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caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyanese should get the message that oil is no longer black gold. Don't count on it to solve all of your economic problems.  Concentrate on other businesses that can generate income from exports.  

60% of Suriname's exports are bauxite/alumina/aluminum.  Gold and oil together account for another 10-15%.   Suriname is a minor oil exporter.

Their economy is not that different to Guyana, only that they make aluminum, and they don't export sugar.

Suriname's exports over $1 billion in gold and petroleum.  Bauxite and aluminum accounts for just 300 million. You have been misinformed or is deliberately misinforming the GNI audience.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:

No, Granger just piggybacking on PPP groundwork. This goes to show that the PPP built up the economy so far ahead of its neighbours that even Jackass Granger could not destroy it in 1 +  year. 

You become an interesting person.  If Guyana was collapsing you would have blamed APNU, but as it isn't you credit the PPP.

Well credit Hoyte for the fact that Cheddi didn't go full force communist.  Also admit that when Cheddi took over the economy was growing rapidly and was in recovery from the depredation of the Burnham era.

BTW Guyana is much poorer than ANY of its neighbors.  Including Suriname!   The presence of thousands of Guyanese resident in all of these is evidence of this.  Guyanese go to look for jobs in these places. Brazilians are in Guyana looking for business opportunities.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Suriname's exports over $1 billion in gold and petroleum.  Bauxite and aluminum accounts for just 300 million. You have been misinformed or is deliberately misinforming the GNI audience.


Which makes this even more interesting as Suriname imports and exports the same value of petroleum products, so that cancels out.  So their biggest export is gold, much the same as Guyana.

Yet you PPP folks scream that Granger has destroyed Guyana, when its economy is structurally similar.


No one said Granger destroyed Guyana.  The private sector, opposition, private citizens, and even prominent members of the WPA and AFC have criticized the Granger gov't. of spending recklessly on salaries for big people and giving little or nothing to ordinary citizens. Attacks on Granger's gov't. have intensified as more and more corrupt deals are uncovered. To those who are old enough to remember the downward spiral of the economy during the PNC years in office this is a serious warning signal.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

No one said Granger destroyed Guyana.  

Hmmmm.  That is the daily scream.  The Lord of the Indians even wails that Granger is WORSE than Burnham. Well we ALL agree as to what Burnham did to Guyana, so clearly your wails are that Granger has destroyed Guyana.

In fact NO ONE is happy about the 50% pay increase.  NOT because of how much it costs.  Even if we assume that all 30 ministers got this (and only some did) that will not bankrupt Guyana.  The reason why we oppose this is because Guyana cannot afford to allow a similar increase for the population at large.  And given that it cannot it is down right immoral to allow such for the best paid civil servants.

The IMF has spoken and it has said that national debt has been REDUCED, and the public sector deficit has NARROWED.  The problem with these folks isn't that they waste $$$. Is that we are still to hear a coherent economic development plan, aside from waiting for oil to flow.  And that is even after Exxon has warned them that very few jobs will be created, and that their production initially isn't going to be that large.

Mr.T posted:
Kari posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:

. You can even say that him getting Roger Khan whisked away to Trinidad to be renditioned to the US is one of those wink-wink by the CIA and state Department. Outside of Colombia not even Roger Khan was bigger than him. Double-Agent conspiracy?


Bouterse wasn't in power when Roger Khan was handed over to the USA. The other guys were in and this might be why they dealt with Khan, to spite Bouterse.

You obviously missed the point about even when he was not in power he wielded the kind of power where he can call people out in the streets. You also missed the point where I insinuated a CIA double role all along. Justice Minister Santoki wanted Roger hanged all along. In step Bouter even though he was not President and the rest is history. Nobody wanted to spite Bouter by using getting Roger renditioned. They wanted him Hanged for sedition. Ur a real Maka-chote bumba claat , looking to refute every r@ss claat meh seh.

You have to be specific to the last letter with caribj. If you write that someone is not black, caribj will write that you typed that the person is indo. If you write about the PPP resident, he'll say you were talking about Jagdeo. So take note.


Kari posted:
. Nobody wanted to spite Bouter by using getting Roger renditioned. They wanted him Hanged for sedition. Ur a real Maka-chote bumba claat , looking to refute every r@ss claat meh seh.

Kari you really have personal issues with me. Tied to the fact that you cannot refute my point. 

Bouterse was NOT in power. Bouterse was one of RKs partners. Bouterse didn't stop RK from being renditioned.  Its not that the Suriname gov't at the time was that moral (I suspect that all of the Caribbean gov'ts have their narco trafficker friends, some more than others). It was because RK was part of the same team that Bouterse was.

And yes maybe they wanted to hang Bouterse but he is too popular (why?) so they couldn't.  But please don't tell me that Suriname was so filled with morality that RK was handed over for that.  Every thing I hear about Suriname fills me with the notion that they make Guyana (Burnham, Jagdeo, and Harmon) look very saintly.

Now continue to rant, when your real issue isn't this point.  Its the fact that you cannot debate me properly on a number of other issues.


Now maybe you can cite some evidence that Bouterse wanted RK put away.

Last edited by Former Member

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