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Syria chemical mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag?


File photo shows a Syrian victim who has suffered injuries in a chemical attack at Syria's Khan al-Assal village.File photo shows a Syrian victim who has suffered injuries in a chemical attack at Syria

On Wednesday - just hours after the massacre of hundreds of Syrians with chemical weapons - Israeli Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Yaalon claimed he knew who did it: The Syrian government.

Other world leaders, including US President Barack Obama, did not rush to judgment. Instead, they called for a United Nations investigation. Many experts, including the BBC's Frank Gardner, former UN weapons inspector Rolf Ekeus, and Swedish chemical weapons expert, Ake Sellstrom, ridiculed or cast doubt on the notion that Syrian President Assad would launch a chemical attack at the exact moment weapons inspectors arrived in Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry came right out and called the chemical attack “a provocation planned in advance.”

But planned by whom?
To answer that question, we must ask: How could Israel immediately know who was behind the Syrian chemical attack?

Israeli leaders have amazing powers of clairvoyance. Whenever a huge, history-steering terror attack happens, the Israelis immediately know who did it. Before the dust settles, they stand up and tell the world exactly what it all means - and provide the script for the way they want the world to react.

Christopher Bollyn reminds us: “Within minutes of the airplane crashes on 9/11, Ehud Barak (the founder and master of the Israeli military's covert operation force, the Sayeret Matkal) was in the London studio of the BBC World ready to provide a plausible (and political) explanation to the world. Barak, the real mastermind of 9/11, was the first person to call for a 'War on Terror' - and US intervention in Afghanistan and the Middle East.”

Like Ehud Barak minutes after 9/11, Moshe Yaalon stood up just hours after the Syrian chemical weapons tragedy and provided an apparently pre-scripted narrative.

Fox News transmitted the Israeli script:
"'In Syria, the regime has used chemical weapons and it's not the first time,' (Minister of Military Affairs) Yaalon told Israeli defense correspondents. ‘It's a life and death struggle between a regime based on the Alawite minority and a disparate opposition composed of Sunni Muslims, some Muslim Brotherhood members, others linked to al-Qaeda. We don't see any end to the fighting - even the fall of (President Bashar) al-Assad won't bring it to a halt, there will a bloody settling of accounts over a long period,’ the minister added. 'We could see the implosion of Syria with the Alawites controlling the western part - the coastal region and a corridor to Damascus - and the Kurds and Sunnis controlling the east and north.'"

Yaalon's tirade is not an analysis. It is a program of action. It is what the Israelis want to happen.

First, the Israelis want the world to swallow the unlikely notion that the Syrian government is crazy enough to launch a massive chemical weapons strike at the exact moment weapons inspectors are entering the country. They want the world to believe that the Assad government would risk all of the huge gains it has made in recent months by launching a poison gas attack designed to provoke massive Western intervention against it.

The Israelis want the world to see the conflict as an intractable, endless struggle between Sunni and Alawite Muslims. The Israelis “don't see any end to the fighting” meaning they do not want the fighting to end - in fact, they will do whatever it takes to keep the fighting going, including launching false-flag attacks like the recent chemical weapons massacre. Israel's goal, as Yaalon admits, is the destruction of Syria: “We could see the implosion of Syria with the Alawites controlling the western part - the coastal region and a corridor to Damascus - and the Kurds and Sunnis controlling the east and north.”

The destruction of Syria would be the culmination of a decades-long Israeli project: The Oded Yinon plan for the Balkanization of the Middle East. Since at least the 1970s, Israeli strategists have planned to smash neighboring Middle Eastern countries into tiny ethnic and sectarian Bantustans.

The Oded Yinon plan to break up the Middle East became Netanyahu's 1996 “Clean Break” plan. To achieve the destruction of Israel's neighbors, Netanyahu's neocons - led by Richard Perle, the self-styled “Prince of Darkness” - schemed to trick the US into doing Israel's dirty work. In September 2000, Perle, Wolfowitz, and the other Zionists at Project for a New American Century (PNAC) called for a “new Pearl Harbor.” Their goal: A long-term US war against Israel's enemies. One year later, on September 11th, 2001, their New Pearl Harbor became a reality.

The Israelis and their American proxies have already smashed Iraq, Libya, and Sudan into pieces. Now they are targeting Syria and Egypt - two countries whose land they plan to steal to create a “Greater Israel” stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Shortly before the false-flag chemical attack against Syria, the Israelis orchestrated a fascist coup d'État in Egypt. General al-Sisi, an Israeli pawn throughout his career, spent the days before and during the coup on the phone with his Israeli handlers.

As in Syria, the Israeli goal in Egypt is to “not see any end to the fighting.” That is why the Israelis have convinced al-Sisi and the Zionist-controlled Egyptian deep state to release criminal ex-dictator, Hosni Mubarak. The move is calculated to outrage the Egyptian masses, and to accelerate the ongoing slaughter of thousands by the al-Sisi regime.

The people of Syria and Egypt must stop falling for Israel's tricks.

And the world must recognize that all of the biggest and most spectacular “terror attacks” attributed to Israel's Arab and Muslim enemies - from the Lavon Affair, to the USS Liberty massacre, to the Achille Lauro and Entebbe hijacking incidents, to the bombings of Jewish targets in London and Buenos Aires, to 9/11 and its follow-up operations in Bali, Madrid, London, Mumbai and elsewhere - have been Israeli-sponsored false-flag operations.

Moshe Yaalon's clumsy attempt to steer the world's reaction to the Syrian chemical weapons massacre suggests that the attack was yet another Israeli false-flag operation.


By Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror.



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