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Former Member

A pattern has emerged, the PNC instead of raising revenue via economic growth, they now resort to tax and spend.  

Airport tax to squeeze visitors, vat tax to squeeze the consumers, vehicle transfer tax to squeeze the drivers, environmental tax. This is their vision for moving Guyana forward. Kill industries and squeeze the people.

The jackasses who supported the PNC/AFC were like pitbulls during PPP time complaining about taxes, now they quiet as church mouse. 


To transfer ownership and/possession of a motor cycle, applicants will now have to pay $5000 as opposed to the previous $500.
To transfer ownership of vehicles outside that category, applicants will now have to pay $25,000 instead of the previous $1000, or two per cent of the selling price of current valuation; whichever is greater.
The Bill also introduced fees for the issuance of driving permits issued to licensed drivers residing abroad and introducing fees for issuance for letters of authenticity for applicants requiring verification of their drivers’ licence. These transactions will now cost $2000 each.
Finance Minister Winston Jordan supported these measures, noting that it is a “win-win” situation and that the common man will favour these changes.

Billion-dollar industry
Opposition parliamentarian Nigel Dharamlall said these developments send a “bad omen” for motor vehicle users of the country and he accused the government of creating a billion-dollar industry for itself at the expense of taxpayers.
Dharamlall outlined that with the number of fees increases and introductions since the Administration’s inception 19 months ago, they have raked in billions of dollars from Guyanese.


Disposable income
He told the House that there could be an argument had to increase the fees from their current level, but any such increase must be done gradually, noting that the APNU/AFC Administration has introduced some 47 additional taxation measures in the 2017 Budget.


The Guyana Oil Company (GuyOil) on New Year’s Day announced the “upward movement” in prices for its products nationwide, citing rising prices on the world market. The new price structure took effect January 2 and it was disclosed that the gasoline price jumped by $12.00 to $190.00 per litre while kerosene and gasoil prices increased by $5.00 per litre, respectively.

The increase in fuel prices comes against the backdrop of Government’s announcement during the National Budget 2017 that the Value Added Tax (VAT) would be included on electricity bills above $10,000 from this month.

Increase the fee for a passport from $4,000 to $6,000

* The reduction in the Personal Income Tax rate from 30 per cent to 28 per cent for individuals earning less than $2,160,000 per annum or $180,000 per month and a new rate of 40 per cent applied to the incomes of individuals earning in excess of $2,160,000 per annum. (this increase is meant to punish the business community)

Finance Minister, Winston Jordan announced that the cost of acquiring a new passport has moved from GYD$4,000 to GYD$6,000.

Jordan said the departure tax has been increased from GYD$2,500 to GYD$3,500- a rate that applies to the Eugene F. Correia International Airport.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

HEHEHE  Tek Change in Al Yuh Cunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


More Taxes, new Vehicles and Houses for Cabinet Members, Travel Allowance INCREASE, House Allowance Increase, Salary already to the Moon. The PNC version of Guyana going to the Moon.

Tek Am in Al yuh Kakahole. The Namararam Crabdaag sold Al Yuh Snakeoil, I never had much sympathy for naive, FILTH HEAD IDIOTS anyway!!!!!


Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 


That has been the way of PNC FILTH HEAD Supporters from day one. They were eating dry coconut and drink trench water, they were ENSLAVE at Hope Estate, beaten by Bunham on his Horse BUT they still loved, admired, obeyed and praise him for their condition. Well, tell me another place on this PLANET with such people!!!!!!!!

Drugb posted:

Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 



Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  Tek Change in Al Yuh Cunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


More Taxes, new Vehicles and Houses for Cabinet Members, Travel Allowance INCREASE, House Allowance Increase, Salary already to the Moon. The PNC version of Guyana going to the Moon.

Tek Am in Al yuh Kakahole. The Namararam Crabdaag sold Al Yuh Snakeoil, I never had much sympathy for naive, FILTH HEAD IDIOTS anyway!!!!!

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 



What is your problem this morning sir? It is snowing but yet I see a bird in trees, it must have forgotten to fly south for the winter.  

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 



Django bhai, Good Saturday Morning. We take sh*t and give it back here. Our thinking processes cause us to be on this BB expressing our different views and opinions. Don't take this too seriously. It's only our nature to do this. Let it go and carry on. Don't lose any sleep. Laugh it out as being funny and come back with your own.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 



What is your problem this morning sir? It is snowing but yet I see a bird in trees, it must have forgotten to fly south for the winter.  

All I am asking to be civil,stop your labeling ,

I create a post made a request politely,apparently you seem to think it carries no worth.

From now on,i will deal with it.

Admin please note.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 



Django bhai, Good Saturday Morning. We take sh*t and give it back here. Our thinking processes cause us to be on this BB expressing our different views and opinions. Don't take this too seriously. It's only our nature to do this. Let it go and carry on. Don't lose any sleep. Laugh it out as being funny and come back with your own.


Good Morning to you.

I don't place labels on any posters,and i expect i should be treated the same.

Damn you and others say harsh things to me,i does slide it off  and respond appropriately,

we can have conversations  without  name calling and labeling,

we are adults,maybe some posters brains haven't fully developed.

