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Tax Chief refutes GRA’s reasons for sacking

January 23, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

-claims he was asked to do illegal things

Following the explanations given Rawle Lucas, Chairman of the Guyana Revenue Authority, on the termination of Commissioner-General, Khurshid Sattaur, the following statement was released yesterday

“While I am extremely disturbed by the allegations made by the Chairman for corrupt practices at (yesterday’s) press conference held at the GRA, I am equally devastated by his acts that has (sic) forced me to give a response to the many

Under Fire: Khurshid Sattaur

Under Fire:
Khurshid Sattaur

allegations made against me.
From the time the Chairman held the first press conference in which he  accused me of having six vehicles in my possession at my home amongst other highly offensive things, I became extremely suspicious that I will be targeted in the future for various wrongdoings to which I am innocent and nor have knowledge of.
For the public’s information I have always have (sic) only two vehicles in my possession, a Camry and a Fortuna- for which the Fortuna I was recently been relieved of.
I have a deep concern of the welfare and well-being of the GRA since many of my close colleagues are employed there and from these displays coming from someone who is in charge of this important agency I can only hope that my years of dedicated service do not go to the wayside and result in my former colleagues being impoverished.
Even though, year after year I have been instrumental in achieving my revenue targets and surpassing them on all occasions, it is worrying to say the least that last year I was informed unofficially of the GRA not attaining the revenue target by half of a billion due to my absence of only two weeks.
Because of the many misrepresentation (sic) by Mr. Lucas concerning what I said to the Board and what I would have responded to him about what I have in my possession, because he is a professional person like me, and since I find his statement to be most distasteful and offensive, I am contemplating taking legal actions.
Soon after the new government was installed and the replacement for Mr. Clement Sealey was hastily put in place it had become painfully obvious to me that I would be unable to act professionally as I am accustomed to in the position of Commissioner General.
Illegal Actions
On repeated occasions I was asked to do various things such as:
1) Settling taxpayer’s cases for meager sums that would have caused (sic) the country billions of dollars in lost revenue. I am prepared to provide a list of names at a later date.
2) Promote persons who did not have the requisite qualifications and who were acting for a considerable period, before they were suitably qualified
3) Promote persons in position who had QUESTIONABLE RECORDS of service, based on objective investigation conducted.
4) Rehire persons who were previously dismissed for corrupt practices. These persons have since been rehired, since I have departed GRA and I have been advised are in senior positions.
5) Turn a blind eye to taxpayer’s files including Minister Ramjattan’s being photocopied and taken out of the agency by a known person (the list of names I will be divulging at a later time)
With regards to these allegation which include the following; ‘Breach of my Oath of Office’, ‘Possession of Safe responsible for storing confidential tax payers’ documents’ and ‘back dating of benefits for myself, I wish to provide the following response.
“In relation to the back-dating of my pension plan to 2007, when I retired in 2011, I was advised by Prominent Lawyer, Ashton Chase and the Human Resources and the Legal  Department of GRA  can testified to this, that I was entitled to those benefits under the GRA’s contributory pension scheme.
Further this benefit was due to me from 2007 after I found out that I was entitled to those benefits .The reason why I was not claiming  these benefits before is that the HR department never told me that I was entitled, even though other persons were receiving it.
After I got the approval from the HR department I went ahead and claimed my benefits. Ms. Roopnauth, the Director of Budget can attest to this. If this is so wrong why was the monies (sic) approved for payment?”
I further deny claims that I admitted to the Board, to divulging tax payers’ information to anyone. However, I do admit to the Board of giving information to the Diplomatic Head of Mission with information sought, given that it was diplomat’s information and not that of a taxpayer.
