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Local Govt Elections: GECOM Chairman discards concerns by PPP Commissioners

GECOM Chairman, Steve Surujbally

GECOM Chairman, Steve Surujbally 


(1 Vote)
Denis Scott Chabrol
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Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Dr. Steve Surujbally on Monday debunked claims by the three ruling party-nominated commissioners that the local government elections machinery was rusty and could lead to disenfranchisement.
Surujbally insisted that the commission was “fully prepared and committed” to move into election mode with “immediacy” whenever the Local Government Minister issues an order after consulting with GECOM.
In terms of actual preparations for local government elections , the Commission Chairman said they already have a work plan that caters for 180 days from the date of the ministerial order. This timeframe is largely a result of the sequential statutory requirements and other prerequisite activities for the conduct of the elections.  He said those statutory prerequisites have been shared with Stakeholders, including Political Parties, the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the International Development Partners, and other interested parties.
He explained that GECOM’s Work Plan for Local Government Elections, which is being reviewed constantly, contains several major statutory and administrative tasks - some of which will be implemented concurrently. They include the acquisition of non-sensitive Election Materials, advertising/training/evaluation/hiring of Election Day workers, Public Education, Claims and Objections, etc.  Each of these activities can be undertaken concomitantly and indeed are currently being addressed, he said.
He noted that those Plans (with changes as they emerge) had been developed and were in the possession of the Commission, since the approval by Parliament of the new System for Local Government Elections.
The Commission Chairman noted that Parliament this year again approved the holding of Local Government Elections but the money would be released only if GECOM earnestly engaged in in specific activities for those polls until the date is called. He added that it was after this procedure has been realized can Programme II funds be activated by the Ministry of Finance, in accordance with the rules delineated in the Integrated Fiscal Management and Accountability Act No 20 of 2003.
Reacting directly to assertions by the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP)-nominated commissioners-- Mohamood Shaw, Dr. Keshav Mangal andAthmaram Mangar—he described them as comments that were being “fed to the media about GECOM’s supposed unpreparedness.
Some constituency boundaries cut across established divisions and sub- divisions requiring field operations to effectively allocate existing registrants on the National Register of Registrants to a unique constituency. Response:
The Secretariat has already addressed this issue.  A presentation was done to inform the Commission on the way forward with this matter and the Commission already gave the go ahead.  We suggest to those who have raised this issue to specifically identify deficiencies in our demarcation, delineation and delimitation undertakings.

Commissioners believe that the resolution of transfers of numerous electors, particularly to constituencies, must be addressed with dispatch as some constituencies do not have adequate registrants to effectively field adequate lists of candidates.
GECOM cannot arbitrarily transfer registrants from one constituency to another to facilitate adequacy pertaining to the number of signatories that are required to support candidacy.
Also, the legal provisions determine the number of signatories that are required to support candidacy – not GECOM.  We have to work with the legal provisions.
The placement of every eligible voter within his/her respective constituency is a statutory task which will be undertaken during the 180-day preparations for Local Government Elections, prior to the conduct of the mandatory Claims and Objections exercise for such elections.
“CONCERN No. 3” An analysis of the National Register of Registrants and subsequent printing of lists for Local Government Elections require operations that involve the Information Technology Division, which is without key top-level and appropriate staff.
GECOM has been working without an IT Manager for quite some time now.  This has not prevented the Division from carrying out its functions.  In fact, only recently the current staff of the IT Division have updated the National Register of Registrants with the transactions done during the 6th Cycle of Registration and the relevant ID cards have already been printed. 
Indeed the public would have recognized that advertisements inviting applications for IT personnel are abounding in the print media.  International Development Partners have also been approached relative to acquiring the services of an Information Technology and Communication Specialist to Head GECOM’s IT Division.

