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United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is dead at the age of 79. MSNBC reports that he died peacefully at his home in Texas. Any guesses on who Obama will appoint as his replacement?  Would he appoint a right of centre, left of centre, centre thinking person? Would this person be Democratic or Republican leaning? Do you think that whoever he appoints would be approved by the Senate/Congress before the November US election? Your thoughts please!

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Dondadda posted:

United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is dead at the age of 79. MSNBC reports that he died peacefully at his home in Texas. Any guesses on who Obama will appoint as his replacement?  Would he appoint a right of centre, left of centre, centre thinking person? Would this person be Democratic or Republican leaning? Do you think that whoever he appoints would be approved by the Senate/Congress before the November US election? Your thoughts please!

Obama has no chance of getting any of his appointees confirmed. We will run with an 8 judge court to the end of his term and the GOP will be forced to accept Mrs Cs appointment...( she will win)

Stormborn posted:
Dondadda posted:

United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is dead at the age of 79. MSNBC reports that he died peacefully at his home in Texas. Any guesses on who Obama will appoint as his replacement?  Would he appoint a right of centre, left of centre, centre thinking person? Would this person be Democratic or Republican leaning? Do you think that whoever he appoints would be approved by the Senate/Congress before the November US election? Your thoughts please!

Obama has no chance of getting any of his appointees confirmed. We will run with an 8 judge court to the end of his term and the GOP will be forced to accept Mrs Cs appointment...( she will win)

The election is still a long way, but you might be right. What is certain is that there will definitely be a partisan battle. The composition is currently 5-4 in favor of the conservatives. Its a chance for Obama to tip the balance in favor of the liberals. 

I am not sure this can wait until the election of the next President.

However, by super Tuesday, or even earlier after the next few primaries, the picture will become clearer., as Hillary Clinton takes a greater lead from her opponent, Sanders. 


The republicans are not bounded by a time frame. They know the next appointee will be sitting there for another 20 to 30 years and if liberal will affect rulings for a long time. Liberals do not want another rubber stamp Thomas and conservatives are leery of Roberts so hope they get a conservative or the courts will be majority liberal.

randolph posted:

Sri Srinivasan could be a front runner

He would face opposition from both progressives and the republicans. Progressive see him as another defender of corporate over reach and not sufficiently grounded in liberal causes to be worthy of being their choice on the bench. The GOP would just turn red that another immigrant is reaching for sanctified turf and they will not like it.

Nehru posted:

Do you know if she is a US citizen. Is she not married to a US Citizen?

Even if she were she would not be selected. She had to be knowledgeable of us laws, and have a history in us social, political and cultural problems. She has no record of ever practicing here. An illustrious career elsewhere does not count.

Stormborn posted:

The republicans are not bounded by a time frame. They know the next appointee will be sitting there for another 20 to 30 years and if liberal will affect rulings for a long time. Liberals do not want another rubber stamp Thomas and conservatives are leery of Roberts so hope they get a conservative or the courts will be majority liberal.

Thats true, but the Dems will push to have their nominee in the SC while Obama is still President. In any case, its going to interesting, given the fact that the nominee can swing decisions either way because of the ideological split.

Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

It is time they start picking the BEST JUdge rather than which ideology a person subscribe to.

best judges are ideological ie originalists  or those that see the constitution as a living document.

Do you think that the constituion should be interpreted the way it was intended (by the founding fathers) or the way it was enacted?

Dondadda posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

It is time they start picking the BEST JUdge rather than which ideology a person subscribe to.

best judges are ideological ie originalists  or those that see the constitution as a living document.

Do you think that the constituion should be interpreted the way it was intended (by the founding fathers) or the way it was enacted?

I believe we live in a world where information comes to us daily. The constitution is dead if it does not keep up. Those who see it as a living document has all of the amendments as evidence that the founders did not have an omniscient view. The founding fathers themselves understood this. It is why they reflected on ideas from the ancients to the moderns to forge the document. It did not spring whole like Athena from the head of Zeus. It has a legacy in across the entire range of the western intellectual cannon.

VVP posted:

I guess one of his last act was to vote for a stay in the EPA Clean Power Plan rule.  I am happy to see him pass on.

I am definitely voting in the next elections if a successor is not appointed by then.

Me too. He was such an arrogant ass. Samuel Alito and lazy ass Clarence Thomas are just as bad as Scalia was. Maybe god will soon make peace with them too.


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