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Boston Bomb Suspect's Dad Tells Him to Surrender, Warns ' Hell Will Break Loose' if Son Dies



<cite>ABC News</cite> ‎- by Christina Ng ‎- 


The elder Tsarnaev, in a series of conversations with ABC News, insisted that his sons were innocent, but said he would appeal to his son to "surrender peacefully."

"Give up. Give up. You have a bright future ahead of you. Come home to Russia," the dad said.

The father warned, however, "If they killed him, then all hell would break loose."

"If they kill my second child, I will know that it is an inside job, a hit job. The police are to blame," the father told ABC News. "Someone, some organization is out to get them."

Anzor Tsarnaev said that his sons were "set up" and that they are "very nice kids" who have no experience with weapons and explosives.

The father said his two daughters, ages 22 and 24, live in the U.S. One lives in West New York, N.J.

Profiles of the brothers give a conflicting picture.

The older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was described as an outgoing person who was a champion boxer, a "decent" pianist, drove a Mercedes and liked the movie "Borat." But in captions on an undated boxing photo album operated by photographer Johannes Hirn, Tamerlan Tsarnaev said, "I don't have a single American friend, I don't understand them."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

So the Dad is also a TERRORIST!!!!

Main influence of course.

There is a dilemma for America. What country to destroy in retaliation.

The guys were chetchen refuges, their imam or spiritual leader was Australian, and they have become American citizens. Who would you retaliate against then? Russia? Putin who had alerted the government was ready to provide help, Australia where the imam is from has a special relationship with US. Why not to blame Iran and North Korea instead?

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So the Dad is also a TERRORIST!!!!

Main influence of course.

There is a dilemma for America. What country to destroy in retaliation.

The guys were chetchen refuges, their imam or spiritual leader was Australian, and they have become American citizens. Who would you retaliate against then? Russia? Putin who had alerted the government was ready to provide help, Australia where the imam is from has a special relationship with US. Why not to blame Iran and North Korea instead?


The entire family seems violent and ungrateful. They were given asylum and are vacationing back from where they sought asylum. Take away their citizenship and deport them. Many peace loving people are denied visas and they let terrorists in instead.  I guess is a fullah habit. Just look at Syria, etc.  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Gandhi was a terrorist? Who did he terrorize and what guns and bombs did he use?

You don't need gun and bombs to be a terrorist...What guns and bomb did blind Sheikh omar abdel rahman  who is in prison for 1993 WTC bombing use? 

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Gandhi was a terrorist? Who did he terrorize and what guns and bombs did he use?

You don't need gun and bombs to be a terrorist...What guns and bomb did blind Sheikh omar abdel rahman  who is in prison for 1993 WTC bombing use? 

You are a fan of the blind sheikh? He was the mastermind behind the 1993 WTC bombing, please don't try to pull the wool over our eyes.  

Originally Posted by TI:


The entire family seems violent and ungrateful. They were given asylum and are vacationing back from where they sought asylum. Take away their citizenship and deport them. Many peace loving people are denied visas and they let terrorists in instead.  I guess is a fullah habit. Just look at Syria, etc.  

These folks know how to use America, bloody bastards! They get rescued here as refugees, have freedom to practice their religion, use the system and the tax payers money to go to school and better themselves; one of them even married a christian girl and converted her to Islam.  And their way of saying thank you is 'let's bomb America'.  I agree TI, none of the family deserve to live here.  None of the parents have acknowledged the victims as yet, they should not even allow them to come here!!


Unfortunately they have put shame on Islam, not all Muslims are terrorists but a high proportion of terrorists are Muslims. 



Muslims are playing the victim game.  They beg to come to the US from their respective hell hole countries, then complain of US discrimination. Meanwhile their buddies are blowing up innocent children and they keep quiet. I fully support surveillance of their mosques and communities. Either they have to root out terrorists in their midst or the Americans have to do it. 

Originally Posted by TI:


Muslims are playing the victim game.  They beg to come to the US from their respective hell hole countries, then complain of US discrimination. Meanwhile their buddies are blowing up innocent children and they keep quiet. I fully support surveillance of their mosques and communities. Either they have to root out terrorists in their midst or the Americans have to do it. 

Nonsense!!! Stop useing a broad brush!!

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TI:


The entire family seems violent and ungrateful. They were given asylum and are vacationing back from where they sought asylum. Take away their citizenship and deport them. Many peace loving people are denied visas and they let terrorists in instead.  I guess is a fullah habit. Just look at Syria, etc.  