Additionally, some GECOM Commissioners noted that there are some key legislative issues, including lacunae in laws that govern Local Government Elections.
The legislative issues (“lacunae in the law&rdquo, which are minor and which cannot prevent the elections from being held as they are, have already been identified, and the relevant proposed amendments have already been drafted.  This task can easily be completed within the six months timeframe for the conduct of elections.  The Commissioners know this.
The issue of voter education was also raised as another exercise that the Commission needs to sufficiently address before elections are held.  There needs to be a vigorous education programme to inform and educate the populace on the new Local Government Elections system, which comprises a mixture of the Constituency and Proportional Representation Models, in which political parties as well as individuals and interested groups may contest the elections.
Response: This concern is especially facetious.  Relative to GECOM’s Public Education Programme for Local Government Elections, it is significant to note that in March 2010, after involving itself in huge amounts of public awareness programmes, GECOM intimated to  the Minister of Local Government that the Registers of Voters were completed and certified, and that there were no material impediments for holding LGE (to which, I might add, there was not even a recognition of receipt of our correspondence), nothing emerged from the Ministry of Local Government relative to a date for LGE.  Time, great effort and money were wasted
As a consequence, GECOM took the deliberate decision to implement an ongoing programme, with moderate intensity, publicizing information about Local Government Elections with focus being placed initially on the new Local Government Elections Electoral System. This was preferable to a “stop – start” methodology, which could have the inherent possibility to exasperate and disenchant potential voter. Later, at the appropriate time, the Public Education Strategy will focus in an intensified manner on the processes and procedures associated with the new System - the moment a date is appointed for the Elections.
GECOM’s ongoing Public Education Programme includes the following:-
·         Two panel discussions, which were conducted at the NCN Channel 11 Studio, were broadcast (pro bono) by this Channel for the benefit of viewers in Regions 3, 4 and 5.  Recorded copies of both panel discussions were also publicized by the television stations in Regions 2, 6, 7 and 10, and we will continue to call on all these TV Houses to broadcast the content of the Panel Discussions.
·         100,000 copies of a Brochure titled “Local Government Elections” featuring several aspects of pertinent information were produced.  Copies of this Brochure have been dispatched, with the knowledge of the Minister of Local Government, to all of the 71 Local Authority Areas in Guyana for distribution to citizens of the respective Areas.  In fact, following the finalization of the boundaries of Constituencies within the various Local Authority Areas, we have commenced distributing these brochures at the level of the Local Authority Areas.  We have also commenced making thousands of copies to the Parliamentary (and other) Political Parties for distribution among their constituents.
·         Four infomercials about the new system for Local Government Elections and why persons should vote at these elections were publicized on all of the local Radio and Television Stations.  We consciously discontinued this exercise, but will reactivate the publication of these infomercials very early within the projected 180-day period.
Currently, GECOM is on the verge of engaging the four local daily newspapers to publish sequential columns titled “Local Government Elections Corner”, which will feature pertinent information about Local Government Elections.  Also, the Commission is currently engaged in the process which will lead to the imminent publication, on radio and television, of more pertinent information about the new system for Local Government Elections.
It is all a matter of timing.  GECOM, with all of its experience and proven track record is committed to carry out its duties without interference and hindrances.  We know what we are about and do not need unnecessary and unhelpful humbug.
Then there was the contention that every eligible voter will not be correctly placed on his/her constituency list.
Response: It must be emphasized that GECOM has already engaged itself with the preliminary and administrative placement of eligible electors in Constituencies.  However, the placement of every eligible voter within their respective Constituencies is a statutory task which must be undertaken during the conduct of the mandatory Claims and Objections exercise for such elections.
Yet, on the periphery, spokespersons for a Political Party are insinuating that Members of the Commission are somehow involved in some collusion to exclude eligible persons from any voters’ list to be used for Local Government Elections. 
There was not enough ground work and consultations done to ascertain boundaries countrywide.
Response: GECOM did in fact “walk’ the ground to determine the boundaries for the 585 constituencies within all of the existing Local Authority Areas, and carried out the associated physical verification within the communities All this was done with the absolute involvement of Party Scrutineers.
GECOM’s thoroughness (relative to the assurance that every eligible voter will be correctly placed on his/her constituency list) excites no confidence. 
Response: GECOM had already verified the residency status of electors when they had applied for registration.  This is always done in the presence of Party Scrutineers who sign on the “Application for Registration Form” attesting to their observation that the verification process was properly done.  Consequently, there is no need for GECOM to do any further verification of the residency status of the registrant/elector.  The placement of electors within the respective constituencies is an internal task which will be done at the appropriate time.
Further, prior to the Claims and Objections exercise for Local Government Elections, preliminary Voters’ Lists will be produced and posted for public scrutiny at conspicuous points within all of the 585 constituencies. This would be carried out, so that all Stakeholders, especially electors, can check for the accuracy of their respective listings as well as that of others.  Should any incorrectness pertaining to their particulars be observed, the relevant elector can and should apply to GECOM, during the Claims and Objections exercise, for the necessary correction(s) to be made.  On the other hand electors could also object, again during the Claims and Objections exercise, to the inclusion of any elector who they have reason to believe should not be on the list.
As is the norm, copies of the entire voters’ list will be shared with the Political Parties contesting the Elections for scrutiny!!
The principal reason for undertaking the foregoing is for all Stakeholders, including the contesting Political Parties, to have confidence in the Final Voters’ List produced for the elections.

