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Syria already in possession of Russia's S-300 system: President Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-AssadA battery of a Russian S-300 missile defense system [file photo)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says Damascus is already in possession of the first batch of S-300 missile defense systems from Russia.

During an interview with Lebanon’s Al-Manar TV, President Assad also said that the second shipment of the Russian systems will be delivered to Syria soon.

He added that Syria would respond to any Israeli aggression against the country.

The complete interview is expected to be aired later on Thursday.

Earlier on May 28, Moscow had said it would go ahead with the delivery of S-300 systems to Damascus, following which the Israeli regime hinted it would take action to prevent the delivery of the systems to Damascus.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem later reiterated that Damascus would give an “immediate” response to any act of aggression by Israel.

“Syria will not let any Israeli aggression go unanswered without retaliation. The retaliation will be the same size as the aggression, and the same type of weapons will be used,” the Syrian foreign minister stated.

In a separate development, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on May 29 that Moscow may reconsider its commitments to restrictions on the delivery of arms to the Syrian government, following a recent decision by the European Union to end an arms embargo on the militants in Syria.

Russia says that the shipment of the S-300 missile defense system is aimed at deterring foreign intervention in Syria.

Syria has been gripped by turmoil since March 2011 and the foreign-sponsored militancy has taken its toll on the lives of many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Iran will not allow overthrow of Syria government: Iran deputy FM

The International Conference on Syria held in Tehran, May 29, 2013


Iran’s deputy foreign minister for Arab and African affairs says the Islamic Republic will not allow the overthrow of the Syrian government.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks on the sidelines of the Friends of Syria Conference in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Wednesday. The international event was attended by representatives from around 40 countries with the aim of contributing to a political solution to the foreign-sponsored crisis in the Arab country.

“We will not allow the Syrian government to be overthrown. We strongly support the Syrian nation and government as well as the opposition that believes in a political resolution,” he added.

Amir-Abdollahian added that Iran will utilize its experiences in the region to prevent the collapse of the Syrian government.

Regarding Iran’s participation in a forthcoming international conference on Syria in Geneva, the Iranian diplomat said the Islamic Republic has been verbally invited to the meeting, but not in writing.

He said Iran will make a final decision on taking part in the conference after receiving a written invitation, adding, "During diplomatic talks, we have announced that because the focus of the Geneva conference is finding a political solution, we will consider any such invitation with a positive attitude."

On May 7, Russia and the United States agreed in Moscow to convene an international conference on Syria, which will serve as a follow-up to an earlier Geneva meeting held in June 2012. Russia has highlighted the need for Iran's presence in the forthcoming meeting.

Iran has repeatedly expressed its opposition to any foreign intervention in Syria's internal affairs, stressing that inclusive dialog and national reconciliation as well as free elections are the keys to resolving the unrest in the Arab country.

The crisis has gripped Syria since March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of Syrian security forces, have been killed in the unrest.



No S-300s for Syria, Israel tells Russia

Russian S-300 air-defense system


Israel has issued a veiled threat to Russia over its plan to sell S-300 air-defense missiles to Syria, implying that it is ready to use force to prevent the delivery of the missiles.

On Tuesday, Russia said that it would go ahead with the delivery of S-300 missiles to Syria, noting that the deal would help deter foreign intervention in the country.

Later in the day, Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Moshe Ya'alon commented on the plan, saying, "Clearly this move is a threat to us."

"At this stage I can't say there is an escalation. The shipments have not been sent on their way yet. And I hope that they will not be sent," he said. But "if God forbid they do reach Syria, we will know what to do."

The S-300 anti-aircraft system is designed to defend large industrial and administrative centers, army bases, and similar facilities and is capable of destroying ballistic missiles. The most recent modifications of the system can shoot down hostile missiles or aircraft up to 200 kilometers (125 miles) away.

Israel has repeatedly asked Russia to scrap the contract to sell Syria the truck-mounted S-300 missile system.

However, Russia has insisted that it will deliver the S-300 missile system to Syria.

Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Russia to try to dissuade Moscow from delivering the S-300s to Syria.

In Moscow, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov insisted that Russia would not cancel the deal despite strong Western and Israeli opposition.

"We understand the concerns and signals sent to us from different capitals. We realize that many of our partners are concerned about the issue," Ryabkov said. "We have no reason to revise our stance."

"We believe that such steps to a large extent help restrain some hotheads considering a scenario to give an international dimension to this conflict," he added.

