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Home > TOP STORY > Granger finally acknowledges, turns down President’s invitation to talk –says earlier position still stands
Granger finally acknowledges, turns down President’s invitation to talk –says earlier position still stands
President Donald Ramotar

Granger finally acknowledges, turns down President’s invitation to talk –says earlier position still stands


THERE will be “no talks” with the current Administration unless the November 10 prorogation of Parliament is lifted, according to Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Brigadier (rtd) David Granger.

Leader of the Opposition, David Granger

Leader of the Opposition, David Granger

The emphatic assertion was made in a letter sent yesterday to President Donald Ramotar, which served as Granger’s acknowledgment and response to the President’s November 18 invitation to the Main Opposition for talks.
According to the Granger camp, via a brief missive sent the media yesterday and titled, ‘Leader of the Opposition responds to the President’, ”Brigadier David Granger, Leader of the Opposition, has responded to the letter from President Donald Ramotar, dated 18th November 2014 and entitled ‘Inter-Prorogation Dialogue’.
“The Opposition Leader iterated that APNU would be unprepared to participate in such a proposed dialogue for as long as the Parliament of Guyana remained prorogued.”

Both APNU and the Alliance for Change (AFC), at the time of the prorogation, made it clear that they will not engage the President in talks unless the prorogation is lifted and parliamentary work resumes.

Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Since the President’s move to prorogue Parliament, there have been varying sentiments from different sections of society, many being in support of the prorogation, which would facilitate dialogue in face of the current political impasse.
The President has always maintained that the need for dialogue was uppermost in his mind when he made his decision. Paving the way for greater dialogue among political parties, he contends, would have kept the 10th Parliament alive to address critically important issues currently before the National Assembly.
Some of these matters include: The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill, which is currently with the Parliamentary Special Select Committee; and the second reading of the Education Bill 2014, the Land Surveyors Bill 2014, and the Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2014.
Also among the Bills scheduled for a first reading are the Food Safety Bill 2014, and the Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) (Amendment) Bill 2014. Other important matters before the National Assembly include the appointment of Members to the Rights of the Child Commission (ROC) and the Women and Gender Equality Commission.
Mr. Ramotar has made it clear that if these efforts prove futile, there will be a move to early general elections.

Meanwhile, all three political parties share similar views on the possibility of early elections.
APNU’s General Secretary Joseph Harmon, in a telephone interview, told the Guyana Chronicle that he will not “second guess” the President’s comments.
“We will have to take him on his word and prepare accordingly,” he said, indicating that the party will be moving ahead with its election campaign preparations.
According to Harmon, the party’s position, as indicated by Granger, is clear.
“We will not negotiate with the Parliament being shut. It is a point that the Leader has made clear. We cannot negotiate within this atmosphere. Our position is clear, President Ramotar has to resume Parliament,” he said.
Additionally, the Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, echoed similar sentiments.
Via the telephone, he said, “We are of the opinion that elections will be called as soon as possible. It will appear that the President will be forced to do, so we have to start with our elections preparations.”
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee said on Monday at the party’s weekly press conference that the “feel on the ground” is that there is a desire to move to an early general election.
“Our supporters on the ground are of the view that we should go to early general elections…all indications show that the preferred option is to go to general and regional elections…with how the winds are blowing it looks like we are headed for another general election,” he said.
Rohee maintains that the PPP is not an electioneering party and regardless of when a date is set, the ruling party will be ready. “If elections are called tomorrow, we will be ready,” he has said.
The move to prorogation was in face of the AFC sponsored no-confidence motion.
The effect of ending the first session of the 10th Parliament via prorogation is the termination of the business of the National Assembly. As a result the AFC’s motion was not considered. Also APNU had, prior to November 10, signalled its intent to support the push through of the motion. Had it not been for the proclamation to prorogue Parliament, if the no-confidence motion was passed, Guyana would have been headed to early general elections within three months.
If there is a move to general elections, given the recent pronouncements by APNU and AFC, it would come more than a year early. The last general and regional elections were held in November 2011.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

THe vibes I am getting from People in Guyana is that the People know the "GAME" the opposition is playing and that their FUTURE will be more SECURED with the PPP.  People are scared to even think what will happen shoud the reckless and careless Opposition be in power.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe vibes I am getting from People in Guyana is that the People know the "GAME" the opposition is playing and that their FUTURE will be more SECURED with the PPP.  People are scared to even think what will happen shoud the reckless and careless Opposition be in power.