“CONCERN No.9” Thousands of persons are in need of being transferred from the original addresses where they were registered to new addresses to which they have since moved.
Response: GECOM has already provided the opportunity for the affected registrants to apply for transfers during the sixth cycle of registration.  And, lets face it, persons actually had three months to apply for transfers.
Nevertheless, during the 6th Cycle of Continuous Registration, GECOM had responded to several requests from the Chief Scrutineer of a complaining Party for Mobile Units to go into communities where, reportedly, there were numerous persons who were needful of applying for transfers.  In this regard, notwithstanding the provision of information at grass roots level prior to the visits, the response was far less that we had expected (based on the information given by that Party’s Chief Scrutineer). 
In addition, let it be recognized that, GECOM will be conducting a Claims and Objections exercise during August this year to produce an Official List of Electors (OLE) as a sequel to the 6th Cycle of Continuous Registration. The Parliamentary Political Parties have been informed of this exercise via a letter dated June 9, 2014.  During this exercise, the opportunity will be provided across Guyana for all persons who have changed their addresses since they were registered to apply for transfers.  This feature of the exercise would be widely publicized as would the others.
GECOM takes the opportunity to assure all concerned that it is aware that, especially due to the establishment of new housing schemes, there is the need for the transfer of persons who have taken up residence in such areas after they were registered by GECOM previously as having a residency address at some other location.  Accordingly, heavy emphasis will be placed on this category of persons during the imminent Claims and Objections exercise through the publication of appropriate messages via every available media.
Supportive action by the Political Parties in encouraging its relevant constituents to make use of the opportunity to apply for transfers would contribute significantly in addressing concerns pertaining to transfers.
Alas, all of the efforts and explanations, which we have continuously offered, seem not to matter.  There are still those who state that the Elections Commission must make a public declaration of what is termed the “sensitive” matter of its Constitutional mandate to ensure that everyone eligible is placed on the official list of electors (OLE), in the interest of ensuring that no one will be disenfranchised.
As far as GECOM is concerned, there is no problem, nor is one envisaged, over the placement of eligible voters on the relative lists at the constituency level. In this regard, GECOM has been fulfilling its mandate towards ensuring that no voter is disenfranchised, by providing opportunities for eligible persons to apply for registration, name change, corrections and transfers throughout Guyana.
Surujbally hoped that his explanations would put to rest all of the public innuendoes, speculations and misconceptions.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Chairman of the Guyana now tells the Corrupt PPP/C that he is ready for Local Government Elections, so cut the bullshit out that GECOM is not ready.


The Corrupt PPP/C is scared as hell of losing their power base.


‘It is not GECOM’s fault that the PPP is not ready for LGE’ – Amna Ally

July 14, 2014 5:15 pmCategory: PoliticsA+ / A-

Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally.

Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally.

[] – Opposition Chief Whip and APNU’s Chief Scrutineer Amna Ally has lashed out at the ruling Peoples’ Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) for sidestepping announcements by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), signaling its readiness to hold Local Government Elections.

After an absence of Local Government Elections for the last 20 years and despite GECOM echoing its willingness to hold either local or general elections, the PPP/C says it is not satisfied with the keenness of work done so far.

This stance by the ruling Party was met with rejection by the Opposition Parties, the diplomatic community and other civil society groups.

In a statement issued at the weekend, three GECOM Commissioners: Dr. Keshav Mangal, Athmaram Mangar and Mohamood Shaw said that there are several operational issues of concern which needs to be addressed.

To this end, Ally said “In no less a person than the Chairman of GECOM intimated that GECOM was ready for local government elections, I don’t understand how the PPP and its Commissioners could come out saying GECOM is not ready.”

She added “I must submit that GECOM should be independent for the running of elections, it is not GECOM or my fault that the PPP is not ready.”

The Opposition Chief Whip said it is clear that the PPP does not want to hold LGE and as a consequence the ruling Party has been making a number of excuses to stymie that process.

“My view is that GECOM having said they are ready we must have local government elections, I believe that we ought to have local government elections, we want local government elections and we are calling for local government elections,” Aly stated.

