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Syria army kills groups of Takfiri militants across country


Syrian soldiers [file photo)


Syrian forces have killed a number of Takfiri militants in a series of operations across the country, gaining upper hand in their fight against foreign-backed armed groups.

Reports indicated on Thursday that the Syrian troops confiscated weapons and communication devices during their operations in the northern and southern countryside of Damascus, killing a number of Takfiris.

According to official sources, Syrian soldiers further stormed a terrorist hideout in the southern countryside town of Herjjira, killing many of the Takfiri militants and destroying their arms and ammunition.

Syrian army units also destroyed a storehouse for making explosive devices and a tunnel used by Takfiri armed groups.

Reports indicated that scores of militants were killed in the northwestern strategic city of Aleppo and its suburbs during clashes with the Syrian soldiers, who managed to destroy three mortar cannons, heavy machineguns and ammunition.

In the western city of Homs, the Syrian army has dealt heavy blows to the armed groups in several neighborhoods of the city.

According to reports, Syrian forces killed and wounded several extremist militants in a number of towns and villages in the province of Idlib, tightening their control over a number of terrorist hideouts.

The army troops conducted mop-up operations in the central city of Hama, killing and injuring another group of militants and destroying a warehouse.

Similar operations have also been carried out in the countryside side of Lattakia in western Syria.

Foreign-sponsored militancy has taken its toll on the lives of many people, including large numbers of Syrian soldiers and security personnel, since March 2011.

In an interview with Syrian daily Al-Thawraon published on July 4, President Assad said the opposition and their foreign supporters have β€œexhausted all their tools” in a conspiracy against Syria.

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