It is the fear of the PNC combined with the "games" that the opposition is playing. The big loser will be the AFC which misjudged the mood of the Guyanese public.




The PPP has over the last 60 years politically and racially enslaved Indo Guyanese

May 27, 2011 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Kindly allow me to respond to Mr Vishnu BIsram’s letter, “One can’t bully his or her way into governance when rejected by the voters,” (Kaieteur News 05-20-11). Mr. Bisram on several occasions referred to the PPP Government as a democratically elected one. I want to challenge that notion and show that the regime was not elected in elections that were free and fair, and to show that it is a racially elected government. I also want to expose the inherent hidden racism in Bisram’s letter. Before I start to do so I wish to point out the obvious sly deviousness of Mr. Bisram’s letter. In writing about Tacuma Ogunsesye and David Hinds, he acknowledged their contributions to the struggles in the 1970’s and 80’s but then he wrote, “the struggle does not give them the right to advocate lawlessness and violence against an elected government.” Here Bisram hides under the cloak of impartiality and fairness in order to state a blatant lie about Ogunseye and Hinds. His intention is to reinforce the PPP’s demonization of Ogunseye and Hinds. I listened to Ogunseye’s speech on Demerara Waves and he did not call for lawlessness and violence. I now move onto the main purpose of my letter. Mr. Bisram, like Mr. Ravi Dev, refers to the PPP regime as being democratically elected at free and fair elections. I would like to critically examine this position by asking if the PPP is a democratic institution, and if Indo Guyanese were really free from fear. One only has to look at the manner in which the PPP presidential candidate was imposed by President Jagdeo on the PPP membership and Indo Guyanese to see how undemocratic the PPP is. PPP members were not allowed to elect their candidate. They never heard from any of the presidential hopefuls of the PPP. Instead a President Jagdeo controlled 15-member Executive Committee “chose” Mr. Donald Ramotar for the 2,000 odd members of the PPP. The PPP membership had no say in the matter. Indo Guyanese had no input on the matter but they are expected to just accept such a dictatorial imposition. This absence of democracy in the PPP is by itself an aberration of free and fair election at the national level. Another anomaly is that the PPP exercises control over Indo Guyanese by exploiting racial fears. A perfect example was the manner in which President Jagdeo and Mr. Ramotar kicked off their 2011 elections campaign by hurling false accusations against the PNC’s candidate that was designed to demonize that candidate and create suspicion and fear in Indo Guyanese. Rather than campaign on its “glorious past 19 years in power,” the PPP constantly resorts to disparaging the character of the David Granger. However, the PPP does not only rely on racial fear mongering to get Indo Guyanese to vote enbloc for the party. It resorts to intimidation on elections day. This intimidation takes place in two stages. Firstly, PPP activists armed with voters lists go from house to house urging people to go and vote. They make a show of marking off names on the voters list. Secondly, outside the place of poll more PPP activists move around with the voters list and again mark off names. Gullible Indo Guyanese are shown these lists and are told, “see we know which ballot you will vote on so we will know how you vote.” I learned of this voter intimidation when I was the ROAR Election Agent in 2001. I made the above observations in the Canals Polder and Vreed En Hoop Districts. I also observed that many Polling Officers were school teachers and some were known PPP members/supporters. It is well known that opposition polling agents do not stay around in PPP strongholds after the close of poll to count the votes. This may explain why ROAR only “got” two votes in Ravi Dev’s home villages of De Willem and Uitvlugt in 2001, and why AFC only “got” one vote in Khemraj Ramjattan’s home village of Number 47 Village  in 2006. A point to note is that the PPP only employs racial fear mongering and intimidation against Indo Guyanese. It does not do so with the other ethnic groups. That Indo Guyanese voted enbloc for the PPP means that the PPP was not democratically elected but rather it was racially elected. The PPP over the last 60 years has politically and racially enslaved Indo Guyanese. It is this racial enslavement that caused Bisram to write, “One can’t bully his or her way into governance when rejected by the voters.” This is true in a monolithic society. It might be even true in a multi-racial society where political parties campaign on issues such as Trinidad and Tobago. But In Guyana where the ruling PPP habitually resorts to racism to garner Indo Guyanese votes it means then that Bisram’s “rejected by the voters” translates into Afro Guyanese being rejected by Indo Guyanese. What is even worse is that Bisram wants Ogunseye and Hinds to accept the rejection and stay quiet. This is a recipe for social unrest, and disaster for Guyana. Fortunately for Guyana we have David Granger who is the opposite of the PPP leaders. Granger is a spiritually developed soul and he has mastered his ego. He also has an educated mind. After he retired from the GDF he spent the last 20 years pursuing academic excellence and today he is a respected intellectual and history scholar. It is his sense of history that has caused him to embrace shared governance should he be elected as President of Guyana. Malcolm Harripaul