I do not agree that for the reasons given above that I admitted to the Board that I divulged taxpayers’ information. The information was to facilitate an audit by the embassy of its records and done in the best interest of safeguarding the integrity of the GRA system. It was also done to validate information received from a third party as we routinely do at GRA as part of their routine work when granting large amount of tax concessions according to the GRA’s SOP.
I wish to further state that the Head of the Mission wanted to know about his staff who was providing businesses with certification that were fraudulently obtained.
This staff is not a taxpayer and had the Board sought a proper explanation from me they would have been told that the diplomat visited my office and in my presence certified that his staff did or did not issue a fraudulent document from his Mission.
With regards to the claims by GRA Chairman, Rawle Lucas, earlier in the day, I wish to emphatically state that I never revealed taxpayer information to anyone. Those are all fabrications that I find most offensive and atrocious. This is most disgusting as I never admitted to the Board that I gave out taxpayer information.
I further wish to state that while at the Board meeting, I was put on the spot and I did not have an opportunity to explain the background. I do however admit that I was aware of the particular question and I responded in a manner that did not implicate me in revealing taxpayer information to anyone.
As a background of that situation, I did recall a month prior to the May 11, 2015 General Elections, a diplomat asked me to facilitate a probe that the foreign government had been conducting into one of its staff members. One of their staff is not a taxpayer of this country. That staff member had allegedly breached a very serious protocol and had given the GRA information on someone which should not have been the case and as such the Diplomat was asked by his government to investigate the matter.
Nothing at Home
I am of the belief that one of my former very senior GRA staff members, and who was suspended for one week afterwards for falsification of documents, later reported that interaction with the embassy official to either the Board or the Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan.
This particular individual, who was with me at the meeting I had with the embassy officials, whom I took deliberately to be a witness to what I was discussing with the Diplomat, would have appeared to have misled the Board or the politician in retaliation.
On the issue of the safe being at my home, my son was employed by GRA in the IT department, in a senior capacity and he was given responsibility for storing the tax agency’s data at another safe place offsite, a situation that the previous Board and government did not find offensive and distrustful, as a temporary measure.
However this storage of the data at my home was abandoned about five years ago. My home or the safe was no longer the repository of that information. I categorically state that the safe never had any data. I wish to state further that the infrastructure related to the backing up of the data has since been removed under the directive of the new GRA Board.
The use of the safe was discontinued years ago when a new back up site was created at another location but the safe continued to remain at my home to store my GRA weapon and ammunition up until recently.
In closing I am sadden (sic) by the fact that after serving the tax collection agency for decades and increasing revenues by 192 percent in 11 years, the GRA has a Chairman who appears to be operating in a highly questionable manner.
I have spent many years of dedicated service to the agency and the least I can expect is the Chairman to display some level of intellectual honesty towards me.
I have given appropriate direction to my lawyers so that they can act in my best interest. End.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Illegal Actions
On repeated occasions I was asked to do various things such as:
1) Settling taxpayer’s cases for meager sums that would have caused (sic) the country billions of dollars in lost revenue. I am prepared to provide a list of names at a later date.
2) Promote persons who did not have the requisite qualifications and who were acting for a considerable period, before they were suitably qualified
3) Promote persons in position who had QUESTIONABLE RECORDS of service, based on objective investigation conducted.
4) Rehire persons who were previously dismissed for corrupt practices. These persons have since been rehired, since I have departed GRA and I have been advised are in senior positions.
5) Turn a blind eye to taxpayer’s files including Minister Ramjattan’s being photocopied and taken out of the agency by a known person (the list of names I will be divulging at a later time)