Originally Posted by asj:

Now watch Obama and Netanyaho and Cameron back peddaled as Russia tells Israel to Piss Off

Nothing is going to stop the fall of that fool. He is a dead man walking.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Now watch Obama and Netanyaho and Cameron back peddaled as Russia tells Israel to Piss Off

Nothing is going to stop the fall of that fool. He is a dead man walking.

Nah, Assad will survive though there will be big changes.

Originally Posted by asj:

Now lets see if Israel has enough balls to fly their F15 and F16 over Syria

From Reuters reporters.............


The Israelis excel in electronic warfare. In 1982, they "blinded" Soviet-supplied Syrian anti-aircraft units in Lebanon, then destroyed 19 of them without Israeli losses. Similar technologies helped Israeli jets destroy a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria in 2007 and, this year, to hit Syrian targets on at least three occasions to prevent what intelligence sources called attempts to move advanced weaponry to Hezbollah.


A source close to Russia's defense ministry agreed that the Israelis "likely have a million ways to combat the S-300 electronically". But he questioned their feasibility because they had not been tested in war.


"So, whether the S-300 would fail or not cannot be known".


Robert Hewson, an IHS Jane's air power analyst, predicted Israeli prowess would prevail in Syria while cautioning that the S-300 would be the most formidable air defense system it had ever faced. "Israel has had nasty surprises from these things before," he said, noting its steep losses to the Soviet anti-aircraft missiles used by Syria and Egypt in the 1973 war.

Hewson felt Israel would prefer to destroy the S-300 in Syria but may opt instead just to circumvent it as required for missions, especially if there was the risk of inadvertently killing or wounding Russians helping to install the system.


Security sources have put the number of Russian military personnel in Syria at several hundred.



The timeline for the anticipated Syrian deployment of the S-300 remains hazy. Hewson said it could be "up and running within a minimum of a few weeks" once all components were in, and provided qualified Syrian personnel were available.


But the Russian defense ministry source said he knew of no Syrians who had already been trained by Moscow, and put the completion of the S-300 delivery at "six to 12 months from now".


Assuming Assad survives in power, such a lag could provide Israel with thwarting opportunities.


Hewson said the truck-towed S-300 would be physically hard to conceal. Its radar, if activated, would emit a distinctive signal that Israel could easily monitor, he added.


Yuval Steinitz, a senior member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet, held on Thursday what political sources described as a discussion of the Syrian S-300 deal with Russian Ambassador Sergei Yakovlev.

In 2010, following Israeli appeals, Russia scrapped an S-300 sale to Iran. In what may have been a quid pro quo, the Israelis also agreed that year to sell Russia surveillance drones that would narrow its technological military gap with rival Georgia.


Russia now has other strategic interests - for example, investment in Israel's Mediterranean gas fields. Silvan Shalom, another Israeli cabinet minister, told Reuters that Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned the gas fields while hosting Netanyahu in Sochi on May 14 for talks that focused on Syria.


But Zvi Magen, a former Israeli ambassador to Moscow, was skeptical that Israel could offer anything that would spur Putin to slacken his support for Assad. "There's too much at stake here for the Russians," he said.


He was alluding to the conflagration's wider geo-strategic dimensions - pitting a Russian preference to keep Syria under Assad's control to preserve Moscow's last significant toehold in the Middle East against a Western and Gulf Arab desire for the downfall of Assad to roll back Iranian influence in the region.

Originally Posted by asj:

Now lets see if Israel has enough balls to fly their F15 and F16 over Syria

ASJ, We've seen this played out before. Don't underestimate the Israelis militarily, and now especially military technology. The Israelis are ahead of even the USA in some fields.


Ii share your indignation against Israel for their land-grabbing and the awful indignities of the treatment of Gazans. Netanyahu has been a major stumbling block. But in the overall picture the geo-politics is more complicated than moralizing.


I would not go putting Putin on a pedestal and say don't piss him off - the Chinese and Indians could militarily piss Putin off and he can't do one thing about it. Now you say that about the USA and Israel?


Israel needs to be careful, they need to pound those wahab terrorist positions and nations and leave these pre-christain, pro-druze civilized Shias alone.  In the choice of the lesser of two evils, the Shia is clearly the better choice.  I understand these Shias and progressive and a strategic challenge and these wahabs are non-entity medievalist, but since they have Al-Qaeda, they have become dangerous.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Now watch Obama and Netanyaho and Cameron back peddaled as Russia tells Israel to Piss Off

Nothing is going to stop the fall of that fool. He is a dead man walking.