These folks know how to use America, bloody bastards! They get rescued here as refugees, have freedom to practice their religion, use the system and the tax payers money to go to school and better themselves; one of them even married a christian girl and converted her to Islam.  And their way of saying thank you is 'let's bomb America'.  I agree TI, none of the family deserve to live here.  None of the parents have acknowledged the victims as yet, they should not even allow them to come here!!


Unfortunately they have put shame on Islam, not all Muslims are terrorists but a high proportion of terrorists are Muslims. 

Gratitude is a fleeting emotion when it is not part of your fabric or belief.  He had a "cause" higher than anything the USA did for him.  There are many ungrates in the USA, but not many are Muslims or turn their unhappiness/disappointments into anti-American acts, especially against ordinary folks.


Alena, Muslims have a cause beyond any national borders, any nation.  Yes, only a few act out in this way, but many many more sympathize with their acts.  One just have to read between the lines of some poster here to sense it.  Even Chief admitted here several years ago that many ordinary Muslims quietly supported the destruction of the buddha statues by the Taliban.


This act, by two White Muslims, will cast further suspicions on all Muslim youths.  It is most difficult to understand guys who showed no signs could harbor such thoughts at such a youthful age out of sight of even their closest of friends.  Usually, you get to know your kids school friends and understand who they hang out with.  Seems not so if they are Muslims.  Not sure where this comes from, maybe dinner table conversation, etc, augmented by radicals among the group leaders, etc.

Originally Posted by TI:

 I fully support surveillance of their mosques and communities. Either they have to root out terrorists in their midst or the Americans have to do it. 

They are entitled to the same privacy laws that protect all Americans.  It will be a tough road ahead to decide how to root out terrorists here.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TI:

 I fully support surveillance of their mosques and communities. Either they have to root out terrorists in their midst or the Americans have to do it. 

They are entitled to the same privacy laws that protect all Americans.  It will be a tough road ahead to decide how to root out terrorists here.

I doubt surveillance will help as they will move the discussion.  On the other hand, not sure how you would have detected these two brothers as they kept it very close.


They had bomb making knowledge, materials, guns, and ammo.  These guys were no angels. They had friends and support. I would be very surprised if they were not part of a larger group. 


Originally Posted by TI:

They had bomb making knowledge, materials, guns, and ammo.  These guys were no angels. They had friends and support. I would be very surprised if they were not part of a larger group. 


Actually, good point.  I think the FBI dropped the ball on this.  An element of "race" must have played a part.  Russia may have more info.  The FBI's excuses don't hold much water, this guy was posting radical messages and they should have taken a second look after he returned.  I understand the first time they may not have had evidence, but the concerns were raised.  The DHS delayed his citizenship application due to the earlier issue, so it was relevant there, but not of interest to the FBI?


Obama's unclenched fists are paying great dividends.

Originally Posted by TI:


Muslims are playing the victim game.  They beg to come to the US from their respective hell hole countries, then complain of US discrimination. Meanwhile their buddies are blowing up innocent children and they keep quiet. 

You can find a few of them right here on GNI.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by TI:


Muslims are playing the victim game.  They beg to come to the US from their respective hell hole countries, then complain of US discrimination. Meanwhile their buddies are blowing up innocent children and they keep quiet. 

You can find a few of them right here on GNI.

Give names.

Originally Posted by cain:

I've just heard something about one of the boys having a car licence with the words "Terrorist" I somehow don't believe this one. This would stand out like a sore thumb.

Shit, I broke my wrist the other day, and did a post on my blog called "Terry Wrist" .  I had 1,000 hits and was wondering why!  Anybody know how to delete a wordpress blog?



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by TI:


Muslims are playing the victim game.  They beg to come to the US from their respective hell hole countries, then complain of US discrimination. Meanwhile their buddies are blowing up innocent children and they keep quiet. 

You can find a few of them right here on GNI.

Give names.

We know someof the muslims on this board. I think it's the 7 virgins thing for them.


Old men with young things have a serious problem. If they can't get it up, some sweet boy will step in, and big fight start.  

Maybe that is why there is so much fighting in the Mideast. 


When the old men ask God for viagra to please all those virgins.  God's answer will be "I am following Burnham's example so there will be no imports of viagra into Heaven you will just have to behave like Rev Al and settle for sushi."

Originally Posted by TI:

Frankly speaking, would you prefer a virgin or a seasoned pro?  Yuh saying they dotish too?


It's not the seasoned pro or the virgin; it's the pedophelia. I the ME the 70 year old is allowed to have a 12 year old as his wife. TI you're 100% correct..when the sweet man steps in is war.


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