I returned fron holidays on Wednesday and have been inundated with rumours about how the coalition is operating nd fear that if if true, we are heading for dire trouble.

this is the other side of the story. We will await the third side by posters here.

Zed posted:

I returned fron holidays on Wednesday and have been inundated with rumours about how the coalition is operating nd fear that if if true, we are heading for dire trouble.

this is the other side of the story. We will await the third side by posters here.

These bastards will go one bridge too far.  Granger, the protege of Burnham, knows no different how to get things done other than what he learned under the despotic leader.  What you see today is the resurgence of the PNC old-school tactic.  However, they are not dealing with the old school opposition and the people will not become cowering victims and run away.

Chief, ASJ, TK, KishanB, and the rest of you traitors, fools and crew of mongrels, this is what you supported!!  I wonder how you sleep at night!!


Everyone is saying that this gov't is completely dominated by the PNC.  I am waiting to see if the AFC would continue to allow the PNC to do whatever they please without saying a word. Dr. Tarron Khemraj, like Malcolm Harripaul, campaigned for Granger. None of these gentlemen got a job with the new gov't. Tarron bolted back to US and Harripaul is still waiting patiently. I predict he will be back to his road construction job in NY very soon.

Billy Ram Balgobin

I said earlier when I first read about the allegations that it left me speechless, if they were true. This account gives a totally different picture. This case should go to court because both sides, given their accounts, have a case to be made....its the only way we, the public, can really determine who is right.

VishMahabir posted:

I said earlier when I first read about the allegations that it left me speechless, if they were true. This account gives a totally different picture. This case should go to court because both sides, given their accounts, have a case to be made....its the only way we, the public, can really determine who is right.

What amazes me is people jumping to conclusion before the person has a chance to refute.  It's guilt by accusation.


As they said "a drowning man will snatch at straw" so be it with the de facto APNU/AFC government.Perhaps they will decide of their own that running government is not their forte and do the decent thing and hand over power to the people from the productive sector who know business and maths.Of course hey could still be a value to Guyana by organising Mashramani and 1 August slave celebrations for their supporters.

The defacto government has done nothing so far ,it is embarassing to even their diehard supports in Warlock or Hells Kitchen or Ruimveldt to see them at a standstill like the Cuffy statue.All the laws passed in Parliament were those that were proposed by the PPP government which they previously oppose.What about a development plan-non so far, I am not speaking about painting snackettes or weeding the grass in front of Granger house,well there is nothing to say as these men in uniform are not capable of any vision except to keep the people under the barrel of a gun.A bunch of clueless misfits that are running an extension of the Army under the guise of government.

This firing and accusation of East Indians of corruption will continue,it makes headlines and acts as a smoke screen for tthe government's ineffectiveness and incompetence.Similarly reading the Guysuco report shows how not to say anything new in 200 pages.Clive Thomas and his gin drinking board members who promised a "full and comprehensive report" have produced many pages of nothing.The Government is the same clueless,visionless bats who do not deserve to run even a stall in Bourda market.
Of course the herd mentality of the government suporters will see to it that they do not say anything that offend the Most High even to their own detriment,they will prefer to eat dasheen bush everyday,go back to the old Burnham days when they refined the art of kick down,bruck down door, choke and rob East Indians,use the GDF to rape the Amerindians women and pillage their villages.

Every time I think of Guyana under this military regime I remember standing by Bourda market and seeing this big fat negro lady walk up to a young East Indian boy who was selling water melons ,she bent down and placed the largest watermelon in her bag,smiled at the little boy and walked away without paying.Poor boy.Isaw something similar a few weeks ago in New York where a group of negro boys walked into the vegetable stor and calmly took up a large bunch of grapes wand walked out without paying.The Mexican told them to pay for the items but they smiled and continued walking.Perhaps it is something inherent.Perhaps it is a way of saying that it is retribution for slavery.

East Indians,Amerindians and Portuguese have no confidence in this government and they are the productive sector.
I believe in division of labor, operating government is not their forte,perhaps they migh be more happy and efficient at going back to their old trade of organising dancehalls and Mashramani.Leave the operations of goverment to others.

george dasilva posted:

As they said "a drowning man will snatch at straw" so be it with the de facto APNU/AFC government.Perhaps they will decide of their own that running government is not their forte and do the decent thing and hand over power to the people from the productive sector who know business and maths.Of course hey could still be a value to Guyana by organising Mashramani and 1 August slave celebrations for their supporters.

The defacto government has done nothing so far ,it is embarassing to even their diehard supports in Warlock or Hells Kitchen or Ruimveldt to see them at a standstill like the Cuffy statue.All the laws passed in Parliament were those that were proposed by the PPP government which they previously oppose.What about a development plan-non so far, I am not speaking about painting snackettes or weeding the grass in front of Granger house,well there is nothing to say as these men in uniform are not capable of any vision except to keep the people under the barrel of a gun.A bunch of clueless misfits that are running an extension of the Army under the guise of government.

This firing and accusation of East Indians of corruption will continue,it makes headlines and acts as a smoke screen for tthe government's ineffectiveness and incompetence.Similarly reading the Guysuco report shows how not to say anything new in 200 pages.Clive Thomas and his gin drinking board members who promised a "full and comprehensive report" have produced many pages of nothing.The Government is the same clueless,visionless bats who do not deserve to run even a stall in Bourda market.
Of course the herd mentality of the government suporters will see to it that they do not say anything that offend the Most High even to their own detriment,they will prefer to eat dasheen bush everyday,go back to the old Burnham days when they refined the art of kick down,bruck down door, choke and rob East Indians,use the GDF to rape the Amerindians women and pillage their villages.

