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Takfiri extremists kill prominent Shia Sheikh and 4 others in Egypt


Prominent Egyptian Shia cleric, Sheikh Hassan Shehata, and four of his devotees have been killed in a brutal attack carried out by Takfiri extremists in Giza Province near Cairo.

The attack was carried out on Sunday when a crowd of several hundred assailants attacked Sheikh Shehata’s home and then set it on fire at the village of Abu Mussalam.

Brutal scenes of the crime were posted on the internet late Sunday, showing men dragging Sheikh Shehata’s bloody body on the street and beating him as the Sheikh chanted “Allahu Akbar [God is Great].”

Dozens of other devotees who were at Sheikh Shehata’s house for commemorating a Shia holy day were also injured.

Dr. Khaled Hamza, General Manager of Hawamdia Hospital in Giza, where the Sheikh was taken after the incident, said:

“Initial medical reports reveal that when Sheikh Hassan Shehata arrived to the hospital, he appeared to be slaughtered from his neck, in addition to several injuries around his body,” adding that “the rest of the bodies had several injuries as well as skull fractures.”

Egypt’s security forces have been sent to the village to disperse the crowds and contain the situation.

The Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil has denounced the incident, saying he was closely following the investigation into the attack and promised that the culprits will be punished.

The incident comes a week after Takfiri clerics insulted Shia Muslims during a rally attended by the Egyptian president.

Shias, who form just one percent of Egypt’s population, are often under attack by extremist groups in the North African country.

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