle - to your numerous names.

HEHEHE . Even cold Alberta will have a laugh at that, good one Bhai.

Bhai, alu tekk it easy pan de man. He guh run fuh he medicine you no.

It is of little consequence to me that this little congregation of morons in the church of the PPP would gather here to worship. I see they are happy you chose to join their religon

Damn, this perfect butt sniffing poodle is on the warpath. Be careful you don't use the spear to kill yourself. Is your spear tipped with curare?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Sweetie, sugar cakes plus all the good stuff, Nehru?

And the old knucklehead chiming in like a perfect butt sniffing poodle!

You have added yet another definition as - a perfect butt sniffing poodle - to your numerous names.

HEHEHE . Even cold Alberta will have a laugh at that, good one Bhai.

Bhai, alu tekk it easy pan de man. He guh run fuh he medicine you no.

It is of little consequence to me that this little congregation of morons in the church of the PPP would gather here to worship. I see they are happy you chose to join their religon

Damn, this perfect butt sniffing poodle is on the warpath. Be careful you don't use the spear to kill yourself. Is your spear tipped with curare?

Stunted, uncreative pathetic fellows. Here you are salivating over my words and imagining you found a treasure. Insipid grasping for a race barb merely magnifies what is  your pedestrian lot in life.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Stunted, uncreative pathetic fellows. Here you are salivating over my words and imagining you found a treasure. Insipid grasping for a race barb merely magnifies what is  your pedestrian lot in life.

Its amazing how these butt sniffing PPP poodles so frequently stoop to racism against blacks and Amerindians, which together with the mixed populations account for around 60% of the population, and around 55% of the voters.


The TUF Amerindians voted APNU and AFC last election.


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