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Tekkin’ chance does cause yuh to prance

Mar 22, 2021 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...cause-yuh-to-prance/

Kaieteur News – Prezzie trying he best. De Prezzie is still a young man. But he trying he best in a difficult situation. Is nuff weight pon he shoulders. He doing wah Jaggy was good at: begging, borrowing and buying.

De Prezzie begging fuh vaccines. India, China and Russia hear he plea and help out with enough fuh dem old people.

De man trying fuh end dis pandemic so be also borrowing vaccine. Mia send 3,000 doses fuh kick start de campaign. And she get back 5,000.

De Prezzie nah waiting pon COVAX. Dem bin promise more dan 100,000 vaccines but it nah come yet. And Uncle Frank nah know when it gan come.

So de Prezzie decide dat he gan buy. And it look like he successful because Russia seh dem gan supply 20,000 doses.

Dem boys see Aunty carry de vaccination by she church. In some countries, people woulda seh dat is conflict of interest. But when yuh doing good, people in Guyana does look past dem thing.

People tired of wearing mask and not getting to socialise. And dem tekkin’ chance. But is dem chance does mek yuh prance. Is dem chance does mek yuh gat fuh dance outside of dem hospital and morgue. So don’t tek chances!

Dem boys see wan man wah bin in de news long ago fuh wan high-top laptop. Dem boys wan know if de government couldn’t find a younger person fuh be de face of dem vaccination push.

Talk half and wait fuh get vaccinated!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If the President does not buy, beg and borrow, then what should he do?

Should he do what Donald Trump did?

Borrowing Vaccines to end the pandemic must be a crime. How stupid is KN? Maybe India, china and Russia shouldn't have given them any vaccine and then there would have beed a cry louder that the thunders.

Will the opposition refused to take the vaccine?

@Totaram posted:

How about if they spend some of that oil money to buy vaccines?  That would be good use for the money.

Agree completely. The fat man president is blathering about "industrialized nation" and all kindsa shit about "progress" and the fcking people are dying. And we KNOW Guyanese people are not going to social distance, wear masks etc., which makes it even more critical.

I give him some credit for trying to scrounge up vaccines, but this is your fking priority. You just doled out 70 million US for house lots! Are the house lots worth more than vaccines?

NO ONE would complain if he spent money for vaccines and the training and personnel to administer it quickly. But no. They are not just stupid, but ARROGANTLY so!


Well, guana, you were one who suggestion that people do the exercise of alternately pulling your knees.up to your.chest, even if you wear a.mask! I reported that I've had 7 experiences with the 'virus' and cured myself of it each time by.doing this exercise! Let me now correct the number! It is now eight (8) times I' ve had it and again cured myself.of this Covid-BS, which really a special kind.of population-reducing pollution, courtesy of the US DoD (cheaper than fighting wars for resources)! I went to the hospital last Friday to see a doctor about my being unable to walk normally instead of unsteadily, knowing full well they would have no idea of what was going on! I only wanted them to sign a Disability Tax Certificate for Income Tax purposes, which Certificate from Revenue Canada I've been waiting for, but which has, probably, been intercepted by the cabal criminals! Nevertheless, they can testify that they've seen me and the way.I now walk! I.wore the required mask in the fing hospital or they wouldn't allow me to enter! Despite this, I felt nauseous and also an urge to defecate! On reaching home I retched.three times, did the exercise about 20 repetitions, no longer retched or felt any need for defecation!

What have YOU done.for protecting your dear self?.Besides mock, I mean?


The only poster who understood what I'm experiencing was sachin_05 in Dam Place Gone Mad! But then. I posted a reference to Matthew 13: 57, which the insufferable jackass cain mocked!

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Go tell this on the mountain! Mt. Roraima! To the people, whether in Guyana or the world! It works, you damn fools, better than your stupid mocking! And I KNOW why, but I won't tell you why! You're all too fing stupid or ignorant, except sachin_05, of course! But then, he knows.about.the technology! You don't, miserable creatures that you are!

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I wasn't afraid to post my experiences, knowing full well there will be those who will mock! Why should I be afraid when I profess to believe in TRUTH, you mfkers? What do you believe in? Mocking? How pitiful but reassuring to the unthinking!

But then, psychologist' testing could not give an accurate level.of my IQ! It went straight up and off the graph! This does NOT mean I'm infallible! I as 'dumb' as the next guy if I don't pause to digest and think!

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@Former Member posted:

I as 'dumb' as the next guy if I don't pause to digest and think!

...and defecate. Don't neglect to defecate like you did at the hospital. Odda wise constipation. Den senna and cascara gotta be used. And den dat will bring gravity and everything roll down yuh pants and yuh get mad at Cain.

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Oh rass look at story hay. I love how the banna does cuss up an' ting but instead of "took a shit"  "pinched a loaf"  " took a dump"...nahhhh, he decide fo use "defecate'.   