Last edited by Django

Instead of posting articles glorifying PNC you should also be addressing their failures.  It looks like a raw nerve was exposed. Please address why PNC are squeezing the people with unconscionable taxes instead of raising revenues through economic development. 

Drugb posted:

Instead of posting articles glorifying PNC you should also be addressing their failures.  It looks like a raw nerve was exposed. Please address why PNC are squeezing the people with unconscionable taxes instead of raising revenues through economic development. 

Wanted to start a thread,but it will end up being useless

What should be noted in tax laws the fines are hefty to avoid defaulters,

also i noticed they seem to be adopting some of the guidelines used in our American Tax System.

Appears this current GY gov't are not Commies.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 



Django bhai, Good Saturday Morning. We take sh*t and give it back here. Our thinking processes cause us to be on this BB expressing our different views and opinions. Don't take this too seriously. It's only our nature to do this. Let it go and carry on. Don't lose any sleep. Laugh it out as being funny and come back with your own.


Good Morning to you.

I don't place labels on any posters,and i expect i should be treated the same.

Damn you and others say harsh things to me,i does slide it off  and respond appropriately,

we can have conversations  without  name calling and labeling,

we are adults,maybe some posters brains haven't fully developed.

Django bhai, It's all in good humor. Do you really believe that I think you are being paid by the PNC? I know you work hard and you are a good man. We have differences of opinion and should be able to tolerate others, whether we like it or not. I have bee called a "Dick head" and told to F off here a few times. Never complained to admin. Like I said, I have no hard feelings against anyone on this BB. We are all friends that I have not met yet.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Instead of posting articles glorifying PNC you should also be addressing their failures.  It looks like a raw nerve was exposed. Please address why PNC are squeezing the people with unconscionable taxes instead of raising revenues through economic development. 

Wanted to start a thread,but it will end up being useless

What should be noted in tax laws the fines are hefty to avoid defaulters,

also i noticed they seem to be adopting some of the guidelines used in our American Tax System.

Appears this current GY gov't are not Commies.

Just dictators heh?

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice bajan boy and slop can carrier quiet on this subject.  During PPP time they were very vocal about govt squeezing the people. Now they love floods, crime, taxes and corruption. 



See what a corrupt government does to your head, makes you politically violent , the ONLY way you choose to defend it so sternly ,if there is a benefit for you.  ONE BARREL OIL.


Django, take it easy. Yes, you did try to label me, but  apologized when I call you on it.

sometimes, you allow the guys to get to you. You have to have a thick skin to be on this board. In my few posts on this site, I sometimes get inappropriate response, but do not respond in kind because I am above that. Yes, I know it can be hard. 


A few weeks ago I wanted to joke that they would tax donkey carts. Well, they did. Soon they will tax solar systems on businesses and  residents.  Danyael must be worrying about taxes on  benabs and yurts if he or any other person builds them in guyana.  This government is no different from that of Forbes Burnham.  They have angered people including their supporters.  They must not have the opportunity to rig elections again.  The opposition should work with next US administration in stopping this insanity that is going on.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A few weeks ago I wanted to joke that they would tax donkey carts. Well, they did. Soon they will tax solar systems on businesses and  residents.  Danyael must be worrying about taxes on  benabs and yurts if he or any other person builds them in guyana.  This government is no different from that of Forbes Burnham.  They have angered people including their supporters.  They must not have the opportunity to rig elections again.  The opposition should work with next US administration in stopping this insanity that is going on.


the US was blamed for the PPP loss in 2015,

let us assume that is true,why will the US want the Commies to govern.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A few weeks ago I wanted to joke that they would tax donkey carts. Well, they did. Soon they will tax solar systems on businesses and  residents.  Danyael must be worrying about taxes on  benabs and yurts if he or any other person builds them in guyana.  This government is no different from that of Forbes Burnham.  They have angered people including their supporters.  They must not have the opportunity to rig elections again.  The opposition should work with next US administration in stopping this insanity that is going on.


the US was blamed for the PPP loss in 2015,

let us assume that is true,why will the US want the Commies to govern.

The private sector grew and flourished under the Jagdeo government.  The living standard improved significantly.   All of this admirable in the eyes if the US. The PPP has to use more diplomacy and stop acting like a leftist party.  Anti-American rhetoric should cease and the focus should be on racism against East Indians, their main support base. The PPP must get into action and counter the racial attacks from likes of people like Carib. Indians in Guyana need gladiators to take on those who exercise serious prejudices against.  It's long over due. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

The private sector grew and flourished under the Jagdeo government.  The living standard improved significantly.   All of this admirable in the eyes if the US. The PPP has to use more diplomacy and stop acting like a leftist party.  Anti-American rhetoric should cease and the focus should be on racism against East Indians, their main support base. The PPP must get into action and counter the racial attacks from likes of people like Carib. Indians in Guyana need gladiators to take on those who exercise serious prejudices against.  It's long over due. 

Indos need gladiators everywhere including GNI to combat this racist AFC/PNC administration.

The AFC/PNC backers are now whining and complaining when Indos push back.

They cannot post pro PNC agenda and expect Indos to roll over. Dis time na lang time. 

Last edited by Former Member

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