GECOM Commissioners. [iNews' Photo]

GECOM Commissioners. [iNews' Photo]

She said there are too many things going wrong in several parts of the country and reasoned that there was need for better democracy at those levels.


Ally said her Party has done a lot of work in sensitizing people on the new local government system and is confident that the populace is ready for LGE too.

But despite these urgings and assurances the PPP/c continues to call on GECOM to ensure that proper and adequate mechanisms are in place so that every eligible voter is placed in their respective constituency list.


Local Govt Minister made no move to facilitate elections – GECOM Chairman

July 15, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Dr. Steve Surujbally, says that a lot of money was wasted on voter education all because the Minister of Local Government displayed scant regard to GECOM’s stated readiness to host Local Government Elections. Dr. Surujbally was responding to claims that the voter education exercise was not sufficiently addressed to facilitate the holding of Local Government Elections. The question of when the ruling administration will announce a date for the holding of the long overdue Local Government Elections has been a hot topic, with the government issuing excuse after excuse for the delay. “The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is fully prepared and committed to move formally into an election mode with immediacy, if and when the Commission is mandated to conduct Local Government Elections,” Surujbally stated. According to the GECOM Chairman, there were claims that “there needs to be a vigorous education programme to inform and educate the populace on the new Local Government Elections system, which comprises a mixture of the Constituency and Proportional Representation Models, in which political parties as well as individuals and interested groups may contest the elections.” But the Guyana Elections Commission Chairman however, slammed this concern as facetious. He explained that in March 2010, after involving itself in huge numbers of public awareness programmes, the Commission intimated to the Minister of Local Government that the Register of Voters was completed and certified, and that there were no material impediments for holding LGE. Surujbally said that there was not even recognition of receipt of its correspondence to the Minister and nothing emerged from the Ministry of Local Government relative to a date for Local Government Elections. “Time, great effort and money were wasted,” he stated. As a consequence, the Chairman said that GECOM took the deliberate decision to implement an ongoing programme, with moderate intensity, publicizing information about Local Government Elections with focus being placed initially on the new Local Government Elections Electoral System. “This was preferable to a “stop–start” methodology, which could have the inherent possibility to exasperate and disenchant potential voters. Later, at the appropriate time, the Public Education Strategy will focus in an intensified manner on the processes and procedures associated with the new System – the moment a date is appointed for the Elections,” Dr. Surujbally explained. GECOM’s ongoing Public Education Programme includes two panel discussions, which were conducted at the NCN Channel 11 Studio. They were broadcast (pro bono) by this Channel for the benefit of viewers in Regions Three, Four and Five. Recorded copies of both panel discussions were also publicized by the television stations in Regions Two, Six, Seven and Ten. GECOM will continue to call on all these TV Houses to broadcast the content of the Panel Discussions. In addition 100,000 copies of a Brochure titled “Local Government Elections” featuring several aspects of pertinent information were produced.  Copies of this Brochure have been dispatched, with the knowledge of the Minister of Local Government, to all of the 71 Local Authority Areas in Guyana for distribution to citizens of the respective Areas. “In fact, following the finalization of the boundaries of Constituencies within the various Local Authority Areas, we have commenced distributing these brochures at the level of the Local Authority Areas.  We have also commenced making thousands of copies to the Parliamentary (and other) Political Parties for distribution among their constituents,” the GECOM Chairman explained. Also, four infomercials about the new system for Local Government Elections and why persons should vote at these elections were publicized on all of the local Radio and Television Stations. Currently, GECOM is on the verge of engaging the four local daily newspapers to publish sequential columns titled “Local Government Elections Corner”, which will feature pertinent information about Local Government Elections. The Commission is currently engaged in the process which will lead to the imminent publication, on radio and television, of more pertinent information about the new system for Local Government Elections. “It is all a matter of timing.  GECOM, with all of its experience and proven track record is committed to carrying out its duties without interference and hindrances.  We know what we are about and do not need unnecessary and unhelpful humbug,” Dr. Surujbally declared.


The PPP will call a surprise Local Election and the opposition will be caught off guard.


Moses is hiding in his toilet after threatening a no confidence motion. I have said time and time again that the opposition is useless and worthless. They can only talk and talk is cheap.


PPP are running scared. They are lying through their teeth to deny the Guyanese people their constitutional rights to democracy. Denying the people the right to vote is just as undemocratic as rigging the elections. Just like their Cuban Commie comrades.


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