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Former Member

“Preliminary exploratory” talks with Lenox Shuman, the Presidential Candidate for the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) seems to be at a standstill.

Leader of the six-party APNU and President of Guyana David Granger told reporters Wednesday that the talks have not moved forward since October.

“We’re not asking them to lose their identity or lose their constituency…in principle, APNU has no objections to continuing talks with the Liberty and Justice Party but the talks have not moved forward,” the President said at the sidelines of an event at the Ministry of the Presidency.

He explained that the APNU is a party that is committed to the “Big Benab.”

“We’re not in the business of sharing out goodies, we’re in the business of shared principles, of working towards a common good and if any party is prepared to accept the overall objectives of the Partnership, they would be welcomed to come in but at this point in time, it’s not a question of running for elections, it’s question of developing Guyana and ensure the people of Guyana have the type of Government which is inclusionary which is inclusive and this is what we have achieved under the existing partnership.”

On October 16, the President had that he had “preliminary exploratory” talks with the LJP to join the APNU but there was no final agreement.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PNC  is snake and will outsmart all the smaller parties.

These mushroom parties are gathering a few hundred supporters and taking them over to PNC in a form of coalition.  

In compensation, they  are getting junior ministers portfolio..  with no authority. 

Why is Stormy quiet about Shuman? 


Dave posted:


Why is Stormy quiet about Shuman? 


Where have I been quiet? I said my bit....self interest before the peoples interest is not a choice. Shuman is relevant only as an independent. Trying to court the instrument of our greatest fear for "partnership" is not only a novice move but plainly stupid. One would be reticent to offer support where trust in the candidate's independence is necessary for ones vote. He lost that trust. 

Last edited by Former Member

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

You need a good Patkay 

Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

Bai, don’t use the term ‘buck’

Stormborn posted:
Dave posted:


Why is Stormy quiet about Shuman? 


Where have I been quiet? I said my bit....self interest before the peoples interest is not a choice. Shuman is relevant only as an independent. Trying to court the instrument of our greatest fear for "partnership" is not only a novice move but plainly stupid. One would be reticent to offer support where trust in the candidate's independence is necessary for ones vote. He lost that trust. 

Stormy vex bad.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

The banna changed his name to hide  but his dirty habits exposed him.

Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

Sean, I use to call them Buckman too. I stopped. They are a bunch of good people. You don't see them robbing and killing people. I visited Orealla and Siparuta in 1969 and was very impressed by how these people live. A few years ago n Guyana one native guy, well dressed stopped me on the road and asked me for $500.00 to get back to NW District. He was very polite. I gave him the bill and he was very appreciative and thankful. At least he did not use force.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

Look who"s talking, this banana Vish converses like a fisherwoman and attacks everyone ! 

alena06 posted:

Shuman might approach PPP now to see if they need him. Who knows he might be able to attract Amerindian voters for them. Anyone knows if he rallied a voter base.

I think he is having second thoughts. Maybe he has had an earful from the Amerindians, reminding him of the treatment from the PNC.

Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

Look who"s talking, this banana Vish converses like a fisherwoman and attacks everyone ! 

Where you see me stereotyping and attacking people...?

only you.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

Look who"s talking, this banana Vish converses like a fisherwoman and attacks everyone ! 

Where you see me stereotyping and attacking people...?

only you.

Everyone is a knucklehead unlike you who is a professional shithead one subject student.

Stormborn posted:
Dave posted:


Why is Stormy quiet about Shuman? 


Where have I been quiet? I said my bit....self interest before the peoples interest is not a choice. Shuman is relevant only as an independent. Trying to court the instrument of our greatest fear for "partnership" is not only a novice move but plainly stupid. One would be reticent to offer support where trust in the candidate's independence is necessary for ones vote. He lost that trust. 

If Shuman only wants a seat in parliament, he could with Amerindian support. On the national scene, he is miles and miles away from raising money, a campaign team, a diaspora outreach team and a serious plan to tackle the cohesiveness of a Guyanese society.

Granger said his plans would bring Guyanese together, he is a typical liar, his four years prove that. Dem setting up a dictatorship.


Exactly and Shuman knows that a dictatorship has emerged so he Decided to bend over And strip naked infront of granger for some soup. 
Storm was talking as if he was part of the Shuman movement but like most of his political assessments, he was dead wrong. I can dig up his posts about antiman Shuman. 

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

Look who"s talking, this banana Vish converses like a fisherwoman and attacks everyone ! 

Where you see me stereotyping and attacking people...?

only you.

Everyone is a knucklehead unlike you who is a professional shithead one subject student.

Banna...stop polluting this board your foul mouth

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Shuman stripped naked in front of Granger and he got turned off. No more talks. Shuman Party dead as door nail. PPP lock down de buck man vote.

You Knuckleheads need to stop with the stereotyping...

how would you like if I call you a "curry goat head coolie"?

Look who"s talking, this banana Vish converses like a fisherwoman and attacks everyone ! 

Where you see me stereotyping and attacking people...?

only you.

This response is like Mittwa and Yuji. 😊

Sean posted:

Amral posted that Mits took time off and Yuji leff GNI. 
Wish they were back !

Ugli dude...who do you think you are fooling? Well...sorry....we know you do not think.

Sean posted:

Exactly and Shuman knows that a dictatorship has emerged so he Decided to bend over And strip naked infront of granger for some soup. 
Storm was talking as if he was part of the Shuman movement but like most of his political assessments, he was dead wrong. I can dig up his posts about antiman Shuman. 

