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“I PLEDGE MYSELF TO HONOUR ALWAYS THE FLAG OF GUYANA” Liberty and Justice Party’s Leader and then Presidential Candidate, Lenox Shuman saying Guyana’s National Pledge at the launch of his political party. (file picture)


September 1, 2020

Two of three parliamentarians, who were holders of foreign citizenships before the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections, have provided proof that they have renounced them.

Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), Lenox Shuman on Tuesday night told News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM/ Demerara Waves Online News that he was not asked by the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs to submit evidence that he relinquished his Canadian citizenship. “The Clerk has not made any request of me…The fact that he has not written to me already says that there is no issue,” he said. Mr. Shuman reasoned that the fact that the Clerk  has not written to him means that the question that he sought to ask anyone would have already been answered. Mr. Shuman said he has already submitted his documents to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

In the aftermath of the December 2018 no-confidence motion in which Guyanese-Canadian parliamentarian Charrandass Persaud, Guyana’s courts had ruled that it is unconstitutional for foreign nationals to become parliamentarians.

Joseph Harmon.

The Clerk of the National Assembly  on Monday, in a letter to all Parliamentarians, asked them to provide proof that they are holders only of Guyanese citizenship. “In 2019, the Guyana Court of Appeal ruled conclusively on this matter, that is, is not eligible to be elected to be a member of the National Assembly if he or she holds dual citizenship.”

The letter specifically asked those current parliamentarians, who had held dual citizenship in the 2015-2019 Parliament, to prove that they have given them up. “I am therefore asking those members  who held allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or State during the Eleventh Parliament, and have relinquished same, to submit proof of relinquishment to me,” Mr. Isaacs told Parliamentarians.  In this Parliament, that reference appeared to apply to only Mr. Harmon and Ms. Teixeira.

Mr. Isaacs said Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira has provided proof that she has given up her Canadian citizenship.

PPP Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira

Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon on Tuesday said he has provided original and photocopies of his renunciation documents to the Clerk of the National Assembly. “I am hopeful that all those persons, who are subjected- and I can recall two who are so affected and that is the Government Chief Whip Ms. Gail Teixeira and the gentleman who was appointed this morning as the Deputy Speaker. I trust that before the end of the day- and I have asked the Clerk this in my written undertaking to him, that he circulates to all MPs (Members of Parliament) these certificates which they have asked for so that we can all see and ensure that everybody is in their rightful place in the National Assembly,” said Mr. Harmon who was also an American citizen.

Due to the Guyana Court of Appeal ruling, then government ministers Harmon, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, Dominic Gaskin and Carl Greenidge resigned from Parliament and gave up their ministerial portfolios.

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MPs urged by Clerk to submit proof of allegiance only to Guyana

Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs has requested that the members of the National Assembly who held dual citizenship while sitting in the 11th Parliament prove that their only allegiance lies with Guyana.

In a letter sent to members and seen by Stabroek News, Isaacs reminds that Article 115(1) of the Constitution states that no person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who— (a) is, by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.

He notes that in 2019 the Guyana Court of Appeal conclusively ruled that a person is not eligible to be elected if they hold dual citizenship before asking that those members who held allegiance or adherence to a foreign power or state during the 11th parliament and have relinquished same to submit proof of relinquishment.

The request is likely to affect Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Government, Gail Teixeira and “presumptive Opposition Leader”, Joseph Harmon who both held dual citizenship in 2019. They along with four other members, Dominic Gaskin, Carl Greenidge, Rupert Roopnaraine and Odinga Lumumba resigned from parliament after the January, 2019 ruling.

Teixeira who previously held Canadian citizenship announced that she had renounced in October 2019 and submitted her certification of renunciation to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on nomination day.

Harmon also announced in November that he had renounced the American citizenship he formerly held.

The letter goes on to advise all Members to ensure that they are in conformity with the Article but there is no request that they prove this compliance.

At least one other member, Lenox Shuman of the Liberty and Justice Party has been publicly identified as a dual citizen.

Shuman had announced in February that he had renounced his Canadian citizenship but resisted efforts by GECOM to have him present proof.

In fact the Commission had removed his name from his party’s list of Candidates when asking for him to show that he was eligible to hold office on Nomination Day, January 10.

In response Shuman threatened legal action and his lawyer engaged in a lengthy correspondence with the Commission.

A letter released by Shuman on February 5 showed that GECOM Chair Justice Claudette Singh had written to the lawyer K A Juman-Yassin SC referencing previous correspondence and stating that “the Commission after considerable deliberations decided that Mr Shuman’s name would remain on his party’s list”.

A certificate of renunciation was not included in any of the correspondence.


Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), Lenox Shuman on Tuesday night told News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM/ Demerara Waves Online News that he was not asked by the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs to submit evidence that he relinquished his Canadian citizenship. “The Clerk has not made any request of me…The fact that he has not written to me already says that there is no issue,” he said. Mr. Shuman reasoned that the fact that the Clerk  has not written to him means that the question that he sought to ask anyone would have already been answered. Mr. Shuman said he has already submitted his documents to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

Shuman , need to present proof of renouncing Canadian Citizenship ,there are conflicting statements in the articles.

Stabroek News reports , Certificate of renunciation was not included in any of the correspondence to GECOM.


Good start that Harmon and Teixeira. Shuman needs to do the same and stop pulling one of those Ramjattan “technicality” stunt. Supposedly he provided evidence to GECOM which got his name back on the ballot so it shouldn’t be difficult now. If he can’t then we make Timothy Jonas the Deputy Speaker.

@Former Member posted:

Good start that Harmon and Teixeira. Shuman needs to do the same and stop pulling one of those Ramjattan “technicality” stunt.

Supposedly he provided evidence to GECOM which got his name back on the ballot so it shouldn’t be difficult now.

If he can’t then we make Timothy Jonas the Deputy Speaker.

Stabroek News reported differently. 

Jonas is British Citizen.


The matter of citizenship for Lenox Shuman was resolved by the Election Commission when he had to submit such proof.

It is a matter for him to resubmit the same as needed by the Clerk of the National Assembly.

Guyana Election Commission - GECOM - and Guyana National Assembly are separate entities.

Last edited by Former Member

In the United States of America, the fathers of that newly formed country insisted that all native ppl must apply to be citizens of the USA. Blasted fools tek the ppl country and strip dem of ownership.

The same nonsense about Shuman. The man will always be a Guianese, it doan matter whatever else he assumed to be. And everybody come from a different place.

@Former Member posted:

Heard from my sources that Harmon didn’t submit any proof that he relinquished his US citizenship. At work now so will confirm when I get home.

You and your source are badly informed or spreading falsehoods.  The document showing that Mr. Harmon has given up his US citizenship has been distributed for all to see.  We have not seen Gail's and Shuman's.


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