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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Affirmative action waters down the education system.  It is sending a message to minorities that they are not as smart as the white and Asian students.  They should compete on a level playing field. 

Your statement is incorrect. 

Among other things Affirmative action assist  minority  intelligent kids to get to the next level.

Scholarships that are given to minorities are not for dunces, they go to the smart kids.

I never said that affirmative action does not help minority kids.  I said they should compete on a level playing field.  The better minority kids get the scholarships yes, but they only get it after a quota has been allocated.  So in the end, you get a smart white kid who does not get admitted and an average minority kid who gets admitted.  Is that fair???

There are equally smart minority kids as white kids, but the latter gets the nod in admissions sans a quota system. It's just a fact of life that Admissions office would normally admit the white kid over an equally brilliant minority kid. Barak and Michelle Obama were the first set of graduates when this was implemented.

The principle of a watered down educational system and playing on a level system indeed make the point about affirmative action. Diversity in students' experience is still something universities strive for. Also redressing societal iniquities in education is lifting all of society.

QC got girls and the proponents of all-boys schooling who thought it would water down education were proven wrong. I suspect that were you a boy you would have said the same thing about girls; but look, you are a girl who went to QC after it was made co-ed. That didn't water down things, noh?!

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:


sDanyael posted:

You obviously do not. It is not a lowering of standards. It is an acknowledgement that some communities are undeserved because of institutional racism and so there should be allocations in  state subsidized schools to reserve a percentage of placement for minorities.

It means that these would otherwise be filled by higher scoring students and those with marginal scores would not get in and often these are students from poor and under-served school systems.  There is no special basket weaving classes afforded them or marking on a curve to keep them in school.

Statistically they graduate in higher percentages than their white counter part. These very schools who do not want to take in these marginal students are the ones who grab up all of the athletes so they can make billions on their backs. Athletes are an example of white discrimination. Minorities  make up most of the traditional sport line up in track and field and also the high income earning basket ball and football squads. They go out of their way to dumb down the curriculum to keep these stutents on the squads yet these very schools complain about reserving placements for other students.

D2 stop talking Shit.  Affirmative Action guarantee seats for a certain number of Blacks regardless of scores.  It is a lowering of the standards and the justification is history of oppression for Black Americans.  And Black from other contries like Guyana benefits eventhough they were the oppressors.  This takes away from those Blacks who makes it fair and square as everyone assumes they are beneficiaries of A A.

storm, sometimes step back and take a chill pill.  you are way over the top with you shyte!

You are a dunce...obviously no stupid student will apply to Princeton if they cannot perform. The students who get in are the ones who meet the bar but whose scores would have normed out given the high demand for those seats by high performing white kids. You need to stop shouting crap.

Listen D(unce) 2. I have no doubt smart Black students apply but in he end, Princeton will limit White and Asian students to accommodate Blacks regardless of scores and yes, the Blacks applying are smart but so are the Whites and Asians who are shoved aide to meet quota for Blacks!  Thats how it works.  And yes, it was designed to compensate for historic racism here in the USA but Blacks from all over jump on the band waggen even though, in the case of Guyana, they were the oppressors!!

Seats are finite. Larger populations mean there are larger supply of excellent students. Institutional race based advantages further serve to stack the deck in their favor. It means that if there are no reserved seats the elite schools would be all white. It then mean the elite schools would be under served.

And not all high scoring minority student wants to go to white elite schools. Most want to go to historical black schools where their college experience would be culturally more fulfilling. Every black person who is who want their child to go to under graduate at Howard, Morehouse Meharry, Chaney, Texas southern etc.

The  creation of developmental programs and reserved seats for minority students is advantageous to these universities in that it brings a diverse point of view to the student body. The pool of minority students from these institutions are dispersed across the world creating information networks that benefit the universities.

One of the remarkable thing about going to Howard is one can meed a Tibetan student or a Navajo or a Yoruba, or an Algerian or a Frenchman. It is said if you sing the fight song in any capital someone will answer back. There is value in such interconnections. It truly makes for a world community of intellectual cooperation and information sharing and accretion.

Talk around the issue as much as you want and yes, thanks for the eureka moment highlighting that seats are limited.  I really don't know what this have to do with the kumbaya moment between Tibetans, Navajo, Yaruba Algeria, French, Guyanese...

The fact of the matter, higher scoring Whites and Asians are pushed aside to accommodate Blacks, plain and simple!

And don't gt me wrong, the American Blacks deserve some help.  But all Blacks take advantage, even the elite oppressor class out of Guyana are suddenly poor survivors of oppression!

ba$eman posted:

Talk around the issue as much as you want and yes, thanks for the eureka moment highlighting that seats are limited.  I really don't know what this have to do with the kumbaya moment between Tibetans, Navajo, Yaruba Algeria, French, Guyanese...

The fact of the matter, higher scoring Whites and Asians are pushed aside to accommodate Blacks, plain and simple!

And don't gt me wrong, the American Blacks deserve some help.  But all Blacks take advantage, even the elite oppressor class out of Guyana are suddenly poor survivors of oppression!

Fact remains that higher scores do not mean better students. Further, no school has its standard lower by admitting a select quota of minority students. They are correcting for a social  and institutional disadvantage. That is pure nonsense from quacks like you who say that standards are lowered. You are parroting what white schools said to deny minorities entrance in the first place Note you were grandfathered in because black people affirmed their right to be humans on equal grounds as any. 

And diversity does add benefit to a student body. Ivy league schools use to  recruit from the Caribbean to meet their quotas because they still are prejudicial against resident minorities. I think there were steps taken to prohibit that.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Talk around the issue as much as you want and yes, thanks for the eureka moment highlighting that seats are limited.  I really don't know what this have to do with the kumbaya moment between Tibetans, Navajo, Yaruba Algeria, French, Guyanese...

The fact of the matter, higher scoring Whites and Asians are pushed aside to accommodate Blacks, plain and simple!

And don't gt me wrong, the American Blacks deserve some help.  But all Blacks take advantage, even the elite oppressor class out of Guyana are suddenly poor survivors of oppression!

Fact remains that higher scores do not mean better students..

Well, there you go D2!!  So you admit to the lowering of standards!!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Talk around the issue as much as you want and yes, thanks for the eureka moment highlighting that seats are limited.  I really don't know what this have to do with the kumbaya moment between Tibetans, Navajo, Yaruba Algeria, French, Guyanese...

The fact of the matter, higher scoring Whites and Asians are pushed aside to accommodate Blacks, plain and simple!

And don't gt me wrong, the American Blacks deserve some help.  But all Blacks take advantage, even the elite oppressor class out of Guyana are suddenly poor survivors of oppression!

Fact remains that higher scores do not mean better students..

Well, there you go D2!!  So you admit to the lowering of standards!!

As I noted previously, you are quite stupid. Universities do not lower their instruction level to accommodate the least students who all come in with varying preparedness. Instruction is standardized.


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