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Former Member

‘Syria army troops advancing in Homs’

Syrian troops are seen in the city of Homs. [File photo)


Syrian army troops are advancing in the militant-infested parts of the western city of Homs, Syrian state media say.

Reports said on Saturday that army soldiers took control of several buildings in the district of Khaldiyeh.

Units of army also inflicted heavy losses on the foreign-backed militants in the several parts of the strategic city and killed dozens of them in the operation.

The Syrian army forces have also restored security in industrial area of Qaboun near the capital Damascus, killing a number of militant there.

Officials say the army forces also seized dozens of Israeli-made rockets inside the militants' hideout during the mop-up operation.

The Syrian army has conducted successful operations against the foreign-backed Takfiri militants over the past weeks.

The army established control over the strategically important town of Qusayr, near the Lebanese border, in early June.

Foreign-sponsored militancy has taken its toll on the lives of many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel, since March 2011.

In an interview with Syrian daily Al-Thawra published on July 4, President Assad said the opposition and their foreign supporters have “exhausted all their tools” in a conspiracy against Syria.


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The USA supported Terrorists from Saudi Arabia and Morsi Egypt are biting the dust.


King Abdullah is sending all his trained terrorist to Syria, so that they can be wiped out from the face of the earth, less problem for him when actions starts in Saudi Arabia

Originally Posted by baseman:

Egypt is now sliding into civil war, thanks to the naive policy of Obama.

ahmmm, mr PPP migrant . . . what exactly is Obama's "naïve policy" that's causing this slide to civil war?


take your time with dis wan lil man . . . but not too much time

Last edited by Former Member

The great bungler, now he cannot even call a coup a coup.  Talk about a tangled web.


He went to bed with the "Brotherhood" and threw a long-time staunch ally under the bus.  Now he join up with the military to take out the elected "brotherhood" Govt which clearly conned the system to establish undemocratic Islamic rule.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

That's a noteworthy GNI-ism - mr PPP migrant.............

. . . as distinct from honest, committed, abandoned-de-battam-house-race-ideology-at-the-water's-edge, patriotic immigrants

Last edited by Former Member

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