Where did I say I was part of his group? To the contrary I said I was not but will support him when he solidifies his positions.  He had/has good positions, is an able speaker, an apt thinker and could win between one to three seats if he were to follow his stated principles. He made a mistake doing what he AFC did without even solidifying the idea he has political clout. Now only an idiot would do that or one who knows he has a confirmed following. Dig a hole in your head and implant a need some thinking power there. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
Dave posted:


Why is Stormy quiet about Shuman? 


Where have I been quiet? I said my bit....self interest before the peoples interest is not a choice. Shuman is relevant only as an independent. Trying to court the instrument of our greatest fear for "partnership" is not only a novice move but plainly stupid. One would be reticent to offer support where trust in the candidate's independence is necessary for ones vote. He lost that trust. 

If Shuman only wants a seat in parliament, he could with Amerindian support. On the national scene, he is miles and miles away from raising money, a campaign team, a diaspora outreach team and a serious plan to tackle the cohesiveness of a Guyanese society.

Granger said his plans would bring Guyanese together, he is a typical liar, his four years prove that. Dem setting up a dictatorship.

Any campaign manager would advise him to target his audience. A national campaign would be a waste of time. He could however organize a grass root movement to go into villages and spread the word. However, his primary focus was to make sure Amerindians know he exist and what he intends for them specifically. He only needs one seat to be a kingmaker and have a voice in every decision being made. He could win as many as three.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Where you see me stereotyping and attacking people...?

only you.

Everyone is a knucklehead unlike you who is a professional shithead one subject student.

Heee heee heeee; eee ah study dee subject hard, hard, hard.


Shuman turned out to be a Fisherman just fishing for position.  He is also arrogant telling people what he want but he has not proven himself on the ground in and way.

Me done with he, hope he did not give up his Canadian citizenship!  He might need it!!

Baseman posted:

Shuman turned out to be a Fisherman just fishing for position.  He is also arrogant telling people what he want but he has not proven himself on the ground in and way.

Me done with he, hope he did not give up his Canadian citizenship!  He might need it!!

Don’t talk so quick. 

Shuman says will not join other parties for 2020 elections


Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) Lenox Shuman on Thursday said the party plans to remain independent heading into the upcoming general elections. The revelation came during the party’s press conference at the Duke Lodge in Georgetown.

There has been growing skepticism surrounding Guyana’s newer and smaller political parties only looking to garner public support with the aim of potentially joining Guyana’s larger political parties to contest the March 02, 2020 election.

After news broke of the party in talks with the governing APNU+AFC coalition, Shuman had said he was meeting all parties, but on Thursday he confirmed there are no plans to officially join forces with other parties leading up to the 2020 election.

I want to ensure that we are very clear on what it is we do, at the launch of this party in January of 2019 we had said that we are open to communications with everyone.

Lenox Shuman with some members of the LJP

“We had sent out formal notification to all parties to engage in that dialogue because we believe that it’s the only way to move Guyana forward. We have met with ANUG, we have met with FED UP, we have met with TCI, we have met with APNU and we have not met with the PPP,” Shuman said.

Shuman stated that the LJP constitution was set up to promote the establishment of an independent party that seeks to foster a balanced approach to nation-building.

“[Wednesday night] we had a motion carried in line with the article 4.1 of our LJP party’s constitution that states that we are not going to coalesce with any political party going into this election unless the national security or national interests of this country demand it.

“At this moment we believe that this country is in firm need of balance,” Shuman expressed.

The party leader made note of the fact that the LJP recognizes the strong following of both the APNU+AFC coalition and the People’s Progressive Party, but stated the LJP’s strength rests in their ability to provide the balance necessary to take Guyana forward.



It may just be that Shuman has read the writing on the wall and concluded that trusting Granger is a kiss of death.

That said, it is good that his party will remain independent as that is their only formula for relevance. The AFC giving up that independence prior to the 2015 elections won the battle but severely lost the war.

Baseman posted:

Shuman turned out to be a Fisherman just fishing for position.  He is also arrogant telling people what he want but he has not proven himself on the ground in and way.

Me done with he, hope he did not give up his Canadian citizenship!  He might need it!!

Guyanese are prone to lying so no one is putting much weight on any of them saying that they have given up their foreign citizenships. They will have to post the evidence for anyone to believe them.

Dr. Ali figured that out when he decided that he is done talking about his certificates. Instead he posted a picture in his cap and gown at his recent conferment. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Shuman turned out to be a Fisherman just fishing for position.  He is also arrogant telling people what he want but he has not proven himself on the ground in and way.

Me done with he, hope he did not give up his Canadian citizenship!  He might need it!!

Guyanese are prone to lying so no one is putting much weight on any of them saying that they have given up their foreign citizenships. They will have to post the evidence for anyone to believe them.

Dr. Ali figured that out when he decided that he is done talking about his certificates. Instead he posted a picture in his cap and gown at his recent conferment. 

Please leave Hon Dr Irfan out of this. Shuman is no Dr Irffy!!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Shuman turned out to be a Fisherman just fishing for position.  He is also arrogant telling people what he want but he has not proven himself on the ground in and way.

Me done with he, hope he did not give up his Canadian citizenship!  He might need it!!

Guyanese are prone to lying so no one is putting much weight on any of them saying that they have given up their foreign citizenships. They will have to post the evidence for anyone to believe them.

Dr. Ali figured that out when he decided that he is done talking about his certificates. Instead he posted a picture in his cap and gown at his recent conferment. 

Please leave Hon Dr Irfan out of this. Shuman is no Dr Irffy!!

Meh know. Dr. Irffy is at least three times bigger than Shuman. 


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