 the PPP does not only rely on racial fear mongering to get Indo Guyanese to vote enbloc for the party. It resorts to intimidation on elections day. This intimidation takes place in two stages. Firstly, PPP activists armed with voters lists go from house to house urging people to go and vote. They make a show of marking off names on the voters list. Secondly, outside the place of poll more PPP activists move around with the voters list and again mark off names. Gullible Indo Guyanese are shown these lists and are told, “see we know which ballot you will vote on so we will know how you vote.”

Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe vibes I am getting from People in Guyana is that the People know the "GAME" the opposition is playing and that their FUTURE will be more SECURED with the PPP.  People are scared to even think what will happen shoud the reckless and careless Opposition be in power.

Which ever opposition gets in power I do know that it would not be as bad as it currently is.


Opposition Leader David Granger (left) accompanied by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Members of Parliament Ronald Bulkan and Christopher Jones, heard criticisms against the People’s Progressive Party Civic-dominated Regional Democratic Council of the Pomeroon- Supenaam Region during a recent visit to the area.

A release from APNU said that Granger and Bulkan speaking to audiences at Anna Regina and Suddie explained how President Donald Ramotar and the PPP/C government had obstructed the holding of local government elections and prorogued Parliament. Parliament has not met for over four months now. (APNU photo)


Originally Posted by Keith:

There is no vision layout for this country Guyana. Where there is no vision, the country perish.


A vision is important but it also take cooperation of the opposition to put Guyana first.


The opposition is hellbent on voting down important projects that can propel Guyana.


A majority PPP is needed for continued progress.


We need not forget the 28 years of Donkey Cart economics by Carl Greendige and PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham who destroyed Guyana.


Remember the lineups for basic necessities like food and gas along with month long blackouts ?


Carl Creenidge proudly stood in the National Assembly and boldly declared that Guyana's treasury was empty.


 I would like to critically examine this position by asking if the PPP is a democratic institution, and if Indo Guyanese were really free from fear. One only has to look at the manner in which the PPP presidential candidate was imposed by President Jagdeo on the PPP membership and Indo Guyanese to see how undemocratic the PPP is. PPP members were not allowed to elect their candidate. They never heard from any of the presidential hopefuls of the PPP. Instead a President Jagdeo controlled 15-member Executive Committee “chose” Mr. Donald Ramotar for the 2,000 odd members of the PPP. The PPP membership had no say in the matter. Indo Guyanese had no input on the matter but they are expected to just accept such a dictatorial imposition. This absence of democracy in the PPP is by itself an aberration of free and fair election at the national level.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

 I would like to critically examine this position by asking if the PPP is a democratic institution, and if Indo Guyanese were really free from fear. One only has to look at the manner in which the PPP presidential candidate was imposed by President Jagdeo on the PPP membership and Indo Guyanese to see how undemocratic the PPP is. PPP members were not allowed to elect their candidate. They never heard from any of the presidential hopefuls of the PPP. Instead a President Jagdeo controlled 15-member Executive Committee “chose” Mr. Donald Ramotar for the 2,000 odd members of the PPP. The PPP membership had no say in the matter. Indo Guyanese had no input on the matter but they are expected to just accept such a dictatorial imposition. This absence of democracy in the PPP is by itself an aberration of free and fair election at the national level.

