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Former Member

WHILE the PPP government blissfully bleeds the treasury, our people bleed and die needlessly on our roads, said Alliance For Change member, Gerhard Ramsaroop.

Does Mr. Ramsaroop have any facts and figures to prove the nonsense he is talking of about PPP government ‘bleeding the treasury’? Or it is what Chris Ram and others are spoon-feeding him?
Mr. Ramsaroop went on to say this: “However, the difference with the rest of the civilised world is that we have a free-for-all compounded by corrupt law-enforcement and corrupt drivers’ licence acquisition practices.  Anyone, with the requisite sum of $50,000 can obtain a driver’s licence in Guyana today.”
Now Mr.Ramsaroop, if you know this for a fact, then why not do the right thing and go directly after those corrupt individuals? I will give you advice free of charge.
Get your most favoured media persons in SN and KN and do sting operations as they did respectively on the CIA building and the Chinese-owned business in Regent Street.
Then carry your sting operations even further in all PPP/C run government institutions.
Mr. Ramsaroop, I would even advise you free of charge to walk with backups such as  Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo, Mr. Sasenarine Singh, Mr. Mike Persaud, Mr. Tarron Khemraj, Mr Freddie Kissoon and Mr. C.N. Sharma to name a few to carry out sting operations in those institutions.
Mr. Ramsaroop, both you and I know along with the entire Guyanese population not one, not a single one of you can do what I suggest.
Mr. Ramsaroop and all the above-mentioned names are just media mouthpieces hiding behind the PNC shield in order to gain political points.
I guarantee all of you would get such a licking you all will run from politics never to return after the PNC is done with you all.
Go try it! Try exposing corrupt PNC officials working in government institutions if any of you have the testicular fortitude to do so.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gerhard is not the sharpest tool in the shed, like Mitwah, Jalil and others, he is spoon fed his talking points from those at the top with a political agenda.  These folks are incapable of thinking for themselves, they are pawns. 


Give it up, there have been so many new roads built/renewed since 1992.  Now there is a plan to extend the four-lane further up the east bank.  Road deaths are a combination of issues including personal responsibility as roads pass through populated villages, something you see in every 3rd world nation.  Guyana, Surinaam, etc have always had high accident fatality due to this fact. These guys are wasting their time on non-issue issues.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Gerhard is not the sharpest tool in the shed, like Mitwah, Jalil and others, he is spoon fed his talking points from those at the top with a political agenda.  These folks are incapable of thinking for themselves, they are pawns. 

Gwan da side you are the son of a warthog.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Gerhard is not the sharpest tool in the shed, like Mitwah, Jalil and others, he is spoon fed his talking points from those at the top with a political agenda.  These folks are incapable of thinking for themselves, they are pawns. 

Would not the above be a begging of the question that you are an intellectual luminary with the kind of foundation that would go along with the conclusion that Gerhard is a dunce? What a laugh.


First you have no moral center so any premise about ethical imperatives would be dubious. Secondly you have not demonstrated any cutting edge  thinking which would be deemed apt for honest argumentation here  ever. And you would have been here some 15 years! You are an ethical relativist with an aptitude for denying the obvious when it is contrary to your political views.


The Licensing system has always been plagued by corrupt practices. Indeed it is legacy of the PNC era but the PPP had 2 decades to make the process transparent and fraud proof. My friend went for a two month  visit and got his license in a day after paying the requisite corruption tax.  My nephews and nieces in Guyana lament the difficulty of getting it and clearly know how much it takes to be facilitated.


Try clearing a container. There the corruption is even more open.If the writer above does not think the licensing process is wrought with fraud or that a culture of corruption that accrues to a penalty for doing any kind of official business does not exist then he is the one that is selling horse shit.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Give it up, there have been so many new roads built/renewed since 1992.  Now there is a plan to extend the four-lane further up the east bank.  Road deaths are a combination of issues including personal responsibility as roads pass through populated villages, something you see in every 3rd world nation.  Guyana, Surinaam, etc have always had high accident fatality due to this fact. These guys are wasting their time on non-issue issues.



On one of my trips to guyana the vehicle I was in got stopped at almost all of the police stations and had to show documents - total of 7 times before I reach home on the east coast.

 I have driven in almost all the island in the caribbean, Brazil, cayanne and surinam and never seen a traffic cop stopping and inspecting drivers documents and vehicle defects.

 I could also say that I seen more reckeless driving and close calls on one trip on the east bank road than I wittness in the entire life driving outside Guyana. I guess the people got the got the government the deserve....  