Nah, Assad will survive though there will be big changes.

So yuh think he will survive like Rohee...PPP gat you basiddy you now using their politricks to assess primetime. FYI the goat days are numbered..its only a matter a time before he outlive his usefulness and the PPP give he a Green/Bachus treatment...karma is a bitch...

Originally Posted by baseman:

Israel needs to be careful, they need to pound those wahab terrorist positions and nations and leave these pre-christain, pro-druze civilized Shias alone.  In the choice of the lesser of two evils, the Shia is clearly the better choice.  I understand these Shias and progressive and a strategic challenge and these wahabs are non-entity medievalist, but since they have Al-Qaeda, they have become dangerous.

Stop confusing the people of a nation or ethnicity with their leaders. The Persians are a great people with a religion that departs significantly from the Sunnis. Their leaders are different from the people whose aspirations they stifle. Just look at the coming elections and see whom the Ayatollahs refused to have on the ballot - Rafsanjani. They even threatened Ahmadinejad over his protege.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Israel needs to be careful, they need to pound those wahab terrorist positions and nations and leave these pre-christain, pro-druze civilized Shias alone.  In the choice of the lesser of two evils, the Shia is clearly the better choice.  I understand these Shias and progressive and a strategic challenge and these wahabs are non-entity medievalist, but since they have Al-Qaeda, they have become dangerous.

Stop confusing the people of a nation or ethnicity with their leaders. The Persians are a great people with a religion that departs significantly from the Sunnis. Their leaders are different from the people whose aspirations they stifle. Just look at the coming elections and see whom the Ayatollahs refused to have on the ballot - Rafsanjani. They even threatened Ahmadinejad over his protege.

baseman is an 'opportunist' GT tribal with little real learning . . . let him be




This close-up provided by Syrian state-run television shows the passport of a British citizen [left) and that of Nicole Lynn Mansfield (right), who both died in a gunfight with Syrian government forces in Idlib Province.

This close-up provided by Syrian state-run television shows the passport of a British citizen (left) and that of Nicole Lynn Mansfield (right), who both died in a gunfight with Syrian government forces in Idlib Province.


Syrian Army troops have killed an American woman and two Britons fighting alongside foreign-backed militants in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib.

Syrian state-run television reported on Thursday that the 33-year-old Michigan woman, identified as Nicole Lynn Mansfield, and the two others were members of al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front.

They were ambushed by Syrian government forces in their car while traveling through Idlib.

Television footage showed a black car riddled with bullets, and three bodies laid out with multiple gunshot wounds.

It also showed a cache of weapons, a computer, a hand-drawn map of a government installation, and a flag belonging to the terrorist group al-Nusra Front.

Mansfield’s family members say two FBI agents interviewed them and confirmed to them reports on her death.

Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of government forces, have been killed in the violence.

Damascus says the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants are foreign nationals.

The Syrian government says the West and its regional allies including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are supporting the militants.

Several international human rights organizations have accused militants operating in Syria of committing war crimes.


Originally Posted by Kari:

ASJ, you're still sounding like Comical Bob......ah like dat - a play on Chemical Bob....

Chemical is Ali bhai. Bob is Baghdad Bob like some of those snakeoil salesmen in the PPP. 

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Israel needs to be careful, they need to pound those wahab terrorist positions and nations and leave these pre-christain, pro-druze civilized Shias alone.  In the choice of the lesser of two evils, the Shia is clearly the better choice.  I understand these Shias and progressive and a strategic challenge and these wahabs are non-entity medievalist, but since they have Al-Qaeda, they have become dangerous.

Stop confusing the people of a nation or ethnicity with their leaders. The Persians are a great people with a religion that departs significantly from the Sunnis. Their leaders are different from the people whose aspirations they stifle. Just look at the coming elections and see whom the Ayatollahs refused to have on the ballot - Rafsanjani. They even threatened Ahmadinejad over his protege.

Race does not matter in Islam.  I did indicate the Shias (mostly Persian) are a different breed.  They seem to have a well developed brain which, with Islam, is a dangerous combination.  Apart from Israel, Iran is the only other democracy in the region.  Those Arab wahabs are medieval.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 Apart from Israel, Iran is the only other democracy in the region.  Those Arab wahabs are medieval.