Mits, Who wrote such BULLSHIT. Political Parties all over the World select their Candidates in many different versions that are not Democratic.


Indo fears are not concocted by the PPP. They are real. Malcolm and his former boss, Ravi Dev, played on real Indian fears while he was with ROAR party. He is now contradicting himself. Don't take him seriously. There are too many cracks in his cases against the PPP. He is yet to write something of value.

Billy Ram Balgobin

PPP believes by hollering and repeating the word democracy and sprinkling it in speeches the people will be convinced that Guyana is a democracy.


The people are no fools they know they are living in a modern day dictatorship.


They are some brainwashed fools in America who think the US is a dictatorship. Guyana is not void of such people. People voting against a gov't in a nation with a history of free elections don't necessarily do so because they think the ruling party is a dictatorial. The vote for a variety of reasons. Many who voted for the PNC wanted dictatorship. Those who voted for the PPP feared dictatorship. Many of those of voted AFC wanted Moses and not necessarily a coalition gov't headed by the PNC.

Just watch how the AFC tumbles off a cliff.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

 I would like to critically examine this position by asking if the PPP is a democratic institution, and if Indo Guyanese were really free from fear. One only has to look at the manner in which the PPP presidential candidate was imposed by President Jagdeo on the PPP membership and Indo Guyanese to see how undemocratic the PPP is. PPP members were not allowed to elect their candidate. They never heard from any of the presidential hopefuls of the PPP. Instead a President Jagdeo controlled 15-member Executive Committee “chose” Mr. Donald Ramotar for the 2,000 odd members of the PPP. The PPP membership had no say in the matter. Indo Guyanese had no input on the matter but they are expected to just accept such a dictatorial imposition. This absence of democracy in the PPP is by itself an aberration of free and fair election at the national level.

Mits, Who wrote such BULLSHIT. Political Parties all over the World select their Candidates in many different versions that are not Democratic.

It's a fact that Donald who squatted on Omai and then ruined Guysuco, was handpicked by the puppeteer, Jagdeo. PPP insider polls show that Ramo is very unpopular. The grass root supporters are ready to rebel by staying away and encouraging others to do likewise.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

 I would like to critically examine this position by asking if the PPP is a democratic institution, and if Indo Guyanese were really free from fear. One only has to look at the manner in which the PPP presidential candidate was imposed by President Jagdeo on the PPP membership and Indo Guyanese to see how undemocratic the PPP is. PPP members were not allowed to elect their candidate. They never heard from any of the presidential hopefuls of the PPP. Instead a President Jagdeo controlled 15-member Executive Committee “chose” Mr. Donald Ramotar for the 2,000 odd members of the PPP. The PPP membership had no say in the matter. Indo Guyanese had no input on the matter but they are expected to just accept such a dictatorial imposition. This absence of democracy in the PPP is by itself an aberration of free and fair election at the national level.

Mits, Who wrote such BULLSHIT. Political Parties all over the World select their Candidates in many different versions that are not Democratic.

It's a fact that Donald who squatted on Omai and then ruined Guysuco, was handpicked by the puppeteer, Jagdeo. PPP insider polls show that Ramo is very unpopular. The grass root supporters are ready to rebel by staying away and encouraging others to do likewise.

We will see SOON.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:

There is no vision layout for this country Guyana. Where there is no vision, the country perish.


A vision is important but it also take cooperation of the opposition to put Guyana first.


The opposition is hellbent on voting down important projects that can propel Guyana.


A majority PPP is needed for continued progress.


We need not forget the 28 years of Donkey Cart economics by Carl Greendige and PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham who destroyed Guyana.


Remember the lineups for basic necessities like food and gas along with month long blackouts ?


Carl Creenidge proudly stood in the National Assembly and boldly declared that Guyana's treasury was empty.

Look, first take the scales off your eyes and I think you would be able to see clearly what the people in Guyana are seeing and upset about.