Let us not fool ourselves. It is a known fact that cops takes bribes in Guyana. Actually they ask for it. They make a deal with you. When I was driving pnce around Bourda a cop stopped me and asked for the relevant docs. I produced everything and he said to me that I should give him something. I said no, if you want to gibe me a ticket, give me a ticket but I know the deputy commissioner and quite a few other cops including my villageman Battletruck. He backed off and pleaded with me not to make a complain. He said that the salary they make cannot feed his family and that he has to take brines.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Let us not fool ourselves. It is a known fact that cops takes bribes in Guyana. Actually they ask for it. They make a deal with you. When I was driving pnce around Bourda a cop stopped me and asked for the relevant docs. I produced everything and he said to me that I should give him something. I said no, if you want to gibe me a ticket, give me a ticket but I know the deputy commissioner and quite a few other cops including my villageman Battletruck. He backed off and pleaded with me not to make a complain. He said that the salary they make cannot feed his family and that he has to take brines.

And what you did about that ? Oh dont answer: NOTHING.!!!!

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Give it up, there have been so many new roads built/renewed since 1992.  Now there is a plan to extend the four-lane further up the east bank.  Road deaths are a combination of issues including personal responsibility as roads pass through populated villages, something you see in every 3rd world nation.  Guyana, Surinaam, etc have always had high accident fatality due to this fact. These guys are wasting their time on non-issue issues.



On one of my trips to guyana the vehicle I was in got stopped at almost all of the police stations and had to show documents - total of 7 times before I reach home on the east coast.

 I have driven in almost all the island in the caribbean, Brazil, cayanne and surinam and never seen a traffic cop stopping and inspecting drivers documents and vehicle defects.

 I could also say that I seen more reckeless driving and close calls on one trip on the east bank road than I wittness in the entire life driving outside Guyana. I guess the people got the got the government the deserve....  

This type of issues the opposition should pick up with the GoG.  I have been and never had any interaction with the police, so there must have been an campaign.  Not sure, not dismissing, but this is something which needs explanation.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Let us not fool ourselves. It is a known fact that cops takes bribes in Guyana. Actually they ask for it. They make a deal with you. When I was driving pnce around Bourda a cop stopped me and asked for the relevant docs. I produced everything and he said to me that I should give him something. I said no, if you want to gibe me a ticket, give me a ticket but I know the deputy commissioner and quite a few other cops including my villageman Battletruck. He backed off and pleaded with me not to make a complain. He said that the salary they make cannot feed his family and that he has to take brines.

Why you think that is and how do you propose addressing?


The sum of incomes (senior public servant) over time must add up to displayed assets. I want you guys to tell me where the incomes came from make a US$1.75 million house next to the Atlantic Ocean. 

Originally Posted by TK:

The sum of incomes (senior public servant) over time must add up to displayed assets. I want you guys to tell me where the incomes came from make a US$1.75 million house next to the Atlantic Ocean. 

Consulting, Donations from Organizations, individuals, Charities, World Organizations, Speeches on the World Forum. Shall I go on like the Energizer Bunny or should I explain is more simple terms so that you dont have to run around like a headless chicken.

Originally Posted by TK:

The sum of incomes (senior public servant) over time must add up to displayed assets. I want you guys to tell me where the incomes came from make a US$1.75 million house next to the Atlantic Ocean. 

You answered a different point.  I'm not talking detection, I'm talking prevention.  Yes, I agree, the Tax office should reconciled declared wealth at costs with lifetime income, adjusting for documented and legal gifts, inheritance, etc and tax the remainder as undeclared income.  I'm not getting into individuals but general process.  The AFC always come back to individuals with whom they have a gripe.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

The sum of incomes (senior public servant) over time must add up to displayed assets. I want you guys to tell me where the incomes came from make a US$1.75 million house next to the Atlantic Ocean. 

You answered a different point.  I'm not talking detection, I'm talking prevention.  Yes, I agree, the Tax office should reconciled declared wealth at costs with lifetime income, adjusting for documented and legal gifts, inheritance, etc and tax the remainder as undeclared income.  I'm not getting into individuals but general process.  The AFC always come back to individuals with whom they have a gripe.


Nah...the tax office will not do it as the head taxman is well oiled and in the grips of the Oligarch-in-Chief. I don't know but it would not be a good idea for AFC to settle personal gripes and mix that with national politics. 


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