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@Tola posted:

Admin, could you please tek care ah these guys and lets talk about Rama's coconut oil rub down at Jagdeo's swimming pool.

Very amusing. I am glad you can get some entertainment by mellowing in your own cesspool of ignorance.

Gjango is not going to take action against anti_PPPites. I do not know about your obsession with the former President. If you can explain, I am all ears.

@kp posted:

Tiger Bay was not my zone. And even if they are too poor .

I avoided the poor. Because you were only interested in those who could give you a frek. That's why you threatened the Indian restaurants and they served you shit laced duck curry with Banks beer so you could leave them alone.

Smacking your lips all the way to Uitvlugt wondering what the smell was lol.

@Former Member posted:

I avoided the poor. Because you were only interested in those who could give you a frek. That's why you threatened the Indian restaurants and they served you shit laced duck curry with Banks beer so you could leave them alone.

Smacking your lips all the way to Uitvlugt wondering what the smell was lol.

I pity bare batty gay boy who was living in squalor while I enjoyed the good life

@Former Member posted:

You call it the "good life", eh? It was barefaced TEEFING! And here is where you confessed to being a TEEF, saying "I used to eat and drink and not pay a dime". You were a PNC lackey shaking down Indian businesses.

Read for yourselves:

This really bother you. If you were only educated to get a rewarding job you would then shut yuh skont. That was a system encouraged by the Burnham  era for Blacks in authority to be rewarded. . I so happened to be a no Black that was given that benefit.

So while I was working you were Pick pocketing and robbing Black and Indians.. shut shakeabatty.

@kp posted:

This really bother you. If you were only educated to get a rewarding job you would then shut yuh skont. That was a system encouraged by the Burnham  era for Blacks in authority to be rewarded. . I so happened to be a no Black that was given that benefit.

So while I was working you were Pick pocketing and robbing Black and Indians.. shut shakeabatty.

You have lots of years on me. I was probably long gone from Guyana or a student at QC while you were doing this.

Doesn't bother me one bit, I bring your post to the fore to demonstrate what a traitor and hypocrite you are. You were part of the PNC apparatus in bribery operations.

According to you the system was set up by Burnham to benefit blacks. Yet you "so happened" to get the "good life" out of it, eh you fraud? Either you are black OR the system was set up for PNC people. Suh which is it? Yuh black? Or yuh a PNC?

You were also a coward. You could have walked away if you had any honor or integrity. We know you have none. So lacking any moral compass you actually have the audacity to call what you did "work"!!!!!!

Now yuh come hay trying to impress we wid how anti PNC you are. Bigging up yuh chest and talking shit from Canada. Gwan suh you fraud!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You have lots of years on me. I was probably long gone from Guyana or a student at QC while you were doing this.

Doesn't bother me one bit, I bring your post to the fore to demonstrate what a traitor and hypocrite you are. You were part of the PNC apparatus in bribery operations.

According to you the system was set up by Burnham to benefit blacks. Yet you "so happened" to get the "good life" out of it, eh you fraud? Either you are black OR the system was set up for PNC people. Suh which is it? Yuh black? Or yuh a PNC?

You were also a coward. You could have walked away if you had any honor or integrity. We know you have none. So lacking any moral compass you actually have the audacity to call what you did "work"!!!!!!

Now yuh come hay trying to impress we wid how anti PNC you are. Bigging up yuh chest and talking shit from Canada. Gwan suh you fraud!

You behaving like an alter boy, a saint. Maybe that's why you become Gay. You are just envy with life I am living. So get a life ,loser. You will have to live 10 lives  to achieve my status. I pity your misfortunes,  don't blame me.

@kp posted:

You behaving like an alter boy, a saint. Maybe that's why you become Gay. You are just envy with life I am living. So get a life ,loser. You will have to live 10 lives  to achieve my status. I pity your misfortunes,  don't blame me.

This is typical of a certain type of coolie.  KP is losing the debate because Iguana is a superior debater and he has the facts so what does KP do: he reverts to batty talk and calling Iguana gay etc.  This is lowlife behaviour that one should expect from gutter rats.  Well...

@Totaram posted:

This is typical of a certain type of coolie.  KP is losing the debate because Iguana is a superior debater and he has the facts so what does KP do: he reverts to batty talk and calling Iguana gay etc.  This is lowlife behaviour that one should expect from gutter rats.  Well...

Baldy I noticed you feel left out. Since they took away your dog you have nothing to hump.

You are a Jackass on steroids. Stay in the retarded lane.

@kp posted:

You behaving like an alter boy, a saint. Maybe that's why you become Gay. You are just envy with life I am living. So get a life ,loser. You will have to live 10 lives  to achieve my status. I pity your misfortunes,  don't blame me.

lol...I will respect DG's wishes, this is my last reply to you. What is there to envy about you? You are a traitor to your people, a coward in the face of tyranny, a PNC stooge and whatever little you have was taken from Indian businesses, who by your own testimony, looked at you and your PNC buddies with fear.

Since the area you worked in was designed for PNC blacks only (your claim), maybe you got the job because your dad was a PNC black, but that's no excuse. Now run along wid yuh half black self Kofi.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

lol...I will respect DG's wishes, this is my last reply to you. What is there to envy about you? You are a traitor to your people, a coward in the face of tyranny, a PNC stooge and whatever little you have was taken from Indian businesses, who by your own testimony, looked at you and your PNC buddies with fear.

Since the area you worked in was designed for PNC blacks only (your claim), maybe you got the job because your dad was a PNC black, but that's no excuse. Now run along wid yuh half black self Kofi.

Not my Dad but you Mumma.

@Former Member posted:

@kp just remember....yuh drag meh dead mumma into this. Remember this when I start to ply lash pon yuh behind and yuh start wailing about bringing yuh fambly dem into the story, arite?

Since the area you worked in was designed for PNC blacks only (your claim), maybe you got the job because your dad was a PNC black, but that's no excuse. Now run along wid yuh half black self Kofi.

Yuh Dumb Black skont, you posted that my DAD WAS A PNC BLACK.  Bloody fool you brought family into this post, so if is Lash you want then be it.  It hurts, you bring my DAD and call out yoh MUMMA, arite, OK.


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