Iran is the only other democracy in the region


Have you seen how the candidates are "selected" in Iranian elections?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 Apart from Israel, Iran is the only other democracy in the region.  Those Arab wahabs are medieval.

Iran is the only other democracy in the region


Have you seen how the candidates are "selected" in Iranian elections?

They have a process where the people vote and there is a selection process according to their constitution.  Israel is a democracy, but less so as the Palestinians are not afforded the same rights as Israelis, but it a democracy.  In the USA you can lose the popular vote and win the election.


Anyway when I use the word "democracy", I mean it broadly and within the context of regimes in that neck of the woods.


Get into nitty-gritty, no nation would be a democracy.  Iran will evolve with time, but as of now only them and Israel allow the people to vote, with whatever flaws there are in their system.


"Go Piss Off Netanyaho, we will deal with you if you fly over Syria next time" take warning"

Russia plans to sign deal with Syria to sell MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets

Russia-made MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets [file photo)

Russia-made MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets

Russia plans to sign a deal with Syria to sell at least 10 multi-purpose MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets to the country.

"The Syrian delegation is in Moscow now, and the details of the contract are now being determined," MIG corporation CEO Sergei Korotkov told reporters in the Russian capital, Moscow on Friday.

Korotkov noted that Damascus is eager to purchase "more than 10" fighter jets.

The MiG-29 M/M2 is an advanced version of the MiG-29 twin-engine fighter jet, which could be used as both anti-aircraft interceptor and a bomber.

Korotkov's remarks came days after Russia said that it would provide Syria with S-300 air defense missile systems to deter foreign intervention in the country.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on May 29 that Moscow may reconsider its commitments to restrictions on the delivery of arms to the Syrian government, following a recent decision by the European Union to end an arms embargo on the militants in Syria.

During an interview with Lebanon's Al-Manar TV on Thursday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that Damascus is already in possession of the first batch of S-300 missile defense systems from Russia.

Syria has been gripped by turmoil since March 2011 and the foreign-sponsored militancy has taken its toll on the lives of many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel.



Originally Posted by asj:

"Go Piss Off Netanyaho, we will deal with you if you fly over Syria next time" take warning"

Russia plans to sign deal with Syria to sell MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets

Russia-made MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets [file photo)

Russia-made MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets


Russia plans to sign a deal with Syria to sell at least 10 multi-purpose MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets to the country.

"The Syrian delegation is in Moscow now, and the details of the contract are now being determined," MIG corporation CEO Sergei Korotkov told reporters in the Russian capital, Moscow on Friday.

Korotkov noted that Damascus is eager to purchase "more than 10" fighter jets.

The MiG-29 M/M2 is an advanced version of the MiG-29 twin-engine fighter jet, which could be used as both anti-aircraft interceptor and a bomber.

Korotkov's remarks came days after Russia said that it would provide Syria with S-300 air defense missile systems to deter foreign intervention in the country.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on May 29 that Moscow may reconsider its commitments to restrictions on the delivery of arms to the Syrian government, following a recent decision by the European Union to end an arms embargo on the militants in Syria.

During an interview with Lebanon's Al-Manar TV on Thursday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that Damascus is already in possession of the first batch of S-300 missile defense systems from Russia.

Syria has been gripped by turmoil since March 2011 and the foreign-sponsored militancy has taken its toll on the lives of many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel.



Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs.


Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria


No-fly zone over Syria an act of war with grave risks: US general



NATO’s top military chief, General Philip Breedlove has warned that imposing a no-fly zone over Syria would be an “act of war” and carry grave risks.


“It would absolutely be harder than Libya,” he said, referring to NATO’s 2011 air strikes in Libya that dragged on for eight months. “This is a much denser, much more capable defense system than we’d faced in Libya.”


Any effort to dismantle Syria’s air defenses to set up a no-fly zone would be synonymous to a declaration of war, Gen. Breedlove said.


“It is quite frankly an act of war and it is not a trivial matter,” said Breedlove, a four-star American general who was recently appointed as NATO’s new supreme allied commander.


Earlier it was reported that the White House was considering “all options” in Syria, asking the Pentagon to draw up the plan for a no-fly zone.


Gen. Breedlove, however, noted that NATO is not engaged in any official war planning for Syria now, but added commanders were contemplating what would be required if NATO were called upon.


The four-star general dismissed a widespread perception that setting up a no-fly zone would simply mean sending in a few aircraft.

