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Surveillance being increased but major resources needed for modernised prison system

- Ramjattan

By , August 23, 2015, Source


A modernised prison system is on the government’s to do list but given the unavailability of financing not much can be done in the short term, according to Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, who says surveillance is being increased as a short-term measure.


Ramjattan told Stabroek News that the state of the country’s prisons is a cause for concern and the recent escape of two prisoners from the New Amsterdam Prison has called attention to the situation.


“We understand that some of the physical infrastructure of the prisons, like boarded walls rather than concreted walls… is making it accessible. At least the potential is there for people to want to break out,” he said.


Ravindra Samaroo and Lennox Patterson managed to kick out a board from the wall of their cell, which is located on the third floor of the New Amsterdam Prison building. They then used bed sheets to lower themselves down to the ground and then scaled a perimeter fence, which is at least 15ft-high and outfitted with razor wire.


While Samaroo was recaptured, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum yesterday said Patterson remains at large.


Following an attack at the New Amsterdam Prison last year, one of the injured prisoners had told this newspaper that the attackers were outfitted with acid and a cutlass by wardens. The inmate had said that once the money was right, the prisoner could have access to anything he wanted.


Stabroek News was told that the police have already obtained statements as it pertains to the recent escape and will sometime this week be preparing a file for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice on whether anyone should be criminally charged

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A modernised prison system is on the government’s to do list but given the unavailability of financing not much can be done in the short term, according to Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, who says surveillance is being increased as a short-term measure.


Surveillance being increased but major resources needed for modernised prison system, By , August 23, 2015, Source

Perhaps, meaning that the government's plan is to do nothing about the issues.


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