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India Entrepreneurs eyes East Berbice for Investments.



By Royan Abrams

In October last, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo during his speech at the prestigious World Tamils Economic Conference held in Chennai, India invited entrepreneurs to invest in Guyana as it has vast business opportunities. It is with this in mind that eminent Tamil advocate Dr V.R.S Sampath, President of the Madras Development Society and Convener of the World Tamil Economic Conference is currently in Guyana on behalf of entrepreneurs in his country to explore entrepreneurial opportunities available here in Guyana.

This is Dr V.R.S Sampath first visited to Guyana and Region Six East Berbice Corentyne on Thursday December 15,2016 where he met with officials from the Skeldon Estate, rice officials at Nand Persaud and Company Limited and fishermen from the #66 Fishery on the Corentyne. Those meetings were organized by the Office of the Prime Minister through its representative in Region Six, Gobin Harbajan.

According to Dr Sampath, many entrepreneurs in his country have expressed their interest to visit and invest in Guyana hence he is here to explore business opportunities on their behalf.

Dr Sampath told the News Room that “I came personally to know the ground personally of Guyana and to see what way Guyana will suit for businessmen from Asian countries especially from India can come here to do the various investment and business activities”

He added that he is impressed with the amount of business opportunities Guyana has especially in the Agriculture sector which comprised of rice and sugar as well fishing. He noted too that these opportunities can highlight Guyana as one of the most developed countries in the South America apart from being the only English speaking country.

“I will take this message to my country and I will inform the investors and businessmen to come to Guyana to do investment and business activities and I’m thinking of bringing a big delegation to Guyana within a month time to see for themselves” he added.

Office of the Prime Minister’s Regional Representative who spearheaded the visited said that the visit is part of efforts to see business in Berbice grow and that he is looking forward to the visit of the delegation of investors and entrepreneur from India here in Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The only thing that Guyana has that India needs is cheap gold.  Other than that these so call investors are coming to sell South India products and they will be followed by Southern Indian christians who will attempt to convert Guyana hindus to christianity.

Chief posted:

Mahatma Nagamootoo ! !

JAI Hind!

When dem coolie get robbed by the criminals from Rose Hall, Whim, New Amsterdam, Eversham and Lungeeras from Buxton, they will cut and run.

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