Every time I think of Guyana under this military regime I remember standing by Bourda market and seeing this big fat negro lady walk up to a young East Indian boy who was selling water melons ,she bent down and placed the largest watermelon in her bag,smiled at the little boy and walked away without paying.Poor boy.Isaw something similar a few weeks ago in New York where a group of negro boys walked into the vegetable stor and calmly took up a large bunch of grapes wand walked out without paying.The Mexican told them to pay for the items but they smiled and continued walking.Perhaps it is something inherent.Perhaps it is a way of saying that it is retribution for slavery.

East Indians,Amerindians and Portuguese have no confidence in this government and they are the productive sector.
I believe in division of labor, operating government is not their forte,perhaps they migh be more happy and efficient at going back to their old trade of organising dancehalls and Mashramani.Leave the operations of goverment to others.

oooohhh raaass!!


It is resurrection time for Itanamie, Redux, Caribj and all dem coolie hating people who have access to GNI. 

Words going fly today. 

Da Silva made one mistake though, Putagees doing fine wid the PNC.

baseman posted:
Zed posted:

I returned fron holidays on Wednesday and have been inundated with rumours about how the coalition is operating nd fear that if if true, we are heading for dire trouble.

this is the other side of the story. We will await the third side by posters here.

These bastards will go one bridge too far.  Granger, the protege of Burnham, knows no different how to get things done other than what he learned under the despotic leader.  What you see today is the resurgence of the PNC old-school tactic.  However, they are not dealing with the old school opposition and the people will not become cowering victims and run away.

Chief, ASJ, TK, KishanB, and the rest of you traitors, fools and crew of mongrels, this is what you supported!!  I wonder how you sleep at night!!

Listen.  Kushit is an old scamp, he had to go.  He is not professional.  The problem though is one set of unprofessionals are now being replaced by another set of unprofessionals.


This NEW chairman has coconut brains.  He want run GRA like if it is his family business giving tax discount to friends and family.

seignet posted:

It is resurrection time for Itanamie, Redux, Caribj and all dem coolie hating people who have access to GNI. 

Words going fly today. 

Da Silva made one mistake though, Putagees doing fine wid the PNC.

I met a Putagee banna not too long ago, he is out for now!  Placed everything in freeze-frame!

KishanB posted:
baseman posted:

These bastards will go one bridge too far.  Granger, the protege of Burnham, knows no different how to get things done other than what he learned under the despotic leader.  What you see today is the resurgence of the PNC old-school tactic.  However, they are not dealing with the old school opposition and the people will not become cowering victims and run away.

Chief, ASJ, TK, KishanB, and the rest of you traitors, fools and crew of mongrels, this is what you supported!!  I wonder how you sleep at night!!

Listen.  Kushit is an old scamp, he had to go.  He is not professional.  The problem though is one set of unprofessionals are now being replaced by another set of unprofessionals.

This NEW chairman has coconut brains.  He want run GRA like if it is his family business giving tax discount to friends and family.

And here's your opportunity!


This explains why they have not criminally charged him. Firing is discretionary so they can get away with that outside of the court but like all the other allegations, this is not going to the court. This government is so hapless.


I don't listen to any of them because I don't personally know them. The government citing a criminal offence should file charges or be seen as just making up things. Now Kurshid did promise to file charges so it looks like he feels more confident than the government.


TAX thief makes up excuses for his crimes. Everyone of dem East Indians deny doing anything wrong. Is that because all of these PPP crooks were ordered to commit crimes by Jagdeo? Who ordered the murder of Sawh?

Mr.T posted:

TAX thief makes up excuses for his crimes. Everyone of dem East Indians deny doing anything wrong. Is that because all of these PPP crooks were ordered to commit crimes by Jagdeo? Who ordered the murder of Sawh?

Jaggy gat long arms. Watch yuh back.


