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Suspected granny killer caught

- says he was hired by victim’s relative, paid $700,000

By , August 23, 2015, Source


Following days of surveillance and careful planning, police yesterday arrested the prime suspect in the murder of 77-year-old Montrose caretaker Danrasie Ganesh and the man told investigators that one of the woman’s relatives hired him to carry out the brutal crime.


At the time of his arrest at a house at Guyhoc in the city, the suspect was wearing the same clothes he wore when he murdered Ganesh, who was beaten and strangled in an August 1st attack that was recorded by surveillance cameras.


The suspect has indicated to investigators that he was hired by one of Ganesh’s close relatives to break into the house and find documents for the property, which is presently the subject of a dispute.


Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed the arrest of the suspect and two other men, who have been identified as accomplices in Ganesh’s murder.

A source said that after confessing, the suspect told investigators that he was given $700,000 to commit the crime and he implicated the close male relative of Ganesh along with another individual.


The arrest is being seen as testimony that police can pool their resources and work diligently to achieve breakthroughs in high profile cases and senior police officials yesterday lauded ranks for their remarkable efforts in this particular investigation.

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would the fellows here who insist it is granger's fault and used this horrible tragedy as and example of genocidal attacks on indians and apologize?


Note it is her indian family greed for the poor lady's property that caused her death. This is again the pattern...indians and Africans of the criminal class conspiring together to rob, kill or maim their victims.


Blame Granger for not kickstarting te criminal justice system That is his job. He did not cause this.


I don't ever remember hearing these types of crimes when growing up, dam, this is some real sick stuff. These people need to have a flogging, hard time, then hung if it is a positive as in this case.

Originally Posted by cain:

I don't ever remember hearing these types of crimes when growing up, dam, this is some real sick stuff. These people need to have a flogging, hard time, then hung if it is a positive as in this case.

Wah, yuh rass miss out.  Abie coolies used to fight and kill mattie over house and land banna.


Dem Black bais used to kill mattie over homan.

Last edited by Former Member

Granny Carmen's killer caught,

confesses to being a hitman

  • Sunday, 23 August 2015 08:00

Granny Carmen's killer caught, confesses to being a hitman 

Look De Cockroach

moving freely

like Kwame & Lamumba

in Freedom House...


The man, who bludgeoned a 77-year old woman,

has been caught and

he has since confessed that

he was hired by one of her relatives

for GUY$700,000 to kill her

and search the house for property documents.


Police sources said Colin Semple and two other persons

were arrested at a house at Guyhoc, Georgetown.

He confessed to killing

Danrasie "Carmen" Ganesh on August 1

at a house at Montrose, East Coast Demerara.

The woman was the caretaker of the property.

The incident was captured on surveillance video,

but Semple failed to retrieve the DVD

that contained the footage.


Police then used the footage

to see the entire episode,

captured a still image and

issue a wanted bulletin for the perpetrator.


He used a spanner to strike the woman several times

even after she fell to the ground.

At the time of his arrest,

he was wearing the same clothes

that he had committed the act in.

Equipped with a key

provided by the woman’s relative,


Semple hid in a car

while the woman was cutting flowers

for her daily ritual.


He then entered the house

and pounced on her

as she was conducting her chores.



Crime now solved....

Grannie own Greedy Family

paid Rawan to kill her and


were blaming AFC-APNU Govt.


This reminds us of Jagdeo & Ramotar


taking the Black House of Israel

 Killers , Thugs & Rapist


like Kwame, Lamumba,

Bynoe & Joe Hamilton and


putting these Cockroach

in Freedom House

and Top Govt Positions...


and leaving 

the Rice & Sugar Industry Bankrupt

on May 11 2015....

and Blaming AFC & APNU....


Businessman re-arrested over Montrose granny killing – police probing financial records


POLICE are today expected to commence a probe of the financial records of a Montrose businessman, after he was first arrested several weeks ago following the murder of 76-year-old Carmine Ganesh at her Montrose, East Coast Demerara home on Emancipation Day.On Saturday, after days of police surveillance, prime suspect Colin Alleyne was arrested more than a month since the August 1, 2015 killing of the woman.


Yesterday, the Guyana Chronicle was reliably informed that the police will today commence investigations into the financial records of the businessman, who operates a supermarket in the same area where the woman lived.


Sources who spoke with the Guyana Chronicle yesterday also suggest that the suspect, who has since implicated the woman’s son in her murder, might be attempting to mislead the police in an effort to cover for the businessman.


The police yesterday revisited both the scene of the murder and the home of the businessman as part of their investigations, and what was relayed to them by the suspect.


Thus far, the police have carried out several searches at the home of the businessman, as they sought to ascertain whether he had any documents belonging to the woman in his possession.

Additionally, the suspect also took the police back to the crime scene, where he retraced his steps on the day he murdered Ganesh.

Police sources have said that the steps that the young man retraced indeed matched everything that took place on the day the woman was killed.


He also showed them where he went and accidently removed a disc from a DVD player instead of the disc from the DVR, which had the footage from the surveillance cameras that captured his actions.


The young man had related to the police that after he and his mother were watching the news and she realised that he was the one who had killed the woman, she collapsed.

According to police sources, she later packed up her things and left for the United States.

On the day that the young man was arrested, he reportedly begged the arresting officers for a gun so he could commit suicide, since he felt he would not be able to deal with the consequences of his actions. “I cannot go through this,” he was quoted as saying.


The young man failed to give the police any information as to how he first met the businessman or the deceased woman’s son, who is also in police custody.


Since the murder, speculation was rife that her killing was not related to a robbery, since the killer was caught on camera looking for some sort of document, as he left other valuable things behind.


The police were, however, monitoring the movements of the suspect, who was captured on Saturday wearing the same clothes he wore when he murdered Ganesh on August 1, and was recorded by surveillance cameras carrying out the brutal crime.


By Leroy Smith


Man charged over murder of Montrose granny


By , August 25, 2015, Source


A 23-year-old man was today remanded to prison after being charged with the murder of elderly Montrose caretaker, Danrasie ‘Carmin’ Ganesh.


Colin Alleyne, of 77 Cemetery Road, Timehri, was not required to plead at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court to the indictable offence which stated that on August 1, 2015 at Montrose, East Coast Demerara, he murdered Ganesh.


The unrepresented man kept the court waiting for almost an entire hour as he refused to go anywhere until the police officers provided him with his own clothing.


After police managed to fulfil Alleyne’s request, the murder accused made his way up to court where presiding Magistrate Zamilla Ally ordered that he be remanded until his next court appearance on September 27.


Ganesh, was found dead in the two-storey building for which she had been the caretaker of after being attacked by an unknown male suspect. The entire attack which was caught on CCTV cameras in the house showed the man continuously beating and strangling the woman throughout what was first described as a robbery.


It was this footage, that reportedly led police to several suspects, however, after being taken into custody, Alleyne reportedly confessed to the brutal murder.


The suspect has indicated to investigators that he was hired by one of Ganesh’s close relatives to break into the house and find documents for the property, which is presently the subject of a dispute.


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