Shally I know of microwaves being used especially by Russia but they use it on people who are considered spies not some dam Guyanese banna who got a thing for encouraging djinns to sit on his face and whatever stories you got...unless you are a spy.hmmm!

@Former Member posted:

...and defecate. Don't neglect to defecate like you did at the hospital. Odda wise constipation. Den senna and cascara gotta be used. And den dat will bring gravity and everything roll down yuh pants and yuh get mad at Cain.

You' re NOT funny, guano! Just guano!

@cain posted:

Oh rass look at story hay. I love how the banna does cuss up an' ting but instead of "took a shit"  "pinched a loaf"  " took a dump"...nahhhh, he decide fo use "defecate'.   

Shally I know of microwaves being used especially by Russia but they use it on people who are considered spies not some dam Guyanese banna who got a thing for encouraging djinns to sit on his face and whatever stories you got...unless you are a spy.hmmm!

In replying, you've exposed your incomprehension, filial sodomite! Could be the.backward black part of you yearning to be free!

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@Former Member posted:

...and defecate. Don't neglect to defecate like you did at the hospital. Odda wise constipation. Den senna and cascara gotta be used. And den dat will bring gravity and everything roll down yuh pants and yuh get mad at Cain.

It's quite obvious to me that you are your father's own dear defecate, guanO! Go flush yourself!

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@cain posted:

Oh rass look at story hay. I love how the banna does cuss up an' ting but instead of "took a shit"  "pinched a loaf"  " took a dump"...nahhhh, he decide fo use "defecate'.   

Shally I know of microwaves being used especially by Russia but they use it on people who are considered spies not some dam Guyanese banna who got a thing for encouraging djinns to sit on his face and whatever stories you got...unless you are a spy.hmmm!

YOU know, huh? Then tell me why the spy agencies of the US and Canada wouldn't know and use it.against anyone who threaten their stock market casinos, cretin? You're just useless 'white' trash! Go trash yourself! NOW!

@Former Member posted:

YOU know, huh? Then tell me why the spy agencies of the US and Canada wouldn't know and use it.against anyone who threaten their stock market casinos, cretin? You're just useless 'white' trash! Go trash yourself! NOW!

I'll indulge you. How EXACTLY are you a threat to the "stock market casinos". There are NUMEROUS entities such as the gold anti trust organization, anti federal reserve individuals and entities etc. who warn that our monetary system is under control of a few powerful individuals and currencies are being debased. I happen to believe this.

The investment banks have ALWAYS had an edge in trading re order flow and money flow, not to mention an end around to the "news" that matters on companies. I believe this, and there are numerous anti wall street entities and individuals screaming this out for years now. come the powers that be (tptb) single YOU, an immigrant from Guyana, as a powerful force aligned against them and target you with EMR.

I want hear dis lang story.

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@Former Member posted:

I'll indulge you. How EXACTLY are you a threat to the "stock market casinos". There are NUMEROUS entities such as the gold anti trust organization, anti federal reserve individuals and entities etc. who warn that our monetary system is under control of a few powerful individuals and currencies are being debased. I happen to believe this.

The investment banks have ALWAYS had an edge in trading re order flow and money flow, not to mention an end around to the "news" that matters on companies. I believe this, and there are numerous anti wall street entities and individuals screaming this out for years now. come the powers that be (tptb) single YOU, an immigrant from Guyana, as a powerful force aligned against them and target you with EMR.

I want hear dis lang story.

I posted the reason(s) lang tyme ago, guanO! Go search. self-indulgent fool! I will not indulge YOU! That's why I referred you jackal/asses to Matthew 13: 57!  Perhaps, the Monitor can help you post! Then, perhaps you might free yourself from servility to white power!

Note: we NEVER die! So, why does your fear make you servile? You still believe in the Jewish mythical creation. of Adam 'n Eve, huh?

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@Former Member Just as I thought, you got nothing but your air of self importance. Banna, guh tek yuh senna and cascara and clean out yuh toxins. Don't worry about gwana man. He doing just fine.

@Former Member posted:

@Former Member Just as I thought, you got nothing but your air of self importance. Banna, guh tek yuh senna and cascara and clean out yuh toxins. Don't worry about gwana man. He doing just fine.

Why should I worry about you? I always flush!

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@Former Member posted:

Why should I worry about you? I always flush!

Doesn't address the Klingons following you around cuz you can't wipe your own ass properly with the EMR resistant propylene.  LOL

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@Former Member posted:

Doesn't address the Klingons following you around cuz you can't wipe your own ass properly with the EMR resistant propylene.  LOL

Good thing you can laugh at your insult! else unless they are you in their replies, guanO!

You're losing your sting, if any!

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Oh rant man shalley, I saw oneah dem guys mention that all dis time was dem clingons that's been following you around and all dis time you thought speed bumps were growing outta ya butt...Dah true? Which takes us back to the thread heading, "Teckkin chance does cause you to prance"

If not true, all I gotta say is dem people making day eyes pass you Yeh.


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