“I know it sounds stark, but what I always tell people when they talk to me about a no-fly zone is … it’s basically to start a war with that country because you are going to have to go in and kinetically take out their air defense capability,” Breedlove said.


A new opinion poll by Gallup showed an overwhelming majority of Americans say the United States government should avoid taking any military action in Syria.


68 percent of the U.S. citizens are against any U.S. military involvement in Syria even if diplomatic and economic efforts fail to resolve the two-year old conflict, the poll found.


As Washington has been towing with the idea of establishing a no-fly zone over Syria, critics stress that the term is merely a “euphemism” for military involvement.


“It is an ominous development because ‘no-fly zone’ is really a euphemism for attacking a nation,” Dr. Kevin Barret, a renowned critic of U.S. wars, said in an interview with Press TV’ U.S. Desk.


 “We’ve seen this in other countries. We’ve seen it, for example, in Libya where the so-called no-fly zone was actually an excuse to bomb and attack Libya and overthrow its government,” Barret explained.


“If the U.S. actually did try to impose a no-fly zone over Syria, it would be risking a direct confrontation with Russia as well as Syria,” Barret said.

Damascus has repeatedly said that the crisis, which started in March 2011, is being engineered from outside the country. On May 18, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said militants from 29 different countries were fighting against his government in different parts of the country.

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

American politicians have a low intellect, they were tricked into WWI, they were tricked into WWII and they have been tricked into Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf and now they they just got used to being a proxy military for the UK and Israel.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

American politicians have a low intellect, they were tricked into WWI, they were tricked into WWII and they have been tricked into Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf and now they they just got used to being a proxy military for the UK and Israel.

Good obversation Lucas, our Resident Wefare Bum is so much brainwashed with American News Lies that it becomes gospel for him.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

American politicians have a low intellect, they were tricked into WWI, they were tricked into WWII and they have been tricked into Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf and now they they just got used to being a proxy military for the UK and Israel.

Is funny how America and it's leaders and dumb, yet the US is the most powerful, most advanced, most well developed nation on earth and the longest lasting civilization in history.  This far, seems that "smart" ones are being vanquished.  In that case, I stick with the dumb.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

American politicians have a low intellect, they were tricked into WWI, they were tricked into WWII and they have been tricked into Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf and now they they just got used to being a proxy military for the UK and Israel.

Good obversation Lucas, our Resident Wefare Bum is so much brainwashed with American News Lies that it becomes gospel for him.

And what have you in a Taliban giddy, Mullah TV?

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

American politicians have a low intellect, they were tricked into WWI, they were tricked into WWII and they have been tricked into Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf and now they they just got used to being a proxy military for the UK and Israel.

Good obversation Lucas, our Resident Wefare Bum is so much brainwashed with American News Lies that it becomes gospel for him.

 What a couple of veritable nutcases! I presume opposing the Kaiser and Hitler or Hirohito were rather unwise decisions! You give life to the reality that a fool is born every second.


Well Mr taliban lover, you alone have t he aptitude to think and make a living. All others are brainwashed or on welfare.  Go choke on your rotie you old fanatical fool. Were you as smart as you say you are you would be looking for a lakeside resort in Wazirstan since things are so bad here!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

American politicians have a low intellect, they were tricked into WWI, they were tricked into WWII and they have been tricked into Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf and now they they just got used to being a proxy military for the UK and Israel.

Good obversation Lucas, our Resident Wefare Bum is so much brainwashed with American News Lies that it becomes gospel for him.

 What a couple of veritable nutcases! I presume opposing the Kaiser and Hitler or Hirohito were rather unwise decisions! You give life to the reality that a fool is born every second.


Well Mr taliban lover, you alone have t he aptitude to think and make a living. All others are brainwashed or on welfare.  Go choke on your rotie you old fanatical fool. Were you as smart as you say you are you would be looking for a lakeside resort in Wazirstan since things are so bad here!

Daniel Duck, your respond tends to joke at the same time being incoherent, unlike the old vintage d2, guess you are past your useful age now, and grazing in the pasture. C'mon present a respond that would make one angry, so angry that one can come out swinging, and cuss you up a lil bit 


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has termed the protesters demonstrating against his government extremists, adding that he is not a dictator as they have called him.
Weeks earlier he forsaked his neighbour, Syria, and give moral support to Israel and the United he is fighting to remain in power.
Originally Posted by asj:
Weeks earlier he forsaked his neighbour, Syria, and give moral support to Israel and the United he is fighting to remain in power.