Would you fund/budget a shed for $7 million knowing that it would only cost $1 million? Why such an abuse on tax payer money? Would you keep paying millions to fix pot holes and have to do the same thing over in a few months? Why not hold the contractor accountable or is it you get what you paid for? Why not used some of the IDB funds to build infrastructures such as, better roads and bridges to connect our regions and better drainage system.

If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?

Is it not shameful to YOU as you walk in our capital city Georgetown you are overwhelm by the stagnant drains and garbage and know that this has been going on for over 15+ years and nothing has changes? Is it not shameful to you that when Caricom heads pass though out city it look like a dump in their view?

Don't you think it time to try something new, like a new government because the people are tired of incompetent year after year?

I think it time for a change in government and I hope the people hold the new government accountable to deliver, if they failed then they should find another that will listen to them.

You statement in bold above is baseless, that's called good governing. Those projects cost if I recalled were inflated and there were no proper studies provided on some of those projects case in point, the Amelia Fall project.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Firstly, PPP activists armed with voters lists go from house to house urging people to go and vote. They make a show of marking off names on the voters list.


Secondly, outside the place of poll more PPP activists move around with the voters list and again mark off names


Malcolm Harripaul


The PPP has over the last 60 years politically and racially enslaved Indo Guyanese, May 27, 2011 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Identical process exists for Canadian and Provincial government elections.


Designated political representatives have access to extremely silently view the polling clerks roster on who has voted and they then check the names off the official list which they receive from electoral commission. Of note, these political representative do not ever discuss, talk with or in any way interact with the polling clerks/representatives.


After the election polls close, the total votes for each political group is provided on a designated board by a senior election officer for each polling station which is then available to the agents for each political group.


The political representatives must immediately leave the location.


The ballot boxes are then ready for counting by the designated officers


Ow Keith ow yuh tekkin advantage pun dis chap even I doan embarrass the man like dis.


The man is unschooled and has not the intellectual capacity to process what you are imparting on it.

Originally Posted by Keith:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:

There is no vision layout for this country Guyana. Where there is no vision, the country perish.


A vision is important but it also take cooperation of the opposition to put Guyana first.


The opposition is hellbent on voting down important projects that can propel Guyana.


A majority PPP is needed for continued progress.


We need not forget the 28 years of Donkey Cart economics by Carl Greendige and PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham who destroyed Guyana.


Remember the lineups for basic necessities like food and gas along with month long blackouts ?


Carl Creenidge proudly stood in the National Assembly and boldly declared that Guyana's treasury was empty.

Look, first take the scales off your eyes and I think you would be able to see clearly what the people in Guyana are seeing and upset about.

Would you fund/budget a shed for $7 million knowing that it would only cost $1 million? 


Hogwash. Where is the proof admissible in court ? Talk is cheap.

If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana.

Is it not shameful to YOU as you walk in our capital city Georgetown you are overwhelm by the stagnant drains and garbage and know that this has been going on for over 15+ years and nothing has changes? Is it not shameful to you that when Caricom heads pass though out city it look like a dump in their view?


PNC's Dinosaur, Hamilton Green is Mayor of GT. Vote PNC if you want filth.

I think it time for a change in government and I hope the people hold the new government accountable to deliver, if they failed then they should find another that will listen to them.


Elections are coming up. The PPP will win a majority. Thanks to the PPP, Guyana has free and fair elections. Unlike your heroes Burnham and Hoyte who rigged and frigged all elections under the PNC.

You statement in bold above is baseless, that's called good governing. Those projects cost if I recalled were inflated and there were no proper studies provided on some of those projects case in point, the Amelia Fall project.


You are grossly ignorant and prattle KN hogwash.


Last edited by Former Member

"If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?"


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana


DEA office was recently opened after stalling

from the PPP

Originally Posted by Django:

"If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?"


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana


DEA office was recently opened after stalling

from the PPP




I was responding directly to a poster who does have the mental capacity to post, yet attempts to do so but posts hogwash.


He must be corrected.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:

"If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?"


