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Keffer posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
House Slave Moses saw through the fists and feet(Kicks) of the PNC when he was pitched like a stray dog on the Parpet BUT you are RIGHT, being Power Hungry, he is willing to overlook such "small" issues. He feels having the title PM is all that matters.  THe People for him is indeed bottom Feeders!!!

Nehru, here's your chance to picket him again. Next Sunday at Naresa Place.

Picket him ?  The people in NY should shower this jackass with a barrage of rotten eggs !!

Careful, Keffer. Peaceful picketing is legal and allowable. Throwing rotten eggs is assault. Last year Nehru and his friends picketed Nagamootoo and Granger at Naresa Palace. That was fine. 

Mr.T posted:

Gou see these clowns. They are not even Guyanese tax payers and they telling Guyanese people how to stir up trouble. They don't even have respect for a visiting member of a foreign government.

Respect you said ? We are talking about PNC goons and hoodlums here; nothing less than shameless criminals and you damn well know that ! Have you heard the voice of Granger (yes, the same Granger who was a part of the Burnham election-rigging apparatus elections time and again) in all of this ? Where is the law and order when citizens are chased down the street at night by thugs, operating under the protection of the govt., without following standard practice of showing their identification or even declaring the purpose of their presence. The net result was regretfully the death of an innocent citizen who was driving the truck; the two in the car most certainly received what they had coming to them.

Keffer posted:
Mr.T posted:

Gou see these clowns. They are not even Guyanese tax payers and they telling Guyanese people how to stir up trouble. They don't even have respect for a visiting member of a foreign government.

Respect you said ? We are talking about PNC goons and hoodlums here; nothing less than shameless criminals and you damn well know that

What I know is that Granger is doing an excellent job in going after the criminals and especially the PPP cartel members who have undermined justice for two decades. All this PPP talk about innocent citizens being victimized is not cutting it. These are the crime family members. The PPP is not going to get away as easy as they did before when they controlled the police and one call from Jagdeo would see the likes of Khan being released and their illegal weapons and spy equipment returned with an apology. No such luck now guys. Granger is gonna come for you. Corruption and crime will be tackled, so you better get used to it.


Targeting women during the night and chasing them, under the guise of surveillance, is your idea of law enforcement, eh ! You must be demented. Since you know so much about crime families, spill your guts and let everyone know what crime Alana Ramson and her brother were guilty of.  Under what section of Guyana law is taking baby clothing and effects out of her own home a violation of law; since you know so much why don't you quote the statute. Granger and his henchmen are driving the economy of Guyana into the ground just as that notorious election rigger Burnham did previously. The only thing of note that Granger did was increasing the salaries of his henchmen by 50%; in other words ....piss on the ordinary people.   

Keffer posted:

Targeting women during the night and chasing them, under the guise of surveillance, is your idea of law enforcement, eh ! You must be demented. Since you know so much about crime families, spill your guts and let everyone know what crime Alana Ramson and her brother were guilty of.  Under what section of Guyana law is taking baby clothing and effects out of her own home a violation of law; since you know so much why don't you quote the statute. Granger and his henchmen are driving the economy of Guyana into the ground just as that notorious election rigger Burnham did previously. The only thing of note that Granger did was increasing the salaries of his henchmen by 50%; in other words ....piss on the ordinary people.   

That clown T thinks everyone is like him.  He boasted here, on this site, about dealing in weed to fund his way through college.

Drugb posted:

This is the same T who openly supported Suriname's drug dealing president DÃĐsi Bouterse

Let me point out that you are fabricating a total lie. OK, so I screwed two of his relatives. But he had several of my friends murdered in cold blood. I was lucky not to have been in the country at the time. To claim that I openly supported him is the kind of thing I would expect from you. You were after all the Jagdeo contact with Bouterse.


Ministry condemns Nandlall’s comments on Granger

January 11, 2016  Source

The Ministry of the Presidency has condemned remarks made by former Attorney General Anil Nandlall in today’s Stabroek News in relation to what President David Granger said about the investigation into the Carifesta Avenue collision that claimed three lives on December 30. The statement by the ministry follows:

The Ministry of the Presidency (MOTP) condemns comments attributed to former Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall, published in the Stabroek News on January 11, 2016 in the headlined article, “Nandlall slams President’s ‘unlawful interference’ in Carifesta Avenue Collision”. The Ministry believes that this is a deliberate and iniquitous attempt to misconstrue President David Granger’s comments and thereby, mislead the public.

At no point has the Head of State interfered in either the conduct of the operation, which was led by Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), nor the investigations following the regretful loss of three lives. President Granger, in response to questions from reporters, who were at MOTP for the swearing in of Minister Valerie Adams-Patterson, indicated that while he is aware that there is an internal probe that will be conducted by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), because of the death of Sergeant Robert Pyle, a determination for the need for a wider investigation would be advised on by the Chief of Staff of the GDF.

Responding to a question posed by News Source Journalist, Gordon Moseley, who asked, “Mr. President there is some concern, regarding the recent death of the GDF Officer on a special mission. Sir you are part of the Defence Board of course. Could you say whether or not there will be a move to have a full probe of the circumstances that may have led to his death,” President Granger said that he does not “see that there is need for a probe at the present time but if after discussions with the Chief of Staff he feels such a probe is justified” then such a probe would be conducted.

While the President said that at this point he saw no need for a wider probe, he did not rule it out nor did he advise or instruct either the Guyana Police Force (GPF) or the GDF on how they should proceed with their investigations.

During that same media engagement, the President went on to say that he is not involved in the operational use of the GPF or the GDF and these functions are vested in the Commissioner of Police by the Police Act and the Chief of Staff by the Defence Act, respectively.

“No politician gets involved in giving directives; operational directives to the Chief of Staff or to the Commissioner [of Police],” he said.

The President did not say at any time that there will be no investigation. Further, both the GPF and the GDF have investigating and reporting responsibilities in this unfortunate case as they would have with any other similar case.

The Ministry also finds the publishing of Nandlall’s comments by Stabroek News as unfortunate, as the President’s quoted comments never amounted to the content of his accusations, particularly since no effort was made to seek a response from the Head of State by the newspaper, thereby abrogating his right of reply.


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