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Wah happen Druggie you cyan count past 100?

This dam Granger p usy footin with regards to what was said by many on the using of the country's finances for their own use by the previous govt. By now we should be hearing lots more than what we are given, unless, by being slow with their investigations the bad guys would resume their lifestyle..they wi then be held. See what's going on now with the coke bust? Four plus birds could be singing real soon Druggie wi then add the story to his crime thread.

cain posted:

Wah happen Druggie you cyan count past 100?

This dam Granger p usy footin with regards to what was said by many on the using of the country's finances for their own use by the previous govt. By now we should be hearing lots more than what we are given, unless, by being slow with their investigations the bad guys would resume their lifestyle..they wi then be held. See what's going on now with the coke bust? Four plus birds could be singing real soon Druggie wi then add the story to his crime thread.

Bai yuh check in fuh see if Joy Caines is yuh family? Yuh might gaffa send money fuh bail she out. The story already added to the thread soon as it buss out. Ah waiting fuh see if you get implicated, then you will be a proud member of my crime thread. 

Meanwhile, CANU disclosed that the trial involving Joy Caines is set to commence on
June 29 at 09:00 hrs in Georgetown.
Caines, of 232 Luckhoo Street, Lodge Housing Scheme, Georgetown, pleaded not guilty to the charge which read that on April 16 at the aforementioned address, she had in her possession 2.092 kilogrammes of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The present government is involved in corruption more than the outgoing one. It's pure hypocrisy for them to be talking about asset recovery while they are involved in doing the same.

A proper investigation must involve the assessment of individuals and issues from 1964 to current on the issues for the PNC and PPP periods.


SARU agents, APNU/AFC Councillor storm Enmore NDC compound, remove computers- PPP

..says incident another flagrant abuse of authority

In a released statement the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) has detailed harrowing events purportedly involving agents of the State Asset Recovery Unit (SARU) and a A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Councillor on the Enmore Neighbourhood Democratic Council’s (NDC) office.

See the party’s full statement below:

At or about 2 p.m. today, a group of men who claimed to be officials of the State Assets Recovery Unit, Ministry of the Presidency, entered the Enmore Neighbourhood Democratic Council’s office, located at Station Road, Newtown, Enmore in the company of Deochan Singh, an APNU+AFC NDC Councillor for that NDC and took away from the premises, without the permission of the NDC or the Community Resource Center, 15 complete desktop computers and 8 backup power-packs.

These equipment are owned by the Community Resource Center, a Non-Governmental Organisation, established by the residents of Enmore that uses these equipment to hold classes for young people in the community. The equipment are stored and the classes are held in the upper flat of the NDC building with the permission of the said NDC.

When the Acting Chairman of the NDC attempted to intervene, he was assaulted by Deochan Singh. A report of the incident was made to the Police Outpost at Enmore.

The Peoples Progressive Party won 16 of the 18 seats on the Enmore NDC at the Local Government Elections held in March, 2016. The PPP views this incident as another flagrant abuse of authority and another extreme authoritarian initiative of this Government, again using SARU, as a weapon against innocent citizens and their private property. Currently, SARU has absolutely no law enforcement powers.

The PPP emphasizes that these abuses are taking place in broad daylight and without the SARA Bill being enacted. One can only imagine the illegal rampages which will take place when this Bill assumes the force of law.

The PPP calls upon the Commissioner of Police to immediately launch a full investigation into this matter and to institute criminal charges forthwith against those who were engaged in this clandestine, unconstitutional, authoritarian and criminal enterprise. The Enmore NDC and the Community Resource Center has also been advised to launch civil proceedings against the State claiming monetary compensation for trespass, constitutional violations and deprivation of private property.

