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Suspect held in

Courtney Crum-Ewing


July 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– Crime Chief describes arrest as ‘significant development’

Assassinated: Courtney Crum-Ewing

Assassinated: Courtney Crum-Ewing

Four months after he was assassinated with a bull-horn in his hands, police appear to be close to solving the murder of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing.


Crime Chief Superintendent, Wendell Blanhum, announced yesterday that ranks from the force’s Major Crime Investigation Unit have questioned a suspect in connection with the March 10, 2015 killing that shocked the nation.


Blanhum said that the suspect,

whom he declined to identify,

was contacted and questioned yesterday

and remains in custody.


“We have a new lead…

Investigators are working on a new lead

on the Crum-Ewing case,” the Crime Chief said.


“During the course of today,

ranks from the Major Crime Investigation Unit

conducted an intensive interview with the suspect.”


Declining to say

whether the motive seems to point to

a “political assassination,”

Senior Superintendant Blanhum

noted that the investigation is still

in its “preliminary stage,”

but described the arrest as

“a significant development.”


Contacted last night,

Crum-Ewing’s mother, Donna Harcourt,

said that she too had heard about the arrest.


“I feel good;

I thank God that they are making progress.

I hope that all of them will be brought to justice.

People must not be allowed to kill and go free.”



a former Queen’s College student and army officer,

was riddled with bullets

on the evening of Tuesday March 10, 2015,

as he stood on Third Avenue in the Diamond New Scheme.


A post mortem revealed that

he was shot thrice in the head

and twice in the chest.

The killer used a .32 pistol and

fired at such close range that

gunpowder burns were left on his victim’s clothes and body.


His assassination occurred as

he used a bullhorn while advocating

for persons in the Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara,

area to support

A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change

(APNU+AFC) coalition

in the May 11 General Elections.


This had prompted many to suggest that

his murder was being politically motivated.


Police had stated that Crum-Ewing

was accosted by four men in a car,

one of whom discharged several rounds,

hitting him about his body.


Detectives had also heard that the activist

had a brief verbal confrontation

with the alleged killer before he was shot.


Crum-Ewing’s relatives have alleged that

he had complained twice of receiving threats.


This occurred when the 40-year-old ex-army officer

began staging his one-man protests,

lasting some 80 days,

outside Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall’s

Carmichael Street office,

while urging the Attorney General to resign

in the wake of a recorded telephone conversation

between himself and a Kaieteur News journalist.


The first threat was reportedly made

by an individual,

who allegedly drove up to Crum-Ewing and said:

“Anil ain’t going nowhere,

so you better go or else…”


On another occasion,

he was reportedly told:


you don’t mean to stop this stupidness?”


They said that the protestor

had reported these threats to the police

and identified one of the individuals,

but no action was taken.


Crum-Ewing’s minibus

was also vandalized.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

NewsSource: "Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud has disclosed that the execution of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing is “back on the front burner” as new evidence has surfaced in the case.

He said police investigators are currently pursuing new leads on the grounds that the murder may have been political motivated.

“Yes! It is back on the front burner, the Major Crimes Investigation Unit is on it,” he said.

Persaud told News Source this morning that an individual was recently questioned in relation to the shooting death of the former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldier and he noted that another individual is being sought.

The Police Commissioner refused to say whether either of the persons were known characters or politically connected. 

He however, stated that the new evidence has placed police investigators along a line of inquiry that the murder may have been a politically motivated crime."



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

NewsSource: "Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud has disclosed that the execution of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing is “back on the front burner” as new evidence has surfaced in the case.

He said police investigators are currently pursuing new leads on the grounds that the murder may have been political motivated.

“Yes! It is back on the front burner, the Major Crimes Investigation Unit is on it,” he said.

Persaud told News Source this morning that an individual was recently questioned in relation to the shooting death of the former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldier and he noted that another individual is being sought.

The Police Commissioner refused to say whether either of the persons were known characters or politically connected. 

He however, stated that the new evidence has placed police investigators along a line of inquiry that the murder may have been a politically motivated crime."



I think this case will bring about some huge revelations.  Lets wait and see. 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

NewsSource: "Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud has disclosed that the execution of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing is “back on the front burner” as new evidence has surfaced in the case.

He said police investigators are currently pursuing new leads on the grounds that the murder may have been political motivated.

“Yes! It is back on the front burner, the Major Crimes Investigation Unit is on it,” he said.