I was waiting for Mr Sattaur's explanation even though I could have told you Guys the LYING, CRIMINAL PNC will do anything to fire Mr Sattaur. That is the way the PNC operates, I know, I worked with them for over a Decade.


Mr Da Silve is RIGHT, GUyana will be one BIG Mess thanks to NEEMARARAM DAAG name Moses!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr.T posted:

TAX thief makes up excuses for his crimes. Everyone of dem East Indians deny doing anything wrong. Is that because all of these PPP crooks were ordered to commit crimes by Jagdeo? Who ordered the murder of Sawh?

Only trouble you facing though Mr. T is that your current government isn't charging anyone with anything. With all their given power, they are still hapless.


Stromy wrote the other day that what happened in Guyana 50 years ago cannot be repeated because of how the world has changed. We see the same thing happening in Haiti even today and to my good friend Caribj's dismay, the Haitians don't have the race card to play. This government will end up just like the last PNC one. And they will care little of any what the rest of the world thinks about them. Who still remember how Burnham mocked and jeered Eugenia Charles when he was upset with her friendship with the US while he took Guyana into hell?

ksazma posted:

Stromy wrote the other day that what happened in Guyana 50 years ago cannot be repeated because of how the world has changed. We see the same thing happening in Haiti even today and to my good friend Caribj's dismay, the Haitians don't have the race card to play. This government will end up just like the last PNC one. And they will care little of any what the rest of the world thinks about them. Who still remember how Burnham mocked and jeered Eugenia Charles when he was upset with her friendship with the US while he took Guyana into hell?

Bannas, I hope you dont think you will get through the thick Skulls of GNI PNC supporters.

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

Stromy wrote the other day that what happened in Guyana 50 years ago cannot be repeated because of how the world has changed. We see the same thing happening in Haiti even today and to my good friend Caribj's dismay, the Haitians don't have the race card to play. This government will end up just like the last PNC one. And they will care little of any what the rest of the world thinks about them. Who still remember how Burnham mocked and jeered Eugenia Charles when he was upset with her friendship with the US while he took Guyana into hell?

Bannas, I hope you dont think you will get through the thick Skulls of GNI PNC supporters.

But give him an A for effort!

Nehru posted:

I was waiting for Mr Sattaur's explanation even though I could have told you Guys the LYING, CRIMINAL PNC will do anything to fire Mr Sattaur. That is the way the PNC operates, I know, I worked with them for over a Decade.


Mr Da Silve is RIGHT, GUyana will be one BIG Mess thanks to NEEMARARAM DAAG name Moses!!!!!!!!!!!

I would to prefer Mr. Sattaur than the installed governmnet. Replacement with a person with maybe 2 subjects GCE, one of which is Religious Knowledge.


Sattaur is man without morals if indeed he succumbed to PNC demands to compromise his ethics. He only chose to speak out after being fired? His job was more important than the needs of the nation?

1) Settling taxpayer’s cases for meager sums that would have caused (sic) the country billions of dollars in lost revenue. I am prepared to provide a list of names at a later date.
2) Promote persons who did not have the requisite qualifications and who were acting for a considerable period, before they were suitably qualified
3) Promote persons in position who had QUESTIONABLE RECORDS of service, based on objective investigation conducted.
4) Rehire persons who were previously dismissed for corrupt practices. These persons have since been rehired, since I have departed GRA and I have been advised are in senior positions.
5) Turn a blind eye to taxpayer’s files including Minister Ramjattan’s being photocopied and taken out of the agency by a known person (the list of names I will be divulging at a later time)


KishanB, please tell us why Sattaur is an old scamp. Really, put up or shut up.

Kurshid Sattaur, a bright QC Old Boy whom I had a lengthy conversation with 2 years ago, seems to have his character impugned unfairly.


In as much as one may admire the leadership qualities of Bharat Jagdeo, his Administration (lastly under Donald Ramotar) gave reasons for a needed clamor for a change. Given the many holes to fill, this Administration, with its lofty goals, seems to be meandering, and is drifting back to mediocrity. The handling of Sattaur is just one manifestation of this.


Still waiting on KishanB's exclusive on Sattaur being an old scamp.


There's always two sides to every story and I am so happy this gentleman was able to have his side heard.  We are seeing the continuation of Burnham's legacy here.