The Enmore Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC)


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Govt. undermining SARUâ€Ķ After 20 months, there is no reasonable excuse for the sloth in recovery of stolen state assets – Dr. David Hinds

Jan 06, 2017 News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....vt-undermining-saru/

By Kiana Wilburg
After careful consideration of the APNU+AFC administration’s actions since it came to power, political activist Dr. David Hinds is convinced that the Government has not moved as aggressively as it ought to, especially as it relates to the recovery of stolen assets.

The Executive Member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) made this comment during a recent interview with Kaieteur News.

Dr. Hinds said that he is miffed with the less than forthright attitude of the government on the issue of corruption and the recovery of stolen state assets.

“The administration started out well by setting up the State Asset Recovery Unit (SARU), but it undermined the unit by dragging its feet on the legislation to empower the unit.

“Surely, after 20 months, there can be no reasonable excuse for the sloth on a matter that is of major importance to the integrity of the country and to the morale of government’s supporters. The tragedy of this lack of decisive action is that corruption continues even though the government has changed, and many of the corrupt people are still in the system. Corruption in Guyana is a culture whose tentacles spread far and wide.”

Dr. Hinds was adamant that until the authorities act in a decisive and serious manner, both the perpetrators and the society at large would not take their explanations seriously. He emphasised that those who created and presided over the “criminalized State” are more and more, “acting and looking like saints and saviours”.

“Ominously for the government, the accused are now boldly accusing them of corruption. That is why I would not have advised them to move against Red House at this time. If you want to move, do so against a hard target like Pradoville Two. Soft targets like Red House are tempting, but as we have seen over the last few days, it could undermine your cause.”

At SARU’s end, officials there maintain that the desire to take down corruption remains alive. But without legislation, this department of the Ministry of the Presidency remains confined to a straitjacket.

Providing an update on the Bill, SARU’s CEO, Major (Rtd) Aubrey Heath-Retemyer said, “We are of the understanding that plans are still on course for it. But we have done our part.”

He recalled that there were a number of concerns raised by the Private Sector and those were addressed in a most comprehensive manner by SARU Officials.

The Chief Executive Officer said that there were also some concerns expressed by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack, to the effect that the Bill makes a demand on her to comply with instructions of SARU when it becomes an agency, thereby diluting and compromising the constitutional powers and role of her office.
Heath-Retemeyer said that those fears were abated after further discussions between SARU and the DPP.

With regard to the Bill and the process for its passage in the National Assembly, the SARU CEO said, “When we last spoke to the Attorney General, Basil Williams, we were given the assurance that by early next year (2017) , it would be read in the House.”

He confirmed that the Bill had been with the AG’s Chambers months ago – before October in fact.

Heath-Retemyer said, “It was passed on to his office months ago and we were assured that he had everything that he needed. We were hoping it would have been read since October, but I believe that there were matters that the AG needed to have clarified. This was only communicated to us until recently. We did clarify those and we have the assurance that the Bill should be before the House sometime next (this) year.”

The SARU CEO said that he is concerned with the manner in which the Bill is being handled.

“SARU remains in a straitjacket. And yes, it concerns me, because the longer we wait the more people will think that the government is not serious about addressing asset recovery, or corruption, or those damning forensic audits.”

Be that as it may, Heath-Retemyer said that the Attorney General has told SARU “â€Ķthat he is not dodging us, but that he is resolute about getting this Bill passed. He had other issues he had to attend to.”

The head of SARU, Dr. Clive Thomas has on numerous occasions, spoken to the importance for attention to be placed on recovering stolen public assets.

He said that the “rampant corruption under the 23-year rule of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) should not be ignored”. Dr. Thomas stated that any new government pursuing good governance would seek to recover the nation’s assets, which were mismanaged in “some of the most despicable and corrupt ways.”

He had said, “A clear line must be drawn against past illicit/corrupt behaviour in order to prevent their future repetition.”


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I think the president is fearful of holding a press conference since there are so many unanswered questions about issues ranging from the audit to the deadlock in appointing a chairman for GECOM.  The Granger administration does not want the president to take questions from the public fearing the the president is not equipped to deal with them.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

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