Persaud told News Source this morning that an individual was recently questioned in relation to the shooting death of the former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldier and he noted that another individual is being sought.

The Police Commissioner refused to say whether either of the persons were known characters or politically connected. 

He however, stated that the new evidence has placed police investigators along a line of inquiry that the murder may have been a politically motivated crime."



I think this case will bring about some huge revelations.  Lets wait and see. 

 I guess all is awaiting more info



We will hear who is the phantom

that was driving Anil Nandalal vehicle

and staking out  and videotaping

Kaiteur news Exactly one year ago.

( Last year on Eid Day)


Nandalall claim he did not know....

at the time he was at the Peters Hall Masjid....

and he he do not know....because...

he was Driving one of his Range Rovers

at the said time.


Vishnu after the Link is Exposed....

do you think Ramjattan

should move with lightening speed

to start arresting those involved

and bring them to justice?


The Fella who Dhanpaul say

is a Top PPP Political consultant

 cannot do any damage Control........

for Dhar Poke now.


Vish we know he is still in de house

under a new name....

but he will have to continue hiding.....


this investigation has gone

deep into the Chat-3 HQ on Robb Street


 and the Black thugs are saying .....

hope aya do not Involve us.....

this is not a Blackman Hit.


Imagine if the Chat-3's are involved...

and they go down... 


who will stop De Rat & Duck Rawans.....

Lamumba, Kwame, Bynoe, Edgehill,

Hamilton, Collymore, McClean  & Nascimento

from assuming the Leadership

of De HQ pun Robb Street....


and run things.....

after De Chat-3 Rats, Goat, Duck and Pigs

cut and run.


Look like Nehru Right

De 2 who refuse to be House Slave

"Broooook Dem up....and.... Fooooook Dem up"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

NewsSource: "Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud has disclosed that the execution of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing is “back on the front burner” as new evidence has surfaced in the case.

He said police investigators are currently pursuing new leads on the grounds that the murder may have been political motivated.

“Yes! It is back on the front burner, the Major Crimes Investigation Unit is on it,” he said.

Persaud told News Source this morning that an individual was recently questioned in relation to the shooting death of the former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) soldier and he noted that another individual is being sought.

The Police Commissioner refused to say whether either of the persons were known characters or politically connected. 

He however, stated that the new evidence has placed police investigators along a line of inquiry that the murder may have been a politically motivated crime."



I think this case will bring about some huge revelations.  Lets wait and see. 

 I guess all is awaiting more info



We will hear who is the phantom

that was driving Anil Nandalal vehicle

and staking out  and videotaping

Kaiteur news Exactly one year ago.

( Last year on Eid Day)


Nandalall claim he did not know....

at the time he was at the Peters Hall Masjid....

and he he do not know....because...

he was Driving one of his Range Rovers

at the said time.


Vishnu after the Link is Exposed....

do you think Ramjattan

should move with lightening speed

to start arresting those involved

and bring them to justice?


The Fella who Dhanpaul say

is a Top PPP Political consultant

 cannot do any damage Control........

for Dhar Poke now.


Vish we know he is still in de house

under a new name....

but he will have to continue hiding.....


this investigation has gone

deep into the Chat-3 HQ on Robb Street


 and the Black thugs are saying .....

hope aya do not Involve us.....

this is not a Blackman Hit.


Imagine if the Chat-3's are involved...

and they go down... 


who will stop De Rat & Duck Rawans.....

Lamumba, Kwame, Bynoe, Edgehill,

Hamilton, Collymore, McClean  & Nascimento

from assuming the Leadership

of De HQ pun Robb Street....


and run things.....

after De Chat-3 Rats, Goat, Duck and Pigs

cut and run.


Look like Nehru Right

De 2 who refuse to be House Slave

"Broooook Dem up....and.... Fooooook Dem up"

Yuh thief any Dhal Puri lately!!!


Stabroek News


SKYY • 2 hours ago - He's just a hitman. Who ordered the hit?



May 11th,,,''Crum-Ewing Day''  -  about time,?? the word is on the street months now,,??

 get the triggerman and his handlers too,,,dem should face a 'firing squad',,???
Guyanese killing Guyanese innocently must stop.
Build the Martyr a Monument,,,3 Linden Martyrs too,,,,

Min Sawh and Ronald Waddle too...