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana


DEA office was recently opened after stalling

from the PPP




I was responding directly to a poster who does have the mental capacity to post, yet attempts to do so but posts hogwash.


He must be corrected.

 Who you calling dunce????

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:

"If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?"


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana


DEA office was recently opened after stalling

from the PPP




I was responding directly to a poster who does have the mental capacity to post, yet attempts to do so but posts hogwash.


He must be corrected.

 Who you calling dunce????



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:

"If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?"


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana


DEA office was recently opened after stalling

from the PPP




I was responding directly to a poster who does have the mental capacity to post, yet attempts to do so but posts hogwash.


He must be corrected.

 Who you calling dunce????



You are the biggest dunce here posting trash.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:

"If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?"


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana


DEA office was recently opened after stalling

from the PPP




I was responding directly to a poster who does have the mental capacity to post, yet attempts to do so but posts hogwash.


He must be corrected.

 Who you calling dunce????



Unschooled you stepping into dangerous territory here.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:

There is no vision layout for this country Guyana. Where there is no vision, the country perish.


A vision is important but it also take cooperation of the opposition to put Guyana first.


The opposition is hellbent on voting down important projects that can propel Guyana.


A majority PPP is needed for continued progress.


We need not forget the 28 years of Donkey Cart economics by Carl Greendige and PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham who destroyed Guyana.


Remember the lineups for basic necessities like food and gas along with month long blackouts ?


Carl Creenidge proudly stood in the National Assembly and boldly declared that Guyana's treasury was empty.

Look, first take the scales off your eyes and I think you would be able to see clearly what the people in Guyana are seeing and upset about.

Would you fund/budget a shed for $7 million knowing that it would only cost $1 million? 


Hogwash. where is the proof admissible in court ? Talk is cheap.



If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana.

When there is ignorance coming form someone such as yourself they would resort to name calling, I guess that's your motto.

In principal they were talk to setup an office but it never materialize.



Is it not shameful to YOU as you walk in our capital city Georgetown you are overwhelm by the stagnant drains and garbage and know that this has been going on for over 15+ years and nothing has changes? Is it not shameful to you that when Caricom heads pass though out city it look like a dump in their view?


PNC's Dinosaur, Hamilton Green is Mayor of GT. Vote PNC if you want filth.

Well, the Mayor and the local government minister(s) should all be fired but it seems they like the stench.

I think it time for a change in government and I hope the people hold the new government accountable to deliver, if they failed then they should find another that will listen to them.


Elections are coming up. The PPP will win a majority. Thanks to the PPP, Guyana has free and fair elections. Unlike your heroes Burnham and Hoyte who rigged and frigged all elections under the PNC.

You clear don't know my hero but then you wouldn't understand if I was to list a few. Ok here area few,: The people in Guyana that speak out against injustice and any MP/cabinets that's not doing what they were put in office to do are my hero.

Folks such as this gentleman who's the narrator in these videos. Spend time to view the videos you might learn a few things about your beloved government.

You statement in bold above is baseless, that's called good governing. Those projects cost if I recalled were inflated and there were no proper studies provided on some of those projects case in point, the Amelia Fall project.


You are grossly ignorant and prattle KN hogwash.

Did I struck a nerve?



Originally Posted by Keith:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:

There is no vision layout for this country Guyana. Where there is no vision, the country perish.


A vision is important but it also take cooperation of the opposition to put Guyana first.


The opposition is hellbent on voting down important projects that can propel Guyana.


A majority PPP is needed for continued progress.


We need not forget the 28 years of Donkey Cart economics by Carl Greendige and PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham who destroyed Guyana.


Remember the lineups for basic necessities like food and gas along with month long blackouts ?


Carl Creenidge proudly stood in the National Assembly and boldly declared that Guyana's treasury was empty.

Look, first take the scales off your eyes and I think you would be able to see clearly what the people in Guyana are seeing and upset about.

Would you fund/budget a shed for $7 million knowing that it would only cost $1 million? 


Hogwash. where is the proof admissible in court ? Talk is cheap.



If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana.

When there is ignorance coming form someone such as yourself they would resort to name calling, I guess that's your motto.