Is there anyway all these people who were dismissed without reason can possibly file a lawsuit together against the Government for 'wrongful dismissal'.

alena06 posted:

There's always two sides to every story and I am so happy this gentleman was able to have his side heard.  We are seeing the continuation of Burnham's legacy here.

Is there anyway all these people who were dismissed without reason can possibly file a lawsuit together against the Government for 'wrongful dismissal'.

“In relation to the back-dating of my pension plan to 2007, when I retired in 2011, I was advised by Prominent Lawyer, Ashton Chase and the Human Resources and the Legal  Department of GRA  can testified to this, that I was entitled to those benefits under the GRA’s contributory pension scheme.

Retired and was working under contract,they let him take his accumulated paid leave.

alena06 posted:

There's always two sides to every story and I am so happy this gentleman was able to have his side heard.  We are seeing the continuation of Burnham's legacy here.

Is there anyway all these people who were dismissed without reason can possibly file a lawsuit together against the Government for 'wrongful dismissal'.

Alena, this administration has proven to be worse than Burnham in less than a year.

This will eventually become one of the biggest dictatorship and most racist administration that Guyana will ever see.

Moses is busy filling his pocket and bank account.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

There's always two sides to every story and I am so happy this gentleman was able to have his side heard.  We are seeing the continuation of Burnham's legacy here.

Is there anyway all these people who were dismissed without reason can possibly file a lawsuit together against the Government for 'wrongful dismissal'.

Alena, this administration has proven to be worse than Burnham in less that a year.

This will eventually become one of the biggest dictatorship and most racist administration that Guyana will ever see.

Moses is busy filling his pocket and bank account.

They catching up for lost time!!  These old hags want one last shot before they kick the bucket!!

baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

There's always two sides to every story and I am so happy this gentleman was able to have his side heard.  We are seeing the continuation of Burnham's legacy here.

Is there anyway all these people who were dismissed without reason can possibly file a lawsuit together against the Government for 'wrongful dismissal'.

Alena, this administration has proven to be worse than Burnham in less that a year.

This will eventually become one of the biggest dictatorship and most racist administration that Guyana will ever see.

Moses is busy filling his pocket and bank account.

They catching up for lost time!!  These old hags want one last shot before they kick the bucket!!

They are also taking Moses with them for the old haag ride. His big dhall belly tells it all.

Kari posted:

KishanB, please tell us why Sattaur is an old scamp. Really, put up or shut up.

Kurshid Sattaur, a bright QC Old Boy whom I had a lengthy conversation with 2 years ago, seems to have his character impugned unfairly.


In as much as one may admire the leadership qualities of Bharat Jagdeo, his Administration (lastly under Donald Ramotar) gave reasons for a needed clamor for a change. Given the many holes to fill, this Administration, with its lofty goals, seems to be meandering, and is drifting back to mediocrity. The handling of Sattaur is just one manifestation of this.


Still waiting on KishanB's exclusive on Sattaur being an old scamp.

KishanB seem to have to axe an grind!

baseman posted:
Kari posted:

KishanB, please tell us why Sattaur is an old scamp. Really, put up or shut up.

Kurshid Sattaur, a bright QC Old Boy whom I had a lengthy conversation with 2 years ago, seems to have his character impugned unfairly.


In as much as one may admire the leadership qualities of Bharat Jagdeo, his Administration (lastly under Donald Ramotar) gave reasons for a needed clamor for a change. Given the many holes to fill, this Administration, with its lofty goals, seems to be meandering, and is drifting back to mediocrity. The handling of Sattaur is just one manifestation of this.


Still waiting on KishanB's exclusive on Sattaur being an old scamp.

KishanB seem to have to axe an grind!

And you don't, with Jagdeo as the only appropriate leader of Guyana.

How do we create harmony among the races ?

seignet posted:
Mr.T posted:

TAX thief makes up excuses for his crimes. Everyone of dem East Indians deny doing anything wrong. Is that because all of these PPP crooks were ordered to commit crimes by Jagdeo? Who ordered the murder of Sawh?

Jaggy gat long arms. Watch yuh back.

I got close friends. Sawh is going to get justice. Watch and see.


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