Onion Coil  -  He's a suspect. Hopefully the killer, whomever he/she is will face the justice they deserve.

 This man was assassinated by person or persons that wanted to still his voice.

Democracies need voices like Crum-Ewing; they don't need killers, nay despots as those responsible for his blood.


Reason   -  This is good news. I would like them to investigate,


 Who killed Waddell, Sawh, Lusignan, Bartica, Lindo Creek, and Donna McKinnon?

Let the chips fall where they may.


Ashley Singh Reason - The Honorable Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Mr. Basil Williams would be the best person to add a bit of enlightenment. He, as defense counsel, represented a few of them..



Gary  - This is great news and to that I say thank you Jesus. Now let's see the killers face .

I have to mention this if the PPP was in office not one person would have been arrested for Courtney's murder.

 The PPP encouraged so many horrible things in that country it is a shame they were allowed to run that country for 23 years.



100days  - No news is good names, is it another so called investigation?



OBSERVER  -  It was Guyana's National Poet who wrote, so many years ago;
" murder men
as men must murder men
to build there shining
go.......ts of the damned.
Let's hope that the assassinator of Courtney Crum-Ewing is brought to justice.



BORAPORKCourtney rattled the cages of the corrupt and like Waddle he became marked for death.

This patriot's death must not be in vain.

Its investigatation must be pursued to wherever it may lead, even if it touches the powerful.



MR. VICKASH SINGH BORAPORK  -  Some people mark their own death it is call KARMA.

You have the nerve to mention Waddel.

Some people try to make the devil look good by putting on the angels clothing on them.



Guyanesefella BORAPORK  - No body should be marked for death and while Mr. Crum Ewing appeared to have just been be a innocent demonstrator. However that other name u mentioned was involved in much more, for instance his link to the criminal gang which camped out in Buxton. That same gang who terriorize buxtonians and other east coast residents. He met that violent end because of his questionable activities.



Maharanee BORAPORK  - Be careful what you wish for.

The "powerful" might be closer to home than you think.







Carllashley Maharanee  -  Let it be.


KassemB  -  'Cops hold suspect in Crum-Ewing murder'
Interesting development


Patriot (cuffy jumbie) KassemB  -  Some good Ole time police wuk,

and he will tell us who his handler was.

Plenty people gat fuh bee shaking at this news.


CleveM KassemB  -  KB Bhai:  This is definitely witch hunting ������


VishMahabir CleveM  -  Its not. Not laugh story but funny CleveM  lol......



CleveM  -  Bhai:  Dem cops making serious "pragress"

since de president "farmulate" he 5 "pint" strat-ah-gy.

Dem ketch de thief dem who raab de judge,

dem who murda Randall and

now dem hole up de sus-pek who kill Crum-Ewing.

Good lee-da-ship equal good results��

Finally abe gat good lee-da-ship��



dougla CleveM  -  Good Leadership? $5M fu catch one, one is suspect,

 wa happen wid dem harse back wan

 and all de rest creating havoc daily on peaceful citizens?

 ayau Leada ship ah good JOKERS, na mek me laugh dis soon marning bai,,,,



Smart fly dougla - Rohee couldn't even ketcha fly when he was in office


stardust Smart flyNever mind a fly, he couldn't even ketch a blasted snail. Lol!!.


Carllashley Smart flyYou mean a cold.


BORAPORK dougla  - Let's hope the suspect does not end up being an ambassador in some far away land.


saggacayman dougla  -  Having a dummy and a dunce before May 11 in your deranged mind was genius!


CleveM dougla  -  You are as dumb as your post , cannot read or both. You decide.

Incompetent Rohee quiet now.

 Ah hear de gat vacancy at cinema at the new mall.

 Based on his experience Rohee will be a formidable candiate.His Metropole experience comes in handy��


dougla CleveM  - Our Mall has jobs fu all ayau JOKERS ,

 Rohee bread well buttered,,,


Patriot (cuffy jumbie) dougla  - Most tief man bread well  buttered,

because dem nah Ave to wuk fuh de butter.

What wuk did rohee do again?


Patriot (cuffy jumbie) dougla  -  Like yuh worry bhai?

 Tek it easy man, he nah call any big Wan name yet.


GoldenRule40 Patriot (cuffy jumbie)  -  If when investigated

 and they have some solid evidence that the suspect know more,

the Gov should bring back death penalty and see if he won't call them big names.


Gary GoldenRule40  - Great idea!!


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