In principal they were talk to setup an office but it never materialize.



Is it not shameful to YOU as you walk in our capital city Georgetown you are overwhelm by the stagnant drains and garbage and know that this has been going on for over 15+ years and nothing has changes? Is it not shameful to you that when Caricom heads pass though out city it look like a dump in their view?


PNC's Dinosaur, Hamilton Green is Mayor of GT. Vote PNC if you want filth.

Well, the Mayor and the local government minister(s) should all be fired but it seems they like the stench.

I think it time for a change in government and I hope the people hold the new government accountable to deliver, if they failed then they should find another that will listen to them.


Elections are coming up. The PPP will win a majority. Thanks to the PPP, Guyana has free and fair elections. Unlike your heroes Burnham and Hoyte who rigged and frigged all elections under the PNC.

You clear don't know my hero but then you wouldn't understand if I was to list a few. Ok here area few,: The people in Guyana that speak out against injustice and any MP/cabinets that's not doing what they were put in office to do are my hero.

Folks such as this gentleman who's the narrator in these videos. Spend time to view the videos you might learn a few things about your beloved government.

You statement in bold above is baseless, that's called good governing. Those projects cost if I recalled were inflated and there were no proper studies provided on some of those projects case in point, the Amelia Fall project.


You are grossly ignorant and prattle KN hogwash.

Did I struck a nerve?


 Did I struck a nerve? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:

There is no vision layout for this country Guyana. Where there is no vision, the country perish.


A vision is important but it also take cooperation of the opposition to put Guyana first.


Mahatma Gandhi said: "Non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty."

The PPP is corrupt, undemocratic and evil.

Cooperation of the opposition? Quit dreaming.

The role of the opposition is to oppose, expose and depose.

Originally Posted by Keith:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Keith:

There is no vision layout for this country Guyana. Where there is no vision, the country perish.


A vision is important but it also take cooperation of the opposition to put Guyana first.


The opposition is hellbent on voting down important projects that can propel Guyana.


A majority PPP is needed for continued progress.


We need not forget the 28 years of Donkey Cart economics by Carl Greendige and PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham who destroyed Guyana.


Remember the lineups for basic necessities like food and gas along with month long blackouts ?


Carl Creenidge proudly stood in the National Assembly and boldly declared that Guyana's treasury was empty.

Look, first take the scales off your eyes and I think you would be able to see clearly what the people in Guyana are seeing and upset about.

Would you fund/budget a shed for $7 million knowing that it would only cost $1 million? Why such an abuse on tax payer money? Would you keep paying millions to fix pot holes and have to do the same thing over in a few months? Why not hold the contractor accountable or is it you get what you paid for? Why not used some of the IDB funds to build infrastructures such as, better roads and bridges to connect our regions and better drainage system.

If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?

Is it not shameful to YOU as you walk in our capital city Georgetown you are overwhelm by the stagnant drains and garbage and know that this has been going on for over 15+ years and nothing has changes? Is it not shameful to you that when Caricom heads pass though out city it look like a dump in their view?

Don't you think it time to try something new, like a new government because the people are tired of incompetent year after year?

I think it time for a change in government and I hope the people hold the new government accountable to deliver, if they failed then they should find another that will listen to them.

You statement in bold above is baseless, that's called good governing. Those projects cost if I recalled were inflated and there were no proper studies provided on some of those projects case in point, the Amelia Fall project.

Well done, Keith.

You bring a breath of fresh air and a handful of homegrown reality to this forum.

Context is what matters most.

PPPites are attacking the political opposition by studiously avoiding context.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:

"If you are serious about crime and drugs in this country, would you not listen to the people that put you in power to deal with it? Why not get the US DEA involve and proper training suggest by other ambassadors for our police offices?"


Dunce, the DEA has an office in Guyana


DEA office was recently opened after stalling

from the PPP




I was responding directly to a poster who does have the mental capacity to post, yet attempts to do so but posts hogwash.


He must be corrected.

 Who you calling dunce????



You are the biggest dunce here posting trash.


Django, hold your fire!

Don't waste ammunition on nuisance objects.


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