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Dirty PNC Indians want all progress in Guyana under the PPP to stop---there are quite a few dirty ones on GNI.




The only Guyanese people who had a gloomy and miserable Christmas and will also have a gloomy and miserable New Year are the dirty ones---the DIRTY PNC INDIANS---these are the whiners and the complainers and the losers who can't stand Guyana being led by the PPP and are dying for the PNC to rule Guyana.







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More than two years laterâ€ĶHope Canal cannot meet another deadline

December 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


It has been confirmed; after being more than a year behind schedule, the $3B Hope/Dochfour Canal will not meet its latest December 31 deadline. According to Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, another contractual agreement is expected to be made with Courtney Benn Contracting Services Limited, the entity responsible for the delayed part of the project, its eight-gate sluice. The contractual agreement between the company and the Guyana Government was adjusted early last month, as yet another effort to meet a deadline.

Works on this eight-gate sluice has delayed the entire Hope Canal project.

Works on this eight-gate sluice has delayed the entire Hope Canal project.

Minister Ramsammy, as of yesterday, said that he could not provide the details of the most recent adjustment to the contract, but promised to do so in the near future. In November, Dr. Ramsammy was determined to not entertain another extended date of completion, suggesting that Courtney Benn Contracting Services hired additional workers to complete this major component of the Hope Canal project. The hopeful Minister is working on an “acceptable plan” to get the job done. Hope/ Dochfour Canal is more than a year behind schedule, and just recently, Minister Ramsammy announced that the government was finally prepared to impose the penalty clause on contractors, should the Canal not be completed by the agreed date, especially since the Agriculture Ministry has been quite patient with the three contracted companies – DIPCON Engineering, BK International and Courtney Benn Contracting Services, as it relates to accommodating extensions of proposed deadlines. The construction of the $3B Hope/Dochfour Northern Relief Channel was undertaken by former Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud, who estimated an 18-month completion, when construction commenced in February 2011. Late last year Dr. Ramsammy, in his capacity as Agriculture Minister, announced an extended completion date – June 2013. This was subsequently extended to August 31, and later to December-January 2013. One of the largest infrastructure initiatives in Guyana’s history, overall works on the Hope/Dochfour Canal is approximately 80 percent completed. It has been purported that the relief channel would have the capacity to withstand floods greater than that which occurred in 2005. So far, the three-gated Head Regulator- the component assigned to BK International – is nearing completion. The excavation of the 10.3km long earthen channel, which is being carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, is about 90 percent complete. The process of shaping the dam is currently ongoing, with 30 percent already done. Ultimately, the delay on the sluice will stall the entire project operation, since each structure is dependent on the other. The channel is being constructed to ease the pressure of water on the East Demerara Water Conservancy at times when it reaches its maximum capacity, releasing it into the Atlantic Ocean, via the Sluice. Meanwhile, the bridge, sited on the East Coast Public Road, is about 80 percent complete. Works are being carried out by DIPCON Engineering. Dr. Ramsammy said that the process of building an inclined road to the bridge is also currently ongoing. During a recent interview with Kaieteur News, Dr. Ramsammy did not disclose what the penalty would be, should the contractors not meet the projected deadline. The Minister usually defends that the contractors have been working under strenuous circumstances, but despite this, a substantial amount of work has been completed so far.


Mysterious disease kills all food crops

December 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor, Growing vegetable crops in my roadside plot at Suddie, Region Two has always been a joy of my life. Now sadness prevails from the fatal destruction of the plants in a “mysterious” soil disease. Through no fault of my own the area that used to be under cultivation has become useless, idle and abandoned because of the alarming death rate. These things make living conditions all the more difficult for me. Plants especially in tomatoes, boulangers and peppers no longer exist on my plot. It grieves me very much to be divorced from this pleasurable and beneficial activity when it was possible to be self sufficient and to use vegetables conveniently and lavishly. The situation is now different. I have to come out of my pocket to make purchases and to skimp on what I buy, sometimes. My only recourse now is to seek the intervention of the Minister of Agriculture for technical assistance which I did in writing two times by registered post to his head office in the city. There has been no response and this neglect in such a serious matter is not good enough at all. No other Ministry can be of help to me. Clearly some form of action is urgently needed to determine the nature of the disease, what is responsible for its existence, how it could be avoided, what treatment could be administered to exterminate it or whether it is not curable. With a research centre at NARI, I don’t know of the facilities that exist there but the symptoms show a parasite in the soil from ground level eating out the bark and causing the plants to wither and then die. The findings whether good or bad will be very useful as for sure it would save me from wasting more money on drugs not helpful to the cause. It is useless to have land when it cannot be utilized beneficially. Baliram Persaud


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