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Russia gives Ukraine forces in Crimea

ultimatum to surrender 

A Ukrainian soldier stands guard at the gate of a military base in the port of Kerch, Ukraine, Monday, March 3, 2014. Pro-Russian troops controlled a ferry terminal on the easternmost tip of Ukraine's Crimea region close to Russia on Monday, intensifying fears that Moscow will send even more troops into the strategic Black Sea region in its tense dispute with its Slavic neighbor.


KIEV, March 3 (Reuters) - Russia's Black Sea Fleet has told Ukrainian forces in Crimea to surrender by 5 a.m. (0300 GMT) on Tuesday or face a military assault, Interfax news agency quoted a source in the Ukrainian Defence Ministry as saying.

The ultimatum, Interfax said, was issued by Alexander Vitko, the fleet's commander.

The ministry did not immediately confirm the report and there was no immediate comment by the Black Sea Fleet, which has a base in Crimea, where Russian forces are in control.

"If they do not surrender before 5 a.m. tomorrow, a real assault will be started against units and divisions of the armed forces across Crimea," the agency quoted the ministry source as saying.

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Russia gives Ukraine forces in Crimea

ultimatum to surrender


Russia has reportedly given Ukrainian forces in Crimea a deadline of 3am on Tuesday to surrender or face military action after troops seized key strategic sites in the peninsula.


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The ultimatum came from Alexander Vitko, commander of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, which has a base in Crimea where Russian forces are now in control.

According to Russia's Interfax agency, it reads: "If they do not surrender before 5am (3am UK time) tomorrow, a real assault will be started against units and divisions of the armed forces across Crimea."

But in a conflicting report, Interfax quoted an official representative for the Russian Ministry of Defence as saying the ultimatum was "total nonsense".


Ukraine military

Ukraine's military might is dwarfed by Russia's


America said any threat by Russia to Ukraine forces would represent a "dangerous escalation" in the crisis, and Moscow would be responsible.

Hundreds of Russian soldiers have surrounded a military base near the Crimean capital Simferopol, preventing Ukrainian soldiers from going in or out.

Ukraine, Russia and Crimea

Russia has told Ukraine forces in Crimea to surrender


Russian forces have also seized a border checkpoint on the Ukrainian border between Russia and Crimea, Reuters reported.

Ukraine's defence ministry said two Russian fighter jets violated the country's air space in the Black Sea on Sunday night and that it had scrambled an interceptor aircraft to prevent the "provocative actions".

US President Barack Obama said Moscow was "on the wrong side of history" on Ukraine.

His State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said: "At this point we are not just considering sanctions given the actions Russia is taking, it is likely we will put those in place and we are preparing that.

An armed man stands near a Ukrainian military base in Simferopol

A soldier stands guard outside a military base in Simferopol


"We have a broad range of options available."

Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the UN, told the UN Security Council in New York that Russia's actions are a violation of international law and a "response to an imaginary threat".

She said there is no "legal basis" for Moscow's troop deployment and the way to resolve the crisis is through talks between Ukraine and Russia.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is flying to Ukraine late on Monday and will then travel to France and Italy.

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Anti-Russia protests have taken place in New York


British Prime Minister David Cameron called for the world to send Russia a "clear message" about its actions.

Nato will hold more emergency talks on the crisis on Tuesday after Poland requested consultations with its allies on the threat posed by Moscow.

The developments came as Russian President Vladimir Putin watched tanks and armoured vehicles taking part in military exercises at a training ground in north-west Russia.

People watch a Russian Navy ship enter the Crimean port city of Sevastopol

A Russian ship near the Crimean port of Sevastopol


Mr Putin attended the war games to test the combat-readiness of his armed forces in western and central parts of Russia, regions adjacent to Ukraine, a spokesman said.

The Russian foreign ministry said Nato's criticism of its actions in Crimea "will not help stabilise" the situation in Ukraine.

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev discussed the escalating crisis in Ukraine with US Vice President Joe Biden by telephone.

Mr Medvedev "declared that it is necessary to protect the interests of all Ukrainian citizens, including residents of Crimea, and citizens of Russia who are located in Ukraine," according to Interfax.


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