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@Former Member posted:

I was reading there and based on what I read, members there were basically saying that you act like a dictator. I call it as how I read it. 

You should read more of the twisted language. Also revisit the thread why actions was taken ,start from the beginning of the conversation.

Sometimes it's good to stay out of your neighbors business.

@Django posted:

You should read more of the twisted language. Also revisit the thread why actions was taken ,start from the beginning of the conversation.

Sometimes it's good to stay out of your neighbors business.

OK bai DJ. It's your show and I am just posting as I see fit. GNI needs opposing views, that's what made it tick in the past and it will keep it ticking.

Please let me know when you no longer need me posting here.



The term Pusser-Pusser aka talk-name has therapeutic health benefits for those who participate in bottom*house discourse. This is usually done between older folks, neighbors, etc. They will assemble with dhan, raw rice, or something they can chew on while the pusser-pusser starts. They will talk about who get fat, who belly big, which neighbor bata run-a-way with dougla, etc. Now-a-days, young people are taking up the habit to pusser.

Now you know the history behind the Cobra Pusser-Pusser. 

@Former Member posted:

The term Pusser-Pusser aka talk-name has therapeutic health benefits for those who participate in bottom*house discourse. This is usually done between older folks, neighbors, etc. They will assemble with dhan, raw rice, or something they can chew on while the pusser-pusser starts. They will talk about who get fat, who belly big, which neighbor bata run-a-way with dougla, etc. Now-a-days, young people are taking up the habit to pusser.

Now you know the history behind the Cobra Pusser-Pusser. 

You seem to have a lot of insight into the origination of the term and its meaning. Could we surmise you indulged and partook into some of these discussions?

@Former Member posted:

You seem to have a lot of insight into the origination of the term and its meaning. Could we surmise you indulged and partook into some of these discussions?

I never indulge. I just like the tradition of our ancestors who used it as past time to keep them occupied. The funny thing is their offspring, who perceived to be in a higher class are doing the same on GNI, which they called debate that turn into personal attacks, name calling, cursing, etc. Do you see any difference? I don't.


@Former Member posted:

I never indulge. I just like the tradition of our ancestors who used it as past time to keep them occupied. The funny thing is their offspring, who perceived to be in a higher class are doing the same on GNI, which they called debate that turn into personal attacks, name calling, cursing, etc. Do you see any difference? I don't.


You are way off bro. Your description of what it takes to pussur pussur is not the same here. No bottom house, no chewing, no rice picking. How do you know that they do what you are accusing them of doing? Do they publicly declare this activity?


As children we overheard this activity with adults on the sugar estate and there are similarities on GCDF, without the raw rice. A poster even revealed on this forum that my personal information was given to him by another poster, whom I trusted by asking for help for sponsored refugees.  

Pusser-Pusser aka talk name is different from evenings story telling, where children are included.    


Watch out for the people with five handles. You know any?

Baseman admitted he lent you his handle. There were allegations and  it seemed obvious that you used many of the other guys' nicks, till you drove them insane and they left or changed nicks. Sad!

Also, I do know a poster with fake FB accounts. 

Last edited by Mitwah

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