An he will remain as the democratically elected leader of his country.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Baseman "Well, they certainly will make Israel think twice.  However, they will also come in handy in wiping out that Al Qaeda invading army sent by the Arabs." unquote


Bai you would not want them to kill out all the Al Queda that is fighting for  the USA? or paid by the USA to fight against Syria

The US should not be conned again by those sly Saudis.

American politicians have a low intellect, they were tricked into WWI, they were tricked into WWII and they have been tricked into Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf and now they they just got used to being a proxy military for the UK and Israel.

Good obversation Lucas, our Resident Wefare Bum is so much brainwashed with American News Lies that it becomes gospel for him.

 What a couple of veritable nutcases! I presume opposing the Kaiser and Hitler or Hirohito were rather unwise decisions! You give life to the reality that a fool is born every second.


Well Mr taliban lover, you alone have t he aptitude to think and make a living. All others are brainwashed or on welfare.  Go choke on your rotie you old fanatical fool. Were you as smart as you say you are you would be looking for a lakeside resort in Wazirstan since things are so bad here!

Daniel Duck, your respond tends to joke at the same time being incoherent, unlike the old vintage d2, guess you are past your useful age now, and grazing in the pasture. C'mon present a respond that would make one angry, so angry that one can come out swinging, and cuss you up a lil bit 

 It would be a joke to a fanatic who source his material from the propagandist Mullah TV, is a Taliban sympathizer, and a hate America first cretin. Compared to me you are a mummy. I am strong, have a six pack and nary a grey hair yet. Go suck on that. You are an old stupid cuss so it matters little what you do.

Originally Posted by asj:


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has termed the protesters demonstrating against his government extremists, adding that he is not a dictator as they have called him.
Weeks earlier he forsaked his neighbour, Syria, and give moral support to Israel and the United he is fighting to remain in power.

Demonstrations in Turkey is far removed from the leaders consorting with Israel or the US. It is about his own internal authoritarian regime.


Quote Daniel Duck "I am strong, have a six pack and nary a grey hair yet. Go suck on that. You are an old stupid cuss so it matters little what you do."Unquote


You are a lier or you are hallucinatiing, did you take your medication this morning?, you can hardly hold a cup to beg on the street. Well anyway all those Welfare Bums feels like you do. Always tells a lie to get a quarter.  




Quote by Daniel Duck Quack Quack "Demonstrations in Turkey is far removed from the leaders consorting with Israel or the US. It is about his own internal authoritarian regime." unquote


You are a fool, you only write what they feed you, granted that his own authoritarian is partly to blame but not only that If you have an iota of intelligence you would also know that Turks along fighting against oppression and policies of Recep Tayyip Erdogan they do not support the war in Syria and the support of the Turkish Government for it. Also they do not like how their country has been hijacked by outside influence and manipulation basically the United States. Their comrades has be murdered by the Israelis, who refused to apologised. So ignorant you are i hope you continue taking your medication regularly, quack quack Donald Duck.

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote Daniel Duck "I am strong, have a six pack and nary a grey hair yet. Go suck on that. You are an old stupid cuss so it matters little what you do."Unquote


You are a lier or you are hallucinatiing, did you take your medication this morning?, you can hardly hold a cup to beg on the street. Well anyway all those Welfare Bums feels like you do. Always tells a lie to get a quarter.  




Lying or believing the creations of delusional mind is your forte.  I am am whatever you want me to be if it eases that mind of yours.

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote by Daniel Duck Quack Quack "Demonstrations in Turkey is far removed from the leaders consorting with Israel or the US. It is about his own internal authoritarian regime." unquote


You are a fool, you only write what they feed you, granted that his own authoritarian is partly to blame but not only that If you have an iota of intelligence you would also know that Turks along fighting against oppression and policies of Recep Tayyip Erdogan they do not support the war in Syria and the support of the Turkish Government for it. Also they do not like how their country has been hijacked by outside influence and manipulation basically the United States. Their comrades has be murdered by the Israelis, who refused to apologised. So ignorant you are i hope you continue taking your medication regularly, quack quack Donald Duck.

I not only know I am smart; that is self affirming. You would not know it since you are a fundamentalist old cuss! No one is hijacking Turkey. Its citizens are protesting the government's authoritarianism. What if they do not like what is going on in syria? Who does? Syria is a